« TILLAMOOK. OREGON. JULY 19, ■ House to rent furnished or unfurn- sheriff and will be used as evidence.— ‘^«d—enquire of R B WaHs jn care Telephone Register. ° the Pacific Telephone Co. or at Mrs. May Morton, formerly of Till­ residence. I amook, became the bride of Mr. Wil­ A1,kn P=Be and children left liam Spmmers, of Los .Angeles, in the on. - aturday io visit friends and latter city on June 25th. Only a few T NC LE SAM has the largest arniv of rela.jves tn Portland, and Ilwaco, friends were in attendance at the money savers in the World. Have '' ashington. simple ceremony, which was perform­ you enlisted ? Now is your best Only Edison re-creations can be ed by Ryv. Scott Anderson, of the opportunity to become a monev mistaken for the original voice. Its Christian Church. After a brief stiver. When yon have a surplus as a rich true tones fill many homes with honeymoon trip, Mr. and Mrs. Som­ gladness. Cail at Lamar’s Drug Store mers returned to Los Angeles, where result of good prices, steady work or in- and hear one. » they will reside. come from other sources, deposit a part Eva. W. Worthington vs. George Big dance at Saltair this Saturday of your money for future use or for an ■aid at Barview Suiday. Dance at W. Worthington is a divorce suit investment in property. Join the fifteen Barview or Saltair every night ex­ filed in the circuit court. These par­ million people who belong to Uncle cept Monday. Everybody invited, the ties were married in Tillamook coun­ Sam’s army of money savers. ty on August 15, 1900, and on April very best in music and management. 30, 1916, defendant deserted plaintiff. Don’t forget those busted castings. 4 Per Cent Paid on your The plaintiff alleges that her husband Can be welded for half. Goods sent openly and notoriously associated Savings Account. by parcel post and express promptly with other women at Cloverdale, to Checking Accounts and Loans on returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook, the great mortification of plaintiff, Land. Oregdn. » who treated her in a cruel and inhu­ man manner, rendering her life bur­ H. R. Blauvelt, Executive Special densome. Two children were born to of the Oregon Life Insurance Co., of the union. Plaintiff asks for the cus­ Portland, has arrived in town with tody of the children and a reasonable Mrs. Blauvelt, having motored from allowance for their and her support. Portland. He is registered at the On Saturday night. Deputy Game Ramsey Hotel. Warden Laughrey, assisted by Ward­ CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, Deputy Mr. and Mrs. John Featherstone ens Brown and Clark and $46,000.00. left for Portland Tuesday. From State Warden Rathburn, arrested C. Portland they will go to Richmond, | Follett, J. P. Mattoon, E H. Turner Cal. Mr. Featherstone was interested 'and J. L. Craven, for fishing for Tillamook, Ore. in the milk sugar plant here. The * salmon with nets during closed sca- plant, however, has be*en sold and j son, op Nestucca Bay. Three of the above fishermen with their boat pul- shipped south. ; lers, endeavored to escape the war- Fire destroyed the residence of Mrs. I dens by going out over the bar. The For Sale—Horse, cart, wagon and E. I. Gist, at Cloverdale on Monday, wardens, however, placed themselves harness or will trade for good cow with most of the contents. Her in­ ' in a position to catch them when Apply to H. Harris, Mutual phone. » surance had recently expired, and I they returned on the incoming tide For Sale—New modern residence, she had faili d tp renew it. The loss is and succeeded in doing so. Follett * located in best residence district. For about $2,000. .and Mattoon plead guilty and were W. A. Wise, dentist. sale at a bargain. See Frank Heyd. “ W. L. Provoost' vs Bay City et al is fined $50 each. The eases against Dr. C. W. Miller, chriopractor. Experienced i dlamook Dairyman a suit filed in the circuit court which Turner and Craven were dismissed. hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough wants to rent 4 or 5 pood milk cows. is. to correct ai.d reform certificates Jeff Fleck and Dean Barrett have al * Co. of delinquency issued to the plaintiff so been arrested for violating the fish Address Box 63, Garibaldi, Ore. and to recover of Bay City $577.91 law. Business houses will close tom or- I am in the market at all times for and interest. Miss Ruby Johnson was