T illamook headlight , june "------ - » a TRIOTIC DEMONSTRATION broad standpoint in the interest of! fON THE FOURTH OF JULY Notice of Intention to ImProve making the best possible use o the ------ o — operatmg talent available Street in Tillamook City. . Time in Tillamook City and a bv th^r ** lrf being cal,ed upon * * Bits Parade. by the Government to establish and Notice is hereby given to all whom «namtam a large number of of’ — offices at , it may concern that the Common Tillamook City will hold one of the mobolization camps ‘c- which 1 J Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, . est patriotic demonstrations on necessarily involve the « ass: did, on the 20th day of June, 20, 1917, ' ■ht Fourth of July ever held in the thereto of a great number assignment of rounty next Wednesday and the spirit ers who are thus removed f i: operat- adopt a resolution for the improve- - in great of patriotism will be the prevailing measures trom the gvlIcra! general public ment of a street, in words, yetters and sentiment of the day, for this is one service but these matters are are of such figures as follows, to-wit: vear of all others when the people of prune importance as to call for no Resolution and Notice of Intention to Tillamook County should get togeth­ special comment. Improve a Certain Street in Tilla- er and snow their patriotism and "The present great shortage of mook City, Oregon. their devotion to the flag and country. erators which will continue* to op- | Be it resolved, That the Common That is the principal reason why a closing*'"’ .n°_doubt’ "«essitate in- . ------- , ...vessiiuie the Council of lillatnook City, Oregon, big patriotic demonstration was ar­ Of a great number of citv deems it expedient and hereby de­ ranged for in this city on the Fourth coumrv'1 offices Of, r? • throughout throU«hout“‘ , clares its intention to improve the by the Tillamook Commercial Club, country, consolidating them as far the as tollowing street in said city, to-wit: and to give every loyal citizen fices' V\hil'-h thC diP°-‘ ,elegraPh °G Miller Avenue from the South side opportunity to participate in the nets V\ htk we appreciate the closing of Third Street to the north side of of the uptown office at Tillamook Fifth Street by establishing the grade national event. The patriotic demonstration will *0 he"1” ’I01”' r1*"16 ‘«convenience of said street, by grading the same to give the people of the county an op­ o the people of that town i, the proper grade, by rolling the roadway portunity of showing their appreciat­ handling of their telegrams I th k thereof, and by laying thereon a con­ ion of the Tillamook boys who have nation' calL^'6 ,hat tbe prcsent sit­ crete roadway 24 feet in width, and 6 off. red their services to the country, uation calls upon every one to make inches in thickness, and by building for the loth Company Coast Artillery -■*cn ices in the interest of the whole curbs, catche basins and laying drain will be mustered in on the 15th of «•„i ll av‘’raRc number of messages pipes together with inlets and con­ Inly, and two weeks after that date Ti l T‘ ,receiv<‘d by the people of structing laterals for sewer connec­ th company will entrain and prepare T illamook does not exceed ten or tions, and making provisions for the for active service in the great world tweKe per day and the necessity for necessary surface drainage of said utilizing to the fullest extent’ wide war. the street, with all the appurtenances T'. demonstration will embrace a services of every operator in the thereto. big parade, made up of the G. A. R., country will hardly All of said improvements to be .... - * . ---- Permit of the “*— .■ V R. C., Spanish W ar Veterans, girls I* retention of * the Tillamook Citv office made in accordance with the charter, . . th . - in vipw view nf of the fact .1 that of t i Honor Guard, Women’s Civic in ----- »Ju operator s resolutions and ordinances of Tilla­ Iir j rovenr nt Club, Business men, |services are urgently needed in other mook City, and in accordance with Gr-ipers. etc. Miss Lillian Groat was | quarters. the plans and specifications and elect-. <1 Goddess, a local band will : ‘‘The operator at the Southern Pa- estimates of work thereof made and furnish the music and local talant will S'"c Company’s depot at Tillamook prepared by the City Engineer of furnish the vocal music, and with