TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. JU^Y 2F. 1917- I pnendable things. It is safe to say that greatest banking resources ever be- supply. The new crops arc b-ing di­ I rhe receipts at the recent Chautau­ 1 tore shown in any country. verted, not to the service of the na­ qua were $2,000. and this »as given | Dr. Crane does not mention the tion, but to the profit of private mo­ First Insertion per line ............. $ for amusement. W ouldn't that amount main cause of the accumulation of nopolists. The storage houses are al­ Each subsequent insertion, line. I of money in the hands of a committee wealth in the United States which has ready crammed with the greatest I do a whole lot of good and show our | made our nation the richest nation in quantity cf foodstuffs they have ever Business and Professional cards one month....................................... I.oo appreciation of th sacrifices .he boys | the world. He might have truthfully held? The public is forced to pay ex­ ■ are making. No one knows what con- explained, and no man could success­ tortionate prices in the midst of plen­ NO PROGRAM, ON ACCOUNT OF MOVING Locals per line each insertion... 05 . fronts this country in the world war fully dispute him, that the chief con­ ty. The plans for the quietablc divis­ IN TO THE NEW SHOW BUILDIN'F, OPPO­ Display advertisements, an inch and the great sacrifices we as a peo- tributor to the unparalleled prosper­ ion of our cereal, meat and dairy pro­ SITE THE TILLAMOOK HOTEL.______ be called upon to endure. ity of this country has been the ducts among the hundreds of millions and Lodge Notices, per line . .05 . pie will This we do know, however, every American policy of Protection . F’or who must be fed are being thwarted All Resolutions of Condolence country that entered the w»r have a century and a quarter the Republic by grasping and tr :asonable inter­ one month..................................... • 5° had to make great sacrifices and get has most of the time done its own ests. See A<1 vt. on First Page,________________ behind the boys wdio do the fighting work, and in doing it has become the And still the United States senate richest nation on earth. chatters and muddles over the in­ 1 o - ■ THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. -- digested measure dumped onto it by The editor has been asked why he F. C. BAKER, Publisher. "LITTLE SCHOOL MA’AM." Triannle feature the house of representatives. and ' refused to be one of those who Foreign Correspondence. w ith Dorothy Gish in the stellar role. clutters it worse ; nd worse with in­ I guaranteed the Chautauqua for next — • > "MADCAP AMBROSE." Two reel comedy I year. We are sorry to have to dis­ As a result of submarine disasters cept amendments that serve only to agree with some of our worthy citi- much inconvience has been caused imPede its passage. featuring Mack Swain How long will the Lord suffer the I zens, and in doing so we want to give by loss of mail. International bankers Children 5c. Adults 15c. 1 our reasons, which we will do as and merchants are now resorting to nation to be afflicted with such crim­ inal stupidity and inaction? I briefly as possible. In the first place, methods similar to transmitting bills With Attorney Geo. Winslow don­ ning military duds, this will make we, as a people, have not realized the of exchange. Several copies are made BAT HE FEATURE PICTURE AND PATHE— war this of correspondence and other docu­ Garden Campaign adds $350,000,000. four of our legal lights to join the «eriousness of the terrii HEARST NEWS Adults 15c.________ Children 5c. army. Wonder whether this decreases I country is now engaged in and the ments. A few days after the original Washington, July 22.—The garden people's troubles or increases them? | sacrifices the people will have to has been dispatched a copy is mailed | make before the war is over. With which is followed several days later campaign has r,suited in the planning I (hat statement staring everybody in who are drawn with pro- Those BLUEBIR’) FEATURE PICTURE. by another copy. In this way there is of more than three times the usual German sentiment now that they I the face it is time for all of us to get an assurance that at least one com- number of gardens in »he United Adult« FV. __________________________ Children 5<- have to fight for the United States, i !own to the seriousness of the war munication will reach the war zone. States, with the prospect that their are up against the real thing. They ind do our bit. bo, instead of getting — Wall Street Journal. products will reach the total value of $350,000,000, according to tin esti­ had better knuckle down to serious 1 behind next year’s Chautauqua we SMALL TOWN GIRL." Fox feature picture business and forget their pro-German think it is the proper thing to get be­ mate made tonight by Charles Lath­ sweet little June Caprice as the Star. A pro- sentiment and do their bit for a free hind the Tillamook boys who are Would The Drys Be Willing to Pay rop Peck, president of the national For It? which you should not tuiss. emzmgency garden commission. The country. <...