TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JULY 19, 1917. DEATH OF ISAAC QUICK. ------- o------- Another Old Settler of Tillamook County Passes Away. were formerly members of the Coast Artillery. "This is a splendid opportunity for our young men to show their patriot­ ism, and show the people that they are willing to demonstrate it in a practical manner, by learning how to handle the fire apparatus and being able to fight fire in an organized and intelligent manner. Applicants for membership can be made to any member of the company, at any time.” ___ ___ Owing to change in S.P. Railroad Schedule all Phone Orders from North End of County must be in before 9 A.M. if delivery' is required same day.________________ Wc are sorry to announce the death of Isaac Quick, who resided in Tilla­ mook County for 52 years, being one of the few remaining pioneers of the county, which took place on Friday evening at his home at South Prairie. He had reached the age of 85 years, The funeral services were held on fl M. E. Sunday afternoon at the D. L. B.ighton Wants Way Out. Church, conducted by Rev. 1 funeral the Shrode, who preached F. C. Baker, 'I'illamook, Ore. sermon, and the services at the critic- Dear Sir:—After reading your pa- tery were conducted by the Masonic i member for per we believe that you claim to be lodge, of which he was a a good roads booster. Wc would many years. like to have you come up here and ------- o------- ■r. Isaac C. Quick was born in Holmes take a walk from Brighton to Wheel­ county, Ohio, April 8, 18 32, his fam­ er over the road now partly finished. and ___ after . seeing ily having been established in the ' ___ . . „ how easily it could Buckeye state by his parental grand- |>e finished and made ' ‘ into ' a good father in 1812, after his removal road, then do some boosting for us. ____ _ native ______ ____ from his state of Pennsyl­ For your information, we have spent vania. With this sire came Benjamin more money in Tillamook county in Quick, the father of Isaac, who was the last three years than any other rared on a Holmes county farm, and two industries in the county, still wc in time married Susan Clough, a na­ have no way out, except to walk or tive daughter of Pennsylvania, who take the train. died in the early ’80s in Ohio. Ben- Yours very truly, ja mine Quick made a fair success of Brighton Mills Company, farming, and lived until 184 2, his By Thos. B. Watt. I age being 65 years. When ten years of age Isaac Quick We are free to admit that Brighton was left fatherless, and he was the should have a road and a way out, oldest of the four sons and one and the County Court should make an daughter in the family, lie started out effort in that direction, for the reason soon afterward to make his own way that every encouragement and con­ in the world. As a farm hand he re­ venience should be given the indus­ mained in the state of Ohio until tries of the county. The recent state 1853, and then moved to Johnson and county bond issue will help bring county, Mo., remaining there on dif­ this about in the mar future, for the Men’s $1.00 and $1.25 ferent farms until 1854, This year south side of Nehalem bay was made stood out in his life as presenting the part of the great highway ’hrough greatest promise, for he secured the the county by the state measure anil position of stock driver with a train I the county bond measure provides of emigrants bound for the coast, and money. But it seems to us that Mr. The Entire Stock of New 1917 had charge of 500 loose cattle. I he Watt was one of those who opposed west had long had a fascination for the county bonding, which would La Porte VKoo/en cJ34/7/s him, anil lie gladly assumed the bur­ have deprived the county of money den of caring for the large herd, atul to do the work which Mr. Watt now Silk and light weight arrived at the end of his six months’ wants done, and further be was one journey with three hundred of Jhe of- those -who foolishly signed the fabric Caps in new and animals entrusted to his care. I his timbermen’s foolish circular, and bad smart shapes, Shown