Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 19, 1917, Image 2

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12, 1917.
no one can be too careful about fires. I thing impressed us greatly, the big
Once they are started there is no tell­ • I hearted business men of Pendleton
ing where they will end or what were not only concerned about the By R. C. Jones, County Agriculturist.
First Insertion per line ............. $ .10
damage they will do. Every body development of its own city* but
.Of should watch out and report fires. equally interested in the progress of
Each subsequent insertion, line.
The following, clipped from one of
Business and Professional cards
for the safety of the timber and other other cities in that part of the state our farm papers, about one year ago,
one month..................... ................... I.oc property depends upon fighting fires and the entire eastern part of the shows the result* of the use of tank­
when they are small. We wart to state. What makes Pendleton big. in age as a supplement to grain fed to
■Locals per line each insertion
OS council
the people to use good judg­ our estimation, there is nothing small hogs. This was figured on a basis of
Display advertisements, an inch
Makes Clubbing Arrangement With
ment and not set out fires at this ! or selfish about it, for it is so broad hogs selling for seven cents, while
and Lodge Notices, per line .
•05 season of the year. By doing so it gauged that it is head and shoulders now they are selling at better than la
might burn up yours or your neigh­ I above petty and sectional jealousies. cents.
All Resolutions of Condolence
.50 bor’s property or destroy millions ! Naturally, Pendleton is justly proud Increasing the Profit on Grain Fed
one month.......................................
worth of valuable timber. Take our of its Round-Up. It has a right to be
to Hogs.
advice and all help to prevent fires proud of it, for it now more than a
By putting protein into grain fed to
THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. this summer. The saw mill at Coch­ local show. It is more than a state hogs the feeder nearly doubled on
ran had a close call last week, and it I show, for people from all parts of the every cent invested economically in
F. C. BAKER, Publisher.
was by the united effort of a large I United States attend it. Some towns protein material. Skim milk or butter
number of men that that place was . have had fake round ups and endeav- milk in the proportion of on ■ and one
MONG cur large circle of renders
not wiped out.
i ored to
reproduce the
Pendleton half pound cf milk to one pound of
there are a great many who are in­
[ Round I.'i. It takes thousands of wild "•rain will produce a mu.'h more ef­
terested directly or indirectly in
Rats! The Public Service Commit- horses and cattle, as well as exper­ ficient use of the grain, parts of
I 'ion has decided that if the Southern ienced cow boys to make a round up which are not utilized when grain is
fruit growing, dairying and other
•Those who voted for the state and I Pacific Company will agree to give , '.ch as Pendleton gives every year. fed alone. Grain de s not contain all
branches of farming. All
county bond issues felt pleased last precedence to the Western
Union Th” 'rouble with some of th“ fake the feed elements in the right propor-
naturally wish to keep in tin. e tout* with ag­
week when they knew the state was business, the office can be consolidat­ " 'nd tirs, and v+e-“ they have so tian to suit the pig’s need.
ricultural activities throughout the state;
going to pave 20 miles of road in the ed with the S. P. at the depot. We disappointed neopl“ is he fact that
Where milk is not available tankage
and to know about any figlst which is being
ould like to ask the Public Service “Id pin" horses gad cows that have makes the chettne • protein supply in
Commission who's to know whether been milked for many years can’t b
Oregon. Ten pounds of tankage at
waged for the measures Oregon farmers
The train schedule on the railroad this agreement will be complied with? made to buck, and this w*s well i>- i
a ton added to 30 pounds of
want and against all sorts of schemes that
would he much more appreciated if a Well, if the Western Union wants to I lustrated at 'he round ”r> in Portland grain at present prices increases the
are detrimental to the people and agricultural
.train left here early in the morning, get out of the city, why let it go and vh-n the audience veiled “Take 'he cost of 100 pounds of feed ten cents,
interests of this state.
and arrived in Portland about noon. the Pacific Telegraph and Telephone, l e.-i“er out and milk it." The round up but it increases the p
yield 2.55
And vica versa. Or, better still, a train
o. should get in and get the business ■« Pendbton’s show. It put monev. pounds, which at 7 ce
per poui.d
We have, therefore, made a special clubbing
leaving here at night with sleepers.
and in doing so should strive to give . brains and energy in'o 1» and it ti'm- amounts to
arrangement with THE OREGON FAR­
good service. The
Public Service . 'd out a greater success than even pounds. The cost of
> increase
The ship building program of the Commission docs not appear to have 1 'hose who initiated it expected, and yield was but $10.00.
