« Hcadlinht TILLAMOOK, OREGON, Our Declaration of Safety 1WITH good-will toward all, this Bank V I enters upon what may be a time of ’ ’ great financial trial ; but as we be­ lieve a period of positive financial safety and security for this immediate vicinity The Resources of this Bank place a guarantee back of our words, which can­ not be denied. During this period of emergency, we shall continue to safe­ guard the local interests and keep our funds here for the strength of our local business and agricultural needs. In pro­ tecting our own people and in financing our local interests, we believe that we are following the safest path to patriotic service. AS SAFE IN WAR AS IN TIMES OF PEACE. EXCELLENT BANKING QUARTERS AND SERVICE. T illamook C ounty B ank . CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $4(5, (XX).00. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. A marriage license was issue! to ted about $60.00. and with the addi­ Arch J. Rogers and Reta B. Morgan. tion of $zo.oo given by Miss Lillian 1 he Oregonian and other daily Groat, who gave the money that was newspapers failed to make connec­ {intended to purchase a dress for the tions in the mail on Tuesday, which goddess, with the balance left over made a rush for newspapers at the I j from the Fourth of July fund and news stands. .3^4 I some additional subscriptions will re- ' suit in swelling the Company fund 1400 lb. horse, harness, buggy and $250.00. Some of the business men stump puller, with rigging, for sale, are going to interest themselves in or trade for auto or motorcycle in Al increasing the company fund, and, if condition, balance cash. Address Box possible, make it $1,000.00. That is 576, Tillamook, Oregon. one of the many ways in which we Now is the time to look after your can show our appreciation of our Fire Insurance on all your property. home boys, whom we all admire and It will surprise you how cheaply you respect. On the Fourth H. H. Rosen­ can get a 3 or 5 year policy.—Rollie berg hande dthe President of the Commercial Club, a check for $10.00 W. Watson. and a like amount having been also The Tillamook Meat Co. will pay subscribed, the two checks were turn­ toe for all 10 pound lard pails and 5c. ed over to Mrs. Stanley Coates of the for 5 pound pails. They must be free Women’s Civic Improvement League, from rust. Bring them in at once and to help swell the receipts taken in get your money. ♦ that day for the Company Fund. For Sale—Horse and buggy, broke I I to work single or double, weight 1000 ’ Co-Partnership. pounds.—Enquire of E. P. Jeffrey, R. j The undersigned have entered in­ b. D. Tillamook, Oregon. 2* to a co-partnership for the practice of Don’t forget those busied castings. law, under the firm name of Johnson, Can be welded for half. Goods sent Handley & McGrath. July 9, 1917. S. S. Johnson by parcel post and express promptly T. B. Handley, I returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook, I Robert H. McGrath. Oregon. • I have a number of store buildings, houses and office rooms to rent. Also , can give desirable ground lease in I various parts of the city desirable to I almost any needs. See me also for 1 city property on payments to suit I your income.—Rollie W. Watson. Tillamook Jottings. LiflJVIflR’S VARIETY STORE, I.OO.F. BLD., Drop in and book Around ” To Whom Does “Thrift” Apply? NYONE, any may practice Thrift, means Judicious Spending, Practical Using and Careful Saving. The child, the housewife, merchant, farmer, manufacturer—EVERY­ ONE—will find a Savings or Checking account at The First National Bonk—a real aid to Thrift. And Thrift is a REAL All) to the prosperity of com­ munity and people. DIRECTORS: A. W. Bunn, Farmer. P. Heisel, Farmer. C. J. Edwards. Mgr. C. Power Co. J. C. Holden. Vice Pres. B. C. Lamb, Building Materials. John Motgan. Farmer. IF. J. Riechers. Cashier. J The first National Bank TILLAMOOK r, OREGON. Cheesemakers Notice. There will be an examination given on Wednesday afternoon, July 11th, at the Tillamook Cheese Factory for all those wishing to obtain a Testers’ License. This will be the last one giv­ en in the county