in self was a good showing, considering the something to do, no doubt, with the Buy your Summer Wash Fabrics now at these sensational savings— greys, black and white losses from disease, alkali water, vote in Wheeler precinct, of which there s plenty of time yet for wearing warm weather clothes and these checks and plaids in black drowning and Indian appropriation. Brighton is a part, for it voted 21 for prices will help von secure more dresses, etc., for the same money than yon and white and varicolored Mr. Quick stopped first above Stock- and 94 against providing money to ton, Cal., but soon afterward went to give Brighton a good road and-a way have ever bought before. combinations, . All sizes to the mines of the Sacramento valley, out.—Ed. choose from t and wonderful We mention only a few of fhe prices you will find in our tremendous and met with rather indifferent suc­ Bargains at the pricer*»E Removal of stock of new fabrics for Commission Allows cess. Later he turned his attention to present wear. Each ( OC. ranching in the southern state, but Western Union Office. ................. not realizing his expectations, , came Bovs' Actual $1.00 The following letter was received to Oregon over the mountains with teams, intending to mine on the from the Public Service Commission : Actual 44c. and 50c. A« tnal 75c. New Basket Actual 35c. Beach Suit­ . ...................... This is to advise you that our in- Frazier river, British Columbia. Be­ Novelty Beach Skirtings, Weave Suitings and Skirt­ fore getting that far his courage fail- vestigation of the complaint filed by | ings in Plaids, Stripes and Sport Pongees and Stripe ings in Sport Stripes and ..... ' and citizens of Tillamook with the Com- ! cd, and at Victoria turned ' ’ back I ’ierrot 1 Jots, etc. Skirtings. From mission in the matter of the removal Checks. settled in Yamhill county. __ _ ___ 1858 ____ August until 1813 he worked ( of your office in the city of Tilla- on different farms in the county, and mook to the Southern Pacific station I Sport Shirts to fit boys (i in May, 1863, Marrieil France* A. of said place, disclosed the fact that I Actual 75c. and $1.00 Silk Actual 69c. an 1 75c. Palm Simmons, who was born in Wiscon-I the sentiment of the business men of I to 16 years of age. Come in Actual $1.00 new Novelty Marquisettes, Silk Mulls, Beach Suit inns and C heck sin April 17, 1847. With his newly | Tillamook I'illamook is in opposition to the plain white, white with Garbardine Suitings and Tub Silks and Indra Silks and Plaid Sk i rti a us i n vari­ wedded wife he located on a rented change contemplated, and it is simply striped collars, and some of Skirtings in Stripes,Checks in stripes and pretty tig farm near McMinnville, and tw o I for the reason that they fear delay in ous color combinations. neat stripe designs. and Plaids of various colors. tired designs. yeas later, ill the fall of 1 865, moved the matter of transferring telegrams Wonderful Bargains Ot/C. to 'I’illamook county ami took up one from Southern Pacific depot on ac­ hundred and sixty acres of land three count of probability of company Saturday and ¿Monday) Only ayd a half miles south of 1 illamook. business having preferred attention. Here he lived and prospered for fif­ It was claimed that tinder the former Ladies' Actual $5.00 teen years, removing then to a farm arrangement, telegrams were seldom forwarded until afternoon, same hav ­ T wo Wonderful on the Nestucca river, and two years later sold his claim mar the town of ing been held allowing company busi­ In Ladies' New and Becoming Sales of Tillamook. His présent place of (Ince ness precedence Complaint was also Street, Vacation and Beach hundred acres was purchased alter 'made of unreliable service often met due investigation of the desirable .with in telephoning messages to the properties in the county, and that his Western Union office. 