MER whereby any fainter or fruitgrower,
government is not being presecuted the wisdom of Solomon. The opera­ it is unfair for other towns to bn't in
In terms of returns per hundred
who is one of our regular subscribers and who
with the speed that is necessary in tor at Tillamook applied for a job j y ith little bits of round uns that are 'ounds of gain on the hog. the feed- i
is not now a subscriber to THE OREGON
this national crisis, that is if other with more pay in it, and this was one 1 simn’v ridiculous compr-ed with the er secures 87.5 ■5 cents more by feeding
FARMER, will be entitled to receive THE
places are having the same amount of of the reasons of the change. If the I Pendleton Round Up. That city is tankage with grain than by ' feeding I
OREGON FARMER in combination with
trouble as the Feeney-Bremer Co. is Western Union would pay their op­ ■ going to give a higg“r and better straight grain, says
----------- •• Sam- ;
having in Tillamook.
erators more wages there wouldn't be | , round ur> this year. We must sav a son, who conducted the feeding tests. |
this paper at the same rate as for this paper
■ —-o-------
such a scarcity. However, times will | word
hospitality. “In terms of the price that the pig I
Of course the north part of the change soon, and we propose to There’s nothing small about that returns for 100 pounds of grain the |
county will be anxious to obtain some ‘‘come back” at the Commission in either, for that city seems to believe tankage causes them io raturn 23’3
This offer applies to all those who renew or
hard surfaced roads as soon as pos­ the near future.
in big things. If ev-r the editors of cents more, which is $4.«5 more perl
their subscriptions as well as to all
sible. Everybody get the hard surface
Oregon were given the glad hand and ton. If pigs were paying only market
If you are interested di­
spirit, and it won’t be long before
The address of Editor Piper, of the a glad welcome in any of their visits prices for garin fed alone, this $4 (75
rectly or indirectly in Oregon agriculture,
there is a hard surfaced road from Oregonian, at the banquet at Pendle­ to other places, nothing could surpass may justly be counted at the feeder’s
one end of the county to the other.
do not miss this unusual opportunity, but
ton on Saturday, showed the serious­ Pendleton's hospitable welcome last profit. This profit is further increas­
ness of the world wide war and the week, every editor feeling that it ed m the fertilizing value of the
send your order in now.
We wish every business man in Til­ necessity of waking up to the fact was a sincere welcome from the big. manure.
Tankage has been tried out in this
lamook had the Pendleton pep and that our whole energies should be broad guaged
THE OREGON FARMER is the one farm
citizens of Eastern
community spirit. That is what makes brought together for the successful Oregon. We appreciate Pendleton's county with grain as a supplement for
paper which is- devoting itself exclusively
a live business city and bungs thou­ prosecution of th«- war.
results re­
Piper hospi'ility and glad welcome, and mir whey, and excellent
to the farming activities and interests of
sands of dollars in trade. Attend the showed the horrible, cold blooded whenever it is in our power to re­ ported. John Naegcli fed about 10'
Oregon. It has a big organization gath­
next Round Up at Pendleton and rub methods used by Germany in the ciprocate we are going to do our bit percent tankage together with mid­
sip against the broad gauged men of prosecution of the war. He was, no most gladly to help the bier men of dlings and barley, and all the whey
ering the news of importance to farmers,
that city.
dairymen, fruitgrowers, stockraisers and
doubt, right in his assertion that the Pendleton and Eastern Oregon
people of the United States were all the development of that' part of the never had hogs gain so fast
poultrymen; and it has the backbone to at­
pork^ try'n8r a‘ ,hc prMcnt pricc
We believe that it will not be many together too indifferent to I the ser- state.
tack wrongful methods and combinations and
years when it will be seen that the iousness of the present war.
legislation, and support honest leaders
County Court made a mistake in pre- Piper made a great impression on the
The little city of Joseph^n Wallowa
and beneficial measures. We are confident
barmens are constantly advised
fering concrete roads. Other states editors as well as on a large number
hen 1
that our readers will congratulate us on our
and counties have had their exper­ of Pendleton people who heard his . county, has a Commercial! Club that ^infect their stables,
s, hen houses,
, is wide awake, with the eommunity
iences with concrete, and it seems to words of admonition and out pouring
being able to male this splendid and. at­
>w how
1>e conceded that concrete is a good of patriotism. If more speeches of
tractive dubbing offer.
