T illamook headlight , june 21. 1917. AGRICULTURAL NOTES. ADVERTISING RATES. years have refrained from reprisals. .hat a valuation be placed upon the Londoners, however, ilave« come to pavement. Maybe it is worth what By R. C. Jones, County Agriculturist Legal Advertisements. -------o------- the conclusion that it is about time the paving company is willing to take First Insertion per line ............. $ .10 that the Germans hail a dose of their in settlement, and maybe it is not. Cow Test Association RePort for Each subsequent insertion, line. 05 own medicine, and with that object in Vet’s find out. not pay for something May. During the month of May there Business and Professional cards view, a citizens meeting headed by where there is doubt as to the value. were 712 cows in the Association. one month.............................. *..... I.OO the Lord Mayor, decided that the government should initiate a policy two — hundred and eighty .WO ........................ ... Locals per line each insertion... Imagination Baffled by the Horror 05 her produced over 40 tbs. butter fat of reprisals in the shape of ceaseless Of It. Display advertisements, an inch ip3 over 45 tbs. fat and 112 quolified attacks on German towns that their and Lodge Notices, per line . for the honor roll of 5° fb. co.ws' .05 populations n. iy experience the ef­ Fi Id Marshal French announces fects of such methods or warfare. The highest producing cow is own­ All Resolutions of Condolence that no damage of 1 military or naval ed by Amos Vaughn, with a record I am going to dispose of my Stock of one month. ................................... ■50 aature were wrought by the German of 84.18 lbs. fat in the month. His What's the matter with Lane coun­ Goods at greatly Reduced Prices, air raid over London. But more than herd also showed the highest average ty, with the state university, Marion Consisting of 500 people were kill -ci or wounded, production with 55.24 lbs. i**' average THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. county, with the state institutions; half of them women and children. per cow, 23 head. Mr. \ aughn has and Benton county with the Oregon F. C. BAKER, Publisher. I he obvious deliberate, cold blood­ been in the Association since its start Agricultural College, all voting against other counties, as well as ed and inhuman purpose of the Ger­ and has used Bred-fpr-Production •heir own, receiving state aid for man government is savage terrorism. bulls. Contrast his production with When noted German writeres like that of the poorest herd showing an roads? They used to be wide awake, progressive counties, but since the . General von Bernhardi were writing average of only 27.5 tbs. fat. In this And everything in a First Class election they can be placed in the books in peace times preaching this herd a bull of nondescript breeding Harness Shop ; also That is not giving the local preach­ . mossback class, for it’s only moss­ diabolical philosophy 01 incredulous has been vsed for years. The receipts ers a square deal when our young b.cks who want mud roads. And who civilization charitably ’¡»missed them from a herd of 23 cows like the latter as the mouthinqs of overwrought in­ would be over $400 less for a month folk go to other counties ar d get would ever have thought that ____ Lane hitched up double. W e believe in pat­ county was so far behind in the line dividuals. Few took them in their with butter fat a 66 cents par pound, ronizing home industry. ■ if progress to vote 1441 for and 5342 deadly seriousness Few believed that than from a herd like Mr. Vaughn’s. gainst receiving state aid tor hard a great, progress^ •, 1 i ' ■• lligent and What interest docs this pay on the in­ This is something for the city coun­ surfaced roads’ The counties of the 1 seemingly kindly people could be vestment in a Bred-for-Proiluction certainly need brought to the waging >f such savage Bull? Does a good bull pay? Figure cil to consider. A proposition was Willamette valley some live good road boosters to pull warfare