«• making sacrifices to fight yours and my battles. On Wednesday the 10th commission recently completed a Children 5c. (Baltimore Sun.) canvass showing the increase in each Persons who sympathise with and Company, Coast Artillery, was called If Congress should decide to buy section of the country. In the middle to the colors. In another few weeks hope Germany will win the war ap­ all the booze in bond in order to pre- western states, according to these pear to be more numerious than most another 108 young men will be con­ vent the wicked “rummies" the returns the number is 295 per cent persons imagine. They had better scripted, which, with those jn other East from drinking any of it, of how- f a more than last year. confronted by a dearth of skilled help keep mum, the American people are branches of the service, will give would it do to have the billion or So In the Lake region 190 per cent; in This is admitted by Allan Pollok, in no mood to tolerate that kind of total to 275 young' men from this of taxes that would be needed appor­ j county enlisted in the country ’ s calls. the Pacific states, 185 per cent, arjd superintendent of the Southern Pa­ talk from persons who were born in tioned among the bone-dry common- in the Rocky mountain states, cific s-stem of dining cars, hotels, foreign countries and are now living Every one of these young Tilla- wealths whose Representatives in ill per cent. mookers are making sacrifice ,, some restaurants ami railway clubs. The in the United States. Congress are so bent upon reforming leaving good paying positions and hav- South Dakota is credited with Southern Pacific company is prepar­ - o Us all? wives and families. Probably all of gar- ing increased the number of itj Wouldn’t that jar you! The way the The populous Eastern States al- dens 735 per cent, the best showing ing to construct additional club 1 these young men — and more — from houses-and restaurants along its lines, city connected the pavement north of ready pay a great proportion of the town. It is such a wonderful piece of I Tillamook County will go to the government revenues in corporation to be made by any state. Among th» and is confronted with a shortage of front, and when some of them are states listed as having failed to double men who understand the catering end Michigan Lady Suffered Such Pain work to jar autos and break springs, and income taxes and supertaxes. It of the hotel business. In the Ameri­ we are inclined to think that some­ laid away in France, and others re­ hardly seems fair that they should their gardens is Montana. turn maimed and seriously wound ­ can house wife—the avowed foe of body is in league with the machine In Back and Head, But Say» have these already high taxes boosted the high cost of living—the hotel shops. Will somebody, please get the ed for life, then, and probably not be­ again merely to please the high moral Hotel Prices Here and Abroad. fore, will we wake up to the serious ­ owner may find the answer to his de­ Cardui Stopped These city dads in a car and keep riding ideas of the solons of the West and them over the dip so as to jar them ness of the Idody conflict in which South. It seems hardly human to British hotel prices are far below mand for scientific handling of that our boys will take part. The editor is Bad Spells. up. If that won't do can them. those current in the United States. department of his busfiness which one of the business men who want pile more taxes upon these poor wet This is not altogether extraordinary means either success- or failure. The — o------ sections, already being dragged to to get behind the home boys the com ­ The government and the people of wreck, ruin and degeneracy by the discovery has been made by Con­ railroad, however, from the nature of the United States have been exceed­ ing year and not the Chautauqua, for, Rum Demon. It does not seem that gressman Madden of Illinois, who has its business finds the employment of Palmyra, Mich.