Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 28, 1917, Image 1

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Our Declaration of Safety
TITH good-will toward all. this Batik
enters upon what may be a time of
great financial trial ; but as we be­
lieve a period of positive financial safety
and security for this immediate vicinity.
The Resources of this Bank place a
guarantee back of our words, which can­
not be denied. During this period of
emergency, we shall continue to safe­
guard the local interests and keep our
funds here for the strength, of our local
business and agricultural needs. In pro­
tecting our own people and in financing
our local interests, we believe that we arc
following the safest path to patriotic
Correct Attest : M. VV. Harrison, C. Haberlach, H. T. Botts,
Lodging at the Watchtower, 25c.,
Also furnished rooms.
The County Court will meet on
Monday to pass on road bills.
— -o
W. A. Wise, dentist.
Garbage gathered free. See M. R.
Dr. C. W. Miller, chriopractor.
* Hanankrat, or call Main Mil.
Piano For Sale, cheap if sold at
Hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough
once. Enquire of Zylphia Switzer.
For Furnished Rooms at reasonable
Go to Mason’s for Standard Pat­
• price, See Mrs. E. Plank.
Good ironers wanted at the Crystal
A marriage license was issued to
♦ Arthur W. Jackson and Dol:cc M.
A modern house for rent,—See Rick.
Dr. Wise will be at Wheeler Thurs-
Ia'e> 3 inch wagon, Apply to day, Friday and Saturday of this
D. Billings.
* week.
There was a slight frost early Mon­
Dr. Wise will be at his Tillamook
day morning.
office next Monday, Wednesday and
Dr. Wise will be at Cloverdale Thursday.
nfxt Tuesday
their store all day July 4-
Dr. Shearer, physician and surgeon,
Cloverdale, Ore.
Howard Drew and wife are in from
Pure Water Glass to preserve eggs Eastern Oregon visiting with the
•* C. I. Clough Co.
* Drew family.
Dr Wise and wife, accompanied by
Mrs. Marie Wade, nurse. Terms re­ Dr. and Mrs. Sievers, have returned
>«ed to
tO Suit
suit the
»1,« lima.
from Portland.
For Sale—A paying sawmill in the
Wanted—Man for general work,
South end of the County. It will make
APP'y at Ramsey Hotel.
Lots in Block 3, Miller'g Addition money for you. Taylor Rcal Esta,e
for sale—See T. H. Goyne.
* Agency, Cloverdale, Ore.
Tillamook Jottings.
“Drop in and book Around ”
H. H. Rosenberg, G. H. Rosenberg
and E. M. Condit, with their families,
returned to the city on Saturday after
motoring through Eastern Oregon
I'and Northern California. They report
a good trip, the crops looking good
and the people everywhere optimistic.
S t . 50 PER YEAR.
M ill pay you to see Everson lor a
Ralph Alvoid was in Tillamook the
safe investment i in city property or first of the week.
tarni lands.
C. I. Clough went out to Portland
One Ton Ford Truck; also 5 pas­ on Wednesday on a business trip.
senger l ord Nearly new, for sale,
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Gottfried
see Rosenberg.
I Josi, on June 21st, a daughter.
For Sale, six lots in Tillamook City
Attorney T. B. Handley lift Sun­
for $1,100.00 cash. Call or address
» day for California to visit his mother.
Mrs. C. N. Drew.
The Oregon Pioneer Association
H Mason & Co., has taken over .....
Standard patterns formerly sold by will meet this year in Portland, the
date being July 19.
Lamar’s Variety Store.
X marriage license was issued to
I am in the market at all times for
your baby calves—Smith "The Calf Charles C. Adams and Mabie Ione
Burdick both of Brighton.
Man,”—Both Phones.
Lost in Tillamook City, a Lady's
John Fi-ldschau, Concrete contrac­
tor, concrete silos built. All work purse, containing return ticket on S.
gua-.antccd.Both phones.
* P. K. R. and some cash. Finder please
leave at Headlight office.
Why not be insured in the best fire
Attorney S. S. Johnson went to
insurance company, it costs no more.
See Everson.
* Portland on Sunday on business in
connection with the loth Company,
Jack Driscoll caught a cut throat Coast Artillery, of which he is the
trout on Sunday in the Kilchis river captain.
23 inches long.
Two men drove through the city on
A. G. Animer, of the Ammer-Harris a motor cycle Wednesday, exceeding
Furniture Co., left on Monday for a the speed limit, and they were arrest­
business trip to Portland.
ed at Beaver and A.
‘ ~
D. ~
Doser paid a
Mrs. Louis Labowitch and daughter fine of $10.00.
have returned to the city after spend­
Those who are taking the teachers’
ing several weeks in California.
examination this week are: Gertrude
For Sale, a Saxon run-about. In Schlappi, Helen Stam, Frances Stran­
good condition. Price $350.00. Apply ahan, Helen M. Beals, Belle Coulogne
Alice M. Phillips, Mrs. Hazel Com­
to Attorney Webster Holmes.