as even savage tribes have it out for yourselves. made to the mill company to sett! Below are listed the cows produc­ for their part of the pav ment fo 25c. •hem out of the mud. Every State alt but abandoned. But here are the co’ I cruel facts. ing over 50 pounds fat for the month on the dollar. If that kind of a 'licker Legislature Lane, Marion and Ben­ is going on w hy can’t we all hav the ton counties are wanting additional and the American people are sobered of May. Ave. Iti s. appropriations for state institutions, by the dreadful know b-dge that they same proposition put up to us? fighting Owner Milk test and seek the support of other coun­ are arming for desperate ------- o------ them. If the State with a desperate foe that scruples at Amos Vaughn . . • . 1380 .6.1 The Wheeler Repor’er did not con­ ties to secure sider the recent election of sufficient Highway Commission acts wisely, it nothing. We have ent . red a war that J. T. Woodward . 1718 . 4.6 importance to give the vote, not even should first give state aid to the has been raised to the tenth degree of Joe Dürrer......... • 135° • 5-5 Joe Dürrer ........... • 1515 . 4.8 in its own precinct. Certainly the counties which supported the state frightfulness. When noted German writeers like Frank Hunter .. . i8po . . 3.8 overwhelming vote in favor of bonds bond measure, and this would ___ make placed the Reporter in a most em- Lane, Marion, Benton, Clackamas the Lusitania and more than 100 Amos Vaughn .. • . 1365 50 women Joe Dürrer........... • 1515 • ■ 4-5 ■ barrasing position, after the space it and Baker counties squeal their heads Americans, including many Sale will Commence on Saturday. devoted last winter in advocacy of off for fear they wouldn’t obtain any and children, were murdered on the Joe Dürrer ........... • 1395 . 4-8 . free seas that atrocious deed had its W. Williams . .. . • 945 6.9 the highway. state aid. pacifist apologists in this country. J. T. Woodward ■ . 1350 . 4.8 The snap shot man believes that Mr. Bryan said the victims should Cary & Obrien . . ■ 1317 4-9 Maybe that the State Highway 6.3 Commission will not be able to do the County Court should be insistent have stayed at home. Mr. Bryan and Joe Dürrer............ . 1020 49 much road work this year, that is if with the State Highway Commission others of his way of thinking argued Joe Dürrer........... • »JOS the law is to be contested in the su­ in having 20 miles or more of hard that the United States would better Amos Vaughn . . • . . I¿OO . . 4-9 preme court. Probably this may be a surfacing done in this county as soon endure these crimes and surrender its Amos Vaughn .. . 1260 . . 5.0 . good thing, which would give the as the commission have the money. independence than incur the war fury Amos Vaughn .. ■ . 1335 • ■ 4-7 ■ commission plenty of time to make The law seems to be plain on the of Prussian militarism. They contend­ M. Harrison......... . 1650 . 3-8 surveys and plan out work for next point that this work is to be done ed that something could be said in Joe Dürrer........... . 1200 . . 5.2 . 4-3 • year, and by that time it is hoped immediately, and for that reason we justification of Germany's submarine N. G. Boquist .. . . 1440 W. Maxwell ........ . 1260 . 4.9 . believe the County Court should ob­ methods. the war will be over. Z WHOLESALE AND RETAIL tain a legal opinion from the Attor­ But we can not believe that even Amos Vaughn ... . mo ■ 5-5 • . the ultra pacifists will speak of de­ Amos Vaughn . . ..1350 . ■ 4-5 ■ We do not see any good reason ney General, and armed with that there should be no trouble in impres­ fending word for the wanton slaying M. Harrison ......... . 1320 . . 4.6 . why the school district should pay of helpless noncombatant women and C. A. Swenson ... . i860 3-2 out good money for land that was sing the State Highway Commission children by raiders of the air, who N. G. Boquist .. . . 1560 . . 3-8 . given for school purposes. It goes to that it was imperative that this work fling from secure heights deadly C. A. Swenson . . . 