Bills Allowed By County Court. Rockaway Wide-Awake. ------o In the County Court of the State of Dear Mr. Editor.— Do you know (Continued from last week.) Oregon, for Tillamook County. Frank Dye ........................ 96.00 what a wide awake, enterprising little In the matter of the estate of Frank A. F. Coats Lbr. Co......... 20.43 neighbor you have here in Rockaway? Forsblom, deceased. A. Mapes .......................... 6.50 I have only been here two weeks, fix­ To all unknown heirs of Frank Nick Peltz ........................ 3-50 ing up my summer cottage, and they Forsblom, deceased, and any and all T. R. Fraser .................... 16.00 have organized a Red Cross Auxiliary other persons interested in the estate Z. Wells ............................ 2.25 with seventeen annual and two sub­ of said Frank Frosblom, deceased: C. A. Swenson .............. 53-5° scribing charter members; formed a In the name of the State of Oregon, Hawthorne Dock Co. ... 27.00 regular semi-weekly military drill you are hereby cited and required to Geo. Wilt .......................... 8.00 with Mr. Best as leader and eight appear in the County Court of the Floyd Wilson .............. ,. 28.50 boys enthusiastically handling their State of Oregon, for the County of City Transfer Co............. . 6-54 rifles; hewn from the wood, painted, Tillamook, at the court room thereof, Jas Wilson ........................ 21.22 guilt-balled and set up a flag pole at at Tillamook City, in the county of Tillamook Dater Co......... o*ra ro7 5.00 the church, raised money for the flag, Tillamook on the 30th day of June, Southern Pacific Co. .. . 547-20 had a flag raising and as patriotic a ’h to h * 1917, at ten o’clock in the forenoon I Red Cross Sunday as any church in to \P,8t Road District No. of that day, then and there to show Gilbert & Sons................... 3 23.40 : the land. Now isn’t that going some? cause, if any exist, why an order Joe Jenck ........................... 3-50 And its resident work, too, which is should not be made by the above J. M. Weiss & Son ........ nie, for I’ve been 469.40 what interests named court directing and authoriz­ R. E. Wilson .................... watching the beach grow since before 9 hav 31-65 ing the administrator of said estate Hiner and Reed ............... the railroad was through. Just a word 203 25 about of to sell at private sale, for cash in Cloverdale Merc. Co......... the Red Cross Society. They 28.70 hand the real property belonging to W. A. Williams ................ 2 ee c* arc I V proud I VI to IW ltd* 11 V11 VllilirillclII, have C dJ> as 1 their chairman. the said estate, situated in Tillamook F. L. Martin ...................... 000 a rea' Cross nurse, Mrs. Bolting, County, Oregon, and more particular­ A. C. Denel ........................ of Saltair. waiting for. ready for, a ly described as follows, to-wit: call, if need be.. She gave an interest­ J. M. Baker ........................ All the right, title, estate and in­ F. S. Armentrout .............. ing account of the training and duties terest acquired by Frank Forsblom Edd Earl ............................. of a Red Cross nurse, as part of the in the tract of land of about 61-100 of Max Traxler ...................... program last night. The work of the an acre in Sec. 21, Tp. 1 N., R. to W. Mutual Telephone Co. ... choir, Miss Dolly Wingrove’s recita­ of W. M., as well as any and all other Edw. F. Carter .................. tion "To the Flag", Mrs. Miller’s rights acquired, under and by virtue Albert Clark ...................... reading were all most praiseworthy; of that certain bond for deed execut­ E. G. Anderson ................. and highly appreciated was the ed by Andrew Peterson in favor of Cloverdale Courier .......... eulogy to the flag given by Lester said Frank Forsblom, dated Dec. 8, J; J- Daily.............................. Maroney, of Washington University, I when the flag was raised. This is not 1914, and recorded at page 288 of Jim Trent ............................ Book "30” of the records of deeds of Ralph Sutton ...................... Mr. Maroney’s first effort here ami Tillamook County, Oregon, and also Earl King ............................ the people always hear him gladly described in the Tract Book of the Lee Affolter ........................ and ate proud of him as one of their County Assessor of Tillamook Coun­ Walter Affolter ................ own. Little Helen Perry bravely re- ty Oregon, at pages 23 and 24 thereof Ulyssis Edwards ................ ' cited a cheer to Old Glory, and with Zerolene, “a most satisfactory motor oil”—that ii * as Tracts Nos. 44 and 45. song and prayer the dear stars and is the testimony of the leading Witness, the Hon. A. M. Hare, R. A. Searcy ........................ automobile distributors of the Coast 1 stripes fluttered out on the evening Judge of the County Court of^ the Harold Brant .................... I air, raised by George Jones, a soldier State of Oregon for Tillamook Coun­ U. S. Edwards .................... i boy at home over Sunday. Miss Eni- ty, with the seal of said Court affixed Lester Edwards ................ | ma B. Penfield a member of the H. A. Brandt ...................... the 16th day of May, 1917- I Forest Grove auxiliary, gave a sketch Erwin Harrison County Clerk. Willie Webb ...................... of Red Cross history, its work in the By Kathleen Mills, Deputy. Bert Hoyt ............................ past, its present organization and fu­ Ira Dnnond ........................ ture aims. A good collection was tak­ D. Cameron .................... At daalen avarjwhen and Standard Sarvica Stationa Notice of Hearing Administrator’s J. en up for the Red Cross work. Best H. E. Follett ...................... Final Account. of all the beach turned out pretty Lester Ray .......................... much en masse to honor the flag rais­ C. H. Kandle ...................... (CALIFORNIA) Notice is hereby given, that the un­ Lewis Myers ...................... ing. and the company gathered en­ dersigned Administrator de bonis non W. H. Kandle...................... joyed not only the program so well prepared under Mrs. Burdick’s lead­ of the estate of C. B. Hadley, deceas­ Harold Follett .................... ership. but also the extremely fitting ed, has filed in the County Court for G. G. Irish .......................... and lovely decorations under Mr. Tillamook County his final account, P. C. Myers .......................... Jones’ direction. Mr. Jones, indeed, and said court has fixed Monday, Arch Myers ........................ did much of the work himself, com­ July 2, 1917, at ten a.m. of said date Earl Eddings ...................... pleting the portier effect of flags and as the time and the office of the F. L. Martin ........................ red crosses which hung against a County Judge for said county as the A. E. Myer .......................... background of green massed to the place for the hearing of said tinal ac­ Ole Redberg ...................... ceiling. The delicate beauty of the count. Arch Myers ........................ wild huckelberry in profusion reliev­ Notice is further given, to all per­ Jim Beggs ............................ ed the side walls, a bcaufiTul floral sons interested in said estate to ap­ Joe Jenck ............................ piece—a red cross on a white ground, pear at said time and place and show C. H. Kandle ...................... designed by Mr. Jones and executed cause, if any there be why the said W. H. Kandle .................... by Mrs. Burdick, stood on the pulpit, administrator should not be discharg­ Lewis Myers ...................... Summons. a great bunch of red and white roses ed, his said account approved and his G. G. Irish ............................ nestled in bower of green, balancing Jay Davis ............................ In the Circuit Court of the State of bondsmen exonerated. the organ, both flag draped. There Dated Tillamook, Oregon May ?9, Forest J. Ayer.................... Oregon for the County of Tillamook. isn’t the slightest doubt that Rocka­ Chas. Coleman.................... 1917- M. Sue Henderson, Plaintiff way is patriotic, and has her share of J. C. Holden, Lloyd Kellow ...................... vs. talent to show it. Public thanks are Administrator de bonis Fritz Drebert .................... .. H. E. Carr and Alice Carr, certainly due to all who so generous­ non of the Estate of C. B. Geo. Johnson ...................... Tillamook Feed Company, ly helped with time, money and talent Hadley deceased. Jack Johnson ...................... Lydia S. Morgan, and the to make Red Cross Sunday a success. Victor Lane ........................ Lehman & Clough Company We had many Tillamook visitors in Teachers’ Examination. Claude Lewallen ................ and W. H. Wilson. THE UNIVERSAL CAR town Sunday. We should be glad to Ed Kellow .......................... ------ o ------ Defendants see them any Sunday at the services Notice is hereby given _that I he Claude Lane ...................... . To W. H. Wilson, defendant. held in the church. Sunday School at County Superintendent of Tillamook Luke Lane .......................... In the name of the State of Oregon, to a.m. Evening service at 8 p.m. Wherever Ford cars have pioneered, Ford you are hereby required to appear County, Oregon, will hold the regular Ed Hanson .......................... and after July I, morning service at examination of applicants for Sta'e Orval Kellow ...................... service has kept pace. It* is the factor which and answer a complaint filed against it a.m. It certainly is a beautiful you in the above entitled suit within Certificates at the court house in J. R. Bidgood ...................... drive along the Tillamook beaches strengthens the personal relation between Guy Mattoon ...................... Tillamook City, as follows: six weeks from the date of the first and Rockaway church will give you a Commencing Wednesday, June 27, Thos McKnight ................ . Ford owners and the Company. To pet the publication of this summons that be­ hearty welcome always. John Wilson ........................ 1917, at 9:00 o ’ clock a.m , and con ­ ing the time fixed in the order for best possible service from your Ford car, Sincerely, publication of summons within which tinuing until Saturday, June 30, 1917- Jack Pearson ...................... Fraulein Fcderfield. bring it here when it needs attention and get Jas Imlah ............................ you shall so appear and answer said at 4:00 o’clock p. m. Wednesday forenoon—U. S. His­ Chas Murphy...................... complaint, the said first day of pub­ the benefit of Ford supervision throughout. Notice to Creditors. lication being the 24th day of May, tory, Writing (Penmanship), Music, Steve Bauer ........................ . We use the genuine Ford parts and give you Jim Sutton ............................ ------o----- 1 1917, and if you fail so to appear and Drawing. Wednesday afternoon —Physiology, P. C. Meyer ......................... Notice is hereby given t*’at the un­ the benefit of the regular standard F%rd ' answer said complaint, for want I thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Reading, Manual T-atning, Composi­ Russ Tatro .......................... dersigned have been by the County prices. Touring Car $3(»0, Runabout 1345, | court for the relief demanded in said tion, Domestic Scic ice. Methods in Earl Eddings ...................... Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, Reading, Course of Study for Draw­ Ernest Wonzent .................. Sedan $645, Coupelet $505, Town Car $595- I complaint, to-wit: appointed administrators of the Es­ John Redberg ...................... ing, Methods in Arithmetic. For a judgment against the de ­ all f.o.b. Detroit. On display and for sale by Thursday forenoon- Arithmetic, Harold Scherzinger ............ tate of Daniel W. Gilbert, deceased, fendants H. E. Carr and Alice Carr in the sum of $300.00, with interest History of Education, Psychology, A. E. Meyer .......................... and have qualified as such. All per­ thereon at ten per cent per annum Methods of Geography, Mechanical Ralph E. Welsh .................. sons having claims against said estate L. P. Gray .................... ....... Drawing, Domestic Art, Course of from and after August 23rd, 1916, and are required to present the same to C. N. Gilmore ...................... for the further sum of $18.87 taxes Study for Domestic Art. Thursday afternoon I—Grammar, H. W. Bohna ...................... the undersigned at Beaver, Oregon, paid by the plaintiff herein, and for the further sum of $50.00 attorney’s Geography, Stenography, , American Enock Straw ........................ for allowance with the proper vouch- TILLAMOOK GARAGE. Typewriting, W. Doering .......................... fees, and for her costs and disburse­ Literature, Physics, ers within six months of the date of W. H. Doering .................... ments herein, and for a decree fore­ Methods in Language, Thesis for Pri­ H. L. Jenson ........................ 'the first publication of this notice. closing that certain mortgage on the mary certificate. Fred Hoilctt ...................... . Dated June 7th, 1917. Friday forenoon—Theory and prac­ I following described premises, situat­ Sappington ................ ed in Tillamook County, Oregon, to- tice, Orthography (Spelling), Physi­ Ward Edgar K. Gilbert, cal Geography, English Literature, Orval Kellow ...................... wit: William J. Gilbert. Fritz Drebert ................ Beginning at a point 163% feet west Chemistry, Physical Culture, Administrators. Friday afternoon—School Law, John Dyke ............................ of the southwest corner of Block »Albert Clark ........................ Number 5, in the town of Lincoln, Geology, Algebra, Civil Government. A. A. Imlah .......................... Saturday forenoon— Geometry, now within the corporate limits of Lee Lyster ............................ Tillamook City, Oregon, and running Botany. Saturday afternoon—General His- Roy Braden .......................... thence north 210 feet; thence west 46 Gilbert Bellcque .................. feet for the initial point of the land for. Bookkeeping. John E’leck ............................ G. B. Lamb, intended to be conveyed herein; County Superintendent. Howard Owens .................. thence west 57.5 feet; thence south Jim Beggs ............................ 52.5 feet; thence east 57.5 feet; thence Elma Johnson .................... . north 52.5 feet to the initial point DON’T RISK NEGLECT Will Hudson .......... .......... herein mentioned, and being the same ------ o------ Joe Ducham ...................."