Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 05, 1917, Image 3

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In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for 7 illamook County.
Ethel Krugan, Plaintiff
Martin Krugan. Defendant.
7 o Martin Krugan, the above nam­
ed defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the
complaint filed
against you in the above entitled
court and cause, on or before the ex­
piration of the time prescribed for
the publication of this summons, and
if you fail to so appear and answer,
the plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief demanded in the com­
plaint which is that the marriage con­
tract now existing between plaintiff
and defendant be dissolved and that
plaintiff have such other relief as to
the court may seem equitable.
This summons is published in the
Tillamook Headlight in pursuance of
an order made by Hon. Geo. R. Bag-
ley, Judge of the above named court,
dated June 23rd, 1917, requiring pub­
lication hereof to be made once a
week, for six successive weeks, and
the Gist publication hereof is made
the 28th day of June, 1917.
H. T. Botts,
Attorney for Pla’ntiff.
Makes Clubbing Arrangement With
The Oregon Farmer
Offers Unusual Opportunity to Its Readers
MONG our large circle of readers
there are a great many who are in­
terested directly or indirectly in
fruit growing, dairying and other
hranches of farming. All of these
naturally wish to keep in close touch with ag­
ricultural activities throughout the state*
and to know about any fight which is being
waged for the measures Oregon farmers
want and against all sorts of schemes that
are detrimental to the people and agricultural
interests of this state.
We have, therefore, made a special clubbing
arrangement with THE OREGON FAR­
MER whereby any farmer or fruitgrower,
who is one of our regular subscribers and who
is not now a subscriber to THE OREGON
FARMER, will be entitled to receive THE
OREGON FARMER in combination with
this paper at the same rate as for this paper
This offer applies to all those who renew er
extend their subscriptions as well as to all
new subscribers. If you are interested di­
rectly or indirectly in Oregon agriculture,
do not miss this unusual opportunity, but
send your order in now.
THE OREGON FARMER is the one farm
paper which is devoting itself exclusively
w the farming activities and interests of
Oregon. Jt has a big organization gath­
ering the news of importance to farmers,
dairymen, fruitgrowers, stockraisers and
S try men; and it has the backbone to at-
wrongful methods and combinations and
bad legislation, and support honest leaders
and beneficial measures. We are confident
that our readers will congratulate us on our
being able to make this splendid and at­
tractive clubbing offer.
OREGON FARMER, 1 year - $1.00
Notice to Contractors.
Notice is hereby
____ , „
..... that the
'County Court of Tillamook County
: will receive proposals until 10 o’clock
a.m. July 13th, ¡917, for the improve­
ment of
the Tillamook-Fairview
Road from Sta. 66 plus 01.58 to Sta.
9' plus 23.38 and the Tillamook-Bay
City Road from Sta. o plus 90 to Sta.
6 plus 71, by constructing a concrete
pavement 16 feet wide, side drainage
ditches, etc., according to the plans
and specifications now on file with
the County Clerk
of Tillamook
County and then publicly opened and
Each proposal shall be in a sealed
envelope marked on the outside “Pro-
i posal to improve Tillamook-Fairview
Road See. 3 and Tillamook-Bay City
Road Sec. 4” and shall be acconipan-
I icd by cash, certified check or bid-
| der's bond equal in amount to 5 per
| cent of the total of the bid, such
¡amount made payable to Tillamook
County. Proposals shall be made on
the forms furnished by the County
Clerk. The County Court reserves the
right to reject any or all bids.
First publication June 28, 1917.
I.ast publication July 12th, 1917
Erwin Harrison, Clerk.
Notice to Contractors.
$2 50
By Our Clubbing arrangement,
both for........................... » • $1.50
Notice -----
is hereby
------ .. „
that the
County Court of Tillamook County,
will receive proposals for the im­
provement of the Cone Road from
Sta. 33 plus 41.7 to 57 plus o and Sta.
o plus o to
3 plus 90
according to plans and specifications
on file in the office of the County
Clerk of Tillamook County, until 10
'o’clock a.m. of the 13th day of July,
and then publicly opened and read.
Each proposal shall be accompan­
ied by cash, bidder's bond or certified
check equal in amount to 5 per cent
I of the total of the bid, such amount
made payable to Tillamook County,
All proposals shall be made out on
the form furnished by the County
; Clerk for such purposes. The Court
reserves the right to reject any or all
i First publication June 28th, 1917.