—Mrs. Chas. T. Fab as we are frequently told by statemen ingly patient with citizens find for­ those sections of the land which have compiled a table showing that at the women in itscommissary department 5?r, of thia place, writes: "In 1911 I eigners who have shown that they and public speakers, that wc will all been emancipated from the curse, and Savoy, a fashionable London hotel, impractical. I gut run-down, and I suffered great have pro-German sentiment, and who, have to make sacrifices and they may where crime and poverty have been one can order dinner at from one-half serious sacrifices before A measure that will' command the down in their heart, hope that Gen- be very to one-third what he would he oblig ­ pain... with both dull and sharp abolished by prohibition, ought to be many will whip the allies. It is about another year rolls round. It took a rich enough and willing enough to ed to pay at the W illard in Washing­ attention of the farmers of the west shooting pains ...also back and head, long time for the English people to tini. to put that class of -citizens in pay the expense of regenerating the ton. though England would go hung­ has been introduced in the Senate by £ was weak and could only drag detention camps during the war and realize the seriousness of the war, wet territory, since they are so bent ry if it could not import food staples Hon:. Charles Curtis< of Kansas. Il «round, and should have been In bed. and we in this country are going deport them when the war is over. I from America. Here is Mr. Madden's directs the Secrei.-.ry of Agriculture tor I really wasn’t able to be up. At through the same experiences. There on saving us all. ■ • o------- to appoint at each railroad terminal times I would have spells that would figures: are many acts of kindness that we as As the Newberg Graphic so aptly Washington London or city in the United States a grain b-y so bad I’d have to go to bed, and a people can do for our home boys, When We Shall Need Protection. remarked last week, “the publishers Price and hay -inspector who sliull inspect,, suffered intensely... Price ............. $ 40 $ .24 grade, and tag all arrivals of grain most conspicuous at press gatherings and we want to impress upon the Consomme I decided to try Cardui, and saw « citizens of Tillamook that this is a 1 he war has thrown us on our own 50 .12 and hay. A copy of the inspection great Improvement in less than a are not necessarily the most success­ Celery ............ duty wc owe them, and it should be a resources. Chemicals, minerals, fer ­ ,36 shall be placed inside the car. and an­ month’s time. I used 7 or 8 bottlM ful newspaper men.”—Sheridan Sun. Small Serloin Steak . 1.25 36 other copy mailed to the consignor. and' was stronger...I got so much .50 This looks like a bad case of sour pleasure for everybody to do some­ tilizers, etc., for which we formerly Fish ............ thing for the home boys when depended upon Germany, we are now 36 The Secretary is directed’ to establish better that my strength returned and ... .50 grapes affecting the Newberg Graph­ Cauliflower . on foreign soil and away from loved producing ourselves. We used to say, 65. .24 grades for grain and hay, and to make my work was easy for me. Cardui did ic. If the editor of the Graphic would Mushrooms . . .......... ones at home. The Chautauqua is "Oh, they will be so much cheaper if. 1.00 .36 all the necessary rules for administer­ me a world of good. It built me up In rub up against the successful news­ Meat salads . .......... .12% ing the act. The expenses of the work health aDd strength. I haven’t had one paper men and progressive citizens something that can be given up dur­ we buy them from Germany instead Cheese ........... ................. 50 ing the war, for after all, it is simply of paying the extra expense of pni- .12 are to be paid by fees collected by of those bad spells since. I haven’t of the state more often he wouldn’t Coffee ............ ....................... 25 a business, money making affair for ducing them at home.” and so,, like hold such a narrow view. Congressman Madden concluded by the inspectors, which are set forth in had to ta':e anv more medicine since those who run them, taking large England, in a great many instances, saying that many things appear on detail in the bill. Senator Curtis has or have any doctors either and have wondering how- much time sums of money out of rural towns. we begin to rely on the power with the London menu card which are not designed his hill to meet the discon­ been able to do my work right along on the Washington card, but that is tent among the farmers because of ...I recommend it to other women up at the Chautauqua in Wouldn t it be far better and far more which wc are • now at war. But before we accepted Germany's possible to procure a meal at one of the lack of prdper standards for highly as the best medicine I know i telling funny stories. It patriotic for our citizens to give $2,000 for something that would challenge the ■ war had become for vs the best hotels in London for $1.50 grading of grain, and he will'endeav­ of for women who suffer from female benefit the Tillamook boys who are more than a protective tariff; it was that would cost at least $3 in Amer­ or to secure action upon it as soon trouble.” fighting for humanity