s quite prepared to take care of the 1 illamook City, and filed in the office everybody doing their “bit” to make telegraph business for the town in a of the City Recorder of said city. All the demonstration a success, with in­ prompt and satisfactory manner." of said improvements to be made at spiring patriotic speeches, the Nation­ '■c Prcs'dent of the Commercial the expense of the property, and all al holiday will be fittingly observed Ghib has made reply to this letter thereof adjacent thereto and especial­ in this city. There will be the usual “"it S0 sent ,e“.ers fro‘" ‘he ly benefitted by said improvements sports in the afternoon for the young and in doing so sent letters from within the limits of said district established and defined by this reso­ people. sonic of the business houses. lution. Rollie W. Watson will be marshal Be it further resolved, that the of the day, and the demonstration plans, specifications ahd estimates will start promptly at 10 o’clock in BONDS WILL MATCH the morning. FEDERAL ROAD COIN ' for the proposed improvements so made and prepared by the City Engi- A full program will be published ' neer, the estimate of the probable later. State Supreme Court Upholds .----- j Bean- total cost thereof being $3,080.81 be Comrade C. E. Reynolds, who will Barrett Law for Providing Funds and the same are hereby approved. command the G. A. R. and the W. R. That the boundaries of the assess­ C. on the Fourth, requests that the Salem Or, June .«.-The Supreme ment district to be benefited by said members of the drum and fife band, ourt today ordered the issuance of a improvements anil assessed therefor G. A. R. and W. R. C. assemble at the K. of P. Hall at nine o’clock on 1 preemptory writ of mandamus to com- are hereby established as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner the morning of the Fourth, and he pel the State Board of Control to is- sue a sufficient amount of bonds un- of Lot 2 in Block 2 of A. A. Miller’s requests a full attendance. I der the Bean-Barrett bill to meet the Addition to the Town of Tillamook, Business houses arc to close from 9 requirements of the Shakleford act now Tillamook City, and running a.n until 2 p.m. | in matching Government money for thence South along the center line of j i road purposes. By the fhe decision the Blocks 2 and 4 of said Miller’s Addi­ Miss Lillian Groat is Goddess, ' State Hiffhwav ( nnimiccinn wins ..... its tion to the South line of said Block 4; Highway Commission subscribers to the patriotic ir--* ■’ contention that the •_ bonds under the ‘hence East along the South line of tic nitration elected Miss Lillian , Bean-Barrett bill are available for Block 4 and of Block 3 in said Mil­ Gro:.' goddess by a large number of meeting the federal act without the ler’s Addition to a point 105 feet cast vol fhe committee had appropriat­ use of other highway funds. of the Southwest corner of said Block ed fx.oo out of the . funds ......... for the me court Holds The holds that none of of the 3; thence North parallel with the ex;.' ' incurred on procuring suits- $6,000,000 worth of bonds provided West line of said district to a point ilrrcc for fnr thn am -■J Miss AI.oc r « • • . . 1 |bk t dress the nrr'i occasion, and for under the issue voted by the peo- in the North side of Block I of said Goat gave the committee a pleasant I pie is to be used for matching the Miller’s Addition 105 East of the surprise on Monday when she ad- ! Shackleford funds, and also holds Northwest corner of said Block I; vis d it to turn the $20.00 over to the that the motor-vehicle fund is to be and thence West to the place of be­ Corpany Fund. used in paying the principal and in­ ginning. That said district shall be and is terest on road bond indebtedness, and Removal of Western Union Office. consequently none of that fund is to hereby designated as Local Improve­ ! be used in matching the federal mon- ment District No. 9, and all the prop­ I The Tillamook Commercial Club I ey. In addition it is held that the erty included within the district is de­ entered a protest with the Public I moneys derived from the one-fourth scribed as follows: Lots 1, 2, 7 and 8 in Block 2; Lots Service Commission against the re­ ' of 1 mill tax for highway purposes, moval of the Western Union office are to be used in taking care of old 1, 2, 7, and 8 in Block 4; also Lots 8 prom the city to the depot, which will , contracts made by the State Highway to 15 inclusive and 5 feet of the entire Necessitate considerable inconven­ i Commission and for the operation west side of Lots 7 and 16 in Block I, ience to those who use the Western and'maintenance of highways already and Lots 8 to 15 inclusive and 5 feet off the entire west side of Lots 7 llniei .. I he Public Seivice C minis- constructed. Sion wired the Western Union in re­ By pointing out how all of the and 16 in Block 3, all in said A. A. gard to the matter, and this is the 11..