completely 30 to 4:00 p.m. row from i your baby calves—Smith "The Calf Rosenberg Eros, have opened a surprised Wednesday evening, July Man,”—Both Phones. Standard Pat- Go to Mason's for 11, by a number of her friends, who * I The Editor returned on Tuesday targe feed store on 2nd Avenue East gathered at her home to help her terns. near the saw mill and will carry a ¡from Pendleton, where he attended large line ot all kinds of hay, feed, celebrate her 20th birthday. The A modern house for rent,—See I the annual meeting of the editorial flour, grass seeds at the very lowest , evening was pleasantly spent with Shrode. association. midnight prices. Special prices on hay and music and games. At Born, on Friday, to the wife of the guests partook of the delicious Lost—a lady's breast on the feed in car lots. • John Zurcher, a son. Fourth, in this city. Finder please re­ Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Kiger of Van ' birthday cake, lemonade and other Dr. Shearer, physician and surgeon, turn same to J. H. Ellison, Tillamook, Wert, Ohio, who have been visiting goodies after which they left for Oregon. their brother George W. Kiger anil ■ their different homes, wishing Miss Cloverdale, Orc. * Owing to forest fires in the moun- wife for the past two weeks, left on Ruby many more happy birthdays. Pure Water Glass to preserve eggs j tains, trains could not get through, Tuesday for Yakima, Wash, where Following are the names of those present, besides the immediate family, at C. I. Clough Co. * and the train that left this morning they will visit their son Homer who is Mrs. F. D. Turk. W. Lang and wife, . in business there. returned to the city. F. Kumm and wife. A. Smelzer and Mrs. Marie Wade, nurse. Terms re­ Marriage licenses were issued to wife, dent King and wife, Mrs. Laura Money to loan on farm lands, from duced to suit the times. * $500 up, Good terms. Reasonable rate Fred '. Scherzinger and Mamie Sut- Bays, Ethel Jensen, Wilma Dingis, Lots in Block 3, Miller’s Addition of interest. We want your business, ton; Henry Burke and Alma Land- Leona Curl, and Jessie Jenson; Mas­ * ingham; Dennis M. Drugan and ters Clyde Rainey, Leo Nelson, Joe for sale.—See T. H. Goyne. * See Everson. 1 A'ivian R. Erfruth; Roy Winfield and Ross Magarrell, Chester Jensen, Mrs. H. L. Linn, of Portland an J C. A. Dunn with his wife and child Shultz and Esther Ducham; Roy | Albert Clark, Abe Bays, Emil Wool- Mrs. A. Nelson, of Oregon City an returned to Tillamook on Tuesday. Martin and Maybell E. Davis. eey, Nels Hanson, Frank and Don visiting at the home of Mrs. J. S Lodging at the Watchtower, 25c., Blair. Dr. Turner the well known eye I Embree. Also furnished rooms. * specialist of Portland, will be at Jen­ Elsie Vidito vs. C. M. Vidito is a The Franklin Fish Market is now’ Garbage gathered free. See M. R. I open for business, drop in and look kins’ Jewelry store again Friday and divorce suit filed in the circuit court. Saturday, July 20-21. Don't fail to These parties were married May 28, Hanankrat, or call Main 6F11. I around at the Old Spanish Kitchen- | consult him about your eyes and 1905, at Shcdds, Ore., and one girl, For Furnished Rooms at reasonable i p \ Elliott, Proprietor, glasses. Headaches relieved, cross ' now six years old, was born to the price, See Mrs. E. Plank. *2 F. D. Small returned last week from ¡eyes straightened. Satisfaction guar- i union. Plaintiff alleges that about six I years ago the defendant commenced Preparations are being made to re­ the Novo River, Cal., where he re­ lanteed. Consult him. The management of the Gem Thea- a course of cruel and inhuman treat­ build the Red Clover cheese factory, cently erected and put a salmon can­ which was recently destroyed by fire. nery in operation. He reports a good tre have commenced installing the ment and of personal indignities, run of fish down there. furniture and equipment of their new land openly and abusively accused her Attorney T. H. Goyne went to Port­ theatre on Third Street and expect of consorting with and having illicit C. A. Everson reports that the base ­ land last week on professional busi­ to be reaily to open the 28th, when relations with other men, and since ball grounds arid race track at the fair ness. I grounds have been put in good shape ! the public will have a first class mov- that date, in the presence of numer- (ous persons, continued