than to give it a prohibitive tariff. .Already we have ica. He then launched forth against as the press of the war legislation will If you suffer from female troubles, taken up the 1 manufacture ___________ of dyestuffs the practice of hotelkeepers in Wash­ pr mit. follow this advice. Get a bottle of turer said very little else than tell to those who run Chautauqua shows? from coal tar products. For years one \V c hope that these few remarks will Cardui today and give it a thorough ington and other American cities of stories, and pucker up his face and trial. It should help you, as It has Executrix’s Notice to Creditors. laugh also. But people appear to like create more interest in our home interest fought another on the ques­ charging outrageous sums for food. tion of protection to dyestuffs madfe boys and that before long a live, ac ­ helped thousands of other women in The system would not work unless to lie entertained in that way, which here, and in compromise the home in ­ tive committee of business men and the American public possessed char­ Notice is hereby given, that the the past 40 years. At all druggists. goes to prove, with vaudeville stunts, EB-16 Chautauquas are degenerating and women will he behind a movement in dustry had had to walk the plank. acteristics contributory to its success. county court of the State of Oregon, I wo years after the German supply this county to keep in close touch The average traveling American for 1 illamook County, has appointed gradually losing their educational with cviry I illamook boy during the was cut off it was estimated that even often takes as much delight in getting the undersigned Executrix of the features. 50wr«J sar. . s «<11 as lend assistance anil il every penny of the specific duty rid of money as the average Briton estate of Isaac C. Quick, deceased, comfort to their families and folks at which it was then proposed to add to does in writing letters tp the Times and any anil all persons having claims home. Ibis is a splendid work for the revenue rates should be added to to let it be known that he will not against said estate, arc hereby re­ I illamook people to get,behind, and I the price of the consumer, it would submit to imposition.—Milwaukee quired to present the same, together now that we have shown them what | laki one hundred years of that bur­ Evening Post with the proper vouchers, to me at is right, ami their patriotic duty, we ! den to equal the losses which the ex­ the office of T. H. Goyne, an attorney day. My! When a good sermon is isting shortage had already brought With a great war on hand the gov­ at law, in I illamook City, Oregon, followed by a vaudeville stunt, and hope before many weeks then will be I upon the country. ernment will need all the money pa- within six months from the date oiii good people applaud the latter, 1 strong organization in Tillamook . Wc had depended upon Germany we are wondering whether our good counlv to look alter the interests of tor our potash supply, and when that triotic citizens arc lending, and the this notice. Da^d July 26th. 1917; ¡mentioned and. religious citizens are our home boys and to show them that ; was cut off America went to work on Rid Cross can find a noble use tor . hearts are with them in the hor­ every dollar it gets. Is Congress go­ Frances A. Quick, Execu­ conscientious in their religious be­ the problem. An American expert es ­ trix of the Estate of Isaac lief». We want to say, and say it em­ rible conflict in which they are taking timates that with a proper coordina­ ing to look on at all this patriotism, part. and ignore the competition 1 that will C. Quick, Deceased. phatically, that vaudeville stunts at a tion of certain industries wc can pro­ I come on us after the war unless 1 we Chautauqua on Sundays are out of duce 2,000,000 tons annually of pot ­ have a tariff to protect American The Financial Colossus. place and our citizens should not tol­ ash which can he sold to the Ameri­ labor and capital? Notice erate them in future, for cheap, trashy can farmer for $15 a ton. trank Crane, in New York vaudeville and the sacredness of re­ 1 Inis tile war is developing indus­ Notice is hereby given, that the The traveling men now propose to grows enthusiastic over the ligions should never be staged at the trial efficiency in the United States. take their vacations in the harvest Common Council of Tillamook city, same time, and especially on the Sab­ Io order that it may he permanently fields. These genial fellows can "get Oregon, has- accepted the __ street im- bath. It will be remembered that not around” most any old thing, but in provements provided for by Ordinance I and beneficial to ns we must have a many months since some of our good tective tariff for the time when the harvest field would last about as No. 329 of Tillamook City, ©recon, be- i notes ■ DEALERS EVERYWnt (mentioned citizens were taking part long as a snowball in—well,where ing the following portions of streets 1 to its protection that the war gives in a cit.' election opposing the open­ OUR 80th YEAR industries will be removed. to-wit: — I its considered warmer than the sun’s ing of I dliard rooms and movie A.J.TOWER CO BOSTON A portion of Second Avenue East ex-' rays. Evidently this joke is being Do you realize that you are living theatres on Sundav Hat on Sunday tending from the North abuttment of' “ pulled" by some of the “ fat boys ” in the richest nation in the world? Criminal Stupidity. last most of these good ¡mentioned who want the job of time keeper.