TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT JULY I I 5, 1917. ? Government Needs Farmers as Well a» Fighter». I c - Tw0 million three hundred thou- Lcres of Oregon & California lo’lmad Co. Grant Lands. Title re- tein Vnited States. To be open- I j homesteaders and sale. Con- some of the best land left in T'l’nited States. Large Copyrighted «howing land by section, and de- L^'non of soil, climate, rainfall, HS temperature. etc., by I 'nie« Postpaid One Dollar. Grant Unds Locating Co.. Box Oto. Port- land, Oreg»»'1- ____ tv . Prominent Lecturers at Chautauqua I Ô- Estimates & Plans Furnished. Notice of Completed Contract. SEE OUR Notice is hereby given. That Icitv Engineer has filed with the Id /signed his certificate of the com­ pletion and his approval of the work I'; (he improvement of Second livenue East extending front the I,orth abutment of Hoquarton Slough I Bridge northerly to the north boun- Lrv oi Tillamook City, under pro- |,;tions of resolutions for establish- L’nt of Local Improvement district | v , h and that on Monday the t6th "v of Julv, iQt7. at 8 o’clock p.tn. ai |tI^Cit' Hall in Tillamook City, Ore­ WOOD BRIGGS. LORENE W. WILSON, W. L. MELLINGER, W. A. BONE. gon tlie Common Council of Tilla­ ODD BRIGGS of Kent ucky is Mexican affairs, mook will consider the acceptance of and present, i stirring community address, "The Ad- coming to Chautauqua with Kives a lecture in which his persona1 : venture of Being Human." «id work. _ iee expi-rleti.es with Villa, Carranza and B„tcd this July 5th, IQI7. his usual bubbling abundanei W. A. Bone. Illinois’ beloved poet- Ira C. Smith City Record­ of southern dialect and drollery. •Madera strongly figure. ! philosopher and humorist, will be er of Tillamook City, Ore. Mrs. Lorene Wiswell Wilson of Fed- W. L. Mellinger, noted authority < ui erated Woman s Clubs is to deliver her ; heard in the greatest of all his plat- | form addresses, "The House of Maa.’’ Mary Adel Hays. o I Chautauquas are to hear Mary Adel iHavs. the New York prinia Donna Lolortura, who »« rapidly establishing |a reputation as one of America’s great Lingers. • >nc critic said in reviewing Ker work. "----- and when this young liioman conies on the stage one is ini- Itressid, not only with the consumatc ■art in this fresh soprano voice of such En exquisite quality, but with her I [binned personality that is so pleas­ ing and winning ” Miss Hays possess­ es an unusual range of three octaves End ths agility with which she docs (the coloratura roles causes one to ■eel that line surely is her forte,—yet ■he timbre of her voice is so smooth End »:;rm that she is able to do sus­ tained work just as effectively. Her Eepirloir is extensive, consisting of fcperi.’.ic and oratorio arias, and the little classics in songs down to the Imp! ballads, all of which she sings k tic- ■ nd native airs galore contrib- I'a • c -ltintious sparkle to their pro­ fams. n k.” the renowned French virtuoso of the violin and piano, Ferdinand Fillion; Edna McEachern, concert pianist of tile Moscow iRussia> Conservatory of Music, and Fern Goltra, prlma donna Lyric soprano of the Chicago Grand Opera Company. Noted Explorer Tells Thrilling Story at Chautauqua Adsl Hays of New York With Band. The joint c-oncert appearance of Adel Hay», prim a donna so. of New York, with the Royal [fietian Rand at Chautauqua, will be r* greatest musical attraction fea- Fr'd at tlie Elllaon-Whlte Assemblies WHITEFIELD RAY, F. R. G. S„ the celebrated explorer who s|>ent fourteen years in Routh America, la coming to Chautauqua. His lecture» have enlisted tlie attention of the en- tire country. Dr. Ray is known to scientific men G M ary Hurling a Tornado of Death an ■Til«- Livingston of South America.' He Is undoubtedly one of the best posted men in America concerning general conditions in South America For a number of years he was official Explorer for the Bolivian Government. Dr. Ray will present at Chautauqua a strikingly Interesting travel talk. The Wasser Company Brings Joyous w.-rs formerly promi­ HE Wasser Company are joyful entertainer» They »re happy nent entertainer» st Northwestern L’nb -iverslty, and tbMr work attracted k > T - . . -V. the«. aa-AWA Kz>z>lr? S'M> p*l**''MHy excels gs s band r**1, 'he volume and power of her ’ r,,|ng easily gtxive the heavy •^■'»«npaninieut Special Silo! TWINS AND A WEDDING I0TED soprano WILL SING HERE ‘r FRANK HEYD& CO General Contractors and Builders FISHING RODS, FISHING TACKLE Spoons, Baskets, Reels, Snells, Lines, Floats, Flies, Etc., Etc. Our flies are known to the Sportsmen and are reorginized the finest and best made flies in America. C. I. CLOUGH CO. TILLAMOOK, ORE. H.w He Get the Moon. H. T. Botts, Pres , Attorney John Henry M»odler. the astronomet at-Law. whooe favorite study an* the moon John Leland Henderson, Sec­ having learned that Frau Witte, tie­ retary Treas., Attorney-at- wife of the state councilor. owned Law and Notrary Public. wonderful model of hl« t»et lunifnan »pent yeitra trying to galu p-;s»e- o of it. As her bu»bend wns living. 1 could not marry the owner of I .■ i. el, au he married her daug'ttei ;. : 1 «• the death of Uis mother In-lt'v th»- - Al streets. Real Estate, eted moon l«"am»- his > I naurance. !< > Hotll i’itor.ee. Successful? If Little four-year-old Herrtettn •<' i » ■ t watching the cook draw or «-•• •f ft chicken And t'S one tiling after an-rlv-i Constipation and Indigestion. drawn out mid laid •>» the tab’c llciii; efts looked up in the <•■»' ’• f ■»- <• »»' •aid. “Diti you liud wlint ;ou «» - ”1 have used Chamberlain's tablets looking for N’oraT’—llnrpef’i» Maxa anil must say they are the best I have tin. ever used for constipation and indi­ gestion. My wife also uses them for indigestion anti they did her good.” Proof That Hs Knows Somatring writes Eugene S. Knight, Williiiiing- "It always inulte* me laugh " ton. N. C. Chamberlain's tablets arc •What does?" “To see the min who thinks hr , mild and gentle in their action. Give knows everything run for the plunif»’ ,them a trial. You are certain to be the minute that anything go»-» wrung pleased with hthc agreeable laxative with his water pipes.”—Detroit Free effect which they produce. For sale by Lamar’s Drug Store. Press.___________ Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. «<