TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. JU .Y 5. 1917. ADVERTISING RATES. Legal Advertisement*. First Insertion per line ............. Each subsequent insertion, line. Business and Professional cards one month.............................. .. Locals per line each insertion... Display advertisements, an inch and Lodge Notices. per line . All Resolutions of Condolence one month ................... I It seems that suit cases and those who carry them are looked upon with .10 some suspicion these days, for it ap­ pears that a good many “wet” duds ■05 are being packed around in them. QB J. G. TURNER, WINE MAKING IS OFF o Supreme Court Affirms Marastoni Case Decision. Salem, July 3.—Manufacture EYE SPECIALIST PORTLAND OREGON, Regular Monthly Vj8jt8 tf) of Cheese it, Governor. The governor wine for one's personal use, or for the i.00 was so pleased at the picnic on Sat­ use of his family, unless such wine is 05 urday, that he made another talk when a Young American was present­ ed to him, and before he got through he was nursing two Young Ameri­ •50 cans. W ■ know that Governor Withy- combe has often spoken in public and praised the Tillamook product, and THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. that be has a w akness in calling for Tillamook cheese, but the snap shot F. C. BAKER. Publisher. •nan thought it was time for the gov­ ernor to cheese it when he was load- ■ I down v.ithh two Young Americans. ■OS Editorial 8jap Shots. To make I in: .nade wine in Orc- of tí c pr hibition gon is a viol 'i law. That is ■ gh o ■: those who have fruit going t J w" » e and cannot utilize it in tl • way. Those who make home mad wine in future are liable to arrest a and prosecution. Governor W'i hycoml i- fulfilling his election promises. H -.aid he would enforce the pro' ibition law and by what took plae ■ at Astoria last week, he ’s not adopting the spectacular methods ado; I by Gov­ ernor West in -ending ■ om- >1 to make investigati >n, hut qoes direct to the proper authority - aid told them to get busy or something would hap­ pen. The slap shot man is convinced from the bumps, and bumpty bumps, nd t................................ h ik up he had on the Three ' Rivers ■ ■ 1 on Saturday that no time should be "o»t ' by the county court in making t nporary repairs so as to make the jad fit to travel. It is a dis- grace to Tillamook county to allow tn? tt J in road into th? county to get into sue a ba I condition. Now Com- mission* Owen.s, please get one of * l!O: lively hustles on, and get it 1 up and we’ll all say that Frank :he best looking gentleman in tmook County. That may be ning a point, but if Frank can in a point fixing the Three rs road w e can. unfermented and for sacramental purpose, is a crime under the laws of the State of Oregon. This is held by the Supreme Court today in the case of the State vs. Joe Marastoni, ap­ pealed from Multnomah County, C. U. Gantenbein Judge. "No doubt, to many of our citizens accustomed to the use of wine as a table beverage to the same extent as others have used tea and coffee or milk, such extr -me 1 -gistration may seem drastic and harsh,” states Chief Justice McBride, in writing the opin­ ion for the court. “It certainly seems so to the w riter, but, how. ver may be our individual opinion, they must yield to the mandates of the law. “The question is 11 >t as to the pol­ icy of the law, but as to the power to * nact it, and this being found to ex­ ist. the judgment will be affirmed.” Marastoni was fined $50 in the low­ er court. PRESIDENTS DRAFT RULES EXEMPT FEW. Regulations for First Contingent Give Boards Power to Decide on Each Case. Washington, July 2.—Preparation As a result of the recent for the mobilization of the first con­ --it- ".ion in this county by agita’or, those who are advocating a tingent of 625,000 troops of the new W < will gambl that tin' editorial in recruise of the timber in this county National Army advanced another step th, last week's issue of the Herald, have suggested that the next budget today when President Wilson prom­ in regard to the pavement was writ­ contain sufficient money to recruise ulgated the regulations to govern ex­ ten by a person who expects to get a the timber of the \\ hitney Co. and emptions from military service. Local and appeal exemption boards big whack : out of the “hush” money, Hammond Co. It was these timber upon the snap shot owners who started the fight in Tilla­ already have been appointed and the hence its attack : man. A blind man can see the ear mook County, and the people of Till­ issuance of the regulations will per­ marks. But, oh, how absurd, how amook have a right to know whether mit them to organize immediately ._ silly