TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. JUNE > The Patriotism of the America. (DEDICATE JULY FOURTH TO Pre«« “ AMERICA’S TEN MILLOIN. The service rendered to tht govt,, In the County Court of the State of I Nation-Wide Registration Furnishes rnent of the United States in the ¿J. Oregon, for Tillamook County. of the Liberty Bonds of 1917 by .. Keynote for Greatest Celebration In the matter of the estate of Frank press of the country is reeorj e»i I In History. Forsblom, deceased. dence of the generous patriotism of t To all unknown heirs of Frank the newspaper men of America. It l( c Forsblom, deceased, and any and all recorded in the pages of thousand, 0 other persons interested in the estate How will the program of this year's of American newspapers, many Ol Fourth of July celebration give fit­ s of said Frank Frosblom, deceased: them printed in foreign language, In the name of the State of Oregon, ting recognition to the more than 60,- from the largest daily to the smalleq Î you are hereby cited and required to 000 young men who have just een country weekly. The newspaper, oi t appear in the County Court of the enrolled in this state by selective the country "come across" with liber, ti MHSmUl State of Oregon, for the County of cl ra ft? 1 4 TKMCM T For the first time in its history the al donations of space in news, editor- Tillamook, at the court room thereof, bi at Tillamook City, in the county of United States is engaged in a great ial, and advertising columns. DvBROY COMPANY Newspaper men have observed with n Tillamook on the 30th day of June, world war. the greatest of all world b: 1917, at ten o’clock in the forenoon wars. For the first time in its history, deep and peculiar pleasure the whole­ 31 of that day, then and there to show the United States has enrolled the hearted activity of the men of their MOTOR CARS — KM arnva an naa araaar 0| cause, if any exist, why an order flower of its young manhood as the fraternity in the country in promot- n< should not be made by the above first great distinctive step to partici­ ing the sale of the Liberty Loas Oentlomeni» Bonds. The influence and assistance named court directing and authoriz­ pate in that great world war. of all publications in making the loaa ing the administrator of said estate From our oirn expedience Ten Million are Ready. end the reported experiences a success are simply incalcuabh 0«ntl4iMn: to sell at private sale, for cash in of Saxon owners In Callfornl is not the logical keynote for Their efforts greatly contributed m hand the real property belonging to this It year »• have fol nd Zarolono as knew 'Zerolane to be a mos ’s national celebration of July making it a double success in that it the said estate, situated in Tillamook satisfactory motor oil. 5te never hesitate recommending to Is a m it* factory lubri­ County, Oregon, and more particular­ 4th? Nearly 10.000,000 men have en­ was not only largely oversubscribed rolled themselves most of them will­ but the Liberty Loan Bonds were it whenever oonaulted by our ly described as follows, to-wit: cant for BUICK autoaoblla« ownera on the matter of motor All the right, title, estate and in­ ingly and with unhesitating loyalty. placed in every community in the »11. These 10,000,000 young men wheth­ United States, in cities and in remote terest acquired by Frank Forsblom and trucks. in. the tract of land of about 61-100 of er they are selected to enter the army country districts, in mining towns and an acre in Sec. 21, Tp. 1 N., R. to W. or whether they are cammandeered manufacturing centers, anioqg flrin. y Tour, of W. M„ as well as any and all other for duty in needful occupations at ers and country merchants as well as rights acquired, under and by virtue home, each and all have their names city bankers and large commercial of that certain bond for deed execut­ enrolled and awaiting their respective and manufacturing houses. ed by Andrew Peterson in favor of assignments. It was a great educational campaign The Oregon Farmer believes that Readers of their county papers in said Frank Forsblom, dated Dec. 8, 1914, and recorded at page 288 of the Fourth of July celebration can their country homes, and new Amer­ Book "30" of the records of deeds of have no more fitting purpose as its ican citizens from papers printed in Tillamook County, Oregon, and also keynote than to pay tribute to this their own language, and others just described in the Tract Book of the mighty enrollment of America's learning our language, wjio in the County Assessor of Tillamook Coun­ young manhood. evening spelled out the news in the ty Oregon, at pages 