this year, so if you wish to obtain a license without go­ ing to Corvallis to take the examina­ tion, be sure and be present. R. C. Jones, Co. Ag. Agent. Rosenberg Bros, have opened s large ieed store on 2nd Avenue East near the saw mill and will carry a large line of all kinds of hay, feed, flour, grass seeds at the very lowest prices. Special prices on hay and feed in car lots. I am in the market at all times for Commission Will Investigate Word has been recieved from Stan- your baby calves—Smith “The Calf ley Coates relatives which states that Man,’’—Both Phones. Mr. Fred C. Baker, Tillamook ■o Furnished house for rent, Apply to his brother, who was with the Aus­ Headlight. tralian contingent in France and W. A. Wise, dentist. 1 > i W. T. Newcomb, 2nd ^venue West was missing for several weeks, is a Dear Sir:—Relative to the file con­ | near First Street. 2* prisoner in Germany and wounded in taining your and other letters inci­ Dr. C. W. Miller, chriopractor. • dent to the closing of the uptown of­ I For cheap fertilizer for your garden the arm. Hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough 1 ■ and meadow, see Frank Elliott at fice of the Western Union in Tilla­ 1 Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hanson, Row ­ » mook: Co. Franklin Fish Market. ena and Mr. and Mrs. N. Hanson The Commission has requested that Go to Mason’s for Standard Pat­ For Sale—Rutabaga and Cow Kale went to Salem Sunday. Mrs. H. C. the Western Union maintain service terns. , * plants, $1.00 per thousand.—Hans Hanson has been appointed one of until such time as further investiga­ * the State Board Examiners. After the tion can be made. Good ironers wanted at the Crystal I > Hanson, Tillamook, Oregon. Laundry, * Thanking you for calling this mat­ For Sale—Horse, cart, wagon and week at Salem, Mrs. Hanson will at­ tend the National Education Asso­ ter to our attention, and assuring you A modern house for rent,—See : harness or will trade for good cow. ciation at Portland. of our interests, we arc, Apply to H. Harris, Mutual phone. * Shrode. Yours truly, Sheriff Campbell has handed us a Mrs. J. C. Holden is in Portland For sale, 3 inch wagon, Apply to Public Service Commission complete list of those who were reg­ taking a special course in music of D. Billings. * of Oregon, B. Fred G. istered, which we published the same Mrs. C. L. Dunning of New York. Buchtel, Commissioner. Week of the registration, with a re­ Dr. Shearer, physician and surgeon, A marriage license was issued to quest that we republish them as each ------ 0------ Cloverdale, Ore. * Harry Burke, of Salmon. Idaho, and person has been given a number, and Mr. Fred C. Baker, Editor, Tilla­ when the drawing takes place it will Alma Landingham, of Cloverdale. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Thom­ mook Headlight, Tillamook. be done by numbers. Wc have no as, on July a girl. Dear Sir.—Since writing you this Big dance at Saltair Saturday night space to spare this week and will morning, we are in receipt of the in­ Pure Water Glass to preserve eggs and at Barview, Sunday, best of publish this list later. formation that the removal of the up­ music and good management assured. at C. I. Clough Co. * White town office of the Western Union Adjutant General G. A. For Sale—New modern residence, writes: It gives me pleasure to thank Mrs. Marie Wade, nurse. Terms re­ located in best residence district. For you on behalf of Governor Withy­ Telegraph Company will be delayed until such time as the Commission duced to suit the times. * sale at a bargain. See Frank Heyd. * combe, and for myself, for the pat- can further investigate. riotriotic co-operation of The Head ­ Experienced Tillamook Dairyman Yours truly, The county court was in session Public Service Commission wants to rent 4 or 5 good milk cows. light in the campaign undertaken by Monday allowing bills. this office to inform the people as to of Oregon, By Fred. G. Address Box 63, Garibaldi, Ore. Wanted—Man for general work, their duties in the War Census. The Buctcl. Commissioner. I New, modern upright Player Piano, Apply at Ramsey Hotel. assistance rendered by the press has stool to match and player records. been of great value in making pos­ Lots in Block 3, Miller’s Addition Easiest terms.