T illamook headlight , july 12.1917. I rRUEL TREATMENT OF I CR PRISONERS IN GERMANY At the end of it a German corporal RAISE RABBITS FOR MEAT came into the room. He asked them Summons. if they knew what they were there for — o---- ; c.-aned Austrailians Give Vivid Ac- They said ’No” He said. “You may Production of Belgian Hares or Oth- In ths Circuit Court of the State of 6 count of Hardships they Have erRabbits Possible in City Back write and tell your people and your Oregon for Tillamook County. Government all about it-just To Endure. Yards. Citizens Bank, a Corporation >t you —just are what has happened- — and say here -----o----- ¡ Plaintiff VS. The following dispatch has been re- as a punishment. Seven weeks ago Rabbits, which have proved a valu­ i,ovcrntnent wrote to the able source of food in Europe during J. T. Alexander and Ada F. , ‘ ,1 bv the High Commissioner for Australia from Mr. C. E. W. Bean. British Government about tlje em­ the present war, may well be raised Alexander, his wife; Blanch of prisoners near the line more extensively in America by way Clark and Earl A. Clark, ployment Official Press Correspondent with and they have not yet received an ot reducing the drain on the ordinary wife and husband. Oscar F. the Australian Force in France:— ' They have arrived back from the answer. The Australians told him it meat supply, according to biologists Mann and E. P. McCroskey. German lines, across many lines of was a he—there was not a German ot the I nited States Department of I Defendants Prisoner within 20 Or 30 kilometers Agriculture. The business of growing German trenches, two Australians of To J. T. Alexander, Ada F. Alex­ the line. rabbits, the specialists point out, can ander, his wife; Blanch Clark and [ »ho were captured in the Hidenburg 1 , Two hundred and forty of the Aus­ be carried on by youths and adults not F.arl A. Clark, wife and husband I line after the brave attack of April 11. tralians were sent by train on the engaged in military or other national Oscar F. Mann and E. P. McCroskey. That unparalleled adventure of in­ fantry against unbroken wire, without sixth day to work on a dump close service, or in regular industrial em­ In the name of the State of Oregon a-til!cry, came near success. When it behind the front. The Lord knows ployment. The animals may be raised you are hereby required to appear failed, the Germains captured nearly what happened to the rest, or where in back yards of cities and towns as and answer the complaint filed again­ a thousand Australians cut off by they are now. I his double company well as on farms. st you in the above entitled suit, on of Australians was put in a farm near The Belgian Hare, says _____ a state- or before the 24th day of August, their machine guns. a double of English and Scottish ment by the department, breeds rap ­ It is at the end of a long and 1917, and if you fail to appear in said splendid fight that their story begins. troops, and set to work unloading idly, matures quickly, and produces a suit within specified time, plaintiff stores from a broad-gauge railway on palatable and highly nutricious meat. The prisoners were marched up a vil­ will take judgment against you for lage street into the yard of a big to a dump. I he work was in two 1 he cost of production is less thart the foreclosure of that certain prom- , shifts — The Australian company in that of any other meat, not excepting house. Flash Uhlans on smart horses issory note and mortgage for the sum were quartered in th e village, and tile morning -and the British in the poultry. 1 he supply can be greatly in­ of Seven Hundred (1700.00) Dollars, creased within a few months without evening. I he Australians were tuYned when the Uhlans had been through with interest at the rate of 6 per cent them for souvenirs there was not outsat 4:30 a.m. Coffee at a quarter | requiring space that may be needed per annum from the 1st day of for the production of crops. Practical to 5; march to work at a quarter past much left worth getting. March, 1916. and 19.27 taxes and They were given a loaf of bread to 5. Work on the dump until 1 o'clock, experience has demonstrated that interest thereon from and after Sep­ and then march back. rabbit meat can be produced in un ­ every five, and coffee was brought in, tember 21st, 1916, at the rate of 6 but few had anything but their hel­ For this dav’s work they were given limited quantities at a cost of about per cent per annum, and also $9.48 6 cents a pound, and by utilizing lawn mets to drink it in, and so most had a daily ration of one-third of a loaf. taxes and interest thereon from and none. They sat in the snow, wet This was issued over night, and some cuttings and other vegetables that after March 10th, 1917, at 6 per cent would otherwise be wasted the cost through, till they were turned into a could not resist eating it then and per annum, and for the sum of $100.