T illamook headlight , J uly io, 1917 What tbe Editors Say become . apprehensiveb«h ‘o wiH fc"' Administrator's Notice to Creditors. Togcther with any and all ease­ . farmers to heed th. *' • we *or ments, rights of way, tenements, appurtenances, Notice is hereby given, that by vir­ hereditaments and The justice pounded the desk and ebryci^,VVrn°r Withy *ombenga:iOdUndeexd called loudly: “Order, order! You bi-este:e"LrKo„:e dfr?v w tue of an order duly made and enter­ connected with said real property be­ ed by the County Court for the longing to said Laura VV. Krebs. seem to forget that I ain in the room. Now, therefore, by virtue of'said County of Tillamook, Oregon, the —Willamina Times. undersigned has been duly appointed judgment and execution and in When Weary Willie waits at the >al”>r‘shortage'^ich“ »fr °f *Fe administrator of the estate of J. S. pliance with the commands oi*aid Stephens, deceased. Notice is further writ, I will, on Mondav. the 20th day back door with his plea, beginning employment „: " 1 $,ern"t the “Lady could you?” etc., beat him to For ihi t '“any undesirables given that all persons having claims of August. 1917, at 10.00 o’clock a. against the said estate are hereby m„ at the north front door of the it with a hoe and rake and a bucksaw notified and required to present court house in Tillamook City, Ore­ and such like, and see that he earns same to the undersigned, with proper gon sell at public auction to the more than you give him before he vouchers, within six months from highest bidder for cash in hand (sub­ connects with the eats, says an ex­ this date. ject to redemption) all the right, title C0“"ty change. Set the price of a hand out ■nan was se.H to jht Dated July 10, 1917. and interest which the within named so high that he will prefer working W. J. Stephens, Adminis­ defendant, Laura W. Krebs, had on for wages to grafting where the graft mhte'Jtlm he trator of the Estate of J. the 12th day of July, 1917, or since comes high. Either that or show him organization whose“ “"aims'are^ well S. Stephens, deceased, Till­ that date had in and to the said above where the paving gangs are working. known How many mo" amook, Oregon. • described property or any part there- " —*-- said --- • execution, judg- _ News Times. Johnson, Handley & McGrath, of, to -** satisfy are still mthin the county is not ment, interest, costs ___________ Attorneys. ---- a and accruing costs. The disturbances everywhere in the during the“) h°W ‘nany wi" come in Summons. Dated this the 12th day of July, ' United States caused by the I. W. W. nur ng the harvest, and therefore pre- ----- o----- 1917. who are backed with money by Ger­ needl«“. W'‘iCh may now aPP«r < A ,nay not be out of place It In the Circuit _____ _____ Court __ of ________ the State __ of man spies, is getting to be a serious Y t,. better W. L. Campbell, to be safe than sorry-In Oregon for Tillamook County. problem. Here is an element whp dependent. Sheriff of Tillamook 7 Ethel Krugan, Plaintiff does not support the government in County, Oregon. vs. any way, harly a handful of these, if 1 have ii/inl^n 1 a 'a J - sta,e K ovcrnn ’ ents Martin Krugan, Defendant. Summons. any, pay taxes or are able to assist in To Martin Krugan, the above nam­ any way, and still they are the hire­ of the ro.?d,ha?ds ln various sections In th Circuit ---- ot the country to suppress the acts of ed defendant: Court vi of me the 31 State of lings of our enemy and try to weaken itw wid dis'°ya,t* of Oregon for Tillamook County In the name of the State of Oregon ( Citizens our cause and prevent victory if pos­ L ¿ank," a CorporkTic R'inL .. C' ..... . • J ’ What s,cps wi" be ‘a«ten to You are hereby required to appear sible. If this thing continues this gov­ complaint filed Plaintiff ernment will be forced to take some stop the treasonable work of this or­ and answer the vs. severe steps to control this element ganization remains to be seen. The I. against you in the above entitled J. T. Alexander and Ada F , \\ . trouble throughout the coun ­ court and cause, on or before the ex­ of disturbance.—Banks Herald. try seems to be due to “walking dele- piration of the time prescribed for Alexander, his wife; Blanch Kates. or non-working trouble mak- publication of this summons, and Clark and Earl A. Clark, The American people are commenc­ 1 rs. I hese fellows go from camp to the if you fail to so appear and answer, wife and husband, Oscar F ing to see chances for saving which camp, follow an easy life, dn no reai the plaintiff will apply to the court Mann and E. P. McCroskey.’ heretofore have been entirely over­ labor themselves, but put their entire for the relief demanded in the com­ • Defendants looked. They are being reminded, for energy mt0 stirring up discontent plaint which is that the marriage con­ lo J. T. Alexander, Ada F. Alex-' instance, that more than a billion dol­ and trouble among those who are tract now existing between plaintiff ander his wife; Blanch Clark and ’ lars’ worth of barnyard refuge is an­ working in the camps and mills and and defendant be dissolved and that Earl A. Clark, wife and husband ’ nually wasted in this country. Much mines and presuade them to walk out. plaintiff have such other relief as to Oscar F. Mann and E. P. McCroskey. ’ of this waste is, of course, needless 1 hen the “walking delegate” goes to the court may seem equitable. In the name of the State of Oregon and inexcusable, and when the at­ the next place and repeats the act. This summons is published in the you are hereby required to appear j tention of the people is called to it, With this nation at war—a most lillamook Headlight in pursuance of and answer the complaint filed again- I especially when backed by the serious war too,—the work of these an order made by Hon. Geo. R. Bag- st you in the above entitled suit, on 1 necessity of war, they will try to walking delegates is nothing other ley, Judge of the above named court, or before the 24th day of August, eliminate it.And in following the mot­ than treason to this government. dated June 23rd, 1917, requiring pub­ 1911, and if you fail to appear in said to of “Save the waste and win the They are doing nothing other than lication hereof to be made once a suit within specified time, plaintiff I war” they will lay the foundation for that which will injure this country week for six successive weeks, and will take judgment against you for still larger and more permanent pros­ when every one should be working the first publication hereof is made the foreclosure of that certain prom­ issory note and mortgage for the sum perity to the nation as a whole.—Ob­ together in harmony, and we predict the 28th day of June, 1917. of Seven Hundred ($700.00) Dollars, H. T. Botts, server. the time is rapidly approaching Attorney for Pla'ntiff. with interest at the rate of 6 per cent ' when Uncle Sam will deal with such per annum from the 1st day of The Oregon Association for the parties as traitors to the government March, 1916, and $9.27 taxes and . | Notice. Prevention of Tuberculosis is doing a and put them in the penitentiary or interest thereon from and after Sep­ fine work in Portland and opt in the hang them, as they justly deserve.— ------o----- Statement of the First Bank of Bay tember 21st, 1916, at the rate of 6 state in its surveys and its practical Itemizer. i.1^' Bay City, Oregon, showing per cent per annum, and also $9.48 assistance to health authorities in the ----- o handling of patients. It is also doing A new army of volunteers is coming the amount standing to the credit of taxes and interest thereon from and a constructive service in co-operation ' to the front. The “knights of the every depositor July 1st, 1917, who after March 10th, 1917, at 6 per cent with Oregon’s military authorities to grip” proposed to give their vacation has not made a deposit or who has per annum, and for the sum of $100.- aid in the detection of tuberculosis in to the defense of the nation by work­ not withdrawn any part of his depos­ 00 attorney’s fees as provided in said the ranks of our brave soldiery. This ing on farms and in harvest fields. it, principal or interest, for the period note and mortgage, and the costs and in this suit, said work will be of vital importance after They have asked their employers to of more than seven years immediately disbursements the boys get into sloppy trenches extend the period of vacation to four prior to said date, with the name, mortgage being given on the follow­ described premises, to-wit: The during the wet winters of northern or six weeks, and they resolve as fol­ last known postoffice address of such ing depositor, and the fact of his death, if East Half of the Northeast Quarter, France. No effort for prevention or lows: “War with all its dread posi- known. Southeast Quarter and South Half of cure must be spared in any matter bilities has come to our country, and Name of depositor, Fagan, W. A., the Southwest Quarter of Section 3G, that pertains to the welfare of our our ally. Canada. In preparation for Bay City, Oregon, 35.15, Township 3 South, Range 8 West of brave young men. Financial support the feeding of ourselves and our al­ State of Oregon, County of Tilla­ the Willamette Meridian, containing must not be lacking for this neces­ lies, the farmers of this country have mook, ss: 320 acres, more or less, in Tillamook sary endeavor.