* mons and Lola Dunham.
Furnished house for rent. Apply to
W. T. Newcomb, 2nd Avenue West
near First Street.
Bring your watches and jewelry
work to me, all work guaranteed—R.
W. Bennett, Jeweler.
For cheap fertilizer for your garden
and meadow, see Frank Elliott at
Franklin Fish Market.
For Sale—Rutabaga and Cow Kale
plants, $1.00 per thousand.—Hans
Report of the Condition of the
Hanson, Tillamook, Oregon.
The machinery of the milk sugar
plant on the Wilson river was dis­
mantled and shipped to California.
At Tillamook, in the State of Oregon, at the close of
For Sale—New modern residence,
business. June 20th, 1917.
located in best residence district. For
sale at a bargain. See Frank Heyd. '
Experienced Tillamook Dairyman
Loans? anti discounts...............................
wants to rent 4 or 5 good milk cows.
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured ...
Address Box 63, Garibaldi, Ore.
Bonds and warrants.. ............................
New, modern upright Player Piano,
Stocks, securities, judgments, etc-. •
stool to match and player records.
Furniture and fixtures............................
Easiest terms.—Apply at this office.
Other real estate owned........................
Full line of watches, clocks, silver
Due from banks (not reserve banks) .
ware, pocket knives.—R. W. Bennett,
85,071 97
Jeweler Watchmaker, in Tillamook
Due from approved reserve banks...
Drug Store.
Checks and other cash items ..............
Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Dawson re­
Cash on hand................................................
turned to the city on Saturday after
Other resources...........................................
spending two weeks honey moon in
Money to loan on farm lands, from
$500 up, Good terms. Reasonable rate
of interest. We want your business.
Capital stock paid in ............................................. $40.000.00
See Everson.
Surplus fund ..............................................................
Horse For Sale—will work single
Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes
or double, weight about 1100. Cheap
if sold at once. Apply to Will Goercs
R. F. D. Box 72, Tillamook.
Due to hanks and bankers..................................
Postal savings banks deposits..........................
Miss Stella Goyne left on Friday
for Stanford University, California,
Individual deposits subject to check................
where she will take a summer course
Demand certificates of deposit...........................
of studies.
Certified checks ........................................................
Ira C. Smith returned from Wood­
Time and Savings Deposits................................
burn on Monday, where he had taken
his wife and family to visit Mr. and
... $452,953.98
Mrs. King.
Mrs. Cliff Ross and children of
State of Oregon, County of Tillamook, SS.
Salem, who have been visiting at the
I, Thad Robison, Cashier of the above named bank, do home
of her brother, Attorney G. P.
solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of Winslow left on Monday.
my knowledge and belief.—Thad Robison, Cashier.
For Sale—Beautiful tone, practical­
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day of J une, 1. 7. ly new $475.00 Player Piano, stool to
C. A. McGhee, Notary Public,
match and player rolls all for $375-
Easiest terms. Inquire at this office.
Mv Commission expires Sept. 18th, 1920
T illamook C ounty B ank ,
JUNE 28,
I have a number of store buildings, I
houses and office rooms to rent. Also
can give desirable ground lease in
various parts of the city desirable to
almost any needs. See me also for
city property on payments to suit
your income.—Rollie W. Watson.
Social dance at Pacific City, Satur­
day night, July 7. High class music
will be furnished by the Faulconer
orchestra, of Sheridan, Ore. Dancing
commences at 8:30. You are cordially
invited to attend and participate in
the pleasures of the season.
The Rod Cross campaign in this
county proved a great success, and
those who ,participated in raising it
succeeded admirably, as $5,000 was
subscribed. Rollie W. Watson left on
Wednesday morning
to turn
money over in Portland.
Rosenberg Bros, have opened a
large iced store cm 2nd Avenue East
near the saw mill and will carry a
large line oi all kinds of hay, feed,
flour, grass seeds at the very lowest
prices. Special prices on hay and
feed in car lots.
Chas. Reynolds, H. E. Weston and
G. W. Proctor, old veterans left on
Monday for the G. A. R. reunion at
Forest Grove. Members of the W. R.
C. who also went to the reunion are
Mrs. Henry Woolfe and Mrs. Fred
a letter
Stanley Coates has received 1 stating
from relatives in Australia
in the
that his brother, who was contin-
trenches with the Australian aftcr a
gent in France, was missing 1, and it
fierce battle with Che Germans,
was not known whether he was killed
or taken prisoner.
Leslie Harrison returned from the
officers’ training camp at
last week, as the older men were be­
ing selected, and the younger men
were discouraged on that jecount.