- big church. Neither this night nor any there. At midday when they came can be made even lower. 00 attorney's fees as provided in said The Belgian and Flemish giant rab- night afterwards were they given a back they were given a stew consist­ note and mortgage, and the costs and Call at our plant and get prices pro- bits are recommended for meat -ingle blanket—so far as the escaped ing of horseflesh and a little barley. disbursements in this suit, said save you money. men know they have none yet. They “We used to count the grains,” one duction, as the ordinary tame rabbit mortgage being given on the follow­ man said. “You could count them is smaller and develops much more ing described premises, to-wit: The lay in the church for the night. slowly. Stock of Belgian hares may ­ Next morning they were called easily enough." The result was that be bought from breeders in nearly all East Half of the Northeast Quarter, ONE BLOCK WEST Oh P.O from the church by battalions. The these Australians were driven to beg the Quarter and South Half of at $1 to $3 each. They Southeast Both Phones. big officer, after another harangue, their guards to let them cut any sort may States the Southwest Quarter of Section 36, be had from pet Township 3 South, Range 8 West of gare the orders to inarch, and down of grass that could be eaten—dande­ stock occasionally Fancy pedigreed stock the road they went between the lions, stinging nettles, and rape, such is not dealers. Willamette Meridian, containing required for meat production. i the as we feed sheep on. They picked up Uhlans. 320 acres, more or less, in Tillamook Rabbits are easily kept. They eat County, Seven hundred and fifty-six Aus­ potato peelings which the Germans hay, of Oregon. grass, lawn cuttings, and green I Service State tralians from all States of the Com­ threw out. of this summons is made __ vegetables of many kinds. Females There was I no such thing as v.t.-- J vou hr t publication --------------------------- ------------ in r pursuance _. monwealth v ere off into German ter­ should be allowed to breed when 8 or ( upon . to an ' order 1 " of e u the _ 11 ------t-i . I Judge -- $-- ritory, and it was from this time that duty for sick men. The men Honorable 10 months old, and during the year worked until they had to be s the deliberate German policy toward Geo. R. Bagley,, Circuit Judge of should raise four litters of about six Tillamook County, Oregon, made on them began to appear. On this their hospitals. A Western Aus young each. Well fed, the young dropped by the roadside. The men second day after capture they were 3rd day of July, 1917, ordering reach marketable size when 3 to 4 , the given a loaf of bread between four were getting swollen legs and taces. months such publication in the Tillamook old and average from 5 to 6 In addition the dump was under our | men and some coffee. They were not i Headlight, a newspaper of general live weight. told that this was their whole day’s shell fire. When our big guns opened, pounds circulation in this community, once a The department has published a the German guard would get under ration, but it was. The bread had will 1 week for six consecutive weeks, the bulletin on raising rabbits which cover, with his rifle and bayonet been too sour for some of them the first publication being July 12th, 1917 be helpful to those who wish to en- and first day. They were glad to eat it poking out. white our men worked, gage the last publication being August announce the arrival of their new in this pursuit. they One day on their way to work the next. 23rd, 1917. The road was slushy after snow. noticed stains of blood up the road Hall & Lepper, Thrift Can Win the War. 112-115 Citizens Bank Bld. They passed a gang of men scraping and a smashed field gun that was hey noticed the ----- consolation. -------- ----- 1 ---- , _____ __ th«- snow oil of it. These wore civilian some Portland, Oregon. our It must be made apparent to all Attorneys for Plaintiff. twied caps— some had old blue direction from which the shells of French overcoats. They asked if our that big gun came, and laid their people that special exertion of thrift DON’T WAIT. men had any bully beef. T hey were plans. It was difficult, because a New- is necessary to win the war. Small but British