almost daily . > : ----- on , ing picture theatre in every respect Will pay you to see Everson tor a and . the merry-go-round is npw ' to accuse her of such conduct, greatly safe investment in city property or the ground. j Knights of Pythias and Pythian to the humiliation of plaintiff and to •arm lands. * King-Crenshaw Hardware Co., vs. Sisters enjoyed a social hour and re- the destruction of her happinness, at H. Mason & Co., has taken over the F. L. Sappington, is a suit filed to ’ freshments at the lodge hall on Mon- the same time defendant called her Standard patterns formerly sold by recover several sums of money for Iday evening. The occasion was in vile names and applied to her dis­ Lamar's Variety Store. * • merchandise, filed in the circuit ¡honor of Sir Knights who are mem- graceful cpitbcls, which made it im­ I hers of the Coast Artillery Co., and possible for plaintiff to live with him. For Sale—two cows and one sow. court. ¡who will soon be called to the Plaintiff asks the custody of the Apply to S. M. Stafford, Mutual At the meeting of the Rifle. Chib on colors. I child. Judge Bagley granted a divorce Phone, Tillamook, Oregon. i Friday evening. Dr. Olson, president, giving defendant permission to visit The boiler of the Fairview ’ factory Wanted—A Girl or elderly woman resigned, and R. C. Jones was elected the child. to do general housework.—Apply at to fill the vacancy. Sheriff Campbell gave out Monday morning. This ne­ cessitated running the milk through I was elected vice-president. •he Headlight office. the cream separator and shipping the FARMERS HELD BY 1400 lb. horse, harness, buggy and I cream to Portland. About $500 worth 1 John Teldschau, Concrete contrac­ COMPENSATION LAW tor, concrete silos built. All work stump puller, with rigging, for sale ' of cream was shipped. The damaged piarantecd.Both phones. * or trade for auto or motorcycle in Al boiler was replaced by another and Supreme Court Rules Immunity Ap­ plies Only When Notice is Given. The New Edison gets and gives all condition, balance cash. Address Box I cheese making continued as usual on J Tuesday. •he Artist rendered just as the artist 576, Tillamook. Oregon. Salem, Ore., July 17.—If a farmer I gave it. ♦ • Mrs. D. A. Pennington, of McMinn- I On Sunday, July 15, at 2 p.m. at the , Cherries! Cherries! Cherries! now fville, accompanied by her grandson, I home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Chaffee, operates any hazardous machine or | agency that comes within the pur- Jime to buy them at the Fruit I Master Leon Redmond, is now visit- 'occurred the wedding of Roy Martin, “lace. * ing at the home of her son A. A. of Salem, to Miss Mabie Davis, V.. of view of the workmen's compensation I officiating. 'aw> W*B not be immune from its ' 1 Tillamook. Rev. Youel 1------- , Why not be insured in'the best fire Pennington. There were some 25 relatives and 1 provisions, unless he notifies the in- Fredenberg, who had the JJtsurance company, it costs no more. ' dustrial accident commision that he | Oscar *e Everson. * misfortune • to break his leg in a fall, friends present. After the ceremony t m ...- ­ W*H n°t be governed by them, the 1 the wedding party enjoyed a fine din ilcrgo an operation on Sat- for Sale, a Saxon run-about. In had to undergo --------- a make I supreme court held today in the case ■ iurday, when the leg was amputated ner. The young people will r_: ■ of Wesley Raney vs. Industrial Acci-I good condition. Price $350.00. Apply .their home on a farm near Salem. by Dr. Boals and Dr. Hoy. dent Commission appellant. The! ‘0 Attorney Webster Holmes. ♦ Carl Wallinc arrived from Ashland opinion was written by Justice Moore 1 in from Miss Myrtle Mills came u.^oished house for rent, Apply to last week. Mrs. Walline will return in affirmance of Circuit Judge Bagley Portland on Saturday y and returned . ' ^’ew comb, 2nd Avenue West on Sunday, and her friends will be in about two months. They went to Tillamook County,, and is considered for the important. Wir First Street. 2» glad to hear that her eyes are much I Ashland last September, 'benefit of Mrs. Walline’s health, I Raney hail his left hand severed in | Edison re-creations sing your fav- better. which we are pleased to report is an ensilage mill, and the commission songs better than you ever I For Sale—Horse and buggy, broke somewhat better Mr. AVallinc has rejected his request for damages on heard them sung. * to work single or double, weight iooo been engaged as fire warden and is , the theory that the business in which ,Zor c^eaf’ fertilizer for your garden | he was injured was incidentally con­ pounds.