Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 21, 1917, Image 6

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What the Editors Say.
I who will say that the business of ex-
1 ernption ought to be in the hands of
the military
authorities, but that
■ 0
would be contrary to the spirit of
Now the Kaiser says again that the American government, which insists
American forces are nothing to be that the civil power must always be
afraid of. That’s nothing. He spoke kept superior to the military power.
once of Britian’s “contemptible little
It has already been suggested that
army," but he has had occasion to the machinery of exemption might be
change his mind.—Oregonian.
influenced by political considerations,
------ o
and there ha- '
Glory, the British are on Belgium of the souther- been a report from one
that the faction
soil and winning back mile after mile that happens r -tate»
____ will
be in r power
of Belgium t< rritory. That sounds see to it that low
no young men belong-
mighty good to us and we hope al) of mg
to the
‘L otl. her and opposing faction
Belgium will soon be returned to the will be exci pt rom service. There is
Belgium people, whose country was little need to
v.orry over these pos-
stolen from them uujusaly by might. sib i lilies, bow
•ver. The
— Banks Herald.
people are in r o mood to tolerate
such perversion
It is unfair to the young men of members of an s of authority, and the
exemption board who
America to say that 50 per cent of W' re ■ v-n suspected
. ___ .. of
... r
those who rigistcreii claim exemption an.- other considerations than patriot­
It is doubt«!.«-- trm that in response ic one- 1«. influence their decisions
to questions designed to establish cer­ '»■ould l>- promptly ostracised by all
tain definite statistics half of those good citizens.
registering stated the grounds on
T’r « task that will be faced by the
which they might be exempt, but exemption boards will be no easy one
those who are called will abide loyal­ ind will call for th« exercise of great
ly and uncomplainingly by the deci­ discretion, good judgment and. high
sions of the eacpmtion board.—Ore­ patriotism. The men who will serve
gon Register .
on these boards will probably be ex­
— -o------
pected to perform the duty voluntar­
Congratulations to the' Tillamook ily, and th« duty will be by no means
Headlight in ent< ring upon its joth agre- able. But is part of the patriotic
birthday. xThe Headlight makes er­ duty that must be done, and men will
rors like most of tiie newspapers, but be found who will do it
on the whole it has been a power for and justly.—Oregon Register.
the uplift of 1 ilia.nook county, and it
has done a great work in stimulating
Do Not Punish.
the growth of that favored county. F. j
C. Baker, its publisher and editor,
A narrow spirit of vindictiveness
publishes each week editorial “snap­
shots" that hit the bull’s eye. Let the is manifesting itself in different parts
toward -- those V. counties
VI11« I I IV 7»
Headlight shine on.—News Reporter. of Oregon
which voted heavily against the road
Perhaps the most disturbing influ­ bonds. It is urged that adverse ma­
ence of the war is the taking out of jorities be construed as evidence that
the schools and colleges the men who such counties do not favor the per­
are to be the leaders in the next gen­ manent improvement of trunk high­
eration. After the war, school will be ways by the state within their limits.
This spirit is unfortunate. The peo­
two or three years behind those who
are in training for any of the profes­ ple of all the counties voted honestly,
sions, and only a small percentage of according to their best light, and to
those who return will go back to punish them by discrimination in ap­
school to finish the preparation for portionment of road funds would be
their intended careers. New interests to commit a hideous injustice.
Let bygones be bygones so far as
and new business will allure them,
. and the years of their own training the road campaign is concerned— or
and of those who are training them any other campaign, for that matter.
80 array section against section in
will be lost.—Telephone Register.
our state, and instill class hatred,
------ o------
1 be
mistake. -■ Use
the — road’
. ___
_ a — —
- ....0
nc I..
With the exception of four or five would
impartially to build up > c every
of our largest cities there is land
enough held idle within 40 miles to section of Oregon, and connect all
support the people of that city. An counties by a good system of pcr-
area too miles square properly con­ manent trunk highways. That will
served and the speculator eliminated tend to unite Oregon, and a united
Oregon is the greatest need of this
should support over 6,000,000 inhabi­
tants in comfort. Then we talk about whole state. Be broad; avoid engen­
the United States being short of food dering bitterness; that is the way to
We are not short of\ food. We are unite Oregon and start her forward
on the path of progress.—Oregon
short of land! And as that shortage of Voter.
land in the midst of land sufficient to
support hundreds of millions of peo­
Exemption From the Draft.
ple more than now exist on this
planet means that we are short of
Formal announcement from Wash­
what? Just brains!—Mt. Scott Herald
ington that the first draft for the
It is worthy of note that three army under the selective conscrip­
counties which are the greatest bene­ tion law- will not be made, or the reg­
ficiaries of state funds voted strong ulations governing exemptions pro­
against the road bonds which not on­ mulgated, until after all the states
ly proposed to benefit other counties have reported to the F’rovost-Marshal
which receive no state funds at all, General will serve as a reply to a
Imt would also build long stretches large number of inquiries received
of road in the ones which voted them recently as to details of the draft and
down. Benton has the Agricultural the exemptions under it. The details
college, Lane the state university and have not yet been worked out, al­ learned.
though it is expected that they will
" ‘When I left here that day,’ he
Marion the capitol and state institu­ 1.
