TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. JUNE 21. 1917. in the Circuit Court of the State of accordance with a compromise, agree­ CHAUTAUQUA BRINGS Oregon, for Tillamook County, in ment made by the parties of this suit, STRONG PROGRAM pursuance of the mandate of the that any owner of any such lot or ----- o----- the above entitled court and prior to parcel of ground so assessed for said Offer of la7.000.00 Made With a Re­ levying and making of the assess­ improvement under said "paving con­ Which Takes Place July 18-23 *" Tillamook City. duction in Cost of Pavement. ments provided for in said decree, de­ tract," who shall not, after the entry liver to the .Mayor of defendant “City of this decree, have—either alone or A careful survey of the attractions The pavement case bobbed up again of Tillamook” the following instru­ with others—instituted or caused to be instituted any legal proceedings to for our rapidly approaching Chautau­ last Monday at a meeting of the City ments, to-wit: Makes Clubbing Arrangement With (1) A duly executed document in delay or to prevent the making or qua indicates a program oi exception­ Council, wide , came up in the form of a resoluti .>11 in which the Warren and by which defendant ‘Warren entry of said assessment for the cost al strength and variety throughout. Construction Company agreed to pay Construction Company” shall waive or tne said improveineeiit under said The list, which includes Goy. Carlson the litigant: $¿7000.00 and make a all claims for interest upon said cost paving contract" or to resist or to I of Colorado, Royal \ enetian Band reduction of -5c. p r square yard on of said improvement and all claims contest said assessment or the appor­ ¡and Graus’ Tyrolean Alpine Yodlers, the price of the pavement. The offer against any and all of the plaintiffs tionment of said cost thereunder, is certainly one to challenge compar­ is made conditional upon the City herein and defendant “City of Tilla- shall receive and be allowed a credit ison. Council assessing all of ic property mook" for damages of any kind by or rebate on the assessment against Chautaqua opens on the afternoon owners who arc liable to assessment reason of this suit or any litigation us said lot or parcel of ground of of the first day with a concert by the heretofore instituted by any of said twenty-five cents (25c.) for each Lyric Glee Club, followed with read­ for pavcini nt and sewer. MONG our large circle of readers There is some doubt whether this plaintiffs agni t defendant "Warren square yard ot pavement, the cost of ings and impersonations by Francis there are a great many who are in­ which is covered by and included in Hendry. In the evening following a ami can be done, for the reason that in Const-uction Company terested directly or indired’y ¿a (2t A duly executed obi: gat ion in the assessment against his said lot or | prelude by the Lyrics, Dr. Andrew laying the pavement the construction fruit growing, dairying and other company did m.t comply with the and by which defendant “Warren parcel of ground, and that such credit ! Johnson, one of America’s foremost specifications, ;. -1 for tha. reason Construction Company” shall agree or rebate shall be received Uy and al­ humorists will deliver his instructive branches of farmin;;. . .11 < f these ' ' and keep in good repair lowed to any such owner either when and highly entertaining lecture, Eli some of th pr-pcr'y ov. 1 rs contend to maintain naturally wish to keep in < a e touch with ag­ • pavement constructed and laid he pays in casii the balance of the full and Dennis." \Vm. A. Boon, Illinois that the City Council hav no right all ricultural activities ihrougiuLt the state; to assess them for a pavement that by it in said City of Tilla took under amount of his said assessment or famous poet-philosopher speaks the and to know about any fight which is being . _ contract” mentioned in when he makes an application to pay afternoon of the second day, taking the City Council did not contract for. the "paving waged for the measures Oregon farmers There is talk of further litigation to •»aid decree for a period of ten years tiis said assessment 111 installments for his subject “The House of Man in the manner provided lor in the Fie is preceeded by the Fillion Con­ prevent the City Council from mak­ from and after July 1, 1913; and want and against all sorts of schemes that (3) A duly executed bond in the charter of defendant "Lily of Tilla­ I cert party, who appear again in the ing an assessment. are detrimental to the people and agricultural for the mook,” and that no such owner who evening, giving penal sum of $ ---- "2. ¿'"-“J a forty-five minute interests of this state. faithful performance of said obliga- so pays in cash at any time before a The Resolution. concert, Chautauqua folks will hear sale of his lot or parcel of ground which tion until July 1, 1918, upon The resolution adopti d by the City ■ Gov. Carslon, of Colorado in a stir- We have, therefore, made a special clubbing bond some surety company authoriz­ because of non-payment of such as­ ring appeal to higher citizenry, “The Council is as follows: arrangement with THE OREGON FAR­ Resolved that the City Attorney be ed to do business in the State of Ore- sessment shall lose 01 be denied such Price of Progress.’’ The afternoon of credit or rebate on account of delay MER whereby any farmer or fruitgrower, and is hereby authorized to enter in­ gon shall be surety; and the third day brings the Military (4) A duly executed bond in the or delinquency in time of payment; i Girls singing’ orchestra, novelty drill to stipulation on behalf of Tillamook who is one of our regular subscribers and who and penal sum of $ for the City and its officers, in the case of F. and stunt club. Following their after­ is not now a subscriber to THE OREGON It is further found and decreed that R. Beals, ct al vs. Warren Construc­ i faithful performance of said obliga- noon prelude, comes Dr. G. \\ hite- FARMER, will be entitled to receive THE the original value and total cost of tion from July I, 1918 to July I, ’9-’3. tion Co., et al, now on appeal to the field Ray, noted explorer, Fellow OREGON FARMER in combination with Supreme Court of Oregon from the upon which bond the “Warren Bros. the sewer construction under said Royal Geographical Society of Lon­ decree of the circuit of Tillamook Company” may be surety at the op­ "sewer contract" was $47,103.04, as don and this paper at the same rate as for this paper honored throughout the 1. County, for the entry of a decree in tion of defendant “Warren Construc­ ascertained and determined by resolu­ world as the “Livingstone of South alone. tion of the Common Council of de ­ tion Company, ” or, if said defendant accordance with form of stipulation America.” His lecture, delivered in and accompanying agreements sub- ' does not give said “Warren Bros. fendant “City of Tillamook” on De­ Argentine Gaucho regalia will be This offer applies to all those who renew or cember 3. 1912; and Company ” as surety, the surety of mitted and placed on file with the “Through Five Republics on Horse- extend their subscriptions as well as to all It is further ordered and decreed , sureties shall be such person or per ­ City Recorder, it appears that the back.” In the evening the Military new subscribers. If you are inferos« ed di­ said stipulation meets with the ap­ sons other than a surety company as that defendant “City of Tillamook,” girls who were last year voted first rectly or indirectly in Oregon agriculture, proval of the attorneys for the plain­ are acceptable to and approved by by and through its Mayor and Com­ place over all attractions on one of tiffs in said cause, and that the in­ said Mayor of defendant “City of mon Council and other proper offi­ the larger Eastern Chautauquas, will “"21 opportunity, but do _ not 1 miss E.__ this “ unusual cers, shall forthwith, by resolution or terests of Tillamook City are not Tillamook." give a full concert. send your order in now. ordinance or in such other manner In witness whereof, said “ Warren thereby injured. On the afternoon of the fourth day Conctruction Company’’ has caused and form as may be prescribed by the the Royal Venetian Band gives a forty THE OREGON FARMER is the one farm this agreement to be executed for and Charter of defendant “City of Tilla­ five minute concert, after which Mrs. The Stipulation. paper which is devoting itself exclusively mook, ” assess and determine the pro ­ Tin stipulations are contained in l 1 in its behalf by its duly authorized of- Lorene )) ¡swell Wilson, noted civic to the farming activities and interests of I ■ ficers ticers and its corporatt corporate seal to be portionate share of such total cost of leader of the Federation of Women's the following: Oregon. It lias a big organization garh- I, Charles W. Fulton, do hereby ac- I hereunto affixed—done : at Portland said sewer assessable to each lot or Clubs, will speak o n community af­ day parcel of ground in said City of Tilla­ fairs. Her subject is “The Adventure knowledge this day ering the news of importance to farmers, _ that I have .. . ____ , re­ in the State of Oregon, this mook abutting on or adjacent to and of Being Human.” The grand concert ceived from the above named defend­ of June, 1917. dairymen, fruitgrowers, stockraisers and benefitted by said sewer and assess by the Royal Venetian Band in the ant Warren Construction Co. the poultrymen; and it has the backbone to at­ It is hereby stipulated and agreed each such lot or parcel of ground evening, is the occasion of the joint sum of Twenty-seven Thousand dol­ tack wrongful methods and combinations tind lars ($27,000.00) to be disposed of by by and between the parties hereto with and levy an assessment upon apptarance of Mary Adel Hays, that decree shall forthwith be render­ each such lot or parcel of ground for prima donna soprano of New York. bad legislation, and supDort honest leaders me as follows, to-wit: Contemporaneously with the re­ ed and enterod in the above entitled its proportionate share of such total and beneficial measures. We are confident The Wassers, favorite Chautauqua ceipt of said $.