I Last publication July 12th, 1917.
Erwin Harrison, Clerk.
scribed as follows:
Lots 1, 2, 7 and 8 in Block 2; Lots
1, 2, 7. and 8 in Block 4; also Lots 8
to 15 inclusive and 5 feet of the entire
Notice is hereby given to all whom west side of Lots 7 and 16 in Block I,
it may concern that the Common and Lots 8 to 15 inclusive and 5 feet
Couocil of Tillamook City, Oregon, off the entire west side of Lots 7
did, 011 the 20th day of June, 20, 1917. and 16 in Block 3. all in said A. A.
adopt a resolution for the improve­ Miller's Addition to the Town of Til­
ment of a street, in words, yetters and lamook, now Tillamook City.
figures as follows, to-wit:
Be it further resolved, 'That the City
Resolution and Notice of Intention to Recorder be and is hereby instructed
to cause this resolution and notice to
¡■prove a Certain Street in Tilla­
Notice to Contractors.
be published for three consecutive
mook City, Oregon.
publications in the city official news­
Notice is hereby given that the
Be it resolved. That the Common paper. That the Tillamook.Headlight
Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, is designated as the city official news­ County Court of Tillamook County,
deems it expedient and hereby de­ paper for this purpose. That the City will receive proposals for the im­
clares its intention to improve the Engineer is directed to cause to be provement of the Bewely Creek Road1
following street in said city, to-wit:
conspiciously posted at each end of from Sta. o plus o to 16 plus 67.35
Miller A'",nue from the South side the line of the proposed improvement according to plans and specifications
of Third Street to the north side of a copv of this resolution and notice 011 file in the office of the County
Fifth Street by establishing the grade within three days of the date of the Clerk of Tillamook County, until io
of said street, by grading the same to first publication thereof, and that all o’clock a.m. of the 13th day of July,
proper grade, by rolling the roadway persons concerned be thereby notified and then publicly opened and read.
Each proposal shall be accompan­
thereof, and by laying thereon a con­ of the date of the first publication of
crete roadway 24 feet in width, and 6 j said notice, and that objections and ied by cash, bidder's bond or certified
inches in thickness, and by building remonstrances to the proposed im­ check equal in amount to 5 per cent
curbs, catche basins and laying drain provement may be filed with the City of the total of the bid, such amount
pipes together with inlets and con­ Recorder within 20 days from said made payable to Tillamook County,
All proposals shall be made out on
structing laterals for sewer connec­ date.
tions, and making provisions for the
All persons concerned are hereby the form furnished by the County
necessary surface drainage of said notified that said resolution was duly Clerk for such purposes. The Court
street, with all the appurtenances adopted on the date aforesaid. I hat reserves the right to reject any or all
the first publication of this notice is bids.
All of said improvements to be made June 21, 1917. and that objec­ First publication June 28th, 19'7-
made in accordance with the charter, tions and remonstrances to the pro­ Last publication July 12th, 1917
Erwin Harrison, Clerk.
resolutions and ordinances of Tilla­ posed improvement may be filed with
mook City, and in accordance with the undersigned City Recorder within
Call For Bids.
the plans and specifications and 20 davs from said date.
estimates of work thereof made and
Done by order of the Common
School district No. 57 will accept
prepared by the City Engineer of Council of Tillamook City.
bids of 15 cords of hard wood, de­
Tillamook City, and filed in the ofiice
Dated June 21st, 19'7-
livered at the Hunt school house.
Ira C. Smith,
of the City Recorder of said city. All
City Recorder of Tillamook Bids to be opened July 12. The board
of said improvements to be made at
reserves the right to reject any and
the expense of the property, and all
City. Oregon.
all bids.
thereof adjacent thereto and especial­
Mrs. Blanche Hart,
ly benefitted by said improvements
The Round-Up.
within the limits of said district
----- o-----
established and defined by this reso­
Call for Bids.
| A ___
s’,7 _l
------ o------
at the nice things
Be it further resolved, that the gazing longingly
Sealed proposals will be received by
plans, specifications and estimates displayed in a
School District No. 7 to build a n ew
far the preposed improvements so 1 for a marked down sale.
,,, ...... stopped to inquire if he was thinkinK school house at the forks of the Ne­
fade and prepared by the City I "d"
tarts county road. M:ds will be open­
I of buying shirts or
n*«r, the estimate of the probable
replied the fat man wistfully. ed July 7, at 10 a.m. at the office of
total cost thereof being $3,080.81 1-
be no!"