_____ 1 - ’ -
said, T went straight to the office of
tions, but all voted against other be completed in a few days.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
There arc hopeful signs that the my eldest brother—he settled my
counties having state aid. The only
Oregon for Tillamook County.
thing about the election in these final arrangements will make
the father’s estate. 1 asked him why fath­ Mortgage Company for Amer­
..._______1 as pos- er came to this country. He told me
counties which prevents a suspicion whole system as impersonal
ica, a corporation, Plaintiff.
.2.. employment lie came to save his neck—he was one
of selfishness is that notwithstanding sible. Thc nature of the
other circumstances
of the revolutionists of ’48! Well, it
------------------------ ......
vu ..»»,,< k
salaries of legislators arc practically and
Frank W. Crane, Bertha Grace
.. _
— —
< not ..............
.spent in Salem, Marion, voted against
Crane, J. G. Balmer, Jane
must govern, if the draft is not to be But 1 let him know it that it was im­
increasing their pay.—Independent.
Roe Balmer,
Ernest C.
attended by some heartburnings and portant to me. He then turned over
Crown, Emma A. Crown, E.
The cry “Raise rabbits and be inde-
J. McHugh, Lizzie McHugh,
pendeent of the food situation” has
F. R. Beals and Mary Doe
been raised in the East as a natural thorities the large question of what over them and readjusting myself.
Beals, Defendants.
outgrowth of the general food cam­
To Ernest C. Crown and Emma A.
paign. The extreme fecundity of the
relatives and patient you were! No more hyphen
rabbit is being emphasized as an ar­ facts as to dependent
In the name of the State of Oregon,
gument in its favor, together with the truth as to asserted physical
“ ‘Well, Saturday I took my 10- you are hereby required to appear
the fact that it thrives on food that is disability. Full publicity in all cases
and answer the
complaint filed
easy to raise and would otherwise in will contribute to be the cause of jus­ year old boy for an all-day auto ride against you in the above entitled suit
many instances be wasted. In this tice and help to make slackers in the in the country. I told him the story within six weeks from the date of the
of his grandfather’s early life. You
connection the interesting statement class where they belong.
first publication of this summons,
The precise method of selecting the never saw a more interested young
is made that France is now eating
that being the time fixed in the order
100,000,000 robbits a year; that End­ Federal tribunals is not so important chap. When I had finished the story for publication of summons within
land in peace time imported rabbits as that they should be as far remov­ he looked me in the face, his eyes which you shall so appear and ans­
from Ostend of the value of $10,000 a ed as possible from all local influenc­ fairly sparkled, and said. "Well, then, wer said complaint, the said first day
day, showing that prejudice against es and considerations. It is not that daddy, we are real Americans!”
“ ‘And you bet we arc! Germany of publication being the 17th day of
the rabbit as food is really unjustified. any large nroportion of our young
May, 1917. and if you fail to so appear
It is also declared that the Belgian men are likely to seek to influence may be my fatherland, but America is and answer said complaint for want
hare is really a rabbit, while the com­ these bodies unduly, but that in the my motherland. She has nourished thereof the plaintiff will apply to the
mon jackrabbit is a hare. The propo- interest of absolute confidence there me, and made me prosperous and Court for the relief demanded in said
ganda is being directed to stimulating should be neither opportunity for nor happy. I can imagine with what joy complaint, to-wit: For a judgment
my father renounced that autocratic
interest in the animal as an economic appearance of such influence.
against the defendants, Frank W.
The Federal draft boards, like government and swore allegiance to Crane and Bertha Grace Crane, in
factor and not a fad, and warning is
given against the payment of ridic­ Caesar's wife, should be above sus- this great democracy! Away with the the sum of $3,570.68, with interest
hyphen! Every German in this coun­
ulous prices for fancy stock, a$ was picion.—Oregonian.
try ought to shed it! for practically thereon at 8 per cent per annum from
done at the height of the craze a few
one came here to escape op­ and after April 1, 1917, and for the
years ago.—Oregonian.
pression and to find liberty!”—Kan­ further sum of $350.00 attorney’s fees,
How to Shed His Hyphen.
with interest thereon at 8 per cent |
■ - ■■ O-~—« —•
The Next Task.
per annum, and for its costs and dis­
------ o------
bursements herein, and for a decree I
Bowel Complaints in India.
the rich Missouri river bottom land. 1
Now that the work of registering met a friend of other years and asked
foreclosing that certain mortgage on !
the men of military age is practically him how the Germans in his city
In a lecture at one of the Des the East half of the East Half of the
completed, the next great task that would align themselves.
