TILLAMOOK, OREGON, JULY 26, S i . jo 1917. PER YEAR. Edgar Munson, who was connecte OPENS ON SATURDAY. uni1 the fire patrol, has taken the ----- o----- place of Ray Walls, as supcrinten- Tillamook City’s New Fire Proof en of the Pacific Telephone and Moving Picture Theatre. . clvgraph Co.’s office in this city, as -'lr Avails is the first lieutenant of The new fire proof moving picture rpAKE care of your money ami it will the Coast Company. 1“ theatre will throw its doors open for I take care of you. Sometime in your Owing to the wind on Monday the first time to the public on Satur­ 1 life you will nee.1 the help that a afternoon it was «VUIIU found UtkVSSdiy necessary to , - -• lO day evening. The new movie theatre little ready money affords. If you dismiss the audience at the Chautau- 1 is a vast improvement over the old qua, as it was feared the tent would wooden frame building, and is equip­ take care of your present income, you blow down. 1 he junior Chautauqua ped with all modern improvements LAWS OF SUPPLY AND DEMAND. will accumulate a surplus fund that mav exercises were being gone through at and conveniences. The new theatre is EMAND for Tillamook products will exceed the be used in case of ^sickness or loss of thc time. along the lines of improvement in this supply for many years to come. New fields of steady income. Begin by opening R city, and the citizens will appreciate Rosenberg Bros, have opened a it. needs are constantly opening, while funds are Savings Account at this Bank and then large feed store on 2nd Avenue East . The theatre is equipped with the made available for the conduct of Old and es­ deposit a portion of the money received near the saw mill and will carry a best of everything, new folding opera tablishment of ¡New enterprises through the facili­ We welcome Savings Accounts in nnv large line ot all kinds of hay, feed, 1 chairs, new Powers 6B projection ties of the Federal Reserve System—and such Mem­ j flour, grass seeds at the very lowest machine, absolutely the latest thing amount from a dollar upwards. Your j prices. Special prices on hay and in picture machines; new picture ber Banks as the First National. money will be sale and earn interest, so , feed in car lots. * I screen, as good a screen as can be Your Checking or Savings Account Invited. that your account will grow, both by DIRECTORS : j Miss Helen Cowgill, assistant State found in any city; a splendid stage your deposits and interest additions. for the accomodation of good theat ­ A. W. Bunn. Farmer. P. Heisel. Farmer. j Leader of Boys’ and Girls Clubs, was C. J. Edwards. Mer- C.PowerCo. J. C. Holden. Vice Pres. j in the first of the week gjving girls rical troops, ventilation on the same B. C. Lamb. Building Materials. John Morgan. Farmer. I canning instructions, at Tillamook, plan as adopted by the Portland 4 Per Cent Paid on Savings W. J. Riechers. Cashier. Faucett Creek, Beaver, Sandlake and schools; lights are of the inverted in­ and Time Certificates. I Bay City, and owing to her time be- direct type; there are three large il | ing limited she had to leave on Tues­ roomy aisles dividing two seating —r, sections, making it handy for the pa­ Best Banking Facilities in Town day. J trons in this respect, and aisles are In the list of serial numbers and covered with a rubber runner so that <1 names of those who were registered there is no chance for any one to slip TILLAMOOK. ORLGOÏÏ in 1 illamook county, a typographical or fall; the foyer is covered with a error occurred in making a correc­ cork carpet, which is easy and restful tion. This list appeared two weeks to the feet, as well as a silent cover­ ESTABLISHED IN11902. Iago, and in it “4 36—Effcnberger, ing, the lobby is of large proportions, 'Alic Joseph" was ommitted and two making splendid display room for all Tillamook, Ore. I "4 37—Effcnberger, Otto Edw.” ap­ advertising, with a flood of light in peared. the lobby, ceiling and in