anil theii timber is under cruised. If it is and prepare for the concluding phases ridiculous, how little and silly and little, Bro Trombley is they should be made to pay their just 01 the task of getting the men under making himself toadying to those proportion of taxation and not over training for duty in France. in the order in which they must tax the dairymen who have improved who want hush money. their farms and increased the valua­ Come there are three steps in the or­ tion by hard work. It is plain to see ganization process of the National It is expected that the State High­ that the matter of recruising the tim­ Army a» prescribed by Congress. way Commission meets this week, it ber will be a burning question in this They are registration, selection and will order the building of ten miles of county, until the matter is settled exemption. The first step has been hard surfaced road south of this city. right. As these two companies were carried through and approximately The County Court has advised the so insistent upon butting in and 10,000.000 men between 21 and 31 Commission that it is ready to pre­ creating sentiment against former ;.5ars aSFe have been registered. pare the roadbed tor ten or more county officials, why, it is no more 1 he regulations issued todav cover in miles of road. .At the meeting of the than right, if the Whitney Co. and detail the operation of the third step co. linission last week there was so Hammond Co. have not been paying exemption. many other matters that took up the a just proportion of taxation, they Information: concerning the second time that the application from Tilla­ should be made to do so, and the con­ step in the series, however, still is mook County had to be postponed.^ tention of those who advocate a re­ lacking and officials are guarding cruise of these two companies’ tim­ closely the method by which selec­ tion is to be applied. J lie snap shot man would like to ber is well take n and should be acted I he exemption regulations announ­ see the pavement controversy settled upon bv the County Court. That goes ced that the boards will be advised and the Warren Construction Com­ to prove that those who live in glass of the selection- process later, al- ■ pany paid what the pavement is houses should not throw stones. As though none of the steps prescribed | worth, for it is sofnewhat of a reflec­ we have previously pointed out the except the orgamuation of the boards tion on the city, to have it said that timber men were responsible for the can be carried out until the selection the city is endeavoring to repudiate agitation, and if the snap shot man machinery has finished the name* of its indebtedness. The litigants have a doe- not miss his guess they will pay the men whose frness and desirabil­ right to settle according to the stip­ a great big additional wad of money ity for Army service the boards are I I ulations, if they desire to do so, but in taxation every year as a result to judge. I here is one hint, however, i J. Dougal-Dougally-Doisni. So let’s the non-litigants have some rights as to how the seleation machinery is and should have a voice in the matter have an honest, fair and -quare cruise to work. before the matter is finally settled. of the W hitney C’o.’c and Hammond The local boards- are directed upon Maybe that a reduction of 25c. per Co.’s timber. organization to take over from the yard is a lair settlement, and maybe it registration precincts the cards arerf is not, but that is for the non-litigants CLEANUP IS BEGUN lists of the men registered on June 5, to decide themselves anil not the liti­ IN CLATSOP COUNTY and as their first d»ty, to provide a gants for them. W e are willing to ad­ ------ o------ Serial number for each registration mit that the pavement company has Astoria Resorts and Big Steamer card. waived interest and agrees to main­ Raided. Hl I- ha* given support to the belief tain the pavement for another live that the selection is to be by number. years, which is 1 some importance, \sturia, Ore., July I.