1056 . . 5-5 • show, however, that school districts be done immediately. No doubt the 4.6 bombs and torpedoes into homes anil W. Maxwell......... • 1275 should not be anxious to accept land State Highway Commission will want school houses. These victims of Ger­ L. McCormack . . . 1170 ■ 5-0 with a string tied to it, and then call­ to give every county some state aid, Warehouse and Office Cor. Front and 3rd Ave. West, Tillamook, Or. Amos Vaughn . . . 1140 . . 5.1 . ed upon later to pay money to cut the and will endeaver to build a hard man diabolism had stayed at home. their C. A. Swenson . . 1320 • 4-4 ■ surfaced road to the California line, They had not even asserted string. Let’s try and reduce taxation, I but as a number of the counies of the clear ......... o.., .... right as noncombatants to go C. Tilden ............. 1185 . 4 9 not increase it, is our advice. Willamette Valley gave such over- upon the high seas. 1 hey were large­ Mike Seifer ........ 1350 . • 4-3 o ■ ■ N. G. Boquist . . . . 1410 . . 4.1 - For some reason or other the whelming majorities against hard- ly of the poorest classes of London’s Toe Durrer........... 1080 . ■ 5-3 quotations for cheese at Portland surfaced roads, we do not think that population. 1215 . . 4-7 ■ And this outrage is only a single de­ L. McCormack . mentions Coos, Curry and Myrtle it would be right to allow them to C A. Swenson . . . •725 . • 33 Point prices, but omits Tillamook have the first benefits and counties tail in Germany’s long and complicat­ Amos Vaughn . . . 1185 . 48 prices. It must be that some of the like Tillamook, which gave such a ed program of international terrorism Geo. Olson ........... 1320 ■ 4 3 Portland newspapers are not giving pronounced vote in favor of the bond In her desperate rage and fury she loe Dürrer........... 1260 . • 4-5 ■ Tillamook county cheese a square measure, should have to wait. For murders, despoils and enslaves whole deal in their market reports and are these reasons we believe that the nations. Imagination is baffled by the M. Harrison......... iî55 ■ ■ 4 9 1 . A. Swenson . . . 1275 • 4-4 discriminating in favor of Coos and county court should demand of the horror of it. TO Toe Dürrer........... >275 • 44 State Highway Commission that this Curry cheese. What’s the reason? Frank Blaser .... 975 • • 5-7 ■ be done immediately, and when it ap­ County Fair News. N. G. Boquist . . . J "OO pear* before that body again it 37 Have Germans, who came to this Amos Vaughn . . . Ilio . 5.0 . should demand that the law be com­ country and joined the socialist party, plied with. As the time of the County Fair is F. Hunter............. 1410 . 3 9 done so to create discord and strife nearing the crops are maturing and in » L. McCormack . . • . '245 ■ -------o— ■■ 4-4 in the United States? It would seem If the litigants in the pavement order to have a complete exhibition F. Hunter ............. 160 5 . ■ 3-4 ■ On Sale via California so when German agitators who have case want to settle with the Warren we must begin early, and it is about Amos Vaughn . . . Ilio. 4-9 never taken out their naturalization Construction Co., that is for them to time to begin to gather the grasses W. Maxwell ......... 4.7 Many dates in June, July, Aug. and Sept. papers, undertake to tell u» how to decide. No one will forget the fact and forage crop. The first considera­ C. A. Swenson . . . •155 100 5 . ■ 5-4 ■ run this country. The government is that it was claimed that the pavement tion is to select the best. The object F. Blaser ............... I2QO 4.2 Liberal Sropovers. Limit 3 months. acting wisely in rounding up that was “rotten" and that the property of the fair is to furnish object lessons F. Rlaser ............... I35O 4.0 class, for it is safe to say they are in owners were told they would not for better work in all of our local in­ N. G. Boquist . . . . 1200 4-5 this country for no good purpose, but have to pay for it. but notwithstand­ dustries by placing the best product W. Maxwell ......... 1200 . 