T illamook headlight , july County Court Bill* A. T. Dolan T. E. Cross............. 11140.35 City Transfer Co. Frank Heyd ............... 25.00 W. 1. Cain . . s. Hushbeck ......... 5.00 Herbert Thompson i L Hoy ..................... 12.50 Jack Leslie Tillamook Headlight . 43.25 c. E. Allen . Mrs. F. P- Hobson .... . 273.34 •XL A. Sellon . County Clerks otfice £. Harrison, Adm. Ekroth RJohn Anderson Gambrel Summers estate ................................... John Hicks ............ ' A. M. Hare. . ......................... Geo. Knight Glass & Prudhonime .......... S. G. Reed ............ 1 H. Goyne .......................... Harry Wyld ........ T H. Goyne .......................... E. J. Bartrow ..... J. H. Goyne .......................... J. H. Edwards .... T E. Epplett Emil Ross .......... Elliott Fisher Co. XV. L. McKune T. E. Epplett Jake Kamme .............. t H. Dawson Rudolph Larsen . / '' ’ fi. B. Driscoll I ......... < Leo. Batzner ....... Cryst tai — Laundry .... O. A. White ............ Coast Power Co...................... J. .XL Howland .......... Henrv A. Brant ..................... C. H. Frost . R. B. Hays ............................ 3.20 Frank Barnts p A. Finne ............................ 7.40 E. ron-lison Ralph Welsh .......................... 18.20 A. H. Paquet q r . Funk .............................. 27.10 B. Tomlison VV. A. Penter ........................ 10.40 S. R. X erniilyea C. Trombley ................... 2.50 J. M. X ermilyea D. C. Collier .......................... 8.50 Jiiu Langley \V. L. Campbell ..................... \V. L. Campbell ..................... 133.33 B. Minor 75.00 A M. Myers . Elmer L. Webb ................... 75.00 M. R. Kerns C. B. Stanley ........................ 2 50 M. R. Kerns \V. L. Campbell ..................... 4.82 A. Finley ... . D. S. Boyakin ........................ 3.75 E. XX . Wilkes . p. W. Barrett ...................... 42 00 W. M. Kilhor R. T. Boat.. s ........................ 30.30 Richard Myers Bushong & Co......... -.............. 66.25 L. L. Smith Bushong & Co........................ 10.00 A. Steingner W. K. Briley ........................ 2.50 O. Noble James Burke .......................... 9 64 H. X’ei Milyea . . D. S. Boyakin ........................ 83.33 A. McDougall B. L. Beals .............................. 35.00 XX esley Raney ....... N. W. Barker........................ 5.00 Albert Smith ....... T E. Ashley ........................ 12.00 Walter Smith .... Mrs. W. R. Anderson........... C. A. Johnson ....................... 100.00 1. H. XValker ........ 75.00 Fred abbie ............ H. B. Millis .......................... 1.00 Leslie Barber .............. Elmer L. XX ebb ..................... 1.00 Sam Tomlinson ............ Elmer L. Webb ..................... 1.20 Ernest Worthington .......... Elmer L. Webb ..................... 1.70 Fred Zaddach .................... Bob XVilson ............................ 2.90 Bert Tilden .......................... Edward Mitchell ................... 1.70 Ernest Worthington .......... Joe Wes* ....... ........................ 1.70 Paul Wapke ........................ Jim Wilson ............................ 1.70 Fred XViddie ...................... Mrs. C. F. De Ford ............... 7.60 Chas. Haybarker ................. Monroe Switzer ..................... 6.40 less Eggleston ..................... Thurm Coulson ..................... 6.00 Frits Rcust .......................... W. H. Sales .......................... 8.00 M. F. Rcust ........................ Catherine Loerpabel ........... 6.50 XV. S. Linkhart ................... Clay Daniel .......................... 5 60 Matt Olson .......................... Frank Barnes ........................ 2.20 Bob Crawford ...................... Mrs. Roy Maine..................... 2.20 Edd Braumerstruthcr ........ Peter Bosma .......................... 2.80 Steve Scovell ........................ Mrs. Osvor Tittle ................. 3.20 Emil Larson ........................ Albet*. G. Williams ............... 2.20 Emil Scholmyer................... Louie Stewart ....................... 21.00 C. J. Hanks .......................... Mrs. XV. W. Wiley ................ 1.17 Albert Miller ...................... Western Union Teleg ......... 5 30 Joe Duncan .......................... Thos W. Wilson ................... 32^50 Fred Lange .......................... Florence M. Baker ............... 25.90 Robson ............................... Marv Burmerster ................. 17.50 H. S. Brimhall .................... Anna Herchenhein ............... 17.50 F. ,.T. Burch ..................... Irene Eadus .......................... 17.50 F. J. Rarcy .......................... Johanna York ...................... 25.00 i Benson A Peterson Lizzie Armstrong ................. 25.00 B. Batzner ........... Elizabeth Gilliland ............... 25^00 : Lowell Bristow ... Ivel M. Gillam ..................... 6.00 A. Arstill .............. Tillamook Water Co............. 14.00 W. E. Anderson .. P. W. Todd .......................... 16.00 Anderson Bros. ... Frank Taylor ......................... 12.50 F. E. Cross .......... Tillamook Herald ................. 6.60 Geo. Cook ............ Xlutual Telephone Co............. 77.90 ! Emil Larson ......... Star Garage .......................... 1.20 ■ Stevens .............. D. Robison ............................ 1.80 . Elmer Easotn ....... P. B. C. Lucas ....................... 140 Warren F.asom ... Wm. Fletcher ....................... 1 40 Anna Zimmerman . C. W. Hogan .......................... j’20| I Tilden I ildcn and Madden .......... J. Pesterfield .......................... 2^00 |Tohl & Anderson ............... B. A. Folks ............................ 3,28 R. L. Shreve .......... .......... Swabb & Foland ................... 3.20 F. I. Parish . ........................ E. W. Stanley ....................... 24.50 Nehalem River Trans. Co. . Jack Selby .............................. 5.00 F. Merrick ........................... E. W. Stanley ........................ 3 45 Alex McNair Co. ............ E. W. Stanley ....................... 3 20 I Lenpold & Voelpcl .............. E. XV. Stanley ........................ 3.10 Johnson & Illingworth ....... E. W. Stanley ........................ Road District No. 2. 10.90 I E. XV. Stanley ...................... 3 55 Hiner & Reed . E. XV. S tanley ...................... 3 20 Hiner & Son .......... E. W. Stanley ...................... 5.55 V. Holden .......... E. XV. Stanley........................ S. G. Reed .............................. 30.00 Clyde Hudson ....... 10 •Ole Gulstrom ....... i. XX. H. Christensen................. .20 1 Wm. Gocres ............ G. A. Jones ............................ 10 Feeney X Bremer . . L. F. Brode ........... .............. P. D. Ott ................................. .80 'j. Dailey ................. 90 S. X . Anderson .. . E. C. Madden ........................ H. Garland ............ Royal Sweeping Compound Howard Brooks 2 25 Company ............................ Ray animond.......... 72.00 S. G. Reed ............................ 1.80 Ed. Mallory ............ T. C. Percy ............................ 5.30 Ray Hammond ....... Geo. Phelps .......................... 43.71 Frank Dye ................ Pacific Tel. and Tel Co.......... J. Dye ................ F. L. Owens ........................ 113.60 N. 4.50 Q. Pangborn ............ F. B. McKinley ..................... 16.00 J. Wallace ................ Geo. R. ...... McKimens -..linens ............... H. Morrison ... 217.65 Walter Severance ... Tilden .................. G. B. Lamb 12.25 C. Hopkins .......... G. B. Lamb ......... 2.13 Ole Allmon ............ G. _. B. Lamb ......... 133.33 Guy Ed. Lafrancis .......... 17.70 Geo. Kilham Sta. & Printing Co Higgenbotham . 30 00 A. J. Nails ............ Mrs. Marie Kamm ............. 8.55 1 F. Jones ............................ 6 B. Wheatley ......... 6.20 Andrew Pangborn Otis Frisbie ........................ 