material for the base, but
requires that character could be made it would
riodtby ,hV' °sW'^PartmeCnt
some asphaltic material for the sur­ be a good thing, for it would have the , Although there is a distatrxy of 170
Joseph, migh^^n’L fFh-K
face. We arc sorry Tillamook County wholesome effect of rounding up an­ miles between Pendleton
and !
rs falling into the same error as some archists and 1. W. W.’s. who are the community spirit is strong in that
ure ref-
part of Oregon. This is what happen­ erence.
other places.
plotting against the country right in
Chemical disinfectants are usee
----- o
our midst. No time should be lost in ed, Pendleton provided a special
are used to
train of Pullman cars and sleepers
f.ont''-’lling disease
is ease ‘
It appears to be no easy job to rounding that class up and deporting and Joseph provided the grub stake. and tb. MH air'
Xda,reCgSr,n8rd,reC,ions for th-
convince the people that they waste them when the war is over.
..ieir t
The location was in a beautitul park
loo much. There is more or less waste
7- Sweep ceilings, side walls
at the head of Wallowa Lalw, which
>in every family, and if this could be
Wouldn't that jar you. Tillamook is a large body of water five miles
O,hcr surfaces
prevented a large amount of good I County is to get 20 miles of hard long, at an elevation of 5,iM)V feet uni r!>nS’/,OOrS’K
until iree from cobwebs and dust.
food could be conserved. Don’t waste. ■ surfaced road south of this city. But with water pouring into it from the
Kem°ve all accumulations of'
Women can do their country great 1 listen to this: When the county bond snow capped mountains.
Fr is an itlth by scraping, and if wood work
service by preventing waste in their issue was before the people, some of ideal
spot, and in many
homes, and although there are many the "knocking” timber men went to surpasses that of Crater Lake. It was has become decayed, porous or ah- I
meritorious things that the women 1 the State, Highway Commission and here that the good people of Joseph sorbent, t. should be removed, burn- I
arc called upon to perform in the ' endeavored to obtain a statement 1 showed their interest in the men who ' ll, and replaced with new material
3. It floor is of earth, remove 4
national crisis, none is more impar­ from it to be used in opposition to mold public opinion. W e do not know
tant than they should prevent waste the county bond issue. The State whether the good people of Joseph inches from the surface, and in places
in their homes and preach it as often Highway Commission would not al­ are very conversant with the biblical 'Vhere it shows staining with urin a
suihcient depth should be removed to
as they can.
low these "knocking” timber men to account of Joseph’s
------- o-------
pull its leg in that wray, and the reas­ years of famine and years of plenty, expose fresh earth. All earth remov­
We hope the non-litigants won’t be on we mention this little incident js but when the editors' special’ train ed should be replaced with earth from
as foolish as the litigants and get in­ to open the eyes of the citizens of reached Wallowa county it was one an uncontaminatcrf source, or a new
to an expensive law suit, with high Tillamook county' to the fact that of Joseph’s fat years. Talk about the floor of concrete mav be laid, which
is very durable and easily cleaned.
priced attorneys pulling
their legs. some of the timber men, whenever , hospitality of
1 T!1/ "»’»re interior of the stable,
But if they want their legs pulled in anything bobs up for the improve­ | Commercial Club was not to be out-
especially the feeding troughs and
that way, go to it. There arc some ment and development of the county, | done. And it wasn't. The way the
ilrams as well as milking stools and
level headed individuals who believe use every scheme to
oppose it. ! good people of Joseph, men and
that the pavement case could and This is a f-ir illustration of what is ■ women, pitched in and served a most nir other implements, should be sat­
should he settled without going to taking place. If they had succeeded | excellent breakfast and fish dinner in urated with disinfectant, as cresol
law, and with a few sensible, unpre­ ind the state and county bond meas­ [ the park, with abundance of good compound ( U. S. P.), or carbolic act’d
judiced persons on a committee to ures h id failed to pass it would not things, showed how one and all were t> ounces to every gallon of water in
confer with the paving company it is have been possible to obtain this 2'1 anxious to give a right royal welcome erteh case. After this has dried, the
possible to arrive at a satisfactory miles of hard surfacing that is to be 'o the editors. It was certainly ap­ stalls, walls, and ceilings
agreement. It is worth trying any­ started this year south of Tillamook preciated. The ideal day. the stdiurdid. covered with whiten sh (linie wash)
eitv. For several years we have K’ctt picturesque location, the co,J. iuvip- to each gallon of which should he ad­
ded 4 ounces of chloride of lime.