— Hoquarton Slough Bridge Northerly to lhe I niti'il States of America con­ citizens were present and applauding the North buundry of Tillamook Citv vaudeville stunts at the Chautauqua, tains about 103,145,000 people. Their 1 he I nitcil States senate has de­ Umpqua Valley News. and has apportioned the cost of said as well as witnessing moving pictures. total wealth is estimated at $230,000- cided not to vote on the food control H. T. Botts, Frew, Attorney Richard Collier predicts that tlie improvements to the respective tracts It appears to us that the promoters of 000,000, or $2.255 per capita. This bill until July 21. Here is a sample at-Law. of ground which are situated witkin includes not only actual money, but war will end next January, and he un ­ the Chautauqua have encroached up­ paragraph from a W ashingtota dis­ Local improvement District No. 8 of also realist.ite, factories railways, etc. dertakes to prove it by the bible. The John Leland Hewderaon. Sec­ patch showing the way the senators on the Sabbath to make money, and We are nearly twice as rich as the •are spending the intervening time: I Kaiser prophesied that he would cat Tillamook City, Oregon» being all of desecrate the Sabbath day with sand­ retary Treas», Attorney-at- 'Senator Jones of Washington, one | his Christmas dinner in Paris in 1914 the peopertre fronting aud abutting up­ witching cheap, trashy vaudeville with British empire, the wealth of which is Law and Notrwry Public. on or adjacent to said proposed im ­ placed at $130,000,000,00«; five . and missed his guess. Most people arc of the friends of the measure, made a religion, and our good citizens swal­ times as rich as France, with her $50- long speech today in which he re­ I beginning to predict that the war will provement and especially benefited low the whole of it. 000,000,000; six times as rish as viewed the various steps taken to­ 'not end until Germany is physically i T?ny’ lJ?.at the e*mlMn Council ------ o------ Russia with $40,000,OOO.OOo; twelve ward the enactment since the bill was incapiciated and unable to continue of Tillamoek City, Irvgon has appoint­ ed Monday, the lath day of August I Arc you in favor of doing some­ times Italy with $20,000.000,00o taken up in the senate. While he talk­ 'the war longer, having to succumb 1917 at the City Hall in Tillamook City' thing for the Tillamook boys who -¡steen times Japan with $15,000000- ed, there were exactly three dom- to physical exhaustion. Oregon» at the hour ef 8 p, m, „ ' Law.. Abstracts. Real Estate. have join'd the colors’ We believe it 000;and two and a halt times Ger­ ocrat senators in the chamber, and ------ o------ is a patriotic duty for the people of many, Austria and Turkey combined. not one of the numh-r was fisteninig Insurance. TheDaily Courier, of Newcastle. Tillamook to get behind our home I he controller of currency at W ash- to the argument. Senator Hardwick, Indiana calls attention to the receipt CouncH shall hear and determine all Both Phones. objections to the apportionment of the s boys. They are making sacrifices in ' ingtoti, who certainly ought to know, of Georgia, was writing busily at his , by a local grocery of a shipment of TILLAMOOK—OREGON. our behalf and it should he a pleasure says that there arc in the United desk, and the two renaming demo­ potatoes from Australia, of the Irish cost of said street improvement, and ? such «‘her and privilege to all to do something ' States at present more than ten mil- crats were engaged in conversation. I Gobbler variety, which are sold rt the im S,,d.u'BrtlCC or n’8y b* adjourned for them. A strong commit ice of our ! lion individuals and corporations w ho (Jn the republican side there were American price. These potatoes had prominent citizens, both men and might have subscribed to the Liberty five senators present, but no atten­ eyes with which they saw the free to» the Commun Council will hear and women, should be appointed to keep Loan in amounts ranging from $100 tion was being paid to the Senator’s trade hole in the Wilson-Underwood determine such objections and make