"The only thing that fits me ready the County Superintendent, at his of­
10 d the same are hereby approved.
fice in the court house. Plans and
That the boundaries of the assess­ made is a handkerchief.
specifications of said building may be
------o —
ment district to be benefited by said
In the second act of a certain play obtained of W. A. Clark at forks of
improvements and assessed therefor
the curtain raises on an empty stage, Netarts County road. A certified
are hereby established as follows:
Beginning at the Northwest corner then presently a meek looking young check of 10 per cent of all proposals
of T./'t 2 in Block 2 of A A Miller’s Lan with a dustcoat over his arm made payable to W. A. Clark, Clerk
Addition to the Town of Tillamook, comes on and loudly calls. Ln de. must accompany all bids.
The board reserves the right to
oow Tillamook City, and running Uncle!” according to the book of the
thence South along the center line of play he should receive no answer, and reject any and all bids..
W. A. Clark, Clerk.
Blocks 2 and 4 of said Miller's Addi­ after a pause, should proceed with a
tion to the South line of said Block 4- monologue. One night, however •
thence East along the South line ot voice was heard from the gallery- Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy.
Block 4 and of Block 3 in said Mil­ “All right. I'm coming in a moment.
ler’s Addition to a point 105 feet east How much do you want on it.
Every family without exception
of the Southwest corner of said Block
------o —
should keep this preparation at hand
3: thence North parallel with the
Phyllis lived in a family very par- during the hot weather of the sum­
»Vest line of said district to a point ticular
as to denominations, and
■“.the North side of Block 1 of said heard a g >od deal about creeds, Her mer months. Chamberlain’s Colic.
Miller’s Addition 105 East of the people were Methodists but one Sab- Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is
worth many times its cost when
-’'•orthwest corner of said Block 1; bath she came home and said.
^d thence West U> the place of be-
“I thought our Sunday School was needed and is almost certain to be
needed before the summer is over. It
I Methodist.”
has no superior for the purposes
That said district shall be and is
“So it is mv dear.
hereby designated as Local Improve-
•But. mamma, the lesson was about for which it is intended. Buy it npw.
For sale by Lamar’s Drug Store. _
®eat District No. 9, and all the prop­ John the Baptist.”
erty included within the district is de-
Notice of Intention to ImProve
Street in Tillamook City.
Notice of Sheriff’s Sale.
Notice is hereby given: That pur­
suant to a writ of execution issued
out of the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County of Tilla--
11100k, dated the 19th day of June,
1917, upon a decree rendered in said
Court on the 18th day of June, 1917,
in the cause wherein Louise Wein-
hard, Anna Wessinger, Paul W’essin-
ger and Henry Wagner, executrixes
and executors respectively of the
last will and testament of Henry
W'einhard, deceased, were plaintiffs,
and F. H. Astmann, Veronika Ast­
mann, and Veronika Astmann, as
asignee of F. H. Astmann, for the
benefit of the creditors of F. H. Ast­
mann, were defendants, in favor of
said plaintiffs and against the gaid de­
fendants for the suut of twenty-seven
hundred dollars, together with inter­
est thereon from January 17th, 19*2,
at the rate of six per cent per annum
until paid, and for the further sum of
two hundred fifty dollars attorney’s
fees and 4or the costs and disburse­
ments of this suit, taxed at $17.75,
which said execution is to me direct­
ed, commanding me as Sheriff to
satisfy the said decree by sale of the
real property hereinafter described;
Now, therefore, in order to satisfy
said decree, 1 will, on Saturday, the
21st day of July, 1917, at 10:00 o’clock
in the forenoon of said day, at the
front door of the Court House in
Tillamook City. Oregon, sell at pub­
lic auction (subject to redemption)
to the highest bidder for cash in
hand, all the right, title and interest
of the said defendants in and to the
following described real property,
situated in the County of Tillamook
and State of Oregon, to-wit:
The East Half (E. 1 .■) of the North
East quarter (N.E. 1 i > and the
South West quarter (S. W. ’4) of the
North East quarter ( N. E. 14) of
Section five (5), in Township One (1)
North of Range Ten (to) West of
Willamette Meridian, containing one
hundred ninteen and 82-100 (119.82)
acres, more or less.