hearing a good deal about th -so ■ orating atmosphere, the abundance
All retuse and material from
Another of our old and respected fond v-'roody timber owners, who i of the best things in the market. an.I
citizens—Isaac Quick—has
it tropical for ’he Mason admin­ | fish caught in the lake cooked on the stable and barnyard should be re­
away. It is fitting that we should say istration. and who foutrht the county i grounds, and served by a lave • niu.i- moved to a place not accessibl ■ to
a word in honor of one who helped bond issue and took .a hand in oppo­ hcr of the good people. The Targe cattle or ho.zs. The manure diould be
to make Tillamook county what it is sition to giving the central part of [ crowd present, the band and swbse- spread on tn Ids and turned under In
■ today. We all respected, honored amt the countv deep water facilities. The ■ quent speech made it a grand and addition, the yards should be disin­
W lierever Ford cars have pioneered, Ford
admired Isaac Quick, for lie was a pconle of the county feel it is time to ' pleasant day. The newspaper men fected by sprinkling liber; llv with a
has kept pace. It’is the factor which
good citizen, husband and father, and retaliate, .and they .are justified in do­ ( were more than pleased with tbc trip
inonrn his departure, is a source of ing so. for these timber men who to Wallowa Lake and the hospitality to a jxalhin of water.
the personal relation between
Th. best method of applying the
deep regret to those who had the have been "knocking” the improve­ of the Joseph Commercial Club will
and the Company. To get the
His ment and development of Tillamook long be remembered, for but few of disinfectant and the lime wash is bv
pleasure of his acquaintance,
best possible service from your Ford car,
long labors are ended, and Tillamook county arc not paying their just pro­ the editors knew what a d'elightftil means of a strong spray pump, such
county was blessed by his coming portion of taxation, for Targe tracks place Wallowa Lake is for penplc to as used by orchardists.
bring it here when it needs attention and get
This method is efficient in disin­
here, and now his spirit has flown to of timber in the county arc tinder- spend a splendid summer outmg. We
the benefit of Ford supervision throughout.
rc-'ive i’s reward. Our sympathy is cruised. These timber men sent a paid hope when the citizens of Oregon fection against most of the contagious
and infectious diseases of animals.
wi:’ the* bereaved family.
agitator into the county, and for a become convinced
We use the genuine Ford parts and give you
of the absolute an.I should be applied immediately
time he succeeded fairly well, for he necessity of hard
roads, following any outbreak, and. as a
benefit of the reKular standard Ford
a few ehronic Wallowa county will do her share in
l ite wheat situation
Eastern hobnobblcd with
matter of precaution, it mav be irsed
prices. Touring Car $360, Runabout 1345,
the county has helping to obtain a hard
‘Oregon becomes serious. Thr editor "knockers.” Now
surfaced once or twice yearly.
was taken on a trip through Umatilla hundreds of "knockers,’* all demand­ road to Wallowa Lake. Thousands of
Sedan $645, Coupelet $505, Town Car $595—
•county last week and saw the vast ing a fair, square and honest timber visitors would visit that county every
all f.o.b. Detroit. On display and for sale by
German Money is Hiring Traitors.
■wheat fields. It was a splendid sight cruise. Well, after all. when the tim­ year if it had a hard surfaced road
to see miles upon mites of waiving ber is rccruised, as it will be. and the and people in Oregon would be glad
I he tinted States departmetrt of
wheat at a most critical stage of its timber men pay their just proportion to go there also. Rad roadi» have kept
growth. It needed moisture, bitt the of taxation, the timber men’s foolish many most delightful spots like Wal­ justice has proof that I. W. W. lead­
hot weather had just started and Old agitation in this county will bring lova Lake from being visited, and if ers arc conspiring with the German 1
Sol was doing considerable damage .about, as we have often predieted, a the Joseph Commercial CTub is wise government to prevent mining in the 1
with the thermometer at 102 degrees. boomerang, and they wilt be able to it will forthwith inaugurate a plan anthratic coal regions of Pennsylvan-
big little,
little to obtain a certain amount of hard ,a-.