—Enquire of E. P. Jeffrey, R- now located at Rockaw’ay. ® 00 per thousand.—Hans toe for all io pound lard pr.’.ls and 5c. prise at their home on First Street. j The court, in part said: •on, Tillamook, Oregon. * for 5 pound pails. They must be free They were the recipients of many I Where, however, a person engaged ^soara Bark highest market cish from rust. Bring them in at once and beautiful gifts. A pleasant evening in farming operates for himself or 'was spent, enjoying music and other , another any machine or agency that . Um?”'1’ Ca"’ Write or phone, B. C. | get your money. Rev I E. Youel preached his iarc- amusements and a fine luncheon was I the statute has declared brings such I employer automatically within haz- at the Pres- served. well sermon on Sunday ---- ardous occupations, unless he has 7i/'i'n cylinder Indian Motor Cycle, byterian church, the other churches Barnev Hanson, is again in a very given in the manner prescribed no- lion t ’ . 1 class condition. Price serious condition, with a tubercular I ticc that he will not be governed by • Inquire of Plasker Bros. * S ts infection in his side recently had I provisions of the act, he- is not im- one of his ribs removed, in an endeav­ Imunc from making to the industrial ’ M°ori end family, came R-'S” ana'll un(lay to visit her parents Mr. or to rid himself of the dread disease. accident commission small contribu­ a -■’’s. Alex W be called out next week. Late report has it that the Oregon tions which the law exacts.” t Artillery Regiment will not be ------ o- — nW PaTo'.Alto/Cal., t to Palo Alto, Cai., butjv'll but will L be be . Judge Bagley's conclusions of law­ sent t to . Fort Stevens , at . the mouth Of'., in this case was: the Columbia for training. That the defendants in rejecting The expression “full of prunes^ is the plaintiffs claim for compensation i j have ..«.v a - new __ ____ - Two failed to consider the facts concern- likely to meaning. ‘ Co men — Lima Tutlmnok have noon been caught ing the said injury, and failed to con- ‘ in' thT'act of distilling alcohol tdk4k.la.sv1 from etseasa «true tian the 1 law eansj and f C t S J/ C f 1211 fl 1 fl nrunes using a five gallon oil can and thereto correctly tubing immersed in an ordi- That the ensilage cutter operated C°rv washtub for a still. This equip- by D. R. Tinnerstet at the time of the ment has been confiscated by the accident was a mill a* defined by | Uncle Sam's Army of Savers. I I Tillamook County Bank Tillamook Jottings. hflMflR’S VARIETY STORE I.OO.F. BLD., "Drop in and book Around- LAWS OF SUPPLY AND DEMAND. IAND for Tillamook products will exceed the pplv for many years to corne. New fields of eds are constantly opening, while funds are made available for the conduct of Old and es­ tablishment of New enterprises through the facili­ ties of the Federal Reserve System—and such Mem­ ber Banks as the First National. Your Checking or Savings Account Invited. DIRECTORS : A. W. Bunn, Farmer. P. Heisel. Farmer. C. J. Edwards, Mgr. C. Power Co. J. C. Holden. Vice Pres. B. C. Lamb, Building Materials. John Morgan. Farmer. W. J. Riechers. Cashier. The Tirsi NationalBank TILLAMOOK. section 13 of the W orkmen’s Com­ pensation act, and that said Tinner- stet at tile time of the accident was engaged in one of those hazardous occupation as defined by section 13 and was in all respects subject to said act. The plaintiff is entitled to the fol- lowing compensation under said Workmen’s Compensation Act on account of said injury, to-wit: $25.00 per month for a period of 76 months, beginning July 1st, 1916, and the slim of $100.00 expended by him as doc­ tor and hqspital bill on account of said injury, and his costs and dis­ bursements of this proceedings. That the order of defendants in re­ jecting plaintiff’s said claim for com­ pensation should be reversed, and a decree entered directing the defend­ ants to allow claim and to pay the same in the manner provided by law. The Chautauqua. The Tillamook Chautauqua opened yesterday with a large attendance for the opening day, with the prospect that with the attractive program, there will be a large attendante at every gathering. 