—Governor Reports were current recently that for the pavement will have to be in W ithx combe's notification to Clatsop the selection drawing was to be made as good conditio 1 at the end of that Comity officials that bootlegging and in Washington. time as when first put down. gambling conditions here and around Presumably the process of selection the mouth of the river must be miti- will be announced only a short time The formal op< ning of the Satti ted I.ore fruit last night and today. before it is put into operation. W hen Grass road on Saturday was a matter Th Governor's orders reached dis- that will be is not known. of considerable importance to \ m- irict ttorney Erickson Friday. They September 1 has been the t< ntative hill and Tillamm k, more so t him re based on numerous complaints. date set for calling the 650,000 of the most persons has e any idea of. First, Governor said, which had been tirst contingent to the’ colors for it showed what inope ation w ill • idol lr. 111 office Is of the Wont­ ti ining. I regress with construction bring about, tor in planning and 's Christian I eni| i rance Union and ot the 16 divisional cantonments for building the ro; 1. the two county lit rs, that much liquor was being the troups will govern that action, courts have worl d harmoniously t<> link ; ml consider .hie gambling go- however. It is now b.licwd there- will gether without i\ .1 one inciden to I ie »', ss way and I nilt s| i.il prosecutor might be appoint­ cult to calculate the time the local the road as cli< u!y as possible I'hv ed. boaiels will nee-el in [sassing on the v ork is now et ■ |d< tc and it affords Results were swift. Last night a cases that come' betore them. us great pleasin in adding our com- number of rvorts in Astoria wen mendation. Thi ro id w ill bring A am- raided. Eleven men were arrested for ALL WRONG. lull and Tillamook much clos.r to- being drunk, 011c for selling liquor gether in a business wav, for we cx- and seven for gambling. The Mistake is made by Many Tilla­ pect to see considerable hay and 1 oday, when the steamer Northern mook Citizens. gram hauled into Tillamook county Pacific arrived at Elavil, she was met l.ook for the cause of backache. by auto purchased in A amhill county. by a squad of 16 officers, represent­ I o be cured you must know the Blit the Sour Grass road is more than ing tin sin riff and police, who found cause. 1 local road. It is part of the great considerable liquor. If it’s weak kidneys Portland, Astoria, Tillamook and Late tonight six members of the A 011 must set the kidnevs working McMinnville loop, which when hard- crew had been arrested, four suitcases surfaced, will be a splendid scenic and two sacks of liquor had been con­ right. A resident of McMinnville shows drove through one of the best sec­ fiscated and the ship placed tinder tions of Oregon, and will be a won­ strong guards. According to reports you how. Frank Grant, 432 Lafayette Ave., der to tourists as the) travel over the there arc 00 cases of whisky stored McMinnville, Ore., says: “Doan’s loop. away in the 1750 tons of the fri ight Kidney I ills are the only meTicine in the steamer’s hold. that does me any good whenever my The officers made' a thorough back feels lame and stiff. Heavy lift­ The toll vate in Yamhill county at search of the vessel, and secreted Dolph will no longer fleece the trav ing and exposure gets my kidnevs out cling public. It took several years of about it they found caches of liquor. of fix once in a while. I can hardly I'hc liquor in the suitcases was taken hard fighting to rid Tillamook coun .iUn.Uh'ng, and when I get (town it ty of the toll graft at Dolph, and at it was being brought ashore. It is difficult for me to straighten up. was saiel to belong to passengers, al ­ when it succeeded ill obliterating that After I have taken ______ Doan’s .. Kidney antiquated system of road building, though no one appeared to claim it. Pills for a few days, my back feels In addition to strong guards placed strong as ever.” the Yamhill county court had the wool pulled over its eves by the toll about the boat, a launch was station­ Price 50c., at all dcalers. Don’t gate monopoly, for it granted a eel in the stream at the dock tonight simply t #»k ‘ Jor _ a * kidney ____ remedy— franchise to allow a toll gate to be to see that none of the liquor suppos­ get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the -2.J same erected in that county. So the toll ed yet to be aboard is thrown over, as Mr. Grant uses. Foster-Milburn gate was simply moved a few yards and every bit of freight will be care­ Co., Props. Buffalo, N. Y. from Tillamook cotintv into Yamhill fully watched by the officers while it county It showed a lack of co-opera­ is being discharged. Exchange or Sale. Just before the liner left San Fran­ tion between the two counties and we are free to admit that most of us who cisco seven members of the crew Owner of lot to, block 53, Pacific had been fighting the toll road graft were dismissed because they were were highly indignant at the Yamhill suspected of being implicated in the Addition toBay < ity will exchange same for __ _ or ____ Tacoma property will be County Court It not only did I illa- systematic liquor smuggling that has mook County an injustice, but it been going on Captain Hunter of the glad to have a cash offer at a reason­ showed a narrow n<-s in A anthill Northern Pacific, gave the officers able figure.