¿7,00000 and the sign­ Court and cause as per “Exhibit A” cost of said sewer, and that said as­ entertainers, in readings, impersona­ that our readers will congratulate us on our ing thereof the parties to the above hereto attached and hereby made a sessment shall be final tions and dramatic sketches, appear being able to make this splendid and at­ and entitled suit have entered into two part of this stipulation. twice the fifth day. In the afternoon, tractive clubbing offer. It is further ordered and decreed they are followed by W. L. Mellinger stipulations as follows: The “Warren Construction Co.” that the Recorder or other proper eminent authority on Mexico, in his ft) A stipulation for the rendition and entry by and in the above entitl­ defendant and appelant herein, hav­ officer of defendant “City of Tilla­ lecture, “The Truth about Mexico,” ed Court of a decree in the above en­ ing duly prosecuted and taken on ap­ mook” shall, immediately after said in the evening by the Mawson Mov­ titled suit as per copy of proposed de­ peal to this Court from the decree assessment for said sewer is so made, ing Pictures of the Sir Douglas Maw- cree set forth in said stipulation; and I rendered and entered in this suit in' . inter a statement thereof and of the son Antartic Expedition. Mr. Mel­ (a) A stipulation for the delivery by and by the Circuit Court of Oregon, amount so assessed against each such linger will tell the thrilling story of said Warren Consaruction Company for Tillamook County, and this suit lot or parcel of ground in the "Dock­ the expedition along with the picture, to the Mayor of defendant “City ................. - of being now regularly pending in this et of City Liens” of defendant “City exactly as told by Sir Douglas him­ Tillamook" of certain instruments de­ Court, and all the parties to this suit of Tillamook” in such manner and self. The sixth and last day of the having stipulated that this decree form as may be prescribed by the Chautauqua hears a program in the scribed in said stipulation. If said degree is rendered and en- should be now rendered and entered Charter of said defendant, and that afternoon by thé Jtrnior Chautauqpa thereupon said assessment and the under the direction of the Junior tered in this suit within ten days from herein: It is therefore ordered and decreed amount so assessed against each lot Superior— after which. Wood Briggs, the date of this receipt, said $27,000- 00 shall become the property of the that the decree of said Circuit Court or parcel of ground shall be and be­ the inimitable Kentuckian, will enter­ plaintiffs in this suit and shall be dis­ so appealed from to this court be and come a valid and binding lien on and tain with stories of the south. Cliaiitauqua closes with a grand bursed by tne for their benefit and ac­ the same is hereby reversed and set against such lot or parcel of ground, which lien shall have priority over concert by Graus’ Tyrolean ¿\lpine count as soon as the two assessments aside and held for naught; and all other liens or incumbrances what- It is further found and decreed that Yodlers, who produce a costumed ly the views are of the highest value. mentioned in said decree are levied extreme northern states to 170 days and made and docketed as provided defendant “Warren Construction Co.” evei except the lien of any assess­ musical fantasy, “An Evening in the The living records of the animals and in the- Gulf states. Statistics of the ment levied thereon under this de ­ has substantially performed that cer ­ Alps.1* _________________ in said decree and $27,000 is collected birds of this desolate region, the sea average date of killing frosts in au­ or realized by the defendant “City of tain contract, hereinafter called “pav­ cree for said improvement under said elephants, the giant and the snowy tumn help to show whether corn can Mawson Antarctic Pictures. Tillamook” on said assessments and ing contract," made and entered into "paving contract”; and petrels, are beyond price. still be planted with hope of reaching It is further ordered and decreed paid over to said “Warren Construc­ between defendant “City of Tilla­ The penguins deserve a paragraph : maturity .uninjured. There are few tion Company” provided, however, mook”—sometimes called “Tillamook that after said assessments for said by themselves. The lamented J. H. Royal penguin tastes like canvas­ that if said “Warren Construction City"—ami defendant “Warren Con­ improvement under said "paving con­ back duck—flavored with kerosene Haverly, of minstrel fame, was wont I sections in the main corn growing Company” accept any bonds of said struction Co..” on May 31, 1912, a tract" and said sewer under said oil—contends Sir Douglas Mawson, to advertise his troupe thus: —‘Forty states where corn planted in May will “City of Tillamook” in lieu of cash, copy of which