1 t We are Now Showing Actual $1.75 Values in MISSES’ and LADIES NEW MIDDY COATS, $2.39 Each. MISSES’and LADIES’ NEW MIDDY BLOUSES. $1.39 Each. Sizes 14 to 20 years and 36 to 44 inch bust measurement. Slipover and Button front styles with belts. Some are smocked others have col­ lars in Navy, Red or Copenhagen and some with pockets embroidered with stars and other national emblems. Guaranteed Fast Colors if washed ac­ cording to directions accompanying each garment. Sizes 6 to 20 years and 36 to 40 inch bust measurement. White only with embroidered stars, stripes and Naval insignia. Some have colored collars and piping. Guaranteed Fast Colors if washed according to directions accompanying each garment. i CELEBRATE JULY FOURTH With us in Tillamook. Special Patriotic ( Ibservances are being planned and you are assured of an enjoyable and inspiriting time. JULY CELEBRATION New Daily Motor-Car Service Between Mohler & Tillamook Leaves Tillamook 7:20 A M and 2:30 P.M. Returning from Mohler Arrives Tillamook 10:25 A M. and 5:25 P.M I Beginning SATURDAY, June 23rd, at 10 A.M. BALCONY BARGAIN TABLE, 5c. Values to 40c. in Remnants, Boys’ Caps, Infants’ Bonnets, Art Goods, Shopping Baskets, etc., etc. BALCONY BARGAIN TABLE, 11c. Values to 65c. in Sun Bonnets, Hosiery, Remnants, Corset Covers, Dress Shields, etc., etc. BALCONY BARGAIN TABLE, 29c. Values to $1.00 in Dressing Sacques, Millinery Shapes, Auto Caps and Hats, Table Napkins. Remnants, etc. Actual 50c. Values in FOUR-IN-HAND TIES FOR MEN, 29c. Each. I Generous flowing end Ties in beau­ tiful rich colorings and handsome de­ signs. Look good—are good—and wiil wear Hue Actual $1.00 and $1.25 MEN’S SUMMER UNION SUITS, 79c. Each. Sleeveless, Short Sleeve, Knee Length and Ankle length Union Suits in cool Summer weights. z\ll Men’s Sizes. Actual $1.00 and $1.25 I POPULAR SPORT SHIRTS FOR MEN. 79c. Each. Convertible collars, short sleeves, coat styles. Neat stripe designs in good washing colors. All sizes. I.; Worth $6.00 Today MEN S ‘ RACINE’’ DRESS SHOES At $4.70 Pair I f Art* simply sensational bargains. Shown here i;i assorted widths and all sizes and Button and Blucher Models in Gunmetal Calf. Affording Every Loyal Citizen of this County an Oppor­ tunity of being Stylishly and Becomingly Attired on this Great Festival at a very nominal cost. As individual events in this Great Mid-Season Forced Stock Reduction Sale these Preparatory Sales will live long in the memories of those who take advantage of the savings offered. Secure all your own needs and the needs of every member of the family for a comfortably and correctly attired Fourth. Remember the date these Sales begin (June 23rd) and be here when the doors open (10 A.M.). Great Preparatory Sale of PLAIN AND FANCY SILKS. Absolutely new and up-to-date Silks at greatly reduced prices. You will need a Silk Dress for the Patriotic Observances, and this is an opportunity to secure it at a great saving. Actual $1.25 SILKS, 98c. Yard. Actual to $2.50 SILKS, $1.69 Yard. 27 and 30 inch Jap Silks, Crepe de Chine, and Messaline» in pretty pastel shades, white and cream and many dark shades. 36 inch Messalines. 38 inch New Tussahs, and many pretty Novelty Silks, some of which can be used for Dresses or trimmings Actual to J1.75 SILKS, Actual to $3.48 SILKS, 35 inch Taffettà* and Messaline», and 40 inchCrepes de Chine,Black Pean de Cynge, Silk Crepe, and Silk and Wool Poplins. All wanted colors. Latest Novelties in Pongees, Taffetas, Tus- sahs and Poplins, as well as some lovelv 40 inch Pussy Willow Taffetas and Georgette Crepes in plain colors. $1.33 Yard. $1.98 Yard. Beautiful New SUMMER WASH FABRICS At Sensational Price Reductions. It’s a shame to sell such lovely new goods at such low prices as we are quot­ ing on these new 1917 Summer Wash Fabrics, but it has lieen forced upon us We had no choice in the matter. Summer delayed its coming and we now have double the stock we ought to have at this time of the year in Summer Fabrics arid so in order that we may turn our stock over in time, we are sacrificing profits and on some novelties even part of the cost. P — your -------“ Summer Wash Goods Buy now amf save. We mention only font of the selections now being offered. Actual to 45c. values, 25c. Yard. 30, 36 and 38 inch Plain nnd Fancy Beach Suiting* ; 33 inch Campus Suitings ; 36 inch Noveltv Voiles and 36 inch Fancy White \ oiles are a few of the fabrics you will find nt the above low price. Actual to 50c. values, 29c. Yard. At this exceptionally economical price there are 36 inch Plain White, Pierrot Spot and Plaid Beach Suitings ; :I6 and 38 inch Nov­ ell) Voile* and Fancy White X oiles, etc. Ì. Actual to 65c. values, 35c. Yard. Ill this will t,llS lot 'V.4 you 'ou .Y. ’1.1 find ‘ dainty lainty 32 i inch nc|, Doucette Stripe Waistings, 34 inch Stripe Sport Skirtings. 36 and 38 inch Stripe and Novelty Voiles and 32 inch Fane’-Wh e \ oile», etc. Actual to $1.00 values. 63c. Yard. Whilst there are some very prettv voile, etc., in this lot the majoritv consist f Beautiful 36 nidi Basket Weave G ib ir li ? '-"PUn Skirting n, dSS and plaid, of the very newest and latent combinations of color» and denim. Actual $6.00 Values in MEN S GENUINE PANAMA HATS, $3.95 Genuine Panamas in Fedora and Telescope Shapes. Secure one of these wonderful values and complete your summer attire. Actual $6.00 and $7.50 DRESS SHOES FOR LADIES, $3.98 Pair. Utility, Dress and Novelty Models in Shoes for Ladies, bought expressly for this year’s business before prices advanced. Actual $1.75 Value AMERICAN LADY CORSETS, $1.19 Pair. There’s a full range of sizes in models that are absolutely new and up to-date. An opportunity for sav* ing you should not miss. 14.50. $5.00 and $5.50 TRIMMED HATS FOR LADIES, $2.98 Each. Hats taken from our Superb stocks of New Spring Models, some having been made in our own workroom. Actual $7.00 FAMOUS “M. and C” DRESS SKIRTS, $3.98 Good looking patterns, smart styles and good wearing fabrics. XX hat more could one wish—particularly at such a low price. $12.00, $14 00 and $15.00 late spring COATS for LADIES. $8.95 Each. Many of these Coats arrived onh last week, and every’ style is ne" authentic and becoming. $18 00 and $20.00 new spring SUITS for LADIES. $13.65 At this price no woman need *al ■i Suit particularly when they are*0* becoming Suits a's these.