TILLAMOOK HE iDLIGHT JUNE ADVERTISING RATES. Legal Advertisements. that he is to return a pig of like age from the first litter, and this pig is First Insertion per line ............. $ .I0| ^lv • • boy, thus __ creating ---- Vn - another I an interest among the boys on the Each subsequent insertion, line. 05 {farm in hog raising, not only so, but Business and Professional cards in good remuneration to the boys one month....................................... 1.00 who are given pigs for a starter. The Locals per line each insertion... 05 banks in sonic communities have taken hold of this matter, and the Display advertisements, an inch plan is working well. The snap shot and Lodge Notices, per line . 05 man would like to sec a Hog Club All Resolutions of Condolence started in Tillamook County, and will one month..................................... ■50 offer several suggestions as to which will be the best plan to get them started, so that those who are inter- THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, «-»ted ma> hav. time to consider n C. BAKER, i.At/c'D Publisher. d .kii.k.r which is the before m og ting is F. arrangC(1 to best discu„ th(. a H Club 28, 1917 Obituary Notice. Mr. Andy Kostic, Sr., died at Blaine Ore., June 18th, 1917, of Diabetic uangreen, aged 78 years. Mr. Kostic leaves a widow Annie Kostic, four sons. Andy, Jr, and Ed. of Blaine, George of Beaver; and 1 hos. W. 01 Van WTick, Idaho, and Mrs. W. H. Doering, a daugnter, of Blaine, Ore. -*r. Kostic has been an invalid for over a year, during which time he has been a great sutterer, and everything that loving hands could do for him was done. He was uuried from the Catholic church in 1 illantook, Tues­ day, June zo. 1917. Grandpa will be greatly missed by the whole com­ problem. munity. 1st plan—The first thing to consid­ The family wish to express their er is finances, how to raise it and appreciation to ail the kind friends what amount of money should be put | w no assisted them during the death into it. ' and burial. Rollie W. Wa:sjn is deserving of a Our idea would be to put $1000 into I The Pavemetu Case. good deal of cr lit for the interest a Hog Club, to be raised by popular ___ and energy he put into the R-d Cross subscription of $1.00 each. There are , t. movement in this count} and the suc­ 1000 dairymen in the county ___ _ . • »*>- Supreme Court - mru' .1.;-..... - who I ' le lliant i ----- ‘*,c ” ot cess that followed his strenuous ef­ should bv willing to give Ji 00 to get 1 . - -............. . 'in the Pavement pavement case case w;.s entered in forts. | tlog Clubs started, ', <>>■ and with $1.00 the circuit court jour .al of this county | from business men and c«i. others this it states: At this lii.u- co.nes the par- It SCI cins only a short time since the | u vould not become a burden on any-i „ »*cs berc'o, ; by their respective at.or- litigants in the pavement case were 01 --.c and would make the Hog Clubs their wrttt „ nevs and tile g.cir v> 1 liten stipulation up in arms opposing an assessment r. community affair that the following decree shall be en- being made on the pavement. Now 2nd plan—The Breeders’ Associa- | tercd in this cause, and tne- court hav- they are wanting th« assessment on. Grangers, Banks, Commercial , ing considered said stipulation and made. Gee, wiz. It is awfully laugh­ | Clubs, anil the business men of each the- terms thereof, it is therefore-, or­ able at the sudden change of front, city to guarantee a certain number of dered, adjudged and : 2 turning money over of plaintiff. Order extending time for tion on July 4 in Tillamook City. Company Fund ,u... that . the It took only a few minutes for tjle'Comnanv L committee filing motion for new trial. Charles Ray vs. N. J. Myers. Action PATRIOTIC ADDSESS TO THE YOUNG FOLK. jury to decide in favor of the county had appropriated for her dress, is officials. If that was all there is to the worthy of commendation, for it for money. Judgment. emphasises two things, that the young The Adjustment Bureau of the case no one could raise any objec­ people of this city have caught the Portland Association of Credit Men tions. The county officials were put patriotic nont 1 lie ci ’ ll'"' O'""-"' tpirit and that we at citizens t.. ......... liie expense the suit, jlave not responded to the Company vs. E. E. and Frances J. Y'arnell. t_ ..r____ of . defending i ‘ ' Foreclosure. Default and decree. The Patriotic Demonstration starts at 10 (Ml A.M. sharp. Adetailed and .I now the taxpayers ...... will, ..-- th: | q no ’ doubt, Fun*' as «’<’ should have done. The C. R. Halladay vs Evelyn Halladay. ( have to pay tiav • several hundred dollars uoUars money citi2ens for have been urced to subscribe program will be published later, which will include the sports for the na Y. M. C. A„ Liberty Bonds Divorce case. Decree. for court and witness expenses. This young people. Ethel Krugan vs Martin Krugan. 