The farmers of Eastern Oregon had thank their
tillaook garage
“Our information proves” declares
certainly done their bit in helping to Dougal-DougaTTy-Do man for paying surfaced road every year, for from
increase the food supply, and it is a out many, many more thousands of whit we saw last week, we do not the assistant United States district
source of regret that weather condi­ dollars every year to go towards know of anything that will benefit attorney who has charge of the in-
tion« have so seriously injured the hardsurfaeing onr roads and improv­ Wallowa county
more than
hard yestigation. "that German monev has
wheat crop of that section of Oregon. ing our harbors. These few remarks surfaced roads It may take some been poured into the district in an ef­
| may not be received very graciously time for the editors to convince the fort to cause strikes antf thus lessen
■■ —o-------
We arc out a day’s work and a day’s by some of the timber men. and we people that it is economy to build coal production.
Undoubtedly German agents are ne­
will be huffed at what
in Portland
on «xx»»»...»
account of ’ [suppose
hard surfaced roadh and the county
vxptmr in
» uiurtiiti
• • «
, .
the train from Pendleton being two
"i "7 wan,_‘°
,h/K’ that lags behind «mid
eventually fariously busy inciting tabor troubles
don’t *hey. and not us. arc responsible for wake up to benefits that are to be all over the United States 1 \V W
hours late on Monday.
ttp to the demand for a rccrttisc of the tim- derived from hartf surfaced roads. Wc ’rtivities in the Pagtffc northwe.1
know whether to charge
the loss account or send in a bill to ' her. indirectly brought about by their have no doubt that the Joseph Com­ should be vigorously probed bv the
the O. W. R. R. and N. Co. It is paid agitator.
mercial Club wilt see our point and department of justice »nd the United
----- o-----
aggravating to say the least. We do
not allow Wallbxva county to be the States secret service. Their success in
not know the cause of the delay other
Pendleton has the right community last to profit by hard surfaced roads. .tying up the great copper mines of
, Butte, their appetkrnnee in the silver- 1
than the train failed to reach Port- spirit, because its broad gauged, big
j.,, Pro<1ucmg districts of the Coeur
land at the schedule time, anil left us |minded business men work together
d’Aleíes; thei? ú“t‘Serence ’rith tarn'
,ti in.led in I’oitlan.l me dav in •*
— '•*--
for the city’s and “
Eastern Oregon’s
her camps and their impossible d'<s
we development and industrial progress.
heat of the metropolis, when
Billiousnet* .nd Stomach Trouble
mands on farmers and fruit growers
cool The city has a big bunch of boosters,
might be enjoying the
Chamberlain’« Colic, Cholera *nd
weather in Tillamook. It
After doctering for about
live wires, who put energy, time and
well for the Public Service Commis­ money into every thing that it takes years for a bad stomach trouble, and conspiracy The manifest consequene- frequent aUa.-k,’’? iom^trÄ |
Diarrhoea Remedy.
conspiracy are to weaken
sion to keep some tab on and ascer­ in hand, and with a splendid co-oper­ spending nearly five hundred dollars
tain the cause of trains being late, for ative spirit that is greatly to be com­ for medicine and doctor’s fees. I
Every family
nitr experience on Mandav convinces mended We were o ne of the editors purchased mi wife one box of Cham­ Germany.
should keep this preparation at hand
iv he O. W. R . & N. Co. needs a who nibbed up against the live wires berlain’s Tablets, which did her so
¿'”2 during the hot weather of the J“®'
• f Pendleton last week, and with our much good that she continued to use treason and the punishment death. me and I became so dizzv an,i
jacking up.
at i-5r, months. Chamberlain's Cofc
short and pleasant visit with them, them and they have done her more Reckless men inclined to become the my stomach at times that I i
This is the time of the year when we wish every citv in Oregon had rood than all of the medicine I foolish -6100« of the German kaiser take hold of something to keep from Lholera and Diarrhoea Remedy •
worth many times its cost "'h'°
everybody should use
proper pre- the same pep and the same pull-to Knight before — Samuel Royer. Fol- will do well to draw back fro ma con-
needed and is almost certain to N
w.. sotn. Iowa. This medicine is for sale soiracr so W and a crime »o astro-
caution* and not set out fires, With gether spirit
We would have a . bigger
r.fidlv " f'J. «¿n 'I**"*, needed before the summer is over-
dry weather for the nest two months. ¡■nd better Oregon if they had One I 'V -’-»mar'* Drug Store
mar's Drug Store’
by La” has no superior for the purpo»«
•or which it is intended. Buy it n0*'
Legal Advertisement«.
Oilers Unusual Opportunity to Its Headers
OREGON FARMER, 1 year - #1.00
By Our Clubbing arrangement,
both for
National Building.
Ackley & Murphy