TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JULY 19. 1917. DEATH OF ISAAC QUICK, were formerly members of the Coast Artillery. Another Old Settler of Tillamook "This is a splendid opportunity for Owing to change in S.P. Railroad Schedule all Phone Orders from North End of County must County Passes Away. our young men to show their patriot­ ism, and show the people that they be in before 9 A.M. if delivery' is required same day. We are sorry to announce the death are willing to demonstrate it in a of Isaac Quick, who resided in Tilla­ practical manner, by learning how to mook County for 52 years, being one handle the fire apparatus and being of the few remaining pioneers of the able to fight fire in an organized and county, which took place on Friday intelligent manner. Applicants for evening at his home at South l’rairie. membership can be made to any He ha0, $;>,00 and $5.50 and Mustard and Black and sides in Idaho; Clara I*., born July 6, this arrangement during the period I of and tine Batistes in useful pay ns $1.98 and the Hat \\ bite Checks. The most 1870, deceased: D<*roy l'., born De the war. is yours. Good styles and Yours truly. sensational Values ever colors. Collars of Silk and cembcr 1 7, 1 872, deceased; Thomas Public Service Commission, Georgette Crepe. I.., born A |>ril 8, 1875. deceased; becoming shapes. offered bv this dept. By. H. M. Corey. Isaac F., born October 22, 1881, Actual $6.50. $7.50. $8.00 Ladies' $3.25. $3 40. $3.75 Men’s White, Tan and Black of 'Tillamook; Ivan Born May 16, Clean- Up of Bids for Hardsurfacing. 1884, deceased; Addie D., born English Oxfords in all sizes. March 16 1887, deceased; I add < ., Contracts were let to F. G. Feld- born April 22, 1890, of Hermiston, Oregon, Harry, of Hermiston, Ore, scliau for hardsurfacing the Tilla- mook Fairview County Road and the and Rosa D., deceased Tillamook-Bay City county road, the Hats made in our own total amount br ing $9,799.81. The Tillamook Hole Company. In the matter of the petition of «T4 to 42 inch Presses in workrooms that are both Silk and Satin Sport Everett Wells for a county road it light color fabrics, very stylish and becoming. 1 urbans in plajn ,ni(| fi|ncv Thos, Coates, president of the Hose | was ordered that the report of the Beautiful models on sale suitable for morning wear colored Satinami Pongees’ Catnpany, says: I board of road viewers be aceepted "The Tillamook Hose Company or for wearing in Camp or Just the kind for Autoor at much less than half- and henceforth the road will be meds more men. Three of our mem­ TILLAMOOK. ORE at the Beach. price. known as a county road. Beach wear. bers arc now in the Navy, one is in I In the matter of the petition of S the 3rd Oregon, and eight are in the II. Rock for a county road, same was 10th Co. Coast Artillery, and will continued until August 1st. All Sales on ^Aden's and Youngmen 's Suits will end oositivehl tv ----- 7-------------- "------------------------ 1 leave in a few days. In the matter of a draw bridge on "Others have moved away or drop­ ena-positively, Wednesday Evening. July' 25th. | the public highway over the North ped out lor other reasons, leaving at Folk of Nehalem river, on the Nehal­ the present time, or at least as soon em-Mohler road, as made under the as the < vast Artillery goes away, supervision of the county survey, it only about 20 active members. Our Notice To Contractors. was ordered that when the consent of shall be considered unless unless such such cash, snail oc considered apparatus consists of five hose carts, 1*1 ... injgood condition. the war department has been obtain­ bond, or check is enclosed therewith with 2300 feet of hose, otic hook and Ç- A. Elliott vs. R. A. Cornell and Sealed propbsal, addressed to the ed that said bridge be anil the same is Such bidder ’ s bond shall be condi ­ ladder truck and a small eart with " d J orc5'osure mortgage. authorized and the State Highwav County Court of Tillamook County, tioned that if said hid be accepted, two Babcock extinguishers K. E. Wilson vs. C. A. Eastman ft <’n ganization has had charge of the fire publicly opened and read. F. for signature, such cash, bond or cer­ toats Driving and Boom Co Man- ot water in Tillamook County were protection of the city tor 20 years, All proposals must be made upon tified check shall he forfeited to Till­ rOra*(’Uprtmc cour’* from wh'?ch' issue by State Engineer John and the parent organization, the form to be obtained from the County amok County, and the same shall be rcc°vor i585 On MONDAY AT TILLAMOOK With Awake Hook and Ladder ( o., Lewis during the second quarter 0> Clerk, at his office in the court house, the property of the county. All other furnished not only the protection, the year 1917, as follows. Tillamook, Oregon; must give the TUESDAY AT CLOVERDALE cash, bonds, and certified checks will but also its own lire fighting ap Peter Erickson, of Tillamook, 1« price proposed, both in writing and be returned to the unsuccessful bid­ I Plaintiff, recover »10,197 ¿7 Verance* paratus. for about ten years prior to manufacturing and development of WEDNESDAY at TILLAMOOK figures, and must be signed by the ders who submitted the same. the organization of the Hose Com­ horsepower from Whiskey CreeL M. Sue Henderson v, H f r bidder, with his address. E Carr A corporate surety bond will he et al. Foreclosure. Dtcr«" THURSDAY AT Til LAMOOK pany, and we are proud of their rec­ construction estimated al Each bid to be presented under required for the faithful performance I /-..I* Claussen vs. Thomas Coate. »2.000, ord sealed cover, and shall be accompani­ of the contract in the sum to one-half FRIDAY AT TILLAMOOK “Eight of the remaining members w-m'n,\lra,.?r of the estate of \V t’ ,'". F. r* Donaldson, L>onat