—Oregon Voter. planted a greatly increased acreage I, John O. Bozorth, being first duly County, State of Oregon. ------ o------ over former years. Industrial condi­ sworn, depose and say, upon oath, Service of this summons is made No more effective blow could be tions a making ever-increasing de­ that I am the cashier of the First upon you by publication in pursuance dealt the pirate nation by the United mands upon all of us to offer our­ Bank of Bay City, Tillamook County, to an order of the Honorable Judge States than cutting off the supply of selves for whatever work appears to Oregon, and that the foregoing state­ Geo. R. Bagley,, Circuit Judge of food that has been filtering through be the most urgent. There are active­ ment is a full, true, correct and com­ Tillamook County, Oregon, made on neutral nations to Germany. Sweden, ly engaged in the United States and plete statement, showing the name the 3rd day of July, 1917, ordering Denmark, and Holland have been Canada about 600,000 traveling and last known residence, fact of death, such publication in the Tillamook highways for such freight, Sweden city salesmen, and of that number if known, and the amount to the Headlight, a newspaper of general being a neutral nation with an appar­ about 3,000 in the jurisdiction com­ credit of each depositor as required circulation in this community, once a ent leaning toward Germany, and prising Oregon, Washington and by the provisions of Chapter 14 8, of week for six consecutive weeks, the others probably impartial, their right British Columbia. We favor a vaca­ the General Laws of Oregon, 1917. first publication being July 12th, 1917 John O. Bozorth, Cashier. and the last publication being August to trade with belligerents is recog­ tion of from four to six weeks during Subscribed and sworn to before me 23rd, 1917. nized by international law. Rut with the harvest season instead of the va­ Hall & Lepper, this country and South America, not­ cation usually granted by our employ­ this 10th day of July, 1917. 112-115 Citizens Bank Bld. L. F. Brode, ably Argentina, guarding against food ers. during which time we will offer Notary Public for Oregon. Portland, Oregon. going to within reach of Germany, our services as farm hands.”—Tele­ My Commission expires Oct. 4, 1920. Attorneys for Plaintiff. old General Starvation will be a heav­ phone Register. ier contributor to the cause of the Al­ TESTED AND PROVEN Notice of Sheriff’s Sale. When The Truth is Known. lies than ever before.—News Report- ------ o— •r. ----- O„ i In spite of the rigid censorship Notice is hereby given: That by Th«re is a Heap of Solace in Being A space-writer for a New Yorf pa- enough leaks through to make cer- virtue of a writ of execution issued much tipset Per appears _____ _ to be _ vc.y ..._ ........ ...... tain that internal dissension prevailes because of articles appearing in the to a greater or lesser extent in Ger­ republican press calling the attention many. The people are gradually be­ of the country to’our increasing im­ coming aware of the real situation ports from Japan. He cannot discover and it is evident that they no longer that there is any appreciable in­ accept the official reports without crease in our imports of pottery from question. It is inconceivable that an Japan, under the present tariff law, entire nation could be so transformed although the official figures show a as to follow blindly to the end the in­ 23 per cent increase during the cal­ sane course of leaders whose acts endar year 1916 over 1913, nine •have arrayed the world against them, months of which was under the pro­ and it would seem certain that the tective policy, while imports of p»t- history of Russia will be duplicated. tery from Japan during the nine I In considering this it must be re- months of the current fiscal year, ' member that there is a vast differ- ended March 31, show an increase of encc between the two peoples, nearly 60 per cent over the similar all tbe advantage of education and period of 1913, under protection.