He has filed his resignation and will
rejoin the 10th Company Coast Artil­
lery. I. E. Keldson will also return to
On Monday evening, July 2nd, the
The Franklin Fish Market is now
open for business, drop in and look Knights of Pythias and Pythian Sis­
around at the Old Spanish Kitchen.— ters of this city will have a joint in­
F. N. Elliott, Proprietor.
• stallation of officers at their hall in
the National building. A short pro­
Now m the time to look after your gram will be provided for the occa­
Fire Insurance on all your property. sion and refreshments will be served.
It will surprise you how cheaply you All Knights and their families and
can get a 3 or 0 year policy.—Rollie Pythian Sisters are invited.
W. Watson.
Wm. Gilliam died at his home in
The Tillamook Meat Co. will pay
this city
Friday evening of
ioc for all 10 pound lard pails and 5c.
paralysis. The funeral services were
for 5 pound pails. They must be. free
held at the home on Sunday after­
from rust. Bring them in at once and
noon at 1:30 o’clock, Rev. Curtis con­
get your money.
ducting the services. The deceased
Carl Taylor is appointed Traveling was about 55 years of age at the time
Passenger Agent, headquarters Port­ of his death. He leaves a wife and
land, Oregon, vice Willis H. Jenkins, five children.
who has been appointed head of Ad­
Rev. B. H. Churchill and bride of a
vertising Bureau this office.
month were given a royal reception
For Sale—Horse and buggy, broke at the U. B. Church at Beaver on the
to work single or double, weight 1000 evening of June 25. A shower of
pounds.—Enquire of E. P. Jeffrey, R. "good eats” were
Churchill is a Quaker. He will preach
F. D. Tillamook, Oregon.
2* at Pleasant Valley, July I. at 11 a m.;
Mrs. Stephenson, who has taken Yellow Fir at 2:30 and Beaver at 8
charge bi the Ramsey Hotel, expects p.m.
to have the dining room opened on
It is proposed to make a formal
Sunday July 1st, and will endeavor to opening of the Sour Grass Road been
make this one of the attractive feat­ Saturday, arrangements having
made for the county courts of Yam­
ures of the hotel.
to be
Don’t forget those busted castings. hill and Tillamook counties
present. Those who can get away and
Can be welded for half. Goods sent attend the opening should do so. A
by parcel post and express promptly picnic lunch is in order, and those
returned. Hiner A Reed, Tillamook, who attend are advised to take along
a basket of "dry” goods.
Burrell Clements and Miss Lillian
The big opening dance for the sea­ Adams were married at Vancouver,
son will be given at Barview Dance Wash., on Thursday of last week
hall Saturday June 30, and Saltair and returned to make their home in
dance Hall. Sunday July I. Haskins this city. The groom is a son of Mr.
Professional Jazz Orchestra will fur­ and Mrs. C. W. Clements and the
zreatly rcspcct-
nish the best of music for the season. bride a young women greatl
■ the pleasure of
t‘ _ r
We are sorry to announce the ed by those who have
happy couple
death of John Sheets, which took her acquaintance. congratulations
place at the Boals’ hospital on Tut«» are receiving the
day after being sick for several “J their friends.
months. The deceased was one of our
Frank Taylor, of the
I most respected citizens. He was 73
years old and leaves a wife and three
to attend
| children The funeral services will be
the Oregon Editorial
I held Friday morning at the Catholic
meeting at Pendleton I: may not be
To Whom Does “Thrift’ Apply?
NYON’E, atty age may practice Thrift.
means Judicious Spending, Practical Using
and Careful Saving The child, the housewife,
me 1 chan t,
farmer, ma tiu fact 11 rer— EV E R Y-
ONE- will find a Savings or Checking account at
The First National Bonk a real aid to Thrift. And
Thrift 's a REAL AID to the prosperity of com­
munity and people.
A. W Bunn, Farmer.
P. Heisel, Farmer.
C. J. Edwards. Mgr. C.PowerCo. J. C. Holden, Vice Pres.
B. C. Lamb, Building Materials. John Slot gan. Farmer.
IV. J. Riechers. Cashier.
Gem Theatre Program.
“FLYING TORPEDO,” an exceptional picture featur­
ing John Emerson and Bessie Love.
A two reel comedy
with funny Hank Mann and Vivian Edwards.
entire program should appeal to every one who likes to
see pictures of MERIT. 15c. 5c.________________________
“SECRET OF EVE.” Metro picture featuring the
popular Mm. Petrova.
‘‘THE FLIRT.” Single reel comedy. 15c. 5c.
“BI LLETS AND BROWN EYES.” A pleasing and
wonderful Triangle feature picture, with Bessie Barris­
cale, in the leading role.