such changes therein as shall be nec- in touch with the home boys, tot to $100.000 Ornamental Fire Places Built remarks" picket-fence tariff, and they came all ^mt»hll° such. »PPortionment sending them little luxuries from lie further states that there is in of Brick and Stone. All Fire Talk about procrastination and in- the way across the Pacific Ocean to equitable and just. The apportion- home w ill be _ greatly appreciated. the country more than forty million diff-rence and confusttii! get into the American market, war or i7*nn^|m,<1*Lby !herommon Council Places absolutely guaranteed Let every Tillatnooker make a little persons engaged in gainful occupa­ no war. Meanwhile the crops on which the not to smoke or money re­ is on hie with the undersigned City sacrifice every week or every month tions, besides the large number of nation depends for its own susten­ -------------O ■ ■ Recorder «nd may be examined by any funded. and contribute a small amount of men and women whose income is de­ ance, for the feeding of its allies and y The tariff board will naturally look person interested therein Brick work of all kinds done money during the war for the home rived from their investments. If every for the winning of the war arc com­ to the White Hoose thru ‘2* Common Coun­ to the e.l^no on short notice. boys. We in Tillamook arc blessed individual in the United States had ing to harvest. They are bumper Capitol for its instructions and its in­ cil and dated this 24th day of July, We make a specialty of re- , with prosperity, happiness and enjoy bought government bonds to the ex­ crops, ample for the great purpose ___ spiration. It will tend to tell congress, pairing smoking Fire Places. many comforts and advantages, so we tent of only five per csfil, of his or to which the nation desires to dedi­ not what congress needs or wants to A. H. Gaylord, appeal to the people of Tillamook her total possessions the loan would cate them, if they are property gath­ hear, but what the President thinks City Recorder of Tillamook county to take a lively interest in this I have been subscribed si» times over. ered. distributed and conserved. Con- congress should hear. Congress is City, Oregon. movement and get behind the home The reports of oui national savings gre- was warned several weeks ago very likelv to turn a deaf car to this box » We will suggest that a commit­ banks on March 5. 1917 showed that that legislation presiding adequate sort of information; and it will not be Taking Big Chances. tee from the Tillamook Commercial the banks had a total of 15,539,969 government control was imperative, until congress itself, compensated TILLAMOOK ORE ----- - ----- Cl >•> and the Women’s Civic Im- deposit accounts, which is 1,449,910 and that July 1 was the latest date on from its own contingent fund, and do­ It Is rKk|t? wi,hout j ' 'vement l eague be appointed to more than on May 1, 1116. . which such control could sffely be ing ias work as congress indicates, a era bottle'Vch' and n ' h’n,b<’r'»*n ’ Colic. Chol­ handle this matter, which we consid­ The total increase of deposits in undertaken. ‘ that congress can proceed to the era and Exchange or Sale. Diarrhoea Remedy as this er of much importance, for with the 1 national banks during these ten It is now long past the critical date. framing of tariff legislation upon the preparation cannot be obtained on numerous efforts to raise money for months was about $2,000,000,000. Owner of lot 10^ block 55, Facifi« Nnd what Mr Hoover and other en­ basis of accurate and unbiased ascer­ the trams or steamships Attacks of nil kinds of things, nothing appeals The latest bank returns, including lightened and. patriotic Americans tainment. ver*^ severe Td n and Addition toBay City will cxchan£c more forciful to us than we get be­ hanks and trust companies of all , ...... . ..... ................... foresaw is coming to pass with dis- hind the home boys, even if we have ‘kinds, indicate total resources of $55- . heartening rapidity. The speculators Pre J?or?h2 n ro7.aU h r L? .same for Tacoma property or will be Facing the heaviest tourist travel in glad to have a cash offer at a reason­ to cut out contributing to other com- 009 000.000,000 bv far the 000.000 exceeding by are grabbing our ’ providential food the'are California’s history hotel men are mar’s Drug Store. by L able figure—Address B. B Broom*"» Box 1286, Tacoma, Wash. ADVERTISING RATES. Legal Advertisements. Gem Theatre Program FRIDAY, JULY 27th S ATURDA Y & SUN DA Y, MONDAY, JULY 30th Eiiioriil Siap Shots. TUESDAY, JULY 31st. WEDNESDAY, AUG. 1st. THURSDAY, AUG. 2nd. DULL AND SHARP SHOOTING PAINS Don’t f\iss around half drenched when ttwfISH BRAND REFLEX SLICKER5! will keop you dry and comfortable Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. ralph T warreu ,