TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT that the Editors Say. —o— Uarion County apparently wishes btain all ,he benef,ts 11 can froni 10 .. institutions, but it is not willing *“ v its share. Look at its oyer- »»8 vote against a new peniten- | n wants more business for Sa- ! , »917. upon a decree rendered in said Court on the 18th day of June, 1917, in the cause wherein Louise Wein- hard, Anna Wessinger, Paul Wessin- ger and Henry Wagner, executrixes and executors respectively of the last. and testament of Henry Weinhard, deceased, were plaintiffs, and F. H. Astmann, Veronika Ast- niann, and Veronika Astmann, as asignee of F. H. Astmann, for the benefit of the creditors of F. H. Ast­ mann, were defendants, in favor of said plaintiffs and against the said de­ fendants for the sum of twenty-seven hundred dollars, together with inter­ est thereon from January 17th, 1912, at the rate of six per cent per annum until paid, and for the further sum of two hundred fifty dollars attorney’s fees and for the costs and disburse­ ments of this suit, taxed at $17.75, which said execution is to me direct­ ed, commanding me as Sheriff to satisfy the said decree by sale of the real property hereinafter described; Now, therefore, in order to satisfy said decree, I will, on Saturday, the 21st day of July, 1917, at 10:00 o’clock in the forenoon of said day, at the front door of the Court House in Tillamook City, Oregon, sell at pub­ lic auction (subject to redemption) to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest of the said defendants in and to the following described real property, situated in the County of Tillamook and State of Oregon, to-wit: The East ................ Half .................................... (E^%) of the North East quarter (N.E. %) and the South West quarter (S. W. ¿4) of the North East quarter (N. E. %) of Section five (5), in Township One (1) North of Range Ten (10) West of Willamette Meridian, containing one hundred nintcen and 82-100 (119.82) acres, more or less. Dated this 20th day of June, 1917. W. L. Campbell, Sheriff of Tillamook County, Ore. Notice of Annual School Meeting. ----- o----- Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of school district No. 9 of Tillamook County, State of Oregon, that the annual school meeting of said district will be held at the high school building, to begin at the hour of one o'clock p.m. on the third Mon­ day of June, A. D. 1917. This meeting is called for the pur­ pose of electing one director for a diree year term and school clerk for jne year, and the transaction of busi­ ness usual at such meetings. Dated this 7th day of June, 1917. Ira C. Smith, District Clerk. Notice to Creditors. ----- o ■ - Notice is hereby given t"at the un­ dersigned have been by the County Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, appointed administrators of the Es­ tate of Daniel W. Gilbert, deceased, and have qualified as such. All per­ sons having claims against said estate are required to present the same to the undersigned at Beaver, Oregon, for allowance with the proper vouch- ers within six months of the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated June 7th, 1917. Edgar K. Gilbert, William J. Gilbert. Administrators. 28, 1917 Roasts Toasts NOW IS THE TIME COOK WITH PEARL King Crenshaw Co i TILLAMOOK CITY. Now is the time to consider kitchen­ comfort this summer—now is the time to buy an oil cook-stove. Look for the specially-decorated win­ dows of the merchants listed at the left. The orange discs proclaim a message welcome to every housewife. They tell how the New Perfection drives out the drudgery and discomfort of summer cooking, and at the same time gives better results than your regular kitchen range for all-the-year-’round cooking. This is New Perfection Oil Cook Stove Week. Ask these dealers to explain how the long blue chimneys of the New Perfec­ tion Oil Cook-Stove prevent all smoke and smell. Learn the comfort and econ­ omy of cooking with Pearl Oil. NEW PERFECTION OIL C/LOJL STOWE ' m WeeK Call for Bids. Three Rivers Creamery Association wishes to receive bids for cheese maker for year ¡918. Mail bids to H. M. Farmer, Beaver, Oregon, on or before July 6th, 1917. Company re­ serves the right to reject any or ali bids. Three Rivers Creamery Asso. ■tOWEltj Call For Bids. School district No. 57 will accept bids of 15 cords of hard wood, de­ livered at (he Hunt school house. Bids to be opened July 12. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Mrs. Blanche Hart, Call for Bids. •r'i ' •- r Don't fvss aroxind half drenched when iKeFISH BRAND i Sealed proposals will be received by School District No. 7 to build a new school house at the forks of the Ne­ tarts county road. \):ds will be open­ will keep yo\i dry and ed July 7, at to a.nt. at the office of the County Superintendent, at his of­ comfortable fice in the court house. Plans and DEALERS EVERYWHERE specifications of said building may be obtained of AV. A. Clark at forks of OUR BOth YEAR Netarts County road. A certified A.J. TOWER CO BOSTON check of to per cent of all proposals made payable to W. A. Clark, Clerk i must accompany all bids. DON'T RISK NEGLECT The board reserves the right to reject anv and all bids.. Don’t neglect a constant backache, W. A. Clark, Clerk. | sharp, darting pains or nninary dis- 1 orders. The danger of dropsy or Forethought. ! Bright’s disease is too serious to ig­ People are learning that a little nore. Use Doan's Kidney Pills as forethought often saves them a big I have thousands of other grateful peo- expense. Here is an instance: E. W. ■ pie. A Forest Grove cas' K M Stev­ Archer, Caldwell, Ohio, writes: “I do ens, retired farmer, 329 Fourth St., not believe that our family has been Forest Grove, Ore., says: “/Although without Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera it has been several years since 1 have and Diarrhoea Remedy since we com­ had any occasion to take Doan's menced keeping house years ago. Kidney Pills, it hasn't lowered mv When we go on an extended visit we estimation of them in the least, for J take it with us.” For sale by Lamar’s know from past experience that they Drug Store. are a medicine of merit. 1 couldn't recommend a more reliable medicine To The Public. for lame back. If at any time I hav< “I have been using Chamberlain’s occasion to take a kidney remedy Tablets for indigestion for the past again, it will be Doan's Kidney Pills, six months, and it affords me pleas­ for I know they can't be beaten.” ure to say I have never used a remedy Price 50c, at all dealers. Don’t that did me so much good."—Mrs. C. simply ask for a kidney remedy—get E. Riley, Hlion, N. Y. Chambeedlain's I Doan’s Kidney Pills—th< same as Mr. Tablets for sale by Lamar’s Drug I Stevens had Foster-Milburn Co., Store. Props., Buffalo, N. Y. REFLEX SL1CKERS3. HARRIS-AMMER FURNITURE COMPANY announce the arrival of their new SPRING STOCK ! OF Rugs, Linoleum, Ranges, Furniture, Beds, Mattresses Make your selections early while our stock is complete. DR. ELMER ALLEN, DR. GEORGE J. PETERSON. Dentists. National Building. Tillamook, _ Oregon.