4.5 . are spies in disguise. ing that the litigants are now ready on exhibition. P. Schranz ........... 1200 4-5 • In the preparation of samples of Toe Dürrer........... I455 to accept money and the “rotten” 3-7 ■ l’hil S. Bates, secretary of the Ore­ pavement at less than the stipulated cereals, the exhibitor should remove loe Dürrer........... II70 . 4.6 gon State Editorial association, in price, and a pavement that the city all leaves. This process is known as Toe Durrcr......... 1 140 4-7 sending out a little circular advising council di335 4.0 know why these gentlemen want to pears to be well established that it did ing a row of heads in an even line on W. Maxwell ........ 1020 . . 5.2 . remain in the smoker all night unless not. it should not be paid for the a work bench and then lying another F. Blaser ............... 1 çôo . 34 it is they are planning a quiet game same until it had done so. There are row on top of the first row with the N. G. Boquist . . . . 1080 4 0 of poker. The Dr. had bettor look others interested in the pavement ends of the heads drawn back a little, M. Harrison ........ 840 6.3 inch, M Harrison ......... >470 • ■ 36 out, for fear some of the editors who did not join the litigants in em­ possible one-sixteenth of an might "skin" him, but. probably, as a ploying a large delegation of high although the exact amount varies P. Schranz ........... 1170 On sale daily between all 4.5 . preacher, he has some experience in priced attorneys, who have to be con­ somewhat with the crop. For in­ W. Wil'inms . 1275 . . 41 point». Tillamook to Mohler Inc. beeing "broke." sidered, and if the City Council un­ stance, the second row of oats heads loe Dürrer TOOS . . 5.2 .. dertakes to make ail assessment upon could be placed a little further back loe Dürrer . . >215 . . 4-3 •• Sunday, Only fares also Oil The death of County Judge Dobson, them for a pavement that the city from the front than the second row Toe Dürrer . ¡.WS - - 4.0 of Yamhill County, came as a gre^t council did not contract for, they will of wheat heads. This process is con M Abplanalp . ’ .W S - - 40 sale at slightly lower rates. surprise to our citizens. He was the be doing something that is decidedly tinned until sufficient straws have Chas Kunze ........ >53O .. 3 4 county judge of that county when wrong and unjust, with their eves been laid to make the required three C. A Swenson . . . 1575 •• 3-3 Yamhill and Tillamook counties wide open. We do not think that any inch bundle. C. A. Swenson . . 1575 .. 3 3 After the straws are laid out in this Amos Vatighn ... 060 . formed a joint road district and built member of the city council want to For information ask otir local agent, 5-4 the Sour Grass road, which eliminat­ place themsedlves in that ridiculous shape, they can be tied tip with gal­ Amos Vaughn John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, 1125 . 4-6 .. ed the Dolph hill and the toll road, position, which will always reflect on vanized stove-pipe wire. The wire is Amos Vaughn 5.0 . . Portland, Ore. and which is now being used The de­ their characters if they do so. If the placed under the bundle and the two C A. Swenson .. . 1260 . 4.1 . ceased was a pleasant gentleman, Headlight contracted with the city ends crossed after which they may be M. Harrison 1260 . 4.1 .. and a good conscientious county offi­ council to do certain work it would twisted until the bank is tight with a Joe Dürrer ........... '395 3-7 ■ cial and his death is a loss to Yam­ expect us to comply fully with the pair of pliers. The rough ends are C A. Swenson . . 1200 4 3 •• hill county and the good roads move­ specifications, and this is the way the then cut off and the twisted portion W. Maxwell......... 1200 . . 