1 is one way to "bleed” the taxpayers I when people will rush into law suits. I and Red Cross, and they have done Divorce case. Decree. Everybody cordially invited to join in the Patriotic Demonstration in so most liberally, but, to use a com­ Nell Rasmussen vs A. M. Hare, |. this National crisis and give the Tillamook Boys a rousing send off. A proposition has been made to the I mon expression, charity should com­ Frank Owens and Geo. R. McKimens -County Court by the State Highway I mence at home. Tillamook Connty Action for money. Jury trial. Verdict | Commission, that if the government I organized a company of Coast Artil- in favor of the defendants, the jury , will give $15,000 and the state $15,000, I- h ry, and the young men w ho joined being out only a few minutes. ■ it are about to be mustered into the whether this coi-nty would give $15,-1 I United States army. They are our Summons. Anderson Bibby .Wedding. 000 to improve tin road from Dolph I |)OVS ' ...............c should all take a lively to Hebo. The l only Court decided I 1 interest in their welfare and show 1 bi marriage of Miss Helen Bibby In the Circuit Court of the State of to accept the offer, Imt would have to :bat we appreciate tile sacrifices they i Oregon for Tillamook County. take the $15.000 appropriated in tin h ive made in offering their services and Roy J. Anderson was solemnized 1 budget for the l ittle Nestucca road, tn th'- government and ready to fight last Sunday afternoon at Z o'clock at Ethel Krugan, Plaintiff vs. as that is the onk money available to for us Some few weeks ago several the home of the bride, 205 Lincoln Strict, with Rev. Carl H. Elliott rcad- Martin Krugan, Defendant cover government and state aid the husit-e's nun thought that the Com- I ing the nuptual vow s. The only To Martin Krugan, the above nam­ county lias on h: nd at present. 'I cat l'.iny Fund bail j guests wire the immediate relatives ed defendant: m i t have received sup- t that it *hou1d done, the and it does not mean II- ,t the money will I be j I ,.< r ................... of tin- bridal couple. In the name of the State of Oregon | taken from the 1 ittle Nestucca r • ‘I- I was :•radically decided to raise $1.000 The living room was effectively You arc lu-rcby required to appear but would be simply a temporary ar- ( j- th, fund, but owing to Y. M. C.A., decorated in pink carnations and and answer the complaint filed rangcinent to obtain $2 for $1 ex- ex­ I »Iv rt« 1» ..... » ........... • ’ * • ~ ib-rtv Bonds and Red Cross cain- sweet peas combined with stnilax and against you in the above entitled pended on tile I liree Rivers road, it i.ns. it was thought best not to maidenhair fern, thi dining room court and cause, on or before the ex­ I am going to dispose of tuy Stock of being planned to spend $15,000 on i-lace ny obsticlcs in the way of bung in yellow lotus and fern. The piration of the time prescribed for , that road this summer. Goods at greatly Reduced Prices, t'- - worthy cau-is. The snap shot bride wore a charming going-away , | the publication of this summons, and mm G one of those who bi-lii-vi- we gown of Belgian blue peu de cyne . if you fail to so appear and answer, "Waste not; want not,’’ is not only 'I Consisting of II 'how our appreciation of tile w ith accessories of silver grey and | the plaintiff will apply to the court 11 good motto i-: times of war but in I illantook boy s bv giving them all for the relief demanded in the com­ carried a bouquet of pink ami white , times of pc. 11 and plenty, and the encouragement that we possibly r - arc plaint which is that the marriage con­ should be taught not only in the pub­ can, and this can be done through sweet peas. Both young . people popular her«-. Mrs. Anderson .‘....1...,..,, was »«.' for mr 1 tract now existing between plaintiff lic school« but in the Iwtui-s as well. subscribing to the Company Fund. some time social ed'tqr on The I and defendant be dissolved and that There is much valuable food wasted Should the boy-' be sent to the front, Statesman staff, and is well known in I plaintiff have such other relief as to today, too much, altogether, and it is as, no doubt, they will be, yve Tilla- And everything in a First Class comneten« I the court may seem equitable. -i.nv house House circles as a competent a good thing to preach a sermon in mookers will be more interested in state This summons is published in the stenographer, having also been asso ­ Harness Shop ; also these columns once in .1 while abo^t our own boys who are engaged in the ciated with her sister. Miss Edna Tillamook Headlight in pursuance of 11 wastefulness. No well regulated war, not that they are more brave Garfield, court reporter of this city. an order made by Hon. Geo. R. Bag-' home wastes good food. No good an* ‘ constructing — ’■ . ______ k «oncrete ' . _________ -. pavement etc., 16 according feet wide, to side drainage contract, the Supreme Court has re­ amount of money involved, but the Resident Will Interest Our muwwro Readers I ditches, the plans versed the decision of Judge Camp­ right patriotic spirit that promoted it Our neighboring town Hillsboro and