—Apply at this office. Opening of Sour Grass Road. sible Oregon's creditable showing in for sale.—See T. H. Goyne. * j | Lost—a lady’s breast pin, on the the War Census. The opening of the Sour Grass road Lodging at the Watchtower, 25c., Fourth, in this city. Finder please rc- The Tillamook Homing Club fin­ at a picnic on Saturday was fittingly Also furnished rooms. * (turn same to J. H. Ellison, 1 illamook, ished their series of old bird races on observed near the county line in Garbage gathered free. See M. R. i i Oregon. Sunday with a fly from Lyle, Wash. Yamhill County. There was a large Hanankrat, or call Main 6F11. For Sale—A paying sawmill in the The birds were liberated at 11:4.5. number of persons present both from For Furnished Rooms at reasonable South end of the County. It will make The first five birds which were owned Yamhill and Tillamook counties. The money for you. Taylor Real Estate by W. S. Coates, Joe Mills and W. grove was packed with autos, and be­ price, See Mrs. E. Plank. *2 I Agency, Cloverdale, Ore. 2t. Foster arrived together at 4:18. This ing an idea) day, those who attended The Presbyterian Sunday School • Money to loan on farm lands, from is considered a good fly for the birds had a most pleasant day’s enjoyment. This road was built by Yamhill and went on a picnic to Idaville on Mon­ $500 up, Good terms. Reasonable rate in their first year as they had to cross both the Cascades and the Coast counties, which formed a day. of interest. We want your business. Range. The club will fly a series of (j Tillamook ojnt road I joint road district district for for that that purpose, See Everson. The Tillamook Feed Co., will close young bird races in August. . | The r road oad is a great benefit to both The O. E. S. Kensington will meet their store all day July 4.—D. L. Miss Sara Prentiss, formerly of counties, ^and cost in the ncighbor- Friday. July 6, at the home of Mi’s. Shrode. hood of $45,000. Although four miles H. A. Williams. Mrs. Boals and Mrs. Tillamook, but now of Corvallis, has of the road is in Yamhill county and Attorney and Mrs. Geo. Winslow accepted a position in the Domestic Williams are the hostesses. went to Salem on Saturday, with D. Science Department of the Oregon 1 only one mile in Tillamook county, I A. Arstill, who has the contract for Agricultural College. Mrs. Prentiss both counties put up like amounts L. Shrode. the Bayocean road, says he will have was graduated from the above college for its construction, with some state J . s . J Point Will pay you to see Everson tor ir a the road completed to FK».Lc Dick s Point in the class of 1917. She was an honor aid. The road is not only graded, but safe investment in city property or • by the first of next month. student and according to the Regis­ is rocked with a good top dressing •arm lands. r I Captain Magee, of the U. S. Ship? trar’s report, the most brilliant stu­ well rolled, and on Saturday the road One Ton Ford Truck; also 5 pas­ I ping Board, came in Thursday of last dent in the Home Economics Depart­ was in fine shape and almost equal to senger Ford Nearly new, for sale, week to approve the site where the ment this year. Her work will be con­ a hard surface road to travel. After the picnic lunch D. L. Shrode See Rosenberg. 2* government» vessels are to be built. ducted in Mothercraft, food prepara­ acted as toastmaster. He impressed tion and housewifery. For Sale, six lots in Tillamook City the audience that the Sour Grass road Postmaster P. W. Todd returned to for $1,100.00 cash. Call or address the city on Thursday after a short va­ The new theatre building opposite was a State road and was part of the Mrs. C. N. Drew. * cation in California returning with Ins the Tillamook Hotel is rapidly near­ Portland, Astoria, Tillamook, Mc- I H Mason & Co., has taken over the wife and two daughters on Thursday. ing completion. With the opening of ' Minnville loop. The first speaker was Standard patterns formerly sold by r Horse For