43 of the wire which is left about one- city council should look upon the ment. John F.binger . . ISIS •• 3 4 pavement contract, which failed to half inch in length is bent down even D. Fitzpatrick . -------o------- 1170 4-4 with the bundle. After the bundle is come up to the specifications. It is a Bro. Trombley used to publish a Amos Vatighn 1050 4 9 .. tied up tightly with the wire banks, duty the city council owes the prop ­ good many unkind and un-Christian C. A. Swenson . . I ' -0 STATE LISTS 6a.9aa 44 1 by white citizens was 33,310; to 21.75* the lower end of the straw is cut off. erty owners to protect them from things about the snap shot man when N. G. Boquist . 885 5» who did not indicate claims for ex­ This trimming can be done quite ac j paying for something, that was not the pavement case was a burning Oregon»' War Census is Checked N. G. Boquist 1140 .. 4L-- emption. eurately with a cxvrn knife although loe Duerer ..... ÏI40 .. question in this city. We knew at the contracted for. To Date. 4 5 -- In the city of Portland, the number some prefer to use a saw. After the A G. Beals time that we would be able to “come 1065 4.8 ------ o— of white citizens of military age reg­ back" and put our respected brother There is one way to settle the pav­ bundle is complrte. it can be hung up I. McCormack Oregon’s total registration under Ilio .. 46 in a hole. So here goes Say, Bro. ing question and do justice to every­ downward on a wire stretched across M. Seifer ......... . ino the war census was slightly greater istered was 15,044, of whom 9057. or 46 more than two-thirds, indicated some Trombley, what about that $47.00000 body, and that is to pay the Warren the work room or can be tacked to M Harrison ........ ino . 46 than the first announcements indicat­ claim of exemption. "hush money" that is offered to set­ Construction Company what the the side of the wall with a headless C. A. Swenson .. . 1380 ed. A final detailed summary of war 3-7 The number of enemy aliens who tle the paving case and dumping the pavement is worth and no more. We nail. loe Durrcr........... 1245 .. 41 .. census returns from the various coun­ The grass and forage crops can be W Williams registered in Portland was 186, and "rotten” pavement you squealed so are still of the opinion that Warren 1215 ties, complete for the entire state by 4.2 much about onto the property own­ Bros have the best patent pavement. prepared the same way except that Chas. Ktinxc Adjutant-General White, gave Ore- the aliens of friendly countries 2933- 40 '275 One hundred forty-six colored eiti- er»? And, say, brother, please tell us if it is put down accorditiig to their e.ire should be taken not to strip the M Harrison ........ "55 gon a ,o,al registration of 62,922 44 The returns tel« graphed t, f5enes mil‘,arr aRp registered "> who is goiing to get the lion's share specifications. Having tailed to do leaves off of the plants. In the case F. Davidson 1410 3-6 ington the day after the ■> asb ‘ of whom 105 were from of the “hush money.” that in this city, the Warren Con­ of cereals, the head is the Important A G. Reals ........ 5.2 .. 075 b^ ’ d on telegraph^ r«foruT from ’ the" Portland. Of the .46, 66 indicated struction Co., oan only blame, itself, part. To make the bundles of forage Chas. Kunze ........ 148s ■ ■ ' - o - 3 4 crops show up well, the material Amos Vaughn various sheriffs, gave ihe state ot”/0' exemption and 80 did not. «’s For some reason or other an effort and the way to ascertain what the 57 and this was later rediced to 62 ! °f theJen‘.,re tc,al of S6-20” C‘‘,xen* should be cured in a room where Tohn F.binger pavement is worth is to obtain the ’ 230 was made to quash the patriotic dem­ 4.1 .. there is very little light but plenty of John F.birger •Addition of new registration 1 .e^loerj^ in,hc statc- 7>6 1290 onstration that is to be held in this opinion of disinterested parties, who 3.0 circulation of air If the specimens Amos Vaughn and elimination of error.- in ... the .1. r- and consequently consequently ex ex- ---------- ....„ ­ 1005 .. 5.0 city on the Fourth, but the committee are competent to place the proper and elimination of errors final tota,,y disabled on it. We do not coincide arc gathered and hung up head down­ Frank Blaser ... ’3Q5 h.wd valuation having the management in checking np have raised the total to empt from being drafted. 