23 and 24 thereof great daily papers, were informed of Will Play Leading Part. as Tracts Nos. 44 and 45. the purposes and objects of the Lib­ Whether in the war that is now Witness, the Hon. A. M. Hare, shaking the nations to their very erty Loan and instructed in the na­ Judge of the County Court of the -—because the records of their service departments show that Zero- ture, value, and terms of Government State of Oregon for Tillamook Coun­ foundations or in the mighty econom­ bonds, especially the Liberty Loan lene, correctly refined from asphalt-base crude, gives perfect lubri­ ic and social problems which will fol ­ ty, with the seal of said Court affixed cation with least carbon deposit low this upheavcl, these young men Bonds of 1917- The whole Nation has the 16th day of May, 1917. a long stride forward in finan­ Erwin Harrison County Clerk. are to play the leading part. It is to made Less wear and more power because Zerolene keeps its lubricating body at education through the Liberty By Kathleen Mills, Deputy. them that the country looks, that not cial cylinder heat. Less carbon because, being made from asphalt-base crude, if only the nation but the world as veil Loan compaign of 1917 as conducted bums clean and goes out on exhaust Notice of Hearing Administrator’s shall, under God, have a new birth of through the press of the country. Zorolvne in the oil for your car - whatovor the mako—the oil for all types of automobile oufine^ The country press which without freedom and that government of the Final Account. For usrrect grade, get our lubrication chart covering your car people, by the people, for the people compensation gave liberally of its limited space is equally deservin' of 4f dealer» every where and Standard Service Station» Notice is hereby given, that the un­ shall not perish from the earth. There have been years when the praise with the larger papers. In their dersigned Administrator de bonis non of tlie the estate- estate ui of C. ot e,. B. —. Hadley, --___.. deceas­ celebration of our national anniver­ respective spheres all classes of pub­ ed, nas has filed iTLd in l.i the County Court for sary was little more than shallow lications in the country covered their Tillamook 1 lildlliourc County . his _ _ final account, merriment, but this year it must not field thoroughly and well. The press uit has fixed Monday, be so. We are entering upon the of America can look back on the and said court work it performed for the Liberty July 2, 1917, at ten . a.m. .... of _ said date greatest war in the history of human­ me time nine and the office of the kind. Our every resource of men and Loan as a great public service, ably, as the County Judge for said county as the means must be, and is being, thrown thoroughly, and unselfishly perfarm­ ed. _______ for place 1 the hearing of said linal ac- into the conflict against inhumanity. STANDARD OIL COMPANY For the first time in the history of count. The Round-Up. (CALIFORNIA! Notice is further giv.m, to all per­ America its young men have been ----- 0----- sons interested estate to ap­ systematically enrolled that they may mcicsivu in »1. said _ pear at t said time and place and show be assigned to duties in the fields of "We’ve come,” said the chairman»! n any there ,1__ be why ■ 1 ;■ the said battle or in the industries at home to a political committee in a south of cause, if istrator should adminisl ' ' not be diseharg- render their greatest service to the Ireland city, “to ask you to take this Summons. account approved and his country and the the world at large. nomination. The city needs a maa ed, his said 1______ ----- o----- 1 heir orders will come, and it will he like you—strong, brave, self-reliant, JUUMIlCll exonerated. LAvnv.»._ _ bondsmen In the Circuit Court of the State of Dated Tillamook, Oregon May 79, theirs not to reason why, theirs but owing no master, fearing no man.” Oregon for the County of Tillamook. 1917- to do, and, if necessary, to die for The great man was visibly touched. M. Sue Henderson, Plaintiff J. C. Holden, "1’11 not deny,” he said, "that your their country. Administrator de ' bonis vs. in this state more than 60,000 are kind words have shaken my resolu­ H. E. Carr and Alice Carr, non of the Estate of C. B. listed, ready to be called hither and tion. I trust that, if elected, I may Tillamook Feed Company, Hadley deceased. into what particular line of service justify your confidence and prove Ren Lydia S. Morgan, and the they know not. Can the whole people that I am, indeed, strong, brave, self- Summons. Lehman & Clough Company of Oregon more fittingly observe the reliant; that I owe no master and fear THE UNIVERSA!, CAR I The and W. H. Wilson. great national holiday than by ded­ no man. Suppose you wait a minute leni, ri In the Circuit Court of the State of icating it to a recognition of the till I see if my wife will accept.” Defendants .'.ru, Oregon for Tillamook County. To W. H. Wilson, defendant. cause to which these young men have Wherever Eord cars have pioneered, Eord puoi..! In the name of the State of Oregon^ Mortgage Company for Amer­ pledged themselves; than by dedicat­ "Please sir,” piped the tiny customer from i you are hereby required to appear ica, a corporation, Plaintiff. ing it to the recognition of the dang­ whose head scarcely reached the service has kept pace. It" is tin- .actor which ■ere— and answer a complaint filed against vs. counter, "Father wants some oak ers they are soon to brave and the streinfthens the personal relation between «enei' you in the above entitled suit within Frank W. Crane, Bertha Grace honor they are bringing thereby to varnish—enough to fill this jug.” IUi:i : Crane, J. G. Balmer, Jane six weeks from the date of the first Ford owners and the Company. To get the It was duly filled and handed back. themselves and their country? «ion « Roe Balmer, Ernest C. publication of this summons that be ­ "Father will pay you next Satur ­ Dedicate to Service. best possible service from your Ford car, fcird ; Crown, Emma A. Crown, E. ing the time fixed in the order for day, ” said the recipient casually. I he Oregon Farmer believes not. Then the face of the shopman grew reply J. McHugh, Lizzie McHugh, bring it here when it needs attention and get publication of summons within which and it urges that in every community dark. I F. R. Beals and Mary Doe you shall so appear and answer said the benefit of Ford supervision throughout. Itnt or village where the day is observed Beals, Defendants. complaint, the said first day of pub­ “We don't credit here,” he said. A. the program be planned with the We use the genuine Ford parts and give you 'Ri To Ernest C. Crown and Emma lication being the 24th Hay of May, back the jar.” double purpose of recognition and “Gimme 1917, and if you fail so to appear and Crown: r'1 1 Meekly the small boy handed back the benefit of the regular standard Ford In the name of the State of Oregon, dedication; recognition of the world­ the jar, which was emptied and re­ answer said complaint, for want prices. Touring Car $3(>0, Runabout #345, thereof the plaintiff will apply to the you are hereby required to appear wide call of humanity and of the turned with a scowl. P -3 ... , complaint filed loyal answer made by those enrolled Sedan ♦<145, Conpelet $505, Town Car $505 court for the relief demanded in said and answer the “Thank you sir,” he said. “Father Li’ against you in the above entitled suit and those enlisted in the military or said complaint, to-wit: you’d be sure and leave enough nil f.o.b. Detroit. On display and for sale by For a judgment against the de­ witbin six weeks from the date of the naval branches of the service; and 'round the sides for him to finish the r- fendants hf. E. Carr and Alice Carr first publication of this summons, dedication of those who go and those job he wants to do, and you 'ave, sit” 3 : : in the sum of $300.00, with interest that being the time fixed in the order whe remain at home to the cause of thereon at ten per cent per annum for publication of summons within human righteousness.—Oregon Farm­ A visitor to an English training 0 ' ■ ’ from and after August 23rd, 1910, and which you shall so appear and ans­ er. camp was greatly shocked at the ap ­ for the further sum of $18.87 taxes wer said complaint, the said first day pearance of the men. Turn where he paid by the plaintiff herein, and for of publication being the 17th day of would, black eyes anl bruised faces TILLAMOOK GARAGE. ih. . i r the further sum of $50.00 attorney’s May, 1017. and if you fail to so appear Draft E*emption Boards are Named. were astonishingly frequent among and answer said complaint for want !" ' fees, and for her costs and disburse­ -----Q— the soldiers. “ What's been the trou ­ ments herein, and tor a decree fore­ thereof the plaintiff will apply to the friend. “ Had * ble?" he asked his "Had a Following the announcement from closing that certain mortgage on the Court f-or the relief demanded in said row with the next regiment, that’s enera] following described premises, situat­ complaint, to-wit: For a judgment Washington that President Wilson all,” replied the corporal. .. . ‘ “Whst against the defendants, Frank W. had approved the personnel of ex ­ ed in Tillamook