prisoners. Another gang pass­ South Welshman had escaped and concrete examples are better than ed—men in smock frocks harnessed been recaptured, and the guard had abstractions, however sound the gen­ Take Advantage of an Astoria Citi­ eral conclusion may he. When the zen’s Experience. up by ropes to a wagon which they been doubled. | firemen of Elmira decided to work- But one night the two got clear. When the back begins to ache, wen- pulling. These were Russians. four hours a day more and give their Don’t wait until backache becomes ( At a siding they were put into cat- additional earnings to the Red Cross chronic; OF lit trucks in which they were jolted MAKE MORE CHEESE fund they- showed the way. 1 ’Till kidney troubles develop; pong until after dark. Then they ----- o----- Thotnas W. Lamont, speaking to I wire detrained and marched into More “Cheddar” in the Factories and the New York state- bankers’ conven- I ’Till urinary troubles destroy night’s village cellars. At a big house early . More "Cottage” in the Homes . tion, emphasized in an address which ' rest. next day some hundred were picked ucseivcuiy | 1 P.rofit by an Astroia resident» ex- Is Urged. has been widely and u deservedly from them for examination, and these to - Morrison, ». . - 595 aR - Grand . quoted that in order t_ _ meet ___ the | . Mrs. Mary E. were given a good feed. The rest set Believing that American Cheddar out on a new day's march after being cheese is an excellent substitute for strain of new taxes and the interest ’Ave., Astoria, Oregon., says: "At given a third of a loaf, and a cup of meat; the United States Department upon great loans we must add to our , ! ' times my back was so weak and sore coffee. This time they were told that of Agriculture desires to encourage savings and not draw upon them. It I ■ that I could hardly get around. When Make your selections early while our would be almost suicidal to draw $5,- J * I l,at 1 over to do anything or sat in | it was the day’s supply. They were the manufacture of that product in I 000,000,000 L...I out of the savings banks , * bent stock is complete. pinched lor hunger by this time. And every locality adapted to its produc­ one position very long, it was al) I j ’ possibly the villagers on their route tion. 1 he price of cheese has greatly to put it into a war loan. There is no 'could do to straighten up. My kid-I could sec it. For in every little French increased in the last few years. As a need to do anything of the sort if we • ncys were also more or less out of face the facts. tillage through winch they passed result great interest has been created all Great Britain recently floated, after order .or<1Fr during ouring this mis trouble iruuuic with wim my mv ! • Hie villagers came out of the cottages in the possibilities of cheesemaking, 3 months of war, a popular loan of back. After I had taken two boxes of | ” Ind tried to get a loaf of bread both on the farm and in the factory. Doan’s Kidney Pills, my back felt ■ I which upward of $900,000,000, or | ' strong in every way and 1 was able to through to them, or at least a drink Because of the skill necessary to nearly one-fifth was subscribed over I )i water The zkustralians were make a good and uniform product, get about as well as ever.” the counter through the postoffice. . = . ‘ lurching roughly in fours, with two the These were the smallest of jmiall sub- | . ~ ' r!ce “®c , > at all dealers. Don’t: advisability of making American Jowly si t lines of guards, walking Cheddar cheese in a small way on in­ scriptions, and it is estimated that , ' B simply ask fo for a kidney remedy—get ' *mply ask lutside them. These men were taken dividual farms is questionable, dairy I Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that I there were upward of two million Mrs. Morrison had. Foster-Milburn ■ roui a resting battalion of a Prussian of the department believe. subscribers who bought in bonds of a Co.. iuard division, and their orders specialists Props., Buffalo, N. Y. I nder those conditions it is much tert to stop any food and drink more practicable to make cottage redemption value of $5. But-it is im­ Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't 1 portant to note that while this re­ simply ask for a kidney remedy—get caching these famished Australians. markable contribution was made by I Doan's Kidney Pills—the same as 1 As the column reached the village cheese. The quantity of mi!!: available with­ lie French inhabitants would throng in a reasonable distance and the cli­ the very people who deposit in the I Mrs. Morton uses. Foster-Milburn