the transom List of fire wardens employed by bar. Entrance is direct into the foyer I the Whitney Co.: J. B. McCowell, from lobby. Exits have been put ip For Sale—New modern residence, chief; J. C. Wilson and Wm. Shaw, for safety of the public, which arc located in best residence district. For Kilchis River; Wm. Tinnerstet, Wil­ according to requirements of the sale at a bargain. See Frank Heyd. ’• son River; Carl Wallin, Rockaway; State Board of Underwriters. There is also a fire standpipe in the building Experienced Tillamook Dairyman M. F. Johnson, Miami River; S. C.. which is continuiously connected and W. A. Wise, dentist. 1 wants to rent 4 or 5 good milk cows. Woods, Pleasant Valley; H. Drew, will be ready in an instant should Yellow Fir Mill; Don Newman, the occasion for its use ever arise. Dr. C. W. Miller, chriopractor. * Address Box 63, Garibaldi, Ore. 1 Trask River. The exits are marked with “Exit” in I am in the market at all times for hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough your baby calves—Smith “The Calf C. B. Wiley informs us that he was large red letters, a light being placed one of the government surveying at the back making them always con- Co. Man,”—Both Phones. party that surveyed Wallowa county spicious. There is also a rest room Go to Mason’s for Standard Pat- Lost—a lady’s breast pin, on the 50 years ago, and he remembers dis- and toilet for the accommodation of terns. Fourth, in this city. Finder please re­ tinctly surveying Wallowa Lake, the patrons. In fact the building as a Where he will be glad to see all policy The next event on the tapis is the turn same to J. H. Ellison, Tillamook, where the editors were entertained whole come far above the average Oregon. two weeks ago by the Joseph Com- for towns of this size, and a credit to I holders of this Company and any others County Fair. Club. At that time there towns of several times the size of Yau should attend the benefit ball mercial who desire some Superior Life Insur­ A modern house for rent,—See were plenty of elk and other game in Tillamook. game Sunday at the Fair Grounds be ­ Shrode. that vicinity. ance at Low Premium Rates. tween Wheeler and Tillamock and Help for Those Who Have Stomach Summer travel to the beaches this help swell the company fund. Clarence E. Ash, one of thc pro­ Cash payments for Disability. Trouble. year is light so far. of thc Evening Tribune, of Pete Lamar has sold out to Ira C. prietors Women insured the same as Men. Pendleton, was spending his vacation Dr. Shearer, physician and surgeon, Smith, who has resigned as city re­ in After doctering for about twelve this county with his wife and left corder and A. H. Gaylord has been for home on Tuesday in their auto. years for a bad stomach trouble, and Cloverdale, Ore. * appointed to fill the vacancy. Mr. Ash was delighted with Tilla­ spending nearly five hundred dollars Pure Water Glass to preserve eggs Money to loan on farm lands, from mook county, and especially the for medicine and doctor’s fees, I at C. I. Clough Co. * $500 up, Good terms. Reasonable rate roads. Mrs. Ash taught in the high purchased my wife one box of Cham­ ’s Tablets, which did her so For Sale—Two cows. Apply to S. of interest. We want your business. school in this city ?. few years ago, berlain * when her name was Miss Maud much good that she continued to use M. Stafford, Mutual Phone, Tilla­ See Everson. them and they have done her more Mastick. mook, Oregon. At a meeting of the city council on stood than all of the medicine I Mr. and Mrs. Siam, their two sons, bought before.— Samuel Boyer, Fol­ Mrs. Marie Wade, nurse. Terms re­ Tuesday, Chester Thomas was ap­ pointed marshal in thc place of N. J. Bcnley and Herbert Stam and daugh­ duced to suit the times. * I Myers who is a member of the Coast ter Helen, entertained a few friends som. Iowa, This medicine is for sale by Lamar’s Drug Store. at a house party at Bar View. Guests Lots in Block 3, Miller’s Addition Artillery Company. ■ ------------------ —------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- were Louise Baily, of Pendleton, for sale.