contract is set forth in “sewer contract” are levied and made who brought back from the heretofore —Count ‘em.” Imagine one million not ripen before the average date of Maid bonds shall, for the purpose of paragraph I.X.NNV of the Amended as aforesaid, the proper officers of little-known Seventh Continent the comedians in one group, each actor frost in fall I11 some central portions shis paragraph, be deemed the same Complaint in this suit, and lias also defendant "City of Tillamook" shall most remarkable set of motion and endowed with an unctuous and gro­ ' and over much of the south corn may substantially performed that certain proceed to collect said assessments in still pictures ever shown in America. tesque personality, whose ever move­ be planted until near the close of as cash. June , with prospects of its maturity hereinafter called tin time and manner prescribed by If, however, said decree is not ren­ other contract, After these pictures were exhibited ment excites laughter and who are dered and entered in this suit within “Sewer Contract." made and entered the Charter of said "City of Tilla­ before ¡'ut national Geography Socie­ unconsciously but incessantly per­ . nine years out of ten before damag­ mook"; and ing frosts occur. ten days from the date of this receipt, into between said two defejidants on It is further ordered and decreed ty at Washington, D. C., Mr. Gros­ forming, and a fair conception of a — . ---- - or if it shall be determined, by final , May 31, 1912, ill ami by which said venor, the director said: — “ 1 hope colong of penguins may be obtained. decree or judgment in any suit or , defendant “Warren Construction Co." that no party to .his suit shall have every American will have an oppor- Add to this that every one of the The People Must Pay. or recover any costs or disburse ­ action wherein the right to levy and agreed to construct a sewer in and tunity to see Mawson's beautiful "1 mo­ birds is a high-diver of unsuspected make either of said assessments is along sertain streets of said "City of ments in this Court or in said Circuit tion pictures of the penguins unt! skill, and to see _ them ___ r play ._j “Follow . What occasions criticism in con­ Court and that this decree be entered contested or the validity of either of Till: mook"; and their rookeries, where thousands tour leader” into the water then out . Wess is the wholesale demand of the It is further found and decreed that in said Circuit Court as and for the seen, of the sea elephant and are said assessments is questioned after departments desiring to carry out the the again, landing with a surprising leap the same has been levied or made the value and total cost of the im­ decree of said Circuit Court. whales, of the great ice-barrier ___ president ’ s policies. It is hardly fair on the ice, is to behold a “ stunt ” that and or collected or enforced, then, and in provement made and done by defend­ enormous icebergs, of the snow petrel sets advanced vaudeville” even when to call the men who inquire about either of said events, I am to return ant "Warren Construction Co." in and the ice-clad mountains. Onr two aided by Emma Calve, a difficult those expenditures “a small selfish Notice of Sheriff's Sale. said $27,000.00 to said “Warren Con­ and on streets of the City of Tilla­ capacity audiences were held spell­ pace to follow. minority,” because congress is doing virtue of said struction Company." Provided, how­ mook under and by bound by the pictures and the mar­ The baby sea elephants are another its best now to satisfy two very im­ Notice is hereby given: That pur- velous story.” ever, that if 1 have prior to any such i “paving contract" was and is $159,- portant bodies of citizens—those in group of financial comedians. final decree or judgment disbursed 942.07, as ascertained and determined suant to a writ of execution issued The Washington. D. C. Post in Chaplin at his best never Charles official and private life who want the said $27,000.00 for the benefit and by Resolution of the Common Coun­ out of the Circuit Court of tie State commenting on the pictures, said: greater laughter than one existed ..., the war plans quickly consummated, of the i the County of Tilla- “The most thrilling and most unusai account of said plaintiffs under and cil of defendant "City ofTillamook" of of Oregon, for young elephants when he awoke from and that other very important ele­ in accordance with the next preceed- December 3. 