11 Counties to Escape Draft. Fourteen counties and the city of Portland will not have to contribute anyone to the first draft of the- war army, if the unofficial statement is correct that Oregon’s net quota will be 7 1 7. The allocation of quotas on the 717 basis, as worked out by Ad­ jutant General White, shows that the following will not be called on for men in the first drawing: Benton, Coos, Crook, Douglas, Hood River, lackson, Josephine, Lane, Linn, Marion, Multnomah, Polk, Tillamook and Yamhill Counties and Portland Taking Big Chances. It is a great risk to travel without a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Chol­ era and Diarrhoea Remedy, as this preparation cannot be obtained on the trains-or steamships. Attacks of bowel complaint arc often sudden and very severe, and anyone should go prepared for them. For sale by La­ mar’s Drug Store. OREGON. Notice of Sale of Real Estate Notice is hereby given that in pur­ suance of a writ of execution and order of sale issued out of the Circuit ¡Court of the State of Oregon for Till amook County, under the seal of said I Court, in a cause in said court where­ in Tillamook County Bank and Wes­ ley G. Day, are plaintiffs and E. D. Severance, Flora M. Severance, Walter M. Severance, and Baker Loan & Trust Co., a corporation, arc defendants, said writ of ext cution be­ ing to the undersigned directed, 1 will on Saturday, the 18th day ot ■August, 1917, at the Court House door in Tillamook City, Tillamook County, Oregon, at the hour of ten o'clock a.m., sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the fol­ lowing described real property, to wit: Commencing at the North East Corner of the Chas. H. Haynes Do- nation Land Claim, and running thence West on the line of said D. L. ( ., 145 rods; thence South 0 degrees 97 minutes e ast 24.60 c| :ij:ls p> thi center of County Road; thence in an easterly direction followi" ■ ti e ceil ter of the county road to the east line of said D. L. C.; thinci north on said east line of said D. L. C., 17.00' < li.ains io the northwest i< - er of the John Tripp Donation I I I’laint; thence cast on the north li • of said I). I.. ('., 4 rods to the qv t< r < ctioi. line running north and si th through the center of si ction 29. " 1 S„ R. 9 W’., tin nee north 7.50 ins. mori or less, to a point due ca-.t of t lu­ point of beginning; thence west to the place of beginning, in section 29, Township 1 South of ram ■ 9 west ot Willamette Meridian, in . il'.imook County, Oregon, and containing 85 arcs, more or less. Said sab will be made (or the pur­ pose- of realizing the mom required to satisfied the amounts d- creed in favor of plaintiffs in said i'se to- wit: $10.197 94 and $514 46, with in­ terest at 8 per cent per annum; $61,20 with 6 per cent interest, $827 40 and $23.90 costs and dis­ bursements and the costs and ex­ penses of sale. Dated this Inly 19th. 1917. W. L. Campbell, Sheriff of Tillamook County, Ore. Gem Theatre Program FRIDAY, JULY 201 h 2 reel comedy, fenltiritii: SATURDA Y & SUN DA Y, JULY 2 i 22 “THE. MORTAL SIN” 5 reel Metro wonder picture iiatiir ing Viola Dana. Miss Dana will be remembered as the 1 ding lady in “GAI ES OF EDEN” which picture gave universal . ti faction. Don’t miss the opportunity to sec this one. “DI 1 PH • 1TY” 1 reel comedy, that will do you a lot of good, ; .ter a hearty supper. Laugh and grow fat. Adults 15c. Childi- n 5< MONDAY, JULY 23rd. "FLIRTING WITH FA TE” 5 reel Triangle feature picture with Douglas Fairbanks in the star part. When you know Fairbanks is playing a part in any photoplay, that in its« i is a guarantee of quality and satisfaction. “THE Sl'RF GIRL” 3 reel comedy with an all star < a st. Sounds good don’t it? Don’t fail to see it, and enjoy the phs with the rest. Adults 15c. Children 5c. TUESDAY, JULY 24th. “THE SULTANA” a five reel Gold Rooster photoplay. This picture is the first of its kind to be screened in Till., nook, as every scene is all natural colored. This makes it a be utiful spectacle, and it is sure to please everybody. “HEARST- PATHE NEWS" giving pictures of all the latest hapj -lings from all parts of the world. Adults 15c. Children 5 WEDNESDAY, JULY 25th Bluebird Photoplay, see later announcement. THURSDAY, JULY 26th. "A ROYAL ROMANCE” featuring Virginia’ Pear«on. A picture of the regular Fox quality,, done miss ihi* one. Adults lk. Children Sc. ■