3.6 ward in bundles not exceeding tlx W William» would not stand for it. It seems with those who claim that the War­ »I6 the present figures. If the more than ’305 inches in diameter at the point wlerc Geo. Olson strange to us that anyone should ren Construction Company should >5’5 2je*on ha’ r°titributed to . Notice of Annual School Meeting. 33 they are tied, they will cure out nice­ not be paid something, for it was the want to "knock" a patriotic demon­ the third Oregon Infantry, the Na- ly in such a room if conditions arc city council ’ s fault to some extent stration for personal or other reasons. ttonal Guard, the regular army, Naw 1 ------- o------- prov ided a« described above. This will be the last time the people when the pavement was being laid and Marten Corps, who were not re-1 Notice is hereby given to the legal Any information or assistance that it did not know that the paving of th« counts wtil have of seeing the qwred to register, could be added in needed will be gladly given by your 10th Company, Coast artillery, before company was not laying the pave­ the total would be nearly 69,000. On i voter» of school district No. 9 manager. it is mustered in, and probably sent ment contracted for. There is no the basis of 10 percent of the popula­ I illamook County, State of Oregon, Ren Kuppenbender. to the front, and it is only fitting that doubt in our mind that the $27,000.00 tion a’ shown by the lqto census, the ' that the annual school meeting of said we should show our appreciation of “hush money" offered by the paving state should have registered noo district will be held at the high Monday nt TILLAMOOK, 'hr Tillamook boys who hive offered company is to pav high priced law f the 62.022 men between the age« school building, to begin at the hour QR .1. G. TURNER. theit services in this national crisis, yers and others who want to make a of 21 andI 30 years, inclusive, who Tuesday at CLOVERDALE of one o'clock p.m. on the third Mon­ nd we can all do that by joining in few thousand dollars out of the case. registered m the state, there were and taking part in the demonstration. That should not cut any figure what EYE SPECIALIST. 4H0 enemy aliens and 6234 aliens from day of June, A. D. 1917. Wednesday at TI LLAMOOK ever in the effort to settle the pave­ friendly countries. These aliens, of This meeting is called for the pur* The Germans who have bombarded ment case. The litigants who eni- PORTLAND Thursday nt TILLAMOOK OREGON fonrse. arc not subject to draft, pose of electing one director for a <1 a great array of high priced undefended town« and thrown bombs |>l of n,’mber of white Friday at TILLAMOOK three year term and school clerk for on London and other towns, killing lawyers should shoulder the expense, Regular Monthly Visit» to of military age registered in the state women and children. are called as < tew local attorneys could have one year, and the transaction of busi­ Saturday at.... WHEELER exVmm 062 ' ° f ‘ i*** ‘ ’ a ’ 08 * 1 «'»¡med Tillamook and Cloverdale. "Raby Killers" in England, Fh.it conducted the case just as well and werTVhe .«d" lhr Rr°Uin'’ ,hat ,he>’ ness usual at such meetings. with same result*. Before and set- country when the war started. decid T'hf »ole support of one or more Both Phone*. Dated this 7th day of June, '9'7- tlenn nt is made for the pavement it WATCH l’APKR Four UATItS. • <1 not to engage in that kind of in dependent relatives. The total n™ human warfare, and for nearly three 1» the opinion of the »nap shot man her of possible exemption» indicated Ira C. Smith, District Clerk. Closing Out Sale Harness, Saddles, Sweat Pads, Collars, Editorial Snap Shots. GLOVES, SUIT CASES, GRIPS, WATER PROOF CLOTHING, Etc. At20 Per Cent CUT in Prices W. A WILLIAMS, Tillamook, Or. UflMB-SCHRflDER CO CEMENT. (LIME, PLASTER, LATH AND BRICK; DOMESTIC STEAM AND SMITHING COAL. Low Round Trip Fares Eastern Destinations Enjoy a Beach Outing Trip TWO DAY ROUND TRIP FARES SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES DR WISE Can be Found on