specifications now on file with bell and decrees that the Warren that is commended. Let’s all con­ points the way in the words of one of the County Clerk of Tillamook i Construction Company has substan­ sider well Miss l illian Groat’s com­ its most respected residents: I County and then publicly opened and [ tially performed its contract. The su­ mendable action, and endeavor to do Mrs. W. H. Morton, 1439 Second read. Notice to Contractors. preme Court may be able to force the something more than we have done C. St., um-u Hillsboro tire., says: ”1 can read. Fach i a sealed ■ for ■ Mayor and city d ids to swallow that to encourage our home boys and always _____ — • word — z-- ■ *■"! | envelope each proposal shall in Notice to Contractors. speay a good Doan's marked on the be outside “Pro- kind of a ruling, hut wc poor mortals show our appreciation of what they Kidney Tills since they pulled me posal to improve Tillamook-Fairview I Notice is hereby given that the i win» kno»» that the construction arc sacrificing. We ------o— Tillantookers through a terrible attack of rheumat- . Road Sec. 3 and Tillamook-Bav City 'County Court of Tillamook County, company did not comply with their ought to feel proud that we have a ic pains. For over a year, I wasn't Road Sec. 4" and shall be accompan­ will receive proposals for the Notice is hereby given that the im- I County, __ _____ — - z'“'t 1 w.-sn l contract with the citv. won’t stand . company of Coast Artillery that is of­ able «0 Court of Tillamook Cooat)' to dress - myself ----- -_J and every cord ied by cash, certified check _ -• ____ im-j — provement of the Cone R , County that kind of dope being rammed fering its services to the government, and muscle in my body pained so that Sta. 33 plus 41.7 to 57 ' plus Road * - front - i ■ will or bid- I receive proposals for the i®' dcr's bond equal in down our throats. It places th» May in the world wide war, which we all I couldn't rest day or night. 1 was in urr S oonrt equal in amount to 5 per | 0 ,rr^.j ’ to ’• . Station ’ ,atlon 57 Plus 3,P'us o and Sta. 90 j (proventen from gta plus ’.? 0 J° provement of the Bewely Creek R04® or and t it» Council in an cmlvtrrass- hope will terminate soon. With these . cent of the total of the bid. such > a "d/pectfication, ' ari'nr'l'-- - constant misery every minute. During ing position, but if they have any grit few temarks, we will close with an i this time trouble with my kidneys set amount made pavable to Tiliamook , .-i, 1. p]us 67-35 T.’.f °',,ce the County 8 Q p|uj o t(> ''"»mook County, until to 0,1 hie tn they won’t b«- forced to accept a appeal to the people in all parts of in and they were irregular in action County Proposals shall be made on according to plans and specification' the forms furnished by the Conntv '.'5, a m. of the 13th day of July, Clerk of pavement that »vas pronounced by the the county to take a lively interest in ..... Court reserves the , ' L- file a.i in the office of the CotW»7 li'igants to be different to tbit jot the Tillamook boys, \nyway, come to and congested I felt sick and nervous Clerk The -------- Count» n Pu'’‘u'>' opened and read. o °n ’clock all over. 1 couldn't anything to right to to reject reject anv anv or or all an bids. . - ---- - get -..j...iiig io re- re­ right Vlerk 1 • ,, pr.opf’?, , ’’ia" he accom«— — ■ -• of Tillamook County, until 1® the city on the Fourth and help give v Meh the city contracted for. is-— •*-- lieve the suffering, —" until 1 - began tak­ f?j rst publication publication lune First lune 28. z8 tor? .«>« bv o ct/w-t, - ni ot- tjlc jay of J“1»' them a rousing cheer. I * * ing Doan’s Kidney Pills. In a few Last publication July lath, 1917 and then publicly shall opened and The Holstein Breeders’ Association _ .... on _ — vu proposal be Jc ce ° read. rtified check equal in amount to s per cent icd by cash, bidder's bond a o' week*, my kidneys acted more freely Each equal proposal shall be accompa"; is wanting to discuss with the Tilla­ Erwin Harrison. Clerk of the total of the bid, such amount check in • - amount and the rheumatic pains began to case ll hv * 1 - Stomach Troubles. mook Commercial Club the question Man­ 1 < mat liable cMcs of st01 ich up. I stuck to them until 1 had finish­ Stomach Trouble and Constipation. made payable to Tillamook County, of the total of the bid. of starting a Hog Club for Tillamo'- ^™^’t. Wells- I »"»’’''cation July izth.'IQI/ reserves the right to reject any or 4 Club gives a boy a pig. on condition 1 Store. — t June 28th. my kidneys tn good condition. drugstore. by Laraar * | tn»in Harrison, Clerk. my kidneys in good condition. bids. ion July izth. First publication June ¿8th, 10'7- Last publication July 12th. I9*7- PATRIOTIC DEMONSTRATION TILLAMOOK CITY FOURTH JULY. PATRIOTIC SPEECHES AND MUSIC BY BAND. See Boysen Charley Chaplin Stunts. Sale. Harness, Saddles, Sweat Pads, Collars, GLOVES, SUIT CASES, GRIPS, WATER PROOF CLOTHING, Etc. 20 Per Cent CUT in Prices W. A- WILLIAMS, Tillamook. Or. if V- üSSî " Erwin Harrison, CIO*