... Says Mrs. Frank Hag­ property conveyed to H. E. Carr and Don’t neglect a constant backache, Lin Whiteman ...................... ler, of Carbondale, III.: Alice Carr, his wife, by E. N. Morgan sharp, darting pains or uninary dis­ Joe Jenck ....................... ... “I was suffering terrible and Lydia Morgan, his wife, by deed orders. The danger of dropsy or John Affolter ...................... cramps and pains each dated June 29, 1915, and recorded Bright’s disease is too serious to ig­ Walter Affolter.................... month. I had used ... July 17th, 1915, in deed records of nore. Use Doan’s Kidney Pills as Nick Affolter ........................ but it didn’t give any Tillamook County, at pages 376 and have thousands of other grateful peo­ Geo. Shaver .......................... permanent relief. The 377, in Book 31; which said mortgage ple. A Forest Grove case. R. M. Stev­ pains came back on me Road Fund was executed August 23, 1915, and ens, retired farmer, 329 Fourth St, Star Garage .......................... just the same as before recorded in book Z at page 142 of Forest Grove, Ore, says: “Although Nehalem River Trans. Co. ... . . . After taking Cardui. I was entirely relieved Mortgages of Tillamook County, in it has been several years since I have R. L. Shreve ............................ from the pains, and have favor of Alex Vlahos, and thereafter had any occasion to take Doan's C. A. Dunn .............................. never been bothered with assigned by said Alex Vlahos to Kidney Pills, it hasn’t lowered my W. E. Anderson ...................... them since.” John Leland Henderson, trustee, by estimation of them in the least, for I A. H. Gulstrom ........................ assignment recorded in said registry know from past experience that they E. I. Parish .............................. in Book 2. pages 387 and 388, and are a medicine of merit. I couldn't W. S. Coates ............................ thereafter assigned by said John recommend a more reliable medicine S. V. Anderson ........................ Leland Henderson, trustee, to the for lame back. If at any time I have Henry Leach ............................ plaintiff herein, by assignment re- occasion to take a kidney remedy Fred Wilt .................................. corded in said registry, Book 2, pages again, it will be Doan’s Kidney Pills, Hiner It Reed .......................... 507 and 508; and for the sale of said for I know they can’t be beaten.” Price 50c, at all dealers. Don’t J. M. Selby ................................ mortgaged premises to satisfy said stock in simply ask for a kidney remedy—get King Crenshaw Hdw. Co. ... judgment and for a decree foreclos­ Doan's Kidney Pills—the same as Mr. Lamb Schrader Co.................... ing you of all right, title, interest and Alex McNair Co......................... THE COUNTY. Stevens had. Foster-Milburn Co., " equity of redemption in and to said Feeney & Bremer Co.............. Cardui should help you Props, Buffalo, N. Y. mortgaged premises and every part King Crenshaw Hdw. Co. ... ■litdid Mrs. Hagler, as it Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere. thereof, and for such other relief as Astounding Report for Tillamook. has helped thousands of to the Court shall seem just. other women who suf­ The wife of a merchant had stomach This summons is published by order fered from the pains and Ornamental Fire Places Built I of the Hon. A. M Hare, County trouble so bad she could eat nothing discomforts from which of Brick and Stone. All Fire Judge, made and entered the 23rd but toast, fruit and hot water. Every­ women suffer. Many Places absolutely guaranteed day of May, 1917. Last publication thing else would sour or ferment. medical authorities pre­ not to smoke or money re­ I July 5th, 1917. I scribe the ingredients of funded. which Cardui is com­ John Lelend Henderson, One spoonful buckthorn bark, glycer­ DR. ELMER ALLEN, Brick work of all kinds done ine, etc, as mixed in Adler-i-ka ben ­ posed for the female Attorney for Plaintiff. on short notice. troubles for which it is efited her instantly. Because Adler-i- DR. GEORGE J. PETERSON We make a specialty of re­ recommended. Why not ka flushes the entire elementary tract Notice. try it for your trouble? pairing smoking Fire Places. Dentists. it relieves any case constipation, sour ■ ■ o----- All Druggists The stalHor Lit eral, black Perch­ stomach or gas and prevents appen­ BBS National Building eron, will be at the Harris birn once dicitis. It has quickest action of any­ a week for two days, Friday and Sat­ thing we ever sold. J. S. Lamar, drug­ Oregon Tillamook, urday, commencing April aist. gist. • TILLAMOOK ORE Citation. OVER» Si proven entire satisfactory STANDARD OIL COMPANY Ackley & Murphy, I Cramps! ALEX. MeHAIR & CO GENERAL hardware Kitchen Ranges and Heating Stoves. the best See TAKE Card-u-i of hardware The Women's Tonic Ik