lie strict watching it pass. " 1 he matic conditions determine the ad­ postoffice savings banks, and saving Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. bank deposits, which bad been almost rench would give you anything of establishing a cheese equivilant to these contributions, ac­ I The Government Needs Farmers as ley had,” one of the men said. A lit- visability e girl ran out of a cottage with factory in a community. The income tually increased $25,000,000, Well as Fighters. What had happened was that the r. . The guard smacked her in the derived from milk made into cheese, people were lending to the cause of Two million three hundred thou- 1 ici. Tin bread they used to throw compared with the other uses, can their country the increased savings of no the gutter A Frenchman tried to be calculated from these figures: ' sand acres of Oregon & California i Costs of manufacturing and market­ frugality, longer hours of work, and, >ve the Australians a bucket of water ing 1 Railroad Co. Grant Lands. Title re- average about 2,5 cents a pound, above all, better work during the i 0 drink. The guard upset the water and milk yields from 2.7 to 2.9 I in United States. To be open- ' of employment. We can never I vested nd threw the pail over the man. A pounds of cheese for each pound of hours ed for homesteaders and sale. Con- | win the war by the doles we can I lomen tried to give them bread. A taining some of the best land left in . spare out of extravagance. Money the United States. Large Copyrighted | fat. 'russian soldier hit her in the tacc butter About 4,000 pounds of milk daily ­ and men will not do it without sac ­ nd knocked her down. In one place map, showing land by section, and de- [ French priest edged up with a loal in the flush of the season is the quan- ■' rifice. No one will pretend that labor, scription of soil, climate, rainfall, || tity necessary for the economical op ­ even in the present hours of employ ­ nder his arm to pass it to our men, elevation, temperature, etc., . by TILLAMOOK German soldier was watching him eration of a cheese factory, and can ' ment, is nearly as efficient as it ' counties. Postpaid One Dollar. Grant 1 be handled by- one man. To supply the should be, or is producing new wealth I 11 of the coiner of his eye. An old Lands Locating Co., Box 610, Port- at a rate justifying new savings out | milk about 200 cows are necessary • onun, seeing this tugged the priest and should be within four miles of land, Oregon. ick by his clothes. And this sort oi the factory, otherwise the cost of of better wages. Yet all these things Co-Partnership. ene we repeated until the Austra- hauling the milk is too great. Cool are necessary. We must rid our minds once and ins, however hungry or nights and an abundance of cold for all of the belief and we need re­ The undersigned have entered in- I >uld not bear to I bring such water are necessary for cheese mak­ linquish nothing because the man Ito a co-partnership for the practice of I catment on the French for --- their . ing. Parts of the United States natur­ next door seems to be a thrifty sort 'law, under the firm name of Johnson, ndness, but learned to shake their ally adopted to the manufacture of of person and in a population of over Handley & McGrath. July 9, 1917. uds when offered food or drink. S. S. Johnson Two days later they were moved this product are: The regibns of the a hundred millions of people our mite T. B. Handley, ' train to Lille. Around the station Great Lakes, the mountain sections will not be missed. Never was a time when the widow’s mite loomed 40 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Robert H. McGrath. e roads were full of Gcramn so - of the north, west and south, the large. The great contributions of trs and civilians, as if the town was coast districts of the west, and the CEMENT, LIME, PLASTER, LATH AND holiday to see them arrive. 1 c northern edge of the country. On ac­ wealth'arc needed to create more eni- Administrator'i Notice to Creditors. lumn marched through the streets count of hot nights and the resultant polvment, and the policy of exempt­ gassy and acid milk, a good quality ing loans from income tax is open to BRICK; DOMESTIC STEAM AND Notice is hereby given, that by vir­ the great city—only two ‘OU’C. of cheese can not be made readily grave criticism. tue of an order duly made and enter­ W noticed to be damaged, That way is to burn the candle at ed by the County Court for the SMITHING COAL. is but a few miles from the Britis during the summer in the Great, both ends and in the middle. But County of Tillamook, Oregon, the es, where the Australians once gar Plains states nor in the lowlands o' Warehouse and Office Cor. Front and 3rd Ave. West, Tillamook, Or. hey the south, as has been demonstrated what we have to do is to turn out undersigned has been duly appointed oned it near Armentieres. 