Dated this 20th day of June, 1917-
W. L. Campbell,
Sheriff of Tillamook County, Ore.
■----- o------
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of 7 illaniook.
Al. Sue Henderson, Plaintiff
H. E. Carr and Alice Carr,
Tillamook Feed I oinpany,
Lydia S. Morgan, and the
Lehman & Clough Company
and W. H. Wilson.
To W. H. Wilson, defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer a complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit within
six weeks from the date of the first
publication of this summons that be­
ing the time fixed in the order for
publication of summons within which
you shall so appear and answer said
complaint, the said first day of pub­
lication being the 24th day of May,
1917, and if you fail so to appear and
answer said complaint, tor want
thereof the plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief demanded in said
complaint, to-wit:
For a judgment against the de­
fendants H. E. Carr and Alice Carr
in the sum of $300.00, with interest
thereon at ten per cent per annum
from and after August 23rd, ¡9'6, and
for the further sum of $18.87 taxes
paid by the plaintiff herein, and for
the further sum of $50.00 attorney’s
fees, and for her costs and disburse­
ments herein, and for a decree fore­
closing that certain mortgage on the
following described premises, situat­
ed in Tillamook County, Oregon, to-
Beginning at a point 163)4 feet west
of the southwest corner of Block
Number 5, in the town of Lincoln,
now within the corporate limits of
Tillamook City, Oregon, and running
thence north 210 feet; thence west 46
feet for the initial point of the land
intended to be conveyed
thence west 57.5 feet; thence south
52.5 feet; thence east 57.5 feet; thence
north 52.5 feet to the initial point
herein mentioned, and being the same
property conveyed to H. E Carr ami
Alice Carr, his wife, by E. N. Morgan
and Lydia Morgan, his wife, by deed
dated June 29, 1915, and recorded
July 17th, 1915, in deed records of
Tillamook County, at pages 376 and
377, in Book 31; which said mortgage
was executed August 23, 19'5. und
recorded in book Z at page 142 of
Mortgages of Tillamook County, in
favor of Alex Vlahos, and thereafter
assigned by said Alex Vlahos to
John Leland Henderson, trustee, by
assignment recorded in said registry
in Book 2, pages 387 and 388, and
thereafter assigned by said John
Leland Henderson, trustee, to the
plaintiff herein, by assignment re-
corded in said registry, B 00k 2, . pages
. _
507 and 508; and for the sale of said
mortgaged premises to satisfy said
judgment and fur a decree foreclos
ing you of all right, title, interest and
equity of redemption in ami to said
mortgaged premises and every part
thereof, ami lor such other relief as
to the Court hall seem just.
This summons is published by order
of the Hon. A
M. Hare, County
Judge, made and entered the 23rd
day of May, 1917. Last publication
July 5th, 1917.
John I.elend Henderson,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Increasing Imports from Japan.
——r>— ..
a Tokio
During the past few w
nist ré­
letter of the London F.<
cit, al-
marks, Japan's trade p
bly im-
ready bright, have cons
ith the
proved, especially in trs
h on the
I nited States, which, alt
ars, has
increase for the past fe
recently begun to show a more rapid
advance During January and I'ebru-
ary, exports to tin- United States rose
$9 ,500,000 over tin same period last
year, and $10,500,000 above the cor-
responding period of the year b< •fore
last. Imports for the same p< riod
were only $4,000,000 more than in the
same term last year. Freedom of
communication has greatly enhanced
trade across the Pacific.
Why We Send Gold to Japan.
----- o
The heavy outflow of American
First Award Under New Law is gold to Japan continues to excite
much interest and comment. An ex-
Made to Warren Company On
cellent presentment of the matter is
Lowest of Eight Bids.
given out by the Republican Publicity
Association in
Pendleton, Or. June 29.—A contract opinion has been expounded that
for 10 miles of hard surface pavement some of our outgoing gold may be
the first to be let under the road finding a round about way to Ger­
bonding measure, approved at the many. But this would seem to be a
___ election,
_______ , was
___ awarded by the far-fetched and highly improbable
State Highway Commission and the theory. The fact is that Japan has de­
Umatilla County Court today to the veloped from a debtor to a creditor
Warren Construction Company for nation. Our financiers say that she
$1 10,120.42.
has been making heavy loans to Rus­
The section of road to be surfaced sia. She is engaged in making large
is the first 10 miles between Pendle­ extensions to manufacturing plants,
ton and the state line. The bids were and is building new ones. She is “dig­
for a strip twelve feet wide with two ging in” for the purpose of holding
loot shoulders, the bidder to maintain her commercial supremacy in the
*' *
the road for five years and guaran­ Pacific when peace comes. All this
tee workmanship and materia).
means that Japanese bankers are
The Commission, after awarding finding profitable
__ _______
to widen the gold, and as Japan has a large trade
the contract, agreed
road between the west end of the balance against us, she is sending her
road and Saxe Station, about five collectors around.
miles, to 16 feet and the contract
From the first of August, ¡914, t°
w ill be made on that basis.