Moines, Iowa, churches a missionary Southwest Quarter, and the West
«- . of
-z de
.1.. ­
faces the government is ■ that
"Oh, he said, "most of them arc loy­ from India told of going into the in­ Half of the West Half of the South- 1
termining who is exempt and who is al. practically all of them will shed terior of India, where he was taken east Quarter of Section 35 in Town- 1
not. When it is recalled that of those the hyphen. Let me tell you a story: sick, that he had a bottle of Cham­ -hip _> North of Range 10 West of the
registered only one in ten is to be
"About twenty business men in my berlain’s Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Willamette Meridian, less one acre
drawn for service at the present time part of town lunch together every Remedy with him and believed that sold to Fred Kabkee by deed dated
it is apparent that this task is a very- day. One of them was a German- it saved his life. This remedy is used February 28, I9t3, and recorded in ,
large and very important one, because American—w ith a big hyphen. He successfully in India both as a pre­ Book Y at page 27t thereof of the '
one of the chiel purpose» of selective monopolized the conversation
....... ....... ~ every ventative and cure for cholera. You Records of Deeds for Tillamook
conscription is to raise an army with day, bragging on the German sol­ may know from this that it can be de­ County, Oregon; which said mort­
as little interference as possible with diers, German kulturc, ete.
XII of us pended upon for the milder forms of gage was executed October 1, 1913,
industry. In general, men are not to got mighty tired of it. but said noth­ bowel complaint that occur in this land recorded December 10. 1913, in
be taken from essential industries ing. (Here is an American trait. He country. For sale by Lamar's Drug ’ Rook X' of Mortgages of Tillamook
such as agriculture, sliipbuihling and hates egotism, but is gentlemanly- Store.
I County at Page 75 th. roof; and for
the -ale of the said mortgaged prem-
lliuiiitions making, and it
it w ould be enough to endure a great deal of it.)
| ises to satisfy said judgment, and for
both unjust and poor policy­ to take Well, 1 was the most impatient of the
People are learning
______ „ that
___ a little a decree foreclosing you and each of
nun with dependent families as long group, and finally ventured a word
forethought often saves them a big you. of all right, title, interest and i
as there are enough of men without or tw o
_ ....
W. eqtiitv of redemption in and to s.ii.l .
dependents to make up the anuies
“I said, 'You were born in this city, expense. Here is an instance: E.
kreher, Caldwell, Ohio, w rites: “I do | mortgaged premises, and «vert p.-.rt I
were you not?"
that arc needed.
not believe that our family has been thereof, and for such other relief as to
" ’X es.’
The task of exemption w ill fall
property upon
.1^.... local boards,
so that
" ‘Your father came here about without Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera the Court shall seem just.
».-«II case will be
!,<■ || heard and 1840 or ’co?”
and Diarrhoea Remedy since we com- ' This summons is published by or­
mcnccd keeping house years ago. der . f the Honorable Geo R. Bigh-v.
passed upon by neighbors who are
familiar with all the circumstances. It
'Do you know- why he left Ger- \\ hen we go on an extended visit we lodge of the -bove entitled Court,
take it with us." For sale by Lamar's duly made and entered the 10th day
nitty b< that this system will result ill many ?'* •
Drug Store.
of May, 1917.
■tending some men who are entitled
Snow. Bronaugh & Thomp-
"Well. I think he was one of the
Io exemption and in exempting some
who should give their services to 'aScrs. He joined the revolutionists in
Attorneys f
their country, but it is the best and the endeavor to secure for Germany
“I have been using Chamberlain's 1 I ajt publication
Tune 28' for PI i- -iff
fairest system that could be adopted representative government.
Better I ablets for indigestion for the past
-3 [917.
in a country such as ours. It is closely look that up. I think you 1 will
"' drop
six months, and it afford» me plea,-1 For
sale, new _______
modern bungalow, 8
modeled on that in use in England, your hyphen when you get the facts. urc to say I have never used a remedy
- Msm« and ■ 12 2 letc
‘•-I I
lots in fast
where local civil boards pass upon all
"He was absent from our table for that did me so much good.”—Mrs. C. | rooms
questions of exemption. It has been about two weeks V e were all fearful F. Riley, lllion. N. V. Chambecdlain’s residence district, Eugene, of f owner.
found that in the main full justice is that I had hurt his feelings. When he Tablets for sale by Lamar's Drug
-f first street, running south of the
done in this way. There will be some 1 returned he told us what he had Store.
Fair <»
The orange discs which you will see displayed
next week in the windows of the dealers listed
below bring a welcome message—a message
telling of relief from the drudgery and discom­
fort of summer cooking.
For the New Perfection cooks better than any
wood or coal range, and it does not heat up
the kitchen. Cooler cooking in summer-
more economical cooking all the year ’round.
Watch for the orange discs next week. Ask
any of these dealers to tell you about the New
Perfection C'il Cock-Stove and how the long
blue chimneys prevent ail smoke and smell.
J 4
For Sale by
Tillamook, Ore.
General Contractors
and Builders.
Estimates & Plans Furnished.
Call at our plant and get prices.
save you money.
Both Phones.
It will
The Potatoe King of Wash-
ington will not permit plant­
ing his Potatoes before they
have been properly treated
with Bichloride of Mercury.
Directions for use at