TILLAMOOK. OREGON. 1’ 50 PER YEAR. JULY 12. of \1. \1 ' •iidn^ Flolmcs and family,! Those who contemplate making ap- r this r”e songs better than you ever land last week to attend the National place at Beaver this summer, the time year’s budget, and by means of Tues­ •card them sung. * Teachers’ Association meeting tn that to be decided on later by the conven­ day's arrangement the work can be done at once, the county financing For cheap fertilizer for your garden city- . , , tion committee. 1 the improvement entirely until next For Sale—Horse and buggy, broke v d tofadow. see Frank Elliott at The fire company responded to an ‘■tonkhn Fish Market. to work single or double, weight 1000 alarm during the noon hour Monday, year. Sa'e—Rutabaga and Cow Kale pounds.—Enquire of E. P. Jeffrey, R^ caused by sparks setting fire to the TWO VESSELS ASSURED. $ loo per thousand.—Hans F. D. Tillamook, Oregon. 2 roof of the Anna L. Johnson cottage ------ o nson, Tillamook, Oregon. * just north of town. The fire had tak­ Iron Contracted for—An Accept- Don’t forget those busted castings. en a hold of the roof but was quickly tance of Contract ExPected cylinder Indian Motor Cycle, At Any Time. liaa »’ ^'rst class condition. Price Can be welded for half. Goods sent put out by the prompt arrival of the ■ Inquire of Plasker Bros. * by parcel post and express promptly hose company, which coupled up two Every thing looks favorable for a p lrs. Elmer I’aync and little son. of returned. Hiner A Reed, Tillamook. lengths of hose, having one thousand feet connected from the hydrant at shipbuilding yard being started here Eugene are visiting at the McNair Oregon. Front Street and 2nd Ave East The and two government vessels built. ►»cental home this week. president of the company, T. Coates Feeney A Bremer were advised that and Chief Otis Frisbie, as well as all they could contract for the iron, of the boys of the fire company, again which they did. and the rontract showed the promptness and efficien­ 1 having been approved by the Emer­ cy in answering the alarm and putting gency Fleet Corporation and the of­ out this fire, and the Headlight takes ficials at Seattle, a message may this method of complementing them reach here at any time from Wash­ on their work. The property was cov­ ington as the following letter will ered by insurance by Rollie Watson’s show: agency and the damage was adjusted Portland, Oregon, July 10, 1917 and paid at once in cash, as soon as Messrs Feeney A Bremer, the loss proofs were signed by the Tillamook Oregon. assured. ». » Interests of Bank and I— S Depositors. The First National Ban Kji Tillamook County Bank. ¿J Tillamook Jottings. 20 MILES OF HARD SURFACED ROAD. in ÜAMAR’S variety store , I.OO.F. BLD,, “Drop in and book Around ”