Sale—will work single this fine photoplay house Tillamook ' Governor James Withycombe who people will have in their midst one of gave two rattling speeches. The gov- L2ni3r ’s C Variety Store. Lamar or double, weight about 1100. Cheap the most modern up-to-date places in 1 | ernor’s remarks were on patriotism if sold at once. Apply to Will Goeres John Teldschau, Concrete contrac­ the Northwest. New seats and new L and good roads. He said he did not equipment will be put in, which will .think that the people realized the tor, concrete silos built. All work R. F. D. Box 72, Tillamook. For Sale—Beautiful tone, practical­ make everything new and inviting, : seriousness of the world wide war guaranteed.Both phones. and should make it a very popular Why not be insured in the best fire ly new $475-00 Player Piano stool to place for the people to find an even­ 1 that the United States was engaged t ■psurance company, it costs no more. match and player rolls all for >375- ing’s highclass entertainment. Par­ j in and the sacrifices that would have i to be made before the war lords of | Easiest terms. Inquire at thts office. See Everson. I tridge and Morrison will operate the Germany were subdued. He appealed , The Franklin Fish Market is now place which is a guarantee in itself to everybody to do their bit and sup­ Miss Areta Everson returned from California on Thursday, where she open for business, drop in and look that all will be high class. port and back up President Wilson. around at the Old Spanish Kitchen. — has been attending a university. He said the United States was not There is every prospect of a tele ­ F. N. Elliott, Proprietor. At the G. A. R. Encampment at graphic message being received at fighting the German people, but Kaiserism. Tre governor was pleased At a meeting of the city council on any moment rorest Grove last week C. E. Rey­ from Washington Monday evening it was decided to in­ awarding Fccnev-Brcmcr Co. a con­ with what Oregon had done in ob­ nolds was elected vice-commander. taining volunteers and money for the struct the city engineer to figure out For Sale, a Saxon run-about. In the cost of the pavement to the prop­ tract to build two vessels for the liberty bonds and the Red Cross government, all the preliminary de­ campaign, and he was frequently ap­ Rood condition. Price $350.00. Apply erty owners. tails having been worked out satis­ •o Attorney Webster Holmes. * Attorney Robert H. McGrath, of factory with recommendations from plauded during the fine patriotic ad­ dress that he made. The governor w as Portland, will take charge of the law the Portland and Seattle officees. As ‘ 1 it came to Mrs. Belle Paulerv and Mrs. R. L. office of Attorneys Johnson and soon as a telegraphic message is re­ quite enthusiastic when roads. He was Morgan and family, of Portland, I talking about good roa Handlev. while the latter are called ceived that will mean that Feeney- greatly pleased with the Sour Grass j came in Friday to visit with their sis- into active service with the Coast Bremer Co. will have to get to work road and paid Tillamook and Yamhill *.'r Mrs. Stephenson, of the Ramsey immediately and not wall until the (counties a great compliment at the Artillery. Hotel. contract is signeed. The company has I completion of that road, and he was selected a sight for the ship yard.on ; more than pleased to know that the the Elmore property at Dick's point, people of Tillamook county had voted on the corner of the south side of the I three to one for state bonds and I bay. I Yamhill county tw o to one. He spoke The Ladies of the Women'« Civic highly of the State Highway Com- | Improvement League with theh as- mission and he said he believed he j sistance of th e girls of the Honor had appointed a good commission Guard, conducted a tag campaign for w'ho would spend the money to the the Company Fund of the Coast Ar­ best advantage. He predicting before tillery on the Fourth, which proved many years that there would be other « •< successful, $109.00 being collected. bond measures for good roads, for The dance given at the Armory net- Oregon was far behind other states ■ »>.50 PER YEAR. in good roads, manufactories and population. At the close of the speaking, Gov­ ernor Withycombe and the members of the Yamhill County Court were arrested ami brought into court and lined up before the toastmasteer. The first person to receive a little advice was the governor. The toastmaster said he was a little disappointed that the State Highway Commission was not present, for the Tillamook Com­ mercial Club had planned a little sur­ prise. The Governor was presented with a Young American, and in mak­ ing the presentation, Mr. Shrode said if the Governor’s State Highway Commission would build as good roads as Tillamook County made good cheese no one would have any complaint to make, and in presenting three Young Americans to the county Judge and County Commissioners of Yamhill county, said that the Sour Grass Road brought the two counties closer together and it would not be long, with a hard surfaced -oad, be­ fore hay, etc., woul 1 be shipped into Tillamook County from 1 ambili county by auto trucks. Governor Withycomhc was so pleased with the cheese that he made another talk and spoke highly of Til­ lamook cheese, when he was present­ ed with another. The other speakers were W. W. Nichols, county judge of Yamhill coutny; A. M. Hare, county judge of Allen, Tillamook County; W. S. county commissioner, Yamhill; Frank Owens, county commissioner, Tilla- mook; S. E. Cummins, county com- missioncr, Yamhill; Attorney H. T. Botts, Tillamook; Wm. Gunning, ex- commissioner, Yamhill; R. W. Wat­ son, Tillamook; L. Hopfield, Yamhill; C. C. Chapman, Oregon Voter, Port­ land; and L. M. Kraner, Cloverdale. ANNOUNCEMENT I desire to give notice to the public that the Ramsey Hotel, Tillamook, Oregon, has been taken over by me and that your patronage will be ap­ preciated. The cafe will be open and the tables made a distinctive feature of the hotel. The rooms will be clean and comfortable as the best. When in the city make your head­ quarters at the Ramsey Hotel. Mrs. Goldie Stephenson, Former Proprietor, Sum­ mit Hotel, Condon, Orc. Red Clover Factory Destroyed. Fire on Tuesday morning com­ pletely wiped out the Ret) Clover Cheese Factory. The fire started on.1 the roof, presumably by a spark fall­ ing on it. The cheese maker made an’ effort Io extinguish the fire with a bucket of water but he had to make a hasty retreat from the roof, as the fire had taken a firmer hold on the building than he realized. Some of the cheese was saved but other­ wise the factory and contents were completely destroyed, including the furniture and effects belonging to W. J. De Boer and Orvil White. The loss is somewhere about $<>,000 with $3.000 insurance. The factory will be re­ built as soon as possible and in the meantime the milk is being distrib­ uted around to other factories. Shingle Mill at Wheeler Burns Wheeler, Or.,—July I.—The Jensenr shingle mill at this city was destroy­ ed by fire this morning; loss $10,000 no insurance. The mill was of three- machine capacity and was shipping two to four cars of shingles each week. The adjoining lumber mill plant was saved. This fire is a big blow to the shingle industry of this district, and leaves a large crew of skilled’ workmen without employment. Mr. Jensen left for Portland today to try to raise funds for rebuilding his mil). Alfalfa Land for Sale. For Salo, near Riddle, Oregon, 900 acres of river bottom land, deep sandy loam, . _ gravel ___ subsoil, , _______ natural drainage, river frontage, fronts coun­ ty road good for automobiles the year around. Daily mail and automo­ bile stage, ten miles from S. P. rail­ road station and three miles from good trading point with good stores. This land especially adopted to alfal­ fa and can guarantee irrigation by Nov. 1st, 1917, at $36.00 per acre and a maintenance fee of $1.50 per year. Can show land now yielding seven tons to the acre per year and pasture for two months after Sept. 1st, with irrigation Mild equable climate, good water, plenty nearby outrange, an ideal dairy or stockfeeding country. A few small ranches for sale. For further particulars antdv to A. C. Everson, Tillamook. Oregon.