“VILLAGE VAMPIRE.” Two reel comedy featuring
Fred Mace and Anna Luther. 15c. 5c.
“PEARL OF THE ARMY.” Pathe serial picture with
a Pathe News and single reel comedy, 10c. 5c
“ EAGLES WINGS,” a wonderful BLUEBIRD Photo­
play’which we have secured at an enormous price, in the
belief that it will be a picture treat anti a feature in keep­
ing with the 4th. Dont miss hearing the Eagle Scream
iti Tillamook on this date, an.l dont miss seeing the
EAGLES WINGS at the Gem Theatre. Adults 15c.
Kids 5c.
“HER TEMPTATION.” One of those FOX pictures
that always please, featuring the loveable Gladys Brock­
well, who has already proven herself to be a favorite with
a great many Tillamook people. Adults lfic. Children 5c.
Dont destroy this program, keep it for reference.
case when leaving here, but as there
appear to be a good deal of "wet
goods” being shipped in suit cases,
we hope he is not taking this trip to
stock up.
B. C. Lamb, president of the First
National Bank and President of the
Port of Tillamook, left for Portland
on Sunday, a complaint having been
filed that there was not sufficiccnt
water to launch the vessels that is
proposed to be built on the bay. Mr.
Lamb obtained sufficient data and
presented it to the proper authorities.
A telegram was received on Wednes­
day stating that a government official
would arrive here today to make a
personal investigation.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Lamb and
daughter, Vida, will spend the sum-
mer in Tillamook visiting their son
G. B. Lamb and camping on Tilla-
mook river, at South Prairie on their
farm. They will visit relatives in Port­
land a short time before coming here.
Mr. Lamb returned from the east
recently, where he visited his brother
and relatives in Iowa and Chicago.
He enjoyed the trip very much, but
claimed he’d rather live in Oregon.
Their daughter, Vida, who is the
youngest sister of Arthur Marolf, is
one of Eugene’s most popular maids
in society and has won notoriety for
her profile sketches.
May Cheese Sold.
------ o------
Tillamook Creamery ..........
.Maple Leaf Creamery .
Fairview Dairy Association
South Prairie Creamery . . .
Three Rivers Creamery . .
Mohler Creamery . .
Clover Leaf Creamery ....
Long Prairie Creamery
Elwood Creamery Co..........
Cloverdale Cheese Co..........
Central Cheese Co................
Cold Springs Cheese Fcty.
Orctown Cheese Co............
Neskowin Dairv Asso..........
Beaver Creamery Asso. . .
East Braver Cheese Co.
Pleasant Valley Cheese Co.
Alder Vale Creamery ........
Blaine Creamery Co............
Mcda Creamery ...................
son Estate $1,550.00; M. W. Harrison,
Those going over $1000.00, A. G.
Beals, M. Abplanalp, S.
~ Schiffman,
Jos Dürrer, John Morgan,
Naegcli and James Williams, the last
four being Guernsey men.
I desire to give notice to the public
that the Ramsey Hotel, Tillamook,
Oregon, has been taken over by me
and that your patronage will be ap­
The cafe will be open and the tables
made a distinctive featire of the
hotel. The rooms will be clean and
comfortable as the best.
When in the city make your head­
quarters at the Ramsey Hotel.
Mrs. Goldie Stephenson,
Former Proprietor, Sum­
mit Hotel, Condon, Orc.
The Government Needs Farmers as
Well as Fighters.
------ o-
Two million three hundred thou­
sand acres of Oregon A California
Railroad Co. Grant Lands. Title re­
vested in United States. To be open­
ed for homesteaders and sale. Con­
taining some of the best land left in
the United States. Large Copyrighted
map, showing land by section, and de­
scription of soil, climate, rainfall,
counties. Postpaid One Dollar. Grant
Lands Locating Co., Box 610, Port-
land. ( trcgon.
Alfalfa Land for Sale.
------ o------
For Sale, near Riddle, Oregon, 900
I acres of river bottom land, deep
I sandy loam, . _ gravel subsoil, natural
1 drainage, river frontage, fronts coun­
ty road good for automobiles the
I year around. Daily mail and automo-
! bile stage, ten miles from S. P. rail-
, road station and three miles from
1 good trading point with good store».
This land especially adopted to alfal­
fa and can guarantee irrigation by
Nov. 1st, 1917, at $36.00 per acre and
a maintenance fee of $r 50 per year.
Can show land now yielding s< ven
tons to the acre per year and pasture
for two months after Sept. 1st, with
$156,047. IO irrigation. Mild equable climate, good
One shipment made past week of water, plenty nearby outrange, an
1250 cases triplets and r
cases ideal dairy or stockfceding country.
Longhorns sold for $23,;88.8<>
A few small ranche« for sale. For
Nine farmers will get over $1,00000 further particulars aonlv to A. C.