„ ......... funds shall .. highway be ______________ used the court Miller’s Addition to the Town of Til­ [eply received front J. N. Miller, Jr., ¡holds that the matching of the Fcd- lamook, now Tillamook City. Be it further resolved, That the City Ile district commercial supcrintend- eral money shall be done through Recorder be and is hereby instructed gnt at Seattle: i the Bean-Barrett bill. I Rii rring to your telegram of the i “There can be no reasonable doubt” to cause this resolution and notice to be published for three consecutive f;*' ij.-tant relative to the c< ntem- ! states the court, “that the sale of publications in the city official news­ pat1 iction on the part of this co- : state bonds in an amount sufficient to paper. That the Tillamook Headlight P"y iclosing our city office at 1 raise enough of money to meet the is designated as the city official news­ Tillainook and arranging for the appropriation for the year specified paper for this purpose. That the City handling of commercial t< '.-graph 1 (referring to 1917) devolves upon the Engineer is directed to cause to be pisirrss through the Southern Pa­ : State Board of Control, the perfor- conspiciously posted at each end of rue ( ,... s station; I beg to explain , inance of which the law especially the line of the proposed improvement In t i! \\ cs;ern Union 1 ch graph injoints as : duty r» suiting from an a copy of this resolution and notice Lo. h. • been called upon b. the office. L. O. L. Section 613. within three days of the date of the The cou-t refers to the negative first publication thereof, and that all l''! <■ States Government to furnish argument by C. E. Spente, Master of number of operators for ac­ persons concerned be thereby notified k's -1.vice in the signal corps and the State Grange, and others, as it of the date of the first publication of !"e certainty that these demands will appeared in the voters’ pamphlets and said notice, and that objections and from J. D. remonstrances to the proposed im­ fceatly increase in the imniediatae to a communication biture, renders it absolutely neces- Brown, of the Farmers’ Union, in provement may be filed with the City S’y for iis to view the situation of stating that such argument and letter Recorder within 20 days from said general public communication from a strengthens its own conclusion. date. All persons •cor.Ttr4.1d. .ire hereby notified that said resolution was duly adopted on the date aforesaid. That the first publication of this notice is made June 21, 1917, and that objec­ tions and remonstrances to the pro­ posed improvement may be filed with the undersigned City Recorder within 20 days from said date. Done by order of the Common Council of Tillamook City. Dated Jane 21st, 1917. , Ira C. Smith, to City Recorder of Tillamook City, Oregon. LOW ROUND TRIP FARES Many Points in July Independence Day, July 4 On Sale July 3 and 4. Return July S between all Southern Pacific stations to Oregon N. E. A. Annual Convention Portland, Ore., July 7-14, inc. On Sale July 6-13, inc. Return July IS fr°nt all Southern Pacific Oregon stations to Portland Eastern Cities via California Du Sale on various dates in June. July, Aug. and Sept. Liberal Stopover». Limit 3 month». For information ask our local agent, John M. Scott. General Passenger Agent, .L j E u Portland, Ore. SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES Attention Ye Swamp Angels. ' ■ -o------ Kiln Tile, all sizes, ready for you Monday, June 25th.—Tillamook Clay Works. Exchange or Sale. Owner of lot ¡0, block 53, Pacific Addition toBay City will exchange same for Tacoma property or will be glad to have a cash offer at a reason­ able figure.—Address B. B. Broomcll, Box 1286. Tacoma, Wash. DR. WISE Can be Found on MONDAY AT TILLAMOOK TUESDAY AT CLOVERDALE W EDNESDAY at TILLAMOOK THURSDAY AT TILLAMOOK FRIDAY TILLAMOOK Al SATURDAY T WHEELER Both Phone». 