The Last 4 Days of Our SATURDAY, June 30, at 9 A.M Buy Your Celebration Wearables Now and Save SENSATIONAL SHOE PRICES All the New Lasts in Men’s Suits, $12.35 Pinch-back, and Box Medium Florsheim Shoes for Men, $5.00 to $8.50 Styles of the .times and perfect Back Models in all sizes for men fitting lasts. That’s what you get in and young men. Florsheims. Men’s Button and Blucher Actual $18.00 Value Dress Shoes, $6.50 Men’s Suits, Men's and Youngmen’s English, Medium and Box Back Models in all sizes. An exceptional bargain in New Dress Shoes for Men. Shown in the new Chocolate shade and But­ ton and Blucher Styles. Popularly Priced Actual $20.00 Value Ladies’ Sleeveless Hav’e every member of the family fitted at these wonderful savings. Ladies’ Oxfords, Mary Jane and Strap Pumps.............. $2.95 Misses’ 84 to 2, Rubber Sole Mary Jane Pumps.............. 83c. Ladies’ Rubber Sole, Canvas Top Mary Jane Pumps . 93c. Child's 84 to 2, Leather Sole White Canvas Sandals 89c. Men’s Gunmetal Hutton Dress Shoes............ $3.95 Men’s 10 and 12 in. Calked Loujjinjr Shoes $7.85 ENTIRE STOCK OF NEW WASH FABRICS AT SENSATIONAL REDUCTIONS Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual 20c. to 25c. Wash Fabrics for 25c. to 35c. Wash Fabrics for to 45c. Wash Fabrics for............... ............... to 50c. Wash Fabrics for................................. to 65c. Wash Fabrics ft ?r................................. As well as manv others at Sale Prices, 37c., 49c.. 53c., 63c., 73c., 83c. Girls’ “Mary Newton” 15c. 19c. 25c. 29c. 35c. To $7.00 "M. & C.” Pinch-Back, Medium Back Styles in the Men’s Oxfords. $5.00 and Box Black and Chocolate color, En­ latest very weaves and color combinations. $5-97 glish last Oxfords with white Neolin To $12.00 values for soles. All sizes. 14. Each $1.39. To $15.00 values for $7-67 $8.89 Men’s Suits, $21.85 “Racine” Shoes, $4.70 Button and Blutcher Gunmetal made by Hart Shaffner and Marx . Calf Shoes for men in a variety of The Best in America. widths and all sizes. Men's Actual $6.00 Actual $30.00 Values in Panamas, $3.95 Men’s Suits, $23.85 Genuine Panama Hats for Men in the New Fedora and Telescope Men’s Summer Actual $12 to $15 Union Suits, 79c. Each. Sleeveless, Knee length , Short sleeves and ankle length Union Men’s Popular Sport Shirts, 79c. Each. Sport shirts with collars, and short convertible sleeves. Patterns and good colors. Suits—need we say more? Ladies’ Coats, $8.95 Each. Sport Sweaters, Trimmed in white each 37c. Each $4.98. Ladies' Summer Actual $1.75 Value Union Suits, 25c. Each Middy Blouses, $1.39 Each. Regular and Envelope Styles For Ladies and Misses Sizes 6 to Sizes 36 to 44. Also Boys and Mis­ 20 years and and es’ for ages 6 to 16 years. Bust. 36 to 44 inch. Ladies’ and Misses’ Middy Coats, $2.39 Colors—Black, White, Navy, Sizes 14 to 20 years and 36 to 44 Sky, Pink, Lavender, Kelley, Old Rose, Gold, Grey and Mustard, Bust Button Front and Slip over Sizes 8% to 10. styles. Ladies' $6 and $7.50 Ladies’ New Dress Shoes, $3.98 Pair. Sport Hats, $1.79 Every pair bought for this year’s Also $20.00 values for ........... $12.85 1*7-95 Actual $18 and $20 Ladies Suits, $13.65 Absolutely New Self colors and stripes. Ladies’ Sizes 36 to 44. Also finer vests at Every Trimmed Hat in the store New Styles Only And $30.00 values for Suits in all sizes. Sleeves Sleeveless and Silk Hose, 69c. Pair. To $9.00 values for Actual $6.00 Value Hart Shaffner and Marx were the designers and makers of these Dress Skirts, $3.98 Each. To fit ages 2 to 6 years. Similar styles and fabrics to fit ages 6 to Actual $27.50 Values in Suits of the very latest designs Wash Dresses, 93c. Each. Wing Sport Skirts, $3.49 Ladies’ Colored Fibre f Men’s Suits, Gauze Vests, 19c. Each Actual to $5.00 Only Styles $35.00. New Suits $2245. $2.75 Silk Flounce only $2.19. Petticoats Regular for trade and every pair perfect in fit, finish and style. All .¡ZM and widths. greatly reduced in price. To $6.00 values for To $9.50 values for Actual $20 to $25 New Styles in Silk Dresses, $16.65 Wirthmor Waists, $1.00 Each. Ladies’ Silk Dresses in light and dark colors. Beautiful new modeU. Also fine wool dresses colorings. in useful Every waist worth $2 00 Ab® famous “Welworth” Blouses »■ each $2.00 Easily worth $3°° ,T,d over. Important Notice to A«Yearers Nemo Corsets. Motor Lar Service BETWEEN TILLAMOOK ANI» Leaves Tillamook 7.30 a. in. Arrives Mohler 8.55 a. in. Leaves Mohler 9 00 a. tn. Arriv. Tillamook 10.25 a 111. Effect on ieT?° Corset Prices Goes In*0 The ” Nento* st af|er Mond*y, July 2nd. lowered. Tint i? 1 “dar(1 of quality will never« retail for hio-li ' •" tl,ese famous corsets MOHLER. and 2.30 pm. and 3.55 p. tn. and LOO p. tn. and 5.25 p. tn. and in' order u Ji « TILLAMOOK OREGON. “-"' Cvcry kind are «'•’ advancl*