March 31, 19'7, we imported from Ja­
A contract was also made with the pan $390,000,000 worth of goods, and
successful bidder to maintain the road exported to her $209,000,000 worth of
for an additional five-year period at a our commodities, leaving a trade bal­
cost of 2 cents a square yard.
ance in her favor of about $180,000.-
Warren Company Lowest.
000. During that period exports of
Eight bids were presented to the gold from this country to Japan to­
commission, representing three types taled about $36,000,000. The $35,000,-
of construction. The Warren Con­ 000 exported to her since the first of
struction Company w as not only low­ the year is chiefly accounted for by
est bidder for bitulithic, but its bid April and May withdrawals. Adverse
was the lowest presented for any kind conditions in our trade with Japan
of pavement, Oskar Huber’s bid for began to make their appearance very
Topeka mixture, $121,003.46 being shortly after the passage of the pres­
nearest. The amounts of the various ent tariff law. During the first ten
bids follow:
months of the operation of that law,
Construction before the outbreak of the war, Oc­
., ,
..................... Oskar Huber, tober, 1913, to July 19'4. imports
123,819.38; United Construction Com­ from Japan increased
pany, $124,221.32.
compared with the similar period,
Asphaltic concrete or Topeka mix­ 1912- 13, or from $76,000,000 to $88,
ture. two-inch surface—Oskar Huber, 000,000 while exports fell off $6,000,-
$121,003.46; United Construction C., 000 or from $51,000,000 to $45,000,000.
$121,405.40; Montague-O’Riley, $123,- During the last four months of the
1913- 14 period exports fell off 53 per
Asphaltic concrete, one-inch binder cent. We have been ti heavy importer
and 11 _• inch surface—United Con­ of Japanese toys and other cheap ar­
struction Company, $126,333.26; Mon- ticles since the war started, due to the
lague-O’Riley $127,713.22.
elimination of Germany as a trade
Campaign Promises Proved.
competitor, and imports of Japanese
Representatives of all the bidders hats, pottery and textiles arc increas­
were present and expressed them­ ing monthly. Manufactured silk goods
selves as well satisfied with this for instance, show an import increase
methhod, but being as opposed to bid­ of 350 per cent, during the first nine
ding by mail, but made the suggestion months of the current fiscal year
which was accepted by the Commis­ over the similar period, fiscal year
sion, that in future it will not be 19'3-
necessary to open the bids in the
Our exports to Japan during the
county where the work is to be done. war period have shown material in­
The Commission was particularly creases, but the nature of those sales
pleased with the bids because of the is such that while they may contrib­
fact that they bore out the campaign ute to our prosperity at a time when
arguments that the road could be con­ we already have all we can do to
structed for $10.000 a mile. The actual meet war requirements, they will
figures are $9081 a mile or $1.29 a quite likely militate against our post­
square yard.
war prosperity unless the protective
policy is restored to this country.
Huge sales of war munitions have
"The Kaiser’s Prayer—The Latest
been made to Japan, a traffic of a
sort. Large shipments of
------ o------
Gott, Gott, dear Gott, attention blease machinery have gone there which will
be used in Japanese mills by low-paid
Your bardner Vilhelm's here;
Japanese workmen, later
Und has a vord or two to say
American goods. Japan had the fore­
Into your hrivate ear;
sight to get into
our market early
So durn avay all odders now,
with enormous
orders for steel
Und listen veil to me,
plates for ship construction, and the
For vat I say concerns me much—
contracts which she has booked with
Meinself und Shcrmany.
You know,
dear Gott, I vas your our steel plants now throated to delay
the construction of our steel fleet for
war purposes unless an understanding
Und from mine hour of birth,
can be arrived at which will postpone
I quietly let you rule dcr heffen
the filling of these Japanese orders.