'File Commission suggested at the choice was a wise one has been dem­ Dont hesitate any longer To the woman who has put off buying her onstrated to the satisfaction of the (conference that, owing to urgent need Ladies’ I’atent Leather Mary this is the final clean-up of fortunate owner. Mr. Quick raised a of operators by your company-, the summer apparel needs or who needs additional high grade of stock on his farm, and uptown office at Tillamook be closed Jane Pumps with regular anil <>ur entire stock of Ladies’ garments these sales are indeed a gold mine milked thirty-five cows in his dairy. 'during the period of the war, pro­ white ivory soles, Patent atttl Misses' Tritnnie*» -Mil­ 11«' was independent in bis political viding that your company make prop­ lor they afford opportunities for making really Leather Strap Oxfords and views, ami had served as county com­ er arrangements with the Southern linery. Low Cut English walking wonderful savings. J missioner, road supervisor and school Pacific Company’s agent whereby Shoes with rubber soles and director. Fraternally he was a member telegrams will not be delayed at said Actual $27.50 and $30.00 Actual $4.50, $5, $6 50 Actual $20, $22.50, $25 heels Size 2i to 6 in assorted of Tiltfmook Lodge No. 57 A. T. \ office and that your company furnish A. XI Twelve children were born to messenger bov who may be obtained widths to choose from. Mrs .Quick, namely: . Susan Mr. and .......... .......... by telephone in order to handle more Saturday ami Mon- ds-j qq C., Born in Yambill comity, July 12, important telegrams which could not day only...................... «Fl.»© 1864, is now the wife of Emanuel be entrusted to telephone, owing to liability to confusion in transmitting Ericson, who reside ill Washington; ¿Men’s $5, $5.50, $6 Hester I’., born October 31, 1866, in messai-e. This suggestion seems to lake your choice of our have the endorsement of the greater " of 'I'illamook County, is the wife Suits in Late styles onlv. Pretty style Dresses of entire stock of Hats at number of those present and the I B . Cltas. Wells of I'illamook; Dick and in fabrics Green, Tan, horn, November 10, 1868, who rc- Commission would not be adverse to Silk, line French serges $4.50, $5.00 and $5.50 and Mustard and Black and sides in Idaho; Clara born July 8, ¡this arrangement during the period I of and tine Batistes in useful pay tis $1.98 and the Hat White Checks. The I the w ar. most 1870, deceased; Dcroy C., born De­ 1 is yours. Good styles and Yours truly. sensational Values ever colors. Collars of Silk and cember 17, 1 872. deceased; Thomas Public Service Commission, Georgette Crepe. becoming shapes. I,., born A pril 8, 1875, deceased; offered by this dept. By. H. M. Corey. Isaac F„ born October 22, 1881, Actual $6.50, $7.50, $8.00 Ladies' $3.25, $3 40, $3. 75 Men’s White, Tan and Blaek of 'I'illamook; Ivan C., Born May 16, Clean- Up of Bids for Hardsurfacing. 1884, deceased; Addie D., born English Oxfords in all sizes. ------- o------- March 16 1887, deceased; I add < ., Contracts were let to F. G. Feld- born April 22, 1890, of Hermiston, Tilla- Oregon, Harry, of Hermiston, (Ire. scltau for hardsurfacing the mook Fairview County Road and the and Rosa D., deceased. Tillamook Bay City county road, the Hats made in our own total amount being $f*.799.81. The Tillamook Hose Company. In the matter of the petition 34 to 42 inch Dresses in workrooms that are both Silk and Satin Sport ------- o------- 1 Everett Wells for a county road liilht color fabrics, very stylish and becoming. 1 urbans in plain and fancy Thos. Coates, president of the Hole | was ordered that the report of the suitable for morning wear colored .Satin and Pongees Beautiful models on sale Cattipany, says: accepted - ‘ board of road viewers be ___ Tillamook _____ or for wearing in Camp or just the kind for Auto or "The Hose Company | and at much less than half- henceforth the road will be needs more men. Three of our mem­ TILLAMOOK. ORE at the Beach. price. Beach wear. known as a county road. bers are now in th«' Navy, one is in i In the matter of the petition of S. the 3rd • Ircgon, and eight are in the i H. Rock for a county road, same was 10th Co. Coast Artillery, and will j continued until August 1st. leave in a few days. In the matter of a draw