1 1 ney more and better candles, and to barn administrator of the estate of J. S. ung out of the city and up to a" in numerous trials. The United States Department of fewer of them ourselves.—Wall Street Stephen», deceased. Notice is further i green fort. Agriculture will supply the necessary given that aft per,erns having claims At the gate the Australians were Journal. y __ against the said estate are hereby tided oft into parties of «ch- information and plans for cheese fac­ I tories in localities where the opera Billiousness and Stomach Trouble notified and recurred to present d each of these were marched in tion of such factories is feasible, and, same to the undersigned, with proper wparate room in the UPP®J co-operation with state extension “Two years ago I suffered from vouchers, within six months from ir live nights and six days Au ‘ in departments, will furnish to a limited [frequent attacks of stomach trouble this date. ilians lived in the room Dated iuiy 10, Í917. extent assistance in the work. land biliousness.” writes Miss Emma taped men were. It is the first 1 W. J. Stephens, Adminis IVerbryke, Lima, Ohio. “I could eat our country's history that Aus - trator of . ....... the Estate .............. of I. .. , I very little food that would agree with is have ever suffered or5?,?’Z1.' Betrayed. S. Stephens, deceased. Till- me and I became so dizzy and sick at tore. The room was about »’tit > nmook, Oregon. mv stomach at times that I had to It. The iloor was tiled. For a 1 Johnson, Handley A McGrath, ! take hold of something to keep from •utes each day the men *'crc. The other night ___________ Attorney». falling. Seecing Chamberlain's Tab­ >ed into the yard for e*er^* •' I went to the theatre lets advertised I decided to try them. MERCHANT'S WTPE ADVISES With a lowbrow friend eir only convenience for all • . And the orchestra played I improved rapidly.” For sale by La­ y purposes was one barrel, w TILLAMOOK WOMEN. "The Little Brown Jug.” od in the corner, uncovered. . mar’s Drug Store. “I had stomach trouble so bad I i Jdows had 10 be shut for they s P And he thought could eat nothing but toast, fruit, and It was the national anthem the tile iloor without bla"J“ • Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and hot water. Everything else soured | lugh snow fell at night, an“.1 And stood up. Diarrhoea Remedy. and formed gas. Dieting did no good. d was too little to keep 1>'C And I did too. Every family without exception I was miserable until I tried buck­ her. They were given one-seventn Darn him! — Ex should keep this preparation at hand thorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed » loaf of bread—that is,. one slice THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN •luring the hot weaker of the sutn- an Adler-i-ka. ONE SPOONFUL Exchange or Sale. man—with some fermented o’ mer months. Cha«-'' -rlam’s Colic, ben« fitted me INSTANTLY ” Be­ ds each day, with one cup of co THE COUNTY. Remedy is cause Adler-i-ka empties BOT H large of lot to. block 53, Pacific Cholera and Dia- night and one in the mo™ m I Owner toBay City will exchange worth many lim » its cost when and small intestine, it relieves ANY len the man who took the > Addition Tacoma property or will be needed nd is almost «ertain to be CASE constipation, sour stomach or See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere. h dav down stairs to clean it a. same for -- 3 cash offer at a reason- n-eded before the summer is over. It gas and prevents appendicitis. It has ' * glass of water the guard wOU? glad to have -Address a B. B. Broomell, has no superior for the purpose s QUICKEST action of anythin? we i allow it. The cook refused a mars, for which it is intended. Buy it now. ever sold. J. S. Lamar, druggist. * Box t286. Tacoma, Wash. ked for a little bread. FRANK HEYD& CO General Contractors and Builders Estimates & Plans Furnished SEE OUR Special Silo! HARRIS-AMMER FURNITURE COMPANY SPRING STOCK! Rugs, Linoleum, Ranges, Furniture, Beds, Mattresses ( FISHING RODS, FISHING TACKLE Spoons, Baskets J Reels, Snells, Lines, Floats, Flies, Etc., Etc. Our flies are known to the Sportsmen and are reorginized the finest and best made flies in America. C. I. CLOUGH CO UAMB-SCHRRDER co ALiEX. MeNAlR & CO. GENERAL HARDCUARE Kitchen Ranges and Heating Stoves.