1912, of which $16,719.45 mook. dated the loth day of. June, fact pictures ever thrown on the 1.1 day dream, assumed an expression ment which has to pay the taxes. ing paragraph of this receipt, 1 shall was ami is for the surface drainage 1917, upon a decree rendered in said screen in Washington were shown at of pained surprise, and scratched his Washington is full of contractors and defendant Court on the 18th day oi Jure. 1017, the Belasco Theatre when Sir Doug­ not, by reason of such final decree or system constructed by ' material men—men who want to be Co.” under in the cause wherein Louise Wine- las Mawson's pictures were supple­ nose with his flipper. judgment or anything else lierein "W arren Construction patriotic, but expect to be paid for it. said contract and ;he remaining $143,- A striking example of the marvel ­ hard, Anna Wcssinger, Paul Wessin- contained, be under anv obligation to mented with a vivid lecture. > Taxes don’t bother this class as they 222.62 was and is for the balance of executrixes ous utility of wireless telegraphy ---* ger and Henry Wagner, return said $27.000.00 or any part "Not even the Scott pictures, the nanv^rLm 'bother congressmen who listen to the ic ______ . , .... thereof to said “Warren Construc­ the work done by defendant “Warren and executors respectively of the Rainey African hunt pictures or the I given when the Mawson 1 p.irtj trom annM Construction Company" under said its hut buried beneath the snows of appeals and arguments of the tax- last will and testament of Henry Williamson Submarine pictures can tion Company.” — ..................... In ioucn 1 pay if rs ’ Washington is also filling up contract; and an Antartic winter, kept in touch Weinhard, deceased, were plaintiffs, Said $27,00000 is to be forthwith equal tfiese astonishing photographic with ,;,v aid of the Wlth marching men. The uniform ap- It is further ordered anil decreed and F. H. Astmann, Veronika Ast- civilization by the deposited in my name as Trustee m representations of marine and animal pears in all the department buildings such hank of the City of Portland as that defendant “City of Tillamook.” manti, and I Veronika Astmann, as life and hardships endured bv the in­ l Marconi invention. Hardly less and is conspicuous in the hotels and may be approved by said "Warren by and through its Mayor and Com­ asignee of F. H. Astmann, for the trepid explorers of the frozen South velous is the bringing back to the in- I on the highways. Congress is in al­ Construction Co." under an arrange­ mon Council ami other proper of­ benefit of the creditors of F. H. Ast- "The story is a tale of dauntless habitant globe the indisputable proofs ment with such bank, if such an ar­ ficers, shaft forthwith, by resolution mann, were defendants, in ftivor of heroism. The most graphic motion by means of the moving picture nia-I most daily discussion of more pay f°r rangement can be effected, whereby or ordinance or in such other manner said plaintiffs and against th« said de­ pictures are those depicting the ter­ chine, of Mawson’s account of life those men and their equipment. Ex­ and form as may be prescribed bv the fendants for tin sum of twenty-seven 1 perience in trying to pass the first such bank will pay interest on said rific force of the wind on the great and adventure at the South Pole. 1 hese wonderful pictures will be war tax bill of $1,800,000,000 is hard continent—wind which $27,000.00 during such time as it re­ charter of defendant “City of Tilla­ hundred dollars, together with inter­ Southern which mains so deposited; and said $27,000- mook,” assess and determine the pro­ est thereon from January 17th, 1912, averaged for the entire year a veloc­ shown at Chautauqua on the fifth I enough, as the average legislator portionate share of such total cost of mght with the lecture exactly as told I views it, to give pause, at least until 00 shall remain in such bank, or to said improvement under said “paving at the rate of six per cent per annum ity oi 50 miles an hour and which which by Sir Douglas Mawson himself. until paid, and for the further sum of frequently reached 100 miles. Another there is reasonable assurance that the any other bank to which it may be contract" assessable to each lot or money raised will be honestly spent, transferred by mutual consent of said parcel of ground in said City of Till­ two hundred fifty dollars attorney’s astonishing film showed the life of fees and for the costs and disburse­ the penguins, the gulls and the sea or will not be so sidetracked f“r "Warren Construction Company" and amook abutting on or adjacent to and Late Lessons on Crop Yields. salaries and new berths that the res­ me, untail it shall, in accordance with benefitted by said improvement and ments of this suit, taxed at $1775, elephant. From the standpoint of -------- o----- toration of normal finance will be the terms of this receipt, become the assess each such Jot or parcel of which said execution is to me direct­ photographic art aTone these pictures General talk about crop shortages forever postponed. property of plaintiffs in this suit or ground with and levy an assessment ed, commanding me as Sheriff to are unsurpassed.” Congress is hearing much about the The story of the death of Lieuten­ .las led to concern over the possible be returned by me to said "Warren upon such lot or parcel of ground for satisfy the said decree by sale of the Construction Company;" and all in­ its said proportionate share of such real property hereinafter described; ant Ninnis and Dr. Mertz, and the • yield’s* Th’ “s Spr'"g on the co«n>ng purchase of ships and about contracts Now, therefore, in order t< satisfy for enormous sums, and is conse­ marvelous escape of Mawson himself terest earned on said $27.000.00 while total cost of said improvement, and quently of an inquisitive turn of mind. ------------ * breathless - ' with awe ’ *0 deposited in any such bank shall that said assessment shall be final said decree, I will, on Saturday, the holds everyone -■1st day of July, 1917, at 10:00 o ’ clock And that may not be a bad thing and compassion; and the still and I be paid to said “Warren Construction and conclusive; and in the forenoon of said day, at the sifter all. moving pictures thrown er. lllv I Company.’