28.1917. Sore Nipples. ,5 ....... o------- Any mother who has had exper­ ience with this distressing ailment will be pleased to know that a cure may be effected by applying Cham­ berlain's Salve as soon as the child is done nursing. Wipe it off with a soft cloth before allowing the babe to nurse. Many trained nurser use this salve with best results. For sale by Lamar’s Drug Store. Makes Clubbing Arrangement With ; The Oregon Farmer / DR J. G. TURNER, Offers Unusual Opportunity to Its Readers EYE SPECIALIST. PORTLAND MONG our large circle of readers there are a great many who are in­ terested directly or indirectly in fruit growing, dairying and other branches of farming. All of these naturally wish to keep in dose touch with ag­ ricultural activities throughout the state; and to know about any fight which is being waged for the measures Oregon farmers want and against all sorts of schemes that are detrimental to the people and agricultural interests of this state. A OREGON — Regular Monthly Visits to Tillamook and Cloverdale. WATCH PAPER FOR HATES. J BLAND E ERWIN- PIANO INSTRUCTION. Diploma from Chicago Musical College — Beginners receiye the same careful training as the most advanced. Terms:—$4.00 per months Instruc­ tion. All lessons given at Studio. County Representative for the Wiley B. Allen Co.s’ line of high grade pianos, player-pianos, Victrolos etc. We have, therefore, made a special clubbing arrangement with THE OREGON FAR­ MER whereby any farmer or fruitgrower, who is one of our regular subscribers and who is not now a subscriber to THE OREGON FARMER, will be entitled to receive THE OREGON FARMER in combination with this paper at the same rate as for this paper alone. AVID ROBINSON, M.D, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON This offer applies to all those who renew or extend their subscriptions as well as to all new subscribers. If you are interested di­ rectly or indirectly in Oregon agriculture, do not miss this unusual opportunity, but send your order in now. NATIONAL BUILDING, TILLAMOOK I—I THE OREGON FARMER is the one farm paper which is devoting itself exclusively to the farming activities and interests of Oregon. It has a big organization gath- ering the news of importance to farmers, dairymen, fruitgrowers, stockraisers and poultrymen; and it has the backbone to at­ tack wrongful methods and combinations and bad legislation, and support honest leaders and beneficial measures. We are confident that our readers will congratulate us on our being able to make this splendid and at­ tractive dubbing offer. OREGON T. Bona i. A . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Complete Set of Abstract Hooka in Office. Taxes Paid for Non Residents. T illamook B lock , Tillamook .... Oregon Both Phones. T. BOAJ.S, M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon S.P. Co. (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) *1 illamook - • . . Oregon. TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, 1 yr $1 50 OREGON FARMER, 1 year - $1,00 $2 50 w EHSTER HOLMES, By Oar Clubbing arrangement, • • > botb for • ••••••• $1.50 ATTORNEY-AT-I.AW COMMERCIAL BUILDING, FIRST STREET, TILLAMOOK, * OREGON H. GO Y NE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office: O pposite C ourt II ousk , The Potatoe King of Wash- ington will not permit plant­ ing his Potatoes before they have been properly treated with Bichloride of Mercury Directions for use at Tillaniook Oregon. R. JACK OLSEN, i DENTIST. (I. O. O. F Bldg.) Tillamook - Oregon 0R. L. L. HOY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , C. I. CLOUGH CO. Tillamook, TILLAMOOK, ORE. - - Oregon JOHN LELAND HENDERSON i FRANK HEYD& CO General Contractors and Builders. H. T. Botts, Pres , Attorney at-Law. John Leland Henderson, Sec­ retary Treaw., Attorney-at- Law and Notrary Public. Estimates & Plans Furnished. Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. SEE OUR Special Silo! Call at our plant and net prices. It will save you money. ONE BLOCK WEST Oh P.O. Both Phones. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW T illamook B lock , Tillamook - - - ■ fhegon. ROOM NO. 261. » Abstracts. Reni Estate, Insurance. Both Phones. TII.LAMOOK—OREGON. sJ I i Have Your House Wiring Done by Coa^t power Co. DONE RIGHT at RIGHT PRICES.