Vile 1 ruled o’er dcr earth;
And our merchant marine must soon­
Und ven I told mein soldiers
er or tater compete with the subsiz­
Of bygone baddie days,
ed Japanese marine.
I gladly splidt dcr glory,
The Underwood free trade tariff
Und give you half der braise.
law has been a wonderful stimulus to
In effcry vay 1 tried to prove
Japan, and we may expect to see her
Mein heart to you vas drue,
trade balance against us continue to
Und only claimed mein honest share mount higher so long as the free
In great deeds vat ve do;
trade policy is adhered to.
You could not haf a bedder vriendt
In sky, in land or sea,
Japanese Hosiery Trade Grows.
Den Kaiser \'ilhelin Number Two,
---- -o------
Der Lord of Shermany. •
Representatives of Russian and Jap­
So vat I say, deear Gott, is dis;
anese interests were in Philadelphia
Oot ve should still be vriendts,
Uun you should help me send inein recently negotiating for purchases of
knitting machinery, large shipments
of which have been going forward for
To meet dcr bidder ends.
some months, according to builders
If you, dear Gutt, vill dis me do
of some of the leading knitting ma­
I'll nodding ask again,
Und You mid me vill bardners bee
The person representing a large
For evermore, Amen!
Russian concern was especially inter­
But listen Gott, it must be quick
ested in metal hosiery forms, a can-
Your help to me you send,
templated order amounting to $25,000,
Or else I haf to stop attack
exclusive of table and piping.
L'nd simply play defend;
The Japanese buyer was also ne­
So four und twenty hours I gif
gotiating for metal forms and was in­
To make der allies run,
terested in getting complete informa­
Und put me safe into my blace—
tion as to footers.
Der middle of der sun.
The remarkable increase in Japan’s
If you do dis. I’ll do my bart.
hosiery trade in two years, in con­
I’ll tell dcr vorld der fact;
junction with important additions to
But if You don’t, den I must tink
equipment in recent months, make it
11 is a hostile act.
apparent that powerful competition
Den var at vonce I vill declare,
will have to be met eventually by
Und in my anger rise
manufacturers of hosiery in the Unit­
Und send my Zeppelin ships to vage
ed States._________________
A fight up in der espies.
Dis ultimatum now, dear Gott,
JaPan and China.
Is one of many more;
Mein mind is settled up to clean
If Japan and China can firmly unite
Der whole world off der floor.
upon a commercial and mutually de­
Because you vas mein brodder.
fensive policy, the Eastern skies will
An extra chance is giffen.
be cleared' This concession is a su­
So help me vonce, or else I’ll be
perb political play, for it promises a
Dcr Ernporor of Heffen
settlement of long-standing antag­
onisms between the two great neigh­
I his verse recently appeared in the bors. The increased Chinese duties
Allentown (Pa.) Press as a contribu- will work hardship to the manufac­
tation from a lady subscriber.
turers and export merchants of great
industrial centers like Osaka—the
losses in that city for the first year
Taking Big Chances.
It is a great risk to travel without being estimated at $1,500,000—but the
a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Chol­ near future is expected to equalize
era and Diarrhoea Remedy, as this this penalty by closer relations with
preparation cannot be obtained on China. The enormous supplies of t*aw
the trains or steamships Attacks of materials in that vast country will be­
bowel complaint are often sudden and come more eccessable to the steel and
very severe, and anyone should go woolen manufacturers of Japan.
prepared for them For sale by La­
I Help for Those Who Have Stomach
mar's Drug Store.
Billiousness and Stomach Trouble
------o . ■
After doctering for about twelve
“Two years ago 1 suffered from years ior a bad stomach trouble, and
frequent attacks of stomach trouble
«pending nearly five hundred dollar*
and biliousness,” writes Miss Emma
for medicine and doctor’s fee», I
Verbryke, Lima, Ohio. "I could eat purchased my wife one box of Cham­
va ry little food that would agree with
berlain's Tablets, which did her so
me and I became so dizzy and sick at
much good that she continued to use
my stomach at times that I had to
lak< hold of something to keep from them and they have done her more
good than all of the medicine I
falling. Seecing Chamberlain's Tab­
I bought before.— Samuel Boyer, Fol-
lets advertised I decided to try them. 1 som Iowa, This medicine is for sale
I improved rapidly.” For sale by La-
I by Lamar’s Drug Store.
mar’s Drug Store.