* on the | It is further ordered and decreed front door of the Court House in . screen furnish many scenes oi beautv inevitable result. There that the Recorder or other proper of­ Card of Thanks. Whereas the parties of this suit have ficer of defendant “City of Tillamook” Tillamook City, Oregon, sell at pub­ and grandeur; moonlit icebergs in ' Iondo* S°r U”dUe ap’>rehen»ion. The lic auction (subject to redemption) form like gigantic mushrooms, mushrooms fierce Idata 1 ----- o------ ftrno^PCaC7°r rf"n,lv Published this day entered into a stipulation for shall, immediately after said assess­ to the highest bidder for cash in blizzards that blot out the sight of a The Sisters of St. Alphonsu’ the entry of a decroe in the above en­ ment for said improvement is so Academy wish to express their ra®1 titled suit in the above entitled court, made, enter a statement thereof and hand, all the right, title and interest man's hand held before his face- ter-, gracious thanks to their many friend’ which proposed decree is set out in of the amount so assessed against of the said defendants in and to the rifftc winds that drive everything be­ fidlowing described real property, fore them; and last of all. wonderful 1 who by devotedness, interest an“ full in said stipulation; and each such lot or parcel of ground in situated in the County of Tillamook views of bird and animal life in the records of our own country are of th. their nresence, contributed in Whereat as part of the considera­ the “Docket of City Liens” of de­ and State of Oregon, to-wit: same character The weaih. r > h frozen seas > and desolate lands about ' tion for said stipulation defendant fendant “City of Tillamook" in such I ,?r8e a measure to the social an“ The Fast Half (F. ’i) of the North the >outh Pole presents «tati«.;.. .' .2 ca“"-r bureau financial success of last Tuesday’’ "Warren Construction Company” has manner and form as may he prescrib­ " • ’’»‘.«‘Ks indicating that a East quarter (N.F >*) and the late spring ls alwavs b * .» Mr Frank Hurley, who is now with ! ¡greed to do the things hereinafter ed bv the Charter of said defendant, South West quarter (S. \V. ’<) of the Sir Ernest bh. kleton in the South eras»?« to entertainment. A special “thank you mentioned; and that thereupon said assessment North Fast quarter (N. E. '«) of performed wonderful feats in secur­ I Of ‘he “war“ CeXr",nUr Rrain»' ’’ extended to Mr. Henry Plasker Now. therefore, the promises being ami the amount so assessed against who so generously gave his time and Section five (5), in Township One (1) ing these pictures They are a source as corn, cotton and ^I°P*' ,uc^ as above stated, defendant “Warren each lot or parcel of ground shall he North of Range Ten (to) West of of continual wonderment to each au more depends nnnn .1. P°‘a‘oes. far Jabor to the construction of *bf Construction Company" docs hereby an ' become a valid anil binding lien Fountain” which was certainly * agree with the other parties to this on and against such lot or parcel of Willamette Meridian, containing one dlcnce that sees them The audiences and immediately after V w<-a‘her at great attraction to the audience. we hundred nintcen and 82-100 (IIQ.82) arc especially enthusiastic over the blooming time than carb”' nr*! ’nd suit that if said proposed decree is ground, which lien shall have priority acres, more or less. for com alone there i. I r !,tcT are also v«ry grateful to Miss Helen moving view, of the whip forcing h rendered and entered by and in the over all other liens or incumbrances Durrer. George Durrer. Herman San­ Dated this 20th day of June. 1917. wav through the ice; of the glorious above entitled court, said defendant whatever; and ders and John Plasker for supp!y'nlr W. I.. Campbell, lighting on the icebergs. Educational- shall, after said decree is also entered with Oregon's beautiful ever- It is further ordered and ilecreed, in ff*‘’«nginit from fc’s Tt^ Sheriff of Tillamook County, Ore. geecn, moss, ferns, logs, flowers, etc. Sister» of St.Mari- LITIGANTS IN PAVING CASE AGREE TO SETTLE The Oregon Fanner Offers Unusual Ojporteity ta its fisaiers A TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, 1 yr $1 50 OREGON FARMER, 1 year - $1.00 $2 50 By Our Clubbing arrangement, both for........................... » • $1.50