3.20 W. H. Leach ......... Ed- Leach .............................. 6 40 Albert Phelps .... O' E. Goodspeed ................. 3.20 Elmer imes .......... ■••J. Johnson ........................ 3.20 W. J. Himes ......... E. Anderson ................... 3.20 C. Himes ................ ’’ E. Southwick ................. 3.20 G. Cook ................ Jacob Pesterfield ................. 3.20 Raymond Leach ... J- B. Delsman ..................... 3.20 A. Larson ............. - J’M. Liisberg....................... 3.20 James Himes ....... "m- Randall ........................ 8.70 Willie Wilkes ....... M. J. Edwards ..................... 3 20 C. Tilden .............. Henry Rogers ...................... 3.20 Thore Hogan ....... •am Moulton ....................... 3.20 E. Hess ;.............. rsnk XVorthington ........... 3.20 J. Bccbchiser ....... J. E. Reedy ................... 7 92 G. Stubblefield .... , ,A- Jones Realty Co......... 75.00 A. Beebehiser ....... Johnson 4 Handley ............. 5.00 Thor Haugen ....... i J-Johnson ........................ L .Shreve ....... .................. 89.31 J. Graham ............. r.A Dunn ............................ 101 25 C. Kinnaman ......... 91.52 W. B. Sutton ........ . Anderson ................... - H Gulstrom ..................... 78 87 Joel Grover ........... Coates ..................... 145 62 Wesley Rush......... E ’n Parish ............................ 91.08 Frank Oliver ......... ... R McKinley ................... 14 62 Chas. Oliver........... ''«or O|,on 29.07 R. Illingworth ....... Wm. Illingworth HÄ “c’“" '• 9 54 H. V. Berg............ 35 66 G. C. Vaughn ....... c’”p- ■■■■■■ 22 00 Zeno Biser ............ F PHÄMI« C o - 49 Hull lohnson ......... 86.55 Matt Weber ........... i'Ar.:::.-: 53.25 Ben Darby ............ 62.25 D. B. Darby ........... T,ITbr.John’on ... ¡ihn Paquet 68 25 R. C. Neilson ......... 68 ’5 A. L. Darby .......... p J- Baier ..., 17 25 Lando Darby . ... 17.25 H. Wilk» ................ Sam »^’'Pher . 12 75 S. C. Welfs u? Johnson plo,Pr’':,mon . 15 75 Frank Matthews ... * 34.50 I ¡less Sawyer Crane .. 5 40 i Wm Banke .... 15 75 Lewis Lumcovich .... j J1' Krumlauf 1.80 Paul Vanderpool * Jatmann .. 182.32 9.86 ; 43.47 104 00 13.50 ' 104.00 1 73.50 40.50 67.50 19.50 1 42.38 130 50 19.50 114.00 44.25 14.25 32.25 33.00 26.22 57.00 53.00 66.50 58 50 82.75 133.50 59 25 42.00 59.25 126.00 49.50 20.25 .60.75 65 25 142.50 49.50 115 50 71.25 71.25 115 50 118 50 100.50 91.50 59.25 32.25 30.75 23.25 17.25 19.50 112.50 99.00 123.00 78.00 102.00 33.00 108.00 51.00 63.00 61.25 4.50 64 50 70.50 54.00 55.50 73.50 26.25 3.00 92,00 121.50 113.25 70.50 61.50 66,00 33.75 43.50 27.75 78.00 3.90 51.50 10.00 736.69 1.60 79.42 83.75 37.00 35.00 27.12 22.75 23.62 9 60 108.20 345.42 19.25 5.80 4.75 3 00 98.51 1.80 3.60 24.80 4 40 3 00 11.50 7.50 5 85 463.76 53.25 30.Ito 9.00 16 51» 7.13 11.85 47 15 92 00 130.50 115.50 71.25 103.50 8 25 7.50 74 32 55.00 39 00 57.75 3 00 4 00 82.25 15.00 55.50 39 00 3.00 4.50 69.37 4 50 21.00 37.87 33 00 45.50 27.37 31.50 9 00 31.50 36.00 28.50 30 00 56.00 10.12 3.00 6.00 6.00 13.50 15.00 22.12 88.62 6 00 28 50 42 37 6 00 30 00 54 00 69 no 102 75 63 00 52 50 22.1! 19 50 3« 00 9 00 9 00 1», 1917. 1 ■ — - ■ ■ <. 15 00 < >------3------------------------------------------------------------------------------ X eder Erickson .................... Elmer Hoag .......................... 6.00 4.50 Henry Olds ..'...................... 50.25 Ame Blum ........................... Ike Wells ............................. 39.00 7.50 Hans Wilks .......................... 23.62 Nels Neilson ........................ Sintfers From the Tyrol in “An Evening in the Alps.” 17.62 Hugh Graf ........................... _______________________________________________ r Alwin Blum ........................... Alvin Stormer ........................ Ed. Blum ............................... M. C. Keen ........................... M. C. Martin .......................... John Graf............................... C. M. Moore .......................... C. E. W alker.......................... 21 00 6.00 Ered Blum ............................. Jr / 33.00 Boss Turner ......................... 15.00 Ciscero Proctor .................... A ■ M A. F. Coats Lbr. Co............... 109 56 43.87 A. G. Beals Lbr. Co................ 11.00 Chas Blum ............................. X ernon Blanchard ................ 100.0 Ackley & Murphy ............... 75.30 A. Arstill ............................... . 874.08 19.00 Geo. Willett ......................... Geo. Wilt ............................... 12.00 6.00 C. H. W’oolfe ......................... 1.50 1 illamook Furniture Co. . . . 22.50 B. E. Turner ......................... 68.16 lillamook Iron Works ....... 3.00 J. M. Selby ............................. 21.00 H R. McKinley .................. H. R. McKinley .................... Road District No. 3. Claude Hall ......................... Good Roads Meh. Co.............. Edd Earl ............................. S. H. Dill ............................. A. . L. Dickev ........................ A. C. Deuel ........................... Albert Clark ......................... PTMIE grand closing concert of the dlers. This is the same company that and echo songs of the land of William J. G. Brink ........................... I Ellisou-WUiteChautauqua assem­ for forty weeks took New York Hip­ Tell create most convincing Illusion« J. L. Burke ........................... In distances and sound location. Earl Eddings ......................... blies this summer will be ''An podrome tans by storm. The Tyrole­ Sunday assemblies hear the Yodler« ans are exclusively Swiss and are be­ A. E. Myer .... i Evenlug in the Alps ” — vocal, stringed yond doubt the greatest yodlers ever In two appropriate concerts. Other­ P. C. Meyer .... Instrument and costumed fantasy, pro­ assembled In one company. The sing­ wise they appear only In full evening F. L. Martin ... H. Scherzinger . duced by Graus' Tyrolean Alpine Yo- ing of the hunting songs, pastoral songs concert. Harold Hollett . Ray Woods .... Uhlman ........ Lee Lyster .... 16.90 H Tillamook Iron Works Fred Lyster ... 7.50 Mrs. Grace Huston .. Hugh Wallace . 30.00 G. W. Handy ............. Ray Blanchard 2 23 The Holt Mfg. Co. . . Chas. Baker ... 127 05 Hiner Kt Son .............. Bert Smithh ... 1 1.55 John O. Bozorth ....... R. C. McCla ...; y Earl Porter .... Sheriff’s Sale. N. S. Edwards . Ulyssis Edwards Notice is hereby given. That by vir­ Lester Edwards tue of an execution, Judgment, Order, J Harold Brandt decree and order of sale issued out of L. T. Edwards . the above entitled Court in the above Geo. W. Shaver I entitled cause, to me directed, and Gus Fowler ... dated the 18th day of July, 1917, Jim Beggs ....... upon a decree, rendered and entered Jeff Fleck ....... in said court on the said 18th day of Tony Jenck .... Where he will be glad to see all policy July, 1917, in favor of the plaintiff John Fleck ....... M. Sue Henderson therein, and Joe Jenck ......... holders of this Company and auy others against the defendants H. E. Carr lohn Fleck .... who desire some Superior Life Insur­ and Alice Carr, Tillamook Feed Will Hudson ... Company, a partnership composed i Howard Owens ance at Low Premium Rates. of D. L. Shrode, George Williams Peter enck ....... Cash payments for Disability. and Charles Kunze, Lydia S. Morgan, Edd Earl .......... the Lehman and Clough Company, John Moon .... Women insured the same as Men. • > and W. H. Wilson; and a judgment A. A. Imlah .... against the said H. E. Carr and Alice Albert Clark ... Carr, and each of them, for the prin- John Dyke ....... Roy Braden .... 1 cipal sum of Three Hundred Dollars, Edward Morehead .... together with interest thereon at the Ernest Petite ............... | rate of ten per cent per annum from Richard Mills .............. | and after the 23rd day of August, Who Killed The Plan? Frank Isaacs ................ ¡1916; together with the further sum A. Tom ......................... 1 of Eighteen and 87-100 dollars, with Who killed the plan? Jack Johnson ............... 'i 1 interest thereon from the 21st day of "I” said the critic. Geo. Lane .................... February, 1917; together with the “I knew how to hit it, Claude Lane ................ further sum of Fifty dollars Attor­ I killed the plan.” Victo..r Lane ............. ney’s fees, with interest from and XVho killed the plan? 4 Claude Lewallen ......... after the date of confirmation of the “I” the Bore said, A medicine which has XV. M. Langley ........... sale hereinafter had of the mortgaged "I talked it dead, r. Larney Tom ................ premises, at the rate of ten per cent given satisfaction to its I killed the plan.” ) David Holmes ............. per annum, in all cases until paid; to­ users for over 40 years, Who killed the plan? M. A. Mattis .............. gether with the costs and disburse­ as Cardui has, must be a “1.” said the Sloth, Jas Imlah ..................... ments herein taxed at $4 9 15 together “I lagged and was loth, good medicine. If you Elma Johnson .............. with the costs of sale and accruing I killed the plan.” suffer from female Sidney Moon .............. 1 costs; Commanding rue to make sale XVho killed the plan? Jack Pearson .............. troubles, and need a reli­ i of the following described real estate, "1,” said ambition Ole Lane ..................... I situate in the County of Tillamook able, strengthening tonic, “With my selfish vision, Lee Lane .................... and State of Oregon to-wit: Beginning of real medicinal value, I killed the plan.” Lester Edwards ......... at a point 163% feet west of the as proven by the experi­ Fritz Drcbert ............. Who killed the plan? southwest corner of Block Number 5, ence of thousands of L. T. Edwards ............. “I,” said the crank, in the Town of Lincoln, now within women users, Geo. Johnson ............... "With my nonsense rank the corporate limits of Tillamook Paul Lafferty ............. I killed the plan.” City, Oregon, and running thence TAKE Albert Vandehcy ....... —Amos R. Wells, in Christian En- North 210 feet; thence west 46 feet Guy Mattoon ................ deavor World. for the initial point of the lands in­ Henry Petite ................ tended to be conveyed herein; thence Harvey McKnight ....... West 57.5 feet, thenc South 52.5 feet, Attention Ye Swamp Angel*. Clarence Mitchell ....... thence East 57.5 feet, thence North Andy Heater ............... 52.5 feet to the initial point herein Kiln Tile, all sizes, ready for you John Smith .................. mentioned; and being the same prop­ Monday, June 25th.—Tillamook Clay Harold Follett ............. erty conveyed to H. E. Carr and Alice Works. _ _ _ Gilbert Bcllequc ?....... Carr by E. N. Morgan and Lydia Twenty-Five Cents is the Price of Peter Belleque ............. Morgan, husband and wife, by deed I Mrs. C; S. Budd, of Peace. J. M. Baker.................. dated June 29th, 1915, and recorded I Covina, Calif., in writing o----- Geo. Johnson .............. l July 17th, 1915 in deed records of of her experience with The terrible itching ami smarting, Thomas McKnight .... Tillamook County, in Book 31 pages Cardui, says: “1 took a incident to certain skin diseases, is Ed. Hanson .................. 376 and 377. bottle at 13 yearsold, and almost instantly allayed by applying I. R. Bidgood ............... it cured my headaches. Now, therefore, by virtue of said Chamberlain’s Salve. Price 25 cents. Fid. Kellow .................. I have taken it since mar­ execution, judgment, order, decree For sale by Lamar’s Drug Store. John Wilson ................ riage, and received much and order of sale and in compliance Orval Kellow ............... help from it. Cardui is with the commands of said writ. I Chas Murphy ................ the best medicine I ever , will, on and after, August 18th, 1917, Chas. Coleman ............. took ... It was the only on Saturday at 10 o'clock a.m. of said i Ornamental Fire Places Built medicine ... that helped Guy Mattoon ................ day, at the front door of the County of Brick and Stone. All Fire my back..." Try Cardui. Lloyd Kellow .............. Court house, in Tillamook City, Till­ Places abaolutely guaranteed Jay Davis .. ................... amook County, State of Oregon, sell not to amoke or money re­ AU Drvgfista < XV. H. Doreing ............ at public auction (subject to redemp­ funded. f Fred Hollett ................ EBU tion), to the highest bidder for cash Brick work of all kind* done H. L. Jenson ................ in hand, all the right, title and inter­ on abort notice. R. E. Welsh ................ ! est which the within named defend­ We make a specialty of re­ Earl ing ......................... ants, or any or all of them had on the pairing amoking Fire Place«. Lee Afolter .................. 15th day of August, 1915, the date of Ralph Sutton ................ the mortgaged closed herein, or Jim Trent ...................... , which said defendants or any or all H. T. Bott«, Pre»., Attorney Jim Sutton .................... j of them have since acquired, or now at-Law. Steve Bauer .................. | have in the above described real TILLAMOOK ORE W. Affoltcr ................... John Leland Hendemon. Sec­ I estate, to satisfy said exeeution, Adolph Kangiser .......... retary Trc««., Attorney-at- judgment, order and decree, with in­ Chas. Hart .................... terest, costs and accruing costs. Law and Notrary Public. . E. Follett .................... Dated July 1 Sth. 1917. John Fox ....................... XV. L. Campbell, Tillamook Title and G. G. Irish ..................... W Beat it Sheriff of Tillamook County. I W. H. Kanäle .............. ; First p ublication July 19th, 1917. Abstract Co. G. F. Kumm .................. Last publication August 15th, 1917. with a Bill Lange .................... Law, Abstracta. Real Estate, Art Hoag ....................... I naîtra nee. Exchange or Sale. F. J. Kumm ............... • • Both Phones. Leo Nelson ............. Owner of lot 10, block 53. Pacific F. S. Armentrout ........... TI LLA NOOK-OkKOON. | Addition toBay City will exchange R. E. Wilson Co. . ....... [same for Tacoma property or will be Southern Pacific Co. .. . glad to have a cash offer at a reason- W. R. Robedee ............. I able figure.—Address B. B BroomeB, T. C. Percy .................. Wanted. Box 1286, Tacoma, Wash. Lee Lyster .................... Victor Lane ................... A first class cheese maker. fenck Bros ■ ,......... Keeps out all the wet Not a helper nor a man that 1 wo lawyers before a county justice Hawthorn Dock (.o........ receently got into a wrangle. At last not had charge of first class factory. Chas. Hart __ one of the disputants, losing his tem­ Must be strictly high class man, and DIALERS EVERYWHERE General Roid Fund. must show us by reference» and work per. cried out to his opponent: 73 75 Waterproofs, R. L. Shreve ........................ ‘‘Jim Rogers, you are the biggest done. Address giving age, married or 47 50 jackass C. A. Dunn ........................... I ever set eyes on?" «irtrvla* Absolute, single, rpii-ri-nrp« references, la«t last pmnlnvPr employer 241H and 10.56 W. E. Anderson .................... The justice pounded the desk and salary expected. are Marked thus 4 50 called A. H. Gulstrom .................. independen«« Creamery, loudly: “Order, order I You I 342 52 a j tow « co. BOITOB( Wright Bfadgett Co.............. seem to forget that I am in the room. Independence, Oregon. Western Farquhar Meh. Co. 1 »00.00 —Willamina Time». o — Alpine Yodlers Present 1 Sreai Program E FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY. H. R. BLAUVELT, Executive Special, OREGON LIFE INS. CO Will be at RAMSEY HOTEL “ Best for Oregonians Card-u-i I The Woman's Tonic I Í ssssss V. I I RALPH S WARREN, FISH BRAND REFLEX ? SLICKER