—Address B. B. Broomell, county in allowing the toll road graft every assistance in their search, and Box 1.'So, Tacoma, Wash. to be established u’ that county. It is offered heartiest co-operation in put­ gratifying to know that th* toll road ting an end to the illegal traffic. Patrolman McKnight and one of graft is a thing of the past and that Ornamental Fire Places Built the two counties can now work ’t to- the members of the crew fought a of Brick and Stone. All Fire g ther for their mutual benefit. That lively battle for a few minutes when Places absolutely guaranteed is not the only benefit. Tourists who the officer attempted to make an ar- not to smoke or money re­ were held up it Dolph were more rc-t following the liquor raid on the funded. than disgusted and peeved, ami al­ steamer. The sailor attacked the po­ Brick work of all kinds done though Tillamook comity seems to liceman, who, however, got his pris­ on short notice. * have been mostly abused for the toll, oner to jail. We make a specialty of re­ O‘'ier raids by the police last night as people thought the toll gate was pairing smoking Fire Places. in Tillamook County. Yamhill county resulted in the arrest of seven for came in for a good share of the gambling, 11 for being drunk and one abuse, l et u« all rejoice that the toll for selling liquor Nearly every one gate at Dolph will now be starved arrested had a bottle of "prohibition” out by the completion of the Sour liquor, a concoction of bay runt and Holman drops. TILLAMOOK ORE Grass road. RALPH E. WARREN, Tillamook and Cloverdale WATCH PAPER FOR DATEN. J PIANO INSTRUCTION, Diploma from Chicago Musical College.—Beginners receive the same careful training as the most advanced. Terms —$4.00 per months Instruc­ tion. All lessons given at Studio. County Representative for the Wiley B Allen Co.s’ line of high grade pianos, player-pianos, Victroloi etc. COOK WITH OIL COOLNESS There’s nothing so cool as an oil oi! stove for 1 ar summer cooking. All the heat is concert., a .e on the cooking and not radiated about .lie kitchen. Cooks everything any wood or coal range will cook, and cooks it better,because of the steady, evenly-distributed heat. Use it all the year 'round — more convenient than a wood or coal stove, and more econom­ ical. The long blue chimneys prevent al! stnoke and smell. In 1. 2. 3 and 4 burner sizes, .vith BLANDE ERWIN I J-JAVID ROBINSON, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND I SURGEON NATIONAL BUILDING, TILLAMOOK Ì__ ______ :__ :__ > [ I i i or without ovens. Also cabinet models. Ask your dealer today. < >REGON, T. Ho: 1 A . ATTORNEY-AT I.AW. Complete Set of Abstract Bos les in 1 tffice. Taxes Paid for Non Residents. NEW PERFECTION OIL COOK-STOVE T illamook B lock , Tillamooic Oregon .... Both Pliones. z__________________ \ T. BO ALS, M.D., FOR SALE BY PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon S.P. Co. (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) ALEX. McNAIR & CO. KING CRENSHAW CO Tillamook Oregon, EBSTER HOLMES, ATTORNEY-AT LAW COMMERC1 AL HUII.DI.Và, FIRST Trip Fares STREET, TILLAMOOK. H. OREGON GOYNL, ATTORNEY.AT LAW. BETWEEN O pposite C ourt H qusk . Office: TILLAMOOK COUNTY BEACH POINTS Tillamook - <')«*gon. JACK OLSEN. These round trip tickets will be on sale daily until Septem­ ber 22nd. Limit 2 i^ays. DENTIST. (I. O. O. F Bldg.) SPECIAL SUNDAY FARES Tillamook I Oregon - 0R. L. L. HOY, On Stindays, until September 9th, especially low fare tickets will he sold, limited to date of sale. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , Tillamook, MOTOR CAR SEVICE Oregon. JOHN LELAND Do not forget that the motor car makes two daily round trips between Tillamook and Mohler, in addition to the steam service. HENDERSON ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW T illamook B lock , Ask our local agent for information. John yi. bcott. General Passenger Agent Portland, Ore. 1 illamook - • . Oiegon. ROOM Ntk LM SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES C. HAWK PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Bay City Closing Out Sale. I am going to dispose of my Stock of Goods at greatly Reduced Prices, Consisting of Harness. Saddles, Sweat Pads, Collars, J Oregon E. REEDY, D.V M., VKTKR1NARY. I Both Phones. lillatiiooh - Oregon. QARL HABERLACH, I ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. T illamook B eock Tillamook Oregon And everything in a First Class Harness Shop ; also GLOVES, SUIT CASES, GRIPS WATER PROOF CLOTHING, Etc Have Your House Wiring Done by At 20 Per Cent Coagt poWefCo. CUT in Prices W. A- WILLIAMS, Tillamook, Or done right at RIGHT PRICES.