County, Oregon, to- Crane and Bertha Grace Crane, in emption boards in the different states about?” "Oh, the beggers set a seatry wit : to watch their towel white it was out Beginning at a point 163*4 feet west the sum of $3,570.68, with interest Governor Withycombe authorized drying and we felt insulted.” of the southwest corner of Block thereon at 8 per cent per annu.n from the publication Saturday of the list of : Number 5, in the town of Lincoln, ind after April I, 1917, and for the 46 exemption boards in Oregon. The names of the members of the now within the corporate limits of further sunt of $350.00 attorney’s fees, Tillamook City, Oregon, and running with interest thereon at 8 per cent boards were given out by George A. per annum, and for its costs and dis ­ White, Adjutant-General. thence north Jto feet; thence west 46 The problem of selecting the mem­ feet for the initial point of the land bursements herein, and for a decree intended to be conveyed herein; foreclosing that certain mortgage on bers of exemption boards has been a thence west 57.5 feet; thence south the East half of the East Half of the difficult one, and Governor Withy­ 52.5 feet; thence east 57.5 feet; thence Southwest Quarter, and the West combe has had it under consideration north 52.5 feet to the initial point Half of the West Half of the South­ for some time. In view of the good herein mentioned, and being the same east Quarter of Section 35 in Town­ work done by the county registration W m Condition of Indiana U4f property conveyed to H. E. Carr and ship 2 North of Range to West of the boards, composed in each case by the Before Beginning to Taka Alice Carr, his wife, by E. N. Morgan Willamette Meridian, less one acre Sheriff, County Clerk and county and Lydia Morgan, his wife, by deed sold to Fred Kabkec by deed dated physician, in taking the war census, Card-u-i, the Woman’s dated June 29, 1915, and recorded February 28, 1913, and recorded in hi- finally decided to reappoint them Book Y at page 271 thereof of the to pass on exemptions from the draft. July 17th. 1915. in deed records of Records of Deeds for Tillamook Tonic. Members of these boards in most Tillamook County, at pages 376 and County, Oregon; which said mort­ I eases cases live in the county seat of their 377, in Hook 31; which said mortgage was executed October 1, 1913, comity and arc . thoroughly familiar was executed August 23, 1915, and gage Kokomo, Ind.—Mrt. H. Hsnlremri«. ‘----- • recorded December to, 1913, in I r with conditions in the county. Out- of this town, says. "I look so w«H. •*$ ’ recorded in book Z at page 142 of and .;,u of Portland, « also, -• Book Y of Mortgages of Tillamook . side members of the Mortgages of Tillamook County, in b, at Page 75 thereof; and for I boards know personally a great many am so well, that it does not seem an MI favor of Alex Vlahos, and thereafter County the sale of the said mortgaged prem ­ ever needed Cardui. But I was not of the men upon whose cases they assigned by said Alex Vlahos to to satisfy said judgment, and for w ill have to pass. ways this way ... 1 think 1 have take«* John Leland Henderson, trustee, by ises a decree foreclosing you and each of Governor Withycombe feels also dozen bottles ... before my lhU« F* assignment recorded in said registry you of all right, title, interest and in Book 2, pages 387 and 388. and equity of redemption in and to said that the boards he has named will be came. thereafter assigned by said John mortgaged premises, and every part thoroughly non-partisian in their 1 »as feeling dreadfully bed, had head­ Leland Henderson, trustee, to the thereof, and for such other relief as to work and they will not permit any “ball-playing” or politics in any case ache, backache, sick at my stomach, •• assignment re- plaintiff herein, by Court shall seent just. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN to influence their decisions. corded in said registry. Book 2, pages the This summons is published by or­ Should anything of this sort occur, energy ., . | was very irritable, too. 507 and 508; and for the sale of said der of the iron nervous. Honorable Geo. R. Bagiev, THE COUNTY. mortgaged premises to satisfy said Judge of the above entitled Court.' however, the Governor is prepared to I began taking Cardui about ft month* act immediately, and summary re ­ judgment and for a decree foreclos­ dulv made and entered the loth dav before my baby came. As a result •ll See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere. movals from the boards would follow. those bad feelings left me, and I just W ing you of all right, title, interest an