bridge on "Others have moved away or drop­ | the public highway over the North ped out lot other reasons, leaving at ! Fork of Nehalem river, on the Nehd- the present time, or at least as soon em-Mohlcr road, as made under the as the Coast Artillery goes away, supervision of the county survey, it only about 20 active members. Our 1^’1 bf-C°n*i,dcre<1 u?,css. such cash, I in good condition. Notice To Contractors. was ordered that when the consent of apparatus consists of five hose carts, the war department lias been obtain­ Seale«! projiisals addressed to the bond, or check is enclosed therewith with 2300 feet of hose, one hook and Ç- A. Elliott vs. R. A. Cornell and nC nght 1SI rcscrvc Co. • ' protection of the city tor 20 years, All proposals must be made upon tified check shall be forfeited to Till­ fsE'B Ä ot water in Tillamook County and the parent organization, the ■ issue by State Engineer Joho form to be obtained from the County amok County, and the same shall be MONDAY AT TILLAMOOK Lewis during the second quartet 01 Wide Awake Hook and Ladder Co., Clerk, at his office in th«- court house, the property of the county. All other furnished not only the protection, Tillamook, Oregon; must give the cash, bonds, and certified checks will •eey Gm^vCvT,>EBDk<«and Wm- the year 1917, as follows. TUESDAY AT CI.OVERDAI.E Peter Erickson, of Tillamook, wf but also its own fire fighting ap­ price proposed, b«'th in writing and be returned to the unsuccessful bid­ I Plaintiffs recover 110,197 manufacturing and development of paratus. for about ten years prior to WEDNESDAY at I II I AMOOK figures, and must be signed by the ders who submitted the same. horsepower from Whiskey Cre««- the organization of the Hose ( om- bidder, with his address. E Carr A corporate surety bond will be etÊ' THURSDAY AT Til I.AMOOK pany, and we are proud of their rec­ cost of construction estimated a Each bid to be presented under required for the faithful performance 12,000. ord scaled cover, and shall b«' accompani­ of the contract in the sum to one-half FRIDAY AT TILLAMOOK C- E. Donaldson, of Tillamook, “Eight of the remaining members ed by cash, a bidder’s bond made pay­ of the total amount of the bid. .the irrigation of 10 acres and devel- were honorably discharge«! from the able to Tillamook County, or a certi­ SATURDAY AT WHEELER Plans may be seen and forms of | opment of 17 horsepow'er from he" Coast Artillery on account of having fied check made payable to the •'* ' idlto. Di- . specifications and contract may be vorce. Decree .,„a dependent families, ami only six aldson Creek, cost of construct*00 County Clerk of said county, for an secured at the County Clerk.’« office I Both Phon«**. Verna L Mast chiW 1 'estimated at J200 were required to register, and mo«t amount equal to at least five per cent .for , Mast ......... h Divorce rJ Rr"bfn H' plan« and «pccifications. Deposit« of these arc included in those who r>lnin>;.-< ..a.«. *’ . decree granted. i. James Patterson, of Blaine, for1, of th«’ amount of said bid, and no bid ¡will be returned upon return of plan« plaintiff with emtodv fTl* irrigation of 8 acres from an unnate id stream, to cost 150. SENSATIONAL JULY I r r IN EVERY DEPT. OF THE STORE. The Time has come—all season Merchandise must go, no matter what sacrifice of profits is entailed. You can not afford to miss one of these Sales of New Up-to-date and desirable Merchandise for they offer you extraordinary savings on wearables and piece goods for immediate use at home, at the Beach, in Camp, or wherever your vacation days are to be or are being spent. Come early, for at these prices there will be many eager buyers and those who shop early will obtain the best choice. Extraordinary Sale of SUMMER CAPS, 75c. SUMMER WASH FABRICS At 19c At 33c. At 49c. At 49c. At 59c. At 69c PUMPS, OXFORDS, $1.98 SPORT SHIRTS, 69c. Sensational Reductions Wearing Apparel. MILLINERY. New Suits fcr Ladies, $18.85 Dresses for Ladies, $14.75 HATS, $1.98 One Piece Wash Dresses, $1.69 Sport Hats for Ladies, $1.79 HATS, $3.95 FLORSHEIM OXFORDS, $3.95 DR. WISE Can be Found on i Ji