— independent thinking in favor of the German. The latter may have been Umpqua Valley News. deceived as to events and may have o----- With the actual draft upon us, there been dazzled by promises of what is much speculation as to who will be the outcome would be, but let him the first to go from our own com­ once clearly face the situation as the munity. But whoever it may be, we world knows it to be—that, be the who remain should see that they are time long or short, Germany and her not forgotten by the “folks back allies are certainly beaten—he can be home.” We should ascertain the expected to imitate the Russian. With eamps to which each one is assigned, the truth once known the German *nd then through a home committee people will clearly see that nothing see that each is generously supplied is to be gained by prolonging the war with magazines, home papers, com­ and its continuance can only mean fort bags, cheery letters, and any­ gradual lessening of men and material , , thing that will make life more cheer­ resources. Already the effect of American as­ ful to them. No single individual go- mg forth from this community to sistance is apparent in both fronts, fight for his country should be over­ and while there may be delay in looked, and all should be shown throwing the military weight of his equal courtesy and attention. This of­ country into the balance, when it is developed and used the centra! pow­ fice is mailing the Signal weekly to ers cannot hope to successfully Ju those whose addresses have been withstand it. It is probable that no handed in and it is up to every citizen one knows this better than the of this vicinity to do some little thing and his generals, but they have *0 cheer the boys along.—Seaside kaiser created a situation from which they Signal. cannot withdraw and have probably determined to fight on to the bitter J oung men liable to be drawn in end For them peace at once or a 'he draft should read the accounts of vear hence will have the same mean­ German air raids on London. The ing for a disillusioned and deceived leutonic air vultures again circled people will hold them to strict ac­ •hit city Saturday and before driven count when they know the truth Bu« «••dropped tons of high explosives immediate peace will be very differ­ *hich blotted out the lives of help- ent for the German people, for it »il •ess women and little children with save variable lives and avert total n° military damage that could in any ruin. When they understand hts *av affect the progress of the war. th- v cannot be expected to follow ihe picture of a distracted mother hlindh to the end. Some already un­ ’earching the ruins ot a little home in derstand and hence the • muttering ’earch of mangled little bodies is not The only question iv when will the a pleasant one, and the man whose truth be known.—Hillsboro Inde- number is drawn can congratulate pendeent. ____ mmself that he has bv chance been ’rieeted ,o a>d *n putting a stop to Twenty-Five Cents is the Price of Peace. ••"s fiendishness. Indeed, he may well The terrible itching ai*i smarting, •ell that his selection is a privilege to he welcomed instead of a burden for incident to certain skin diseases, is .’erman ruthlessness on land and sea almost instantlv allayed by applying ’’ the only reason for the army the Chamberlain’s SalvePrice 25 cents For sale by Lamar » Drug Store. ’•tawing will create.— Independent. Able to Depend Upon a Well- Earned Reputation. out of the Circuit Court of the State For months Tillamook readers have of Oregon, for the County of Mult­ nomah, dated the 9th day of July, seen the constant expression of praise 1917, in the cause wherein J. M. Mc­ for Doan’s Kidney pills, and read Intire was plaintiff and Laura W. about the good work they have done Krebs was defendant, upon a judg­ in this locality. What other remedy ment rendered in said Court and ever produced such convincing proof cause on the 21st day of February, Wm. Tupper, 1009 Furr St., Hills­ 1917, in favor of the said plaintiff and against the said defendant in the boro. Orc., says: ”1 have tried severa sum of forty five hundred and no-10l> kidney medicines, but I have found dollars, with interest thereon at the that there is nothing equal to Doan s rate of six per cent per annum from Kidney Pills. 