—See T. H. Goyne. * The Franklin Fish Market is now Vida Lamb of Eugene, Fay Harris, of Lodging at the Watchtower, 25c., open for business, drop in and look Tillamook, Leslie Harrison, Henry Also furnished rooms. * around at the Old Spanish Kitchen.— Heiscl, both of Tillamook. A delight­ F. N. Elliott, Proprietor. * ful time was reported and swimming, Garbage gathered free. See M. R. motoring, dancing ami hiking served A ball game between Tillamook and Hanankrat,’or call Main 6F11. Wheeler will be played at the Fair an excellent pass time. Married in this city July 16, Fred Grounds Sunday, the receipts of Attorney R. H. McGrath, of Port­ A. Scherzinger at>d Mamie Sutton. which will be given to the Coast land, has taken over the business of the law firm of Johnson & Handley, For Furnished Rooms at reasonable Artillery fund. ♦2 House to rent furnished or unfurn- who are officers in the Coast Artil­ price, Sec Mrs. E. Plank. 1 ished—enquire of R. B. Walls in care lery, during the war. Captain S. S. Two cars of beef cattle bought in . of the Pacific Telephone Co. or at Johnson and Lient. T. B. Handley are making sacrifices in leaving their the Portland market for the Tilla­ residence. 1 business, and they ask their friends mook Meat Co., came In Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Nixon Blair,,of Hub- and patrons to continue to do their Will pay you to see Everson tor a Orc., their son, j. M. Blair, wife . law business at the old stand, which safe investment in city property or . and little" ’son"of Portland, arc spend- , Mr. McGrath, a competent attorney, farm lands. * I ing a week with Mr. and Mrs J. b. S. will look after during their absence. and , Blair. Orlando Franklin Knight Thc Western Union office was Martha Elizabeth Alley were granted 1400 lb. horse, harness, buggy and moved from the city to the depot on a marriage license. I stump puller, with rigging, for sale, Tuesday, the Public Service Com­ H. Mason & Co., has taken over the , or or trade for auto or motorcycle in Al mission having permitted this during Standard patterns formerly sold by condition, balance cash. Address Box the war owing, it was alleged, to the scarcity of operators. The Western 576. Tillamook, Oregon. Lamar’s Variety Store. -Union is to keep a messenger boy.at For Sale — Horse and buggy, broke Victor Glad and wife, of Portland, thc depot to take care of all deliveries came in on a visit Sunday and left to work single or double, weight 1000 which cannot be advantageously on Monday. pounds. Enquire -------- of E. P. Jeffrey, R. handled over the phone, but nothing uuuuu. — — - 2* ’is said in the agreement whe,her the Now you have an opportunity to F’D. Tillamook. Oregon. 1 messenger boy is to call for tele- show your patriotism and buy Tilla­ r rhe Tillamook Meat Co. will pay grams. mook County road bonds. IOC for all 10 pound lard pails an 3c. M. Brown vs. Flora Brown Wanted—A Girl or elderly woman for 5 pound pails. They must • ,g a d.;vorce sujt filed in the circuit to do general housework.—Apply at from rust. Bring them m at on • , i court court. These parties were married the Headlight office. get your money. | I October 1st, 1890, in Polk county, John r.-ldschau, Concrete contrac­ ___________ •___ — i were born to the A fire alarm . was in Sunday Three • turned V been _-- J!.« r. r/i/l • un ’ _ The 1 children 1- «w 1-2-_ « plaintiff 1 a «« fire having discovered ion. alleges that his tor, concrete silos built. All work Hn g thc saw dust ’ at the saw mill, which W if c has been ----- , abusive and v dust w beep cross guaranteed.Both phones. * " ivht watchman was unable to quarrelsome, frequently scolding and The New gives ..vw Edison ^uisvn gets and anu B .»v« all the - ni| --'K I complaining without just cause; and 'complaining •he Artist rendered just as the artist extinguish. _ although although the the plaintiff plaintiff provided provided a a good good gave ’•• | L. Anderson,had the nc. , home for thc defendant and family, OD off Dii ii»a fingers J ...It-. 11a 11 v ilifiatlft- wife Lnr has Loon been rnntin continually disatis- . Cherries! Cherries! Cherries! now, . nearlv . chop r 1 his 1 — - ■ but rv«« ♦ Dr. Robin-. , his Wednesday, ve plain ' r fied and threatened to leave plaintiff, •* the time to buy them at the Fruit hand on son '• is in hope that he will be able to and finally did so June 27, 1917, go­ Palace * ( — ing to Dallas, Oregon. The defendant save them. A marriage license was issued to Only Edison re-creations can be now has the custody of the minor "»Iph Johnson and Cecelia Florence mistaken for the ongmal voice. Its child, and plaintiff is willing that she Wilson. rich true tones nil many homes with should continue to have her custody. , Why not be insured in the best fire gladness. Call at Lamar s Drug Store I. W. W.'s in Tillamook. insurance company, it costs no more. and hear one. S« Everson. * C C Chapman, editor of the Ore- The I. W. W.’s have threatened to [ Mrs. J. C. Holden returned from close down the logging camps at the •< - Wheeler Lumber Co. on Saturday. ortland on Saturday, where she has *'■ 'S, W two wt»— - . Men taking a course in music. Some of those trouble makers visited Chapman’s Iiealtn. the camp recently and took away For Sale, a Saxon run-about. In Portland on Wednesday. over 20 men causing one camp to Don’t forget those busted castings. close down until other men could be Sood condition. Price $350.00. Apply to Attorney Webster Holmes. * ! Can be welded for half. Goods sent obtained Sheriff Campbell will be on by parcel post and express promptly hand with a number of deputies, and house for rent, Apply to it is expected that the Sheriff of Washington county will be on hand “ T. Newcomb, 2nd Avenue West also to cope with any trouble. at»r First Street. 2* Oregon. Edison re-creations sing your fav- Notice to Dairymen. °r'te songs better than you ever heard them sung. * ----- o Fcd-’ra.ion of „ will gjve I have (or sale three Registered For cheap fertilizer for your garden in Tillamook August 3. I 2K3O •n,l meadow, see Frank Elliott at an address at the city hal at 1. . Guernsey Bull calves. They are Gov- enor of the Chene and Yeksa breed­ r«nkhn Fish Market. All ladies •nevt,,S,r,,°a.‘tener. ing. 1 won three first out of four en­ For Sale—Rutabaga and Cow Kale meeting and meet - tries in the cow classes Senior and B C. Lamb, president of the^JPort P«nts, $1.00 per thousand.—Hans Grand champion cow at Oregon of Tillamook and F The; State Fair 1916. *nson, Tillamook, Oregon. ..... T. Correspondence solicited. these • Cascara Bark highest market cish went to Portland on 1 with thc the calves are priced to sell. went there in con Bnthorities Lamb^”1'^’ ca"’ wr‘‘e or Ph°ne’ \V A. Goodwin, Cornelrat, v\ash- government vessc , bond wanting the Port to put-up of ington County, Oregon, Owner and cylinder Indian Motor Cycle, nei‘he proposed shipyard. breeder of Rose City Guernsey Herd. ( first class condition. Price Inquire of Plasker Bros. Money Will Take Care of You n n D 71 Tillamook County Bank. The First NationalBank i FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY. Tillamook Jottings. H. R. BLAUVELT, Executive Special, OREGON LIFE INS. CO. Will be at RAMSEY HOTEL “ Best for Oregonians." Bring Your Job Work to the Headlight Office. GrandOpeni ng NEW SHOI of the SATURDAY-SUND AY, July 28-29. Orchestra Music a nd Other Musical Numb ers. “The Promis e,” Featuring HAROLD LOCKWOOD and 1 4AY ALLISON. A picture of all out door setti ngs. “'THE MATINEE IDOL,” a single reel comt ïdy of a very high class. Don’t miss this progra m. We invite you One and All to come to thc opening of our New Home. No advance in prices for this opening program. Adults. 15c. Children, 5c.