1 am more or less sub­ the 21st day of February, 1917, and ject to kidney trouble and lame back. the further sum of $42.95 costs and At times, sharp twinges catch me in disbursements, and the costs and dis­ my back and when 1 get down I can bursements of this writ, 1 did on the hardly straighten up. After I have 12th day of July, 1917, levy upon all taken a box or two of Doan s Kidney the right, title and interest which the Pills, my kidneys act all right „and within named Laura W. Krebs had on my back feels as strong as ever ” , Price 50c, at all dealers. Don t said 12th day of July, 1917, in and to the following described real prop­ simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that erty situated in Tillamook County, Mr. Tupper had. Foster-Milburn Co., Oregon, to-wit: Beginning at a point 5.18 chains Props., Buffalow, N. Y. east of the northwest corner of the The Government Needs Farmers as southwest quarter of the northwest Well as Fighters. quarter of section 26, in township 4 ----- o----- south, of range 10 west, Willamette Two million three hundred thou­ meridian; thence (var. 21 degrees sand acres of Oregon A California E.) south 10.00 chains: thence east Railroad Co. Grant Lands. Title re­ 8.00 chains; thence north 10.00 vested United States. To be open chains; thence west 8.00 chains to the ed for in homesteaders and sale. Con­ place of beginning, containing 8 taining some of the best land left in acres, more or less; the United States. Large Copyrighted A strip of land and water right be­ map, showing land by section, and de­ ginning at a point north 85 degrees, scription of soil, climate, rainfall, r. east 5.31 chains from the % section elevation, h , iiiiiwL i « ,w.,, etc.. by temperature,^ 26 and 27, corner between sections Postpaid One Dollar. Grant counties. ___ . thence township 4 S., R. 10 W.; - - ' Port- north H2 degrees west 2.95 chains; Lands Locating Co., Box 610, land, Oreg ->n _______ ___ 2.61 thence north 35 degrees west chains; north 38 degrees cast 3.04 Co-Partnership. chains; north 51 degrees east 3.00 chains; north 29 degrees 30 minutes The undersigned have entered east 2 60 chains to the south line of to a co-partnership for the practice the lands of John Krebs, being in the law, under the firm name of Johnson, S. W. % of the N. W. %, section 26, Ha.iJIcy & McGrath. July 9, 1917. T. 4 S., R. 10 West; S. S. Johnson Also the timber now on the land T. B. Handley, belonging to Frederick Briody, lying Robert H. McGrath. on the north side of Arstell Creek in sections 26 and 27, I. 4 S., R. 10 W.; 'INSTANT ACTION SURPRISES together with a right to use said MANY HERE. property of said Briody above de­ I This grocer's story surprises local scribed for the purpose of logging people: “I had bad stomach trouble said timber; and timber of said John 1 All food seemed to sour and form Krebs, lying back of said timber; said gas. Was always constipated. Noth- grantees to have the right to use said ing helped until I tried buckthorn lands for roads where most conven­ bark, glyc-.::ne, etc., e.s mixed in ient for logging purposes. Adler-i-ka. ONE SPOONFUL as- Also, the northeast quarter of the tonished me in its 1NSTANT action.” southwest quarter, the west half of Because AdRr-i-ka flushes the EN­ the southeast quarter and the south­ TIRE alimentary tract it relieves west quarter of the northeast quarter ANY CASE constipation, sour of Section 26 in township 4 south stomach or gas and prevents appen­ of range 10 west of the Willamette dicitis. It has QUICKEST action of Meridian, in Oregon, containing 160 anything we ever sold. J. S. Lamar, I acres; druggist. FRANK HEYD & CO General Contractors and Builders. Estimates & Plans Furnished. OUR SEE I Special Silo! Call at our plant and get prices. save you money. ONE BLOCK WEST OÌ Both Phones. It will P.O. HARRIS-AMMER FURNITURE COMPANY announce the arrival of their new SPRING STOCK ! OF Rugs, Linoleum, Ranges, Furniture, Beds, Mattresses. Make your selections early while our stock is complete. FISHING R OPS, FISHING TACKLE Spoons, Baskets, Reels. Snells Lines, Floats, Flies, Etc., Etc Our flies are known to the Sportsmen and are reorginized the finest and best made flies in America C. I. CLOUGH CO TILLAMOOK, LiR|VIB-SCHRnDER CO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CEMENT, LIME, PLASTER, LATH ANI) BRICK; DOMESTIC STEAM AND SMITHING COAL. flLiEX. MeNfllR & CO GEflERflb HARDOUflRE Kitehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere.