r cï jb I ioht TILLAMOOK, OREGON, »’.So PER YEAR. he Franklin Fish Market is now Mrs. J. C. Holden and Mrs. C. W. open for business, drop in and look Talmage. 'round at the Old Spanish Kitchen.— Albert Richter, the Beaver home­ 1'. N. Elliott, Proprietor. ♦ steader, who refused to register and Home made bread, pies and cakes was taken to Portland on Thursday, for sale at the Franklin Market, 1 was sent to jail for 30 days. He is a 51 T ITH good-will toward all, this Bank guaranteed to be as good as you can [ German by birth, and after being make at home or your money back. * ■ locked up for several days, changed ll enters upon what may be a time of Charles Ray vs. Louisa Zurf'.ueh, his mind and wanted to register, but ’ great financial trial ; but as we be | executrix, and John Zurflueh is a ' Sheriff Campbell had previously re­ lieve a period of positive financial safetv case filed in the circuit court to re­ ported him to the federal authorities. cover $168.6$. and security for this immediate vicinity One of the Guernsey cows, which E. J. Claussen vs. Thomas Coates, was sold at the Guernsey sale to Geo. The Resources of this Bank place a ^I^HFSE are the two elements of success. Are you administrator of the estate of W. J. Tinnerstet for $300.00, died last week guarantee back of our words, which can­ ; doing your best both ways ? If you have a con The Tillamook West, is a suit filed in the circuit from pneumonia. County Guernsey Breeders’ Associa­ not be denied. During this period of court to recover $1,100. 1 nection with The First National Hank—we’ll tion will make good the loss. be glad to extend assistance in producing; and. emergency, we shall continue to safe­ Now is the time to look after your , The county court which went to our facilities are certainly helpful in conserving— Fire Insurance on all your property. the Portland last week to interview guard the local interests and keep our or SAVING that which you already have. It will surprise you how cheaply you State Highway Commission did not 1 funds here for the strength of our local can get a 3 or 5 year policy.—Rollie succeed in doing, as it was not in I DIRECTORS : W. Watson. business and agricultural needs. In pro­ session. A. kF. Bunn, Farmer. P. Heisel, Farmer. The Tillamook Meat Co. will pay tecting our own people and in financing At the school meeting on Monday C. J. Edwards. Mgr. C. Power Co. J. C. Holden, Vice Pres. ioc for all 10 pound lard pails and 5c. C. W. Miller was re-elected director our local interests, we believe that we are B. C. Lamb. HuHditig Materials. John Morgan. Farmer. for 5 pound pails. They must be. free for three years and Ira C. Smith W. J. Riechers. Cashier. following the safest path to patriotic from rust. Bring them in at once and clerk. A proposition to pay W. D. get your money. * _ ____ title to Stillwell $2.500 for a free I service. A game of base ball will be played school land he had given the district 7j on Sunday at the Fair Grounds be­ for school purposes was discussed, AS SAFE kN WAR AS tween Nehalem Athletic Club and but met with little approval, not even 1 illainook Firemen. The game will be when the sum was reduced to $500. PEACE. TILLAMOÖK. OREGON. '.The school board is to take the mat­ called at 1:3o p.m. ter up with Mr. Stillwell. \\ m. Raleigh arrived in this city 1 will have several of the latest | from Portland on Monday and on ¿models in Standard Pianos in this Tuesday took the stage for __ Pacific SERVICE. PATRIOTIC DEMONSTRATION j bile truck with 40 gallon chemicat City, where he has gone to get ready .week. These were selected bj me ■'personally from the warerooms of the 1 tank, bed capacity to hold 800 feet of for the fishin" season. hose and Vilew 1!. Allen <'o„ at Portland. Come to Tillamook City on the 4th : hose, ladders, chemical and Help Cheer the Tillamook Dr. Geo. Peterson left on Tuesday These instruments will be placed di- , other equipment. Estimated cost of « Boys. for Fort Flagler, Wash., to take the rectly in the homes of prospective 1 entire outfit $1,000. examination for a Commission in the ■customers on approval, thereby sav­ The facts are these, that the Tilla­ CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $46,000.00. The patriotic demonstration in this mook Hose Company are short of Dental Reserve Corps, and expects to ing store room expense, etc., to the return the first of next week. ...... pay- city or. the Fourth is for the purpose men and are not backed by the busi­ buyer. Sold on easy monthly of giving everybody an opportunity Mrs. F. C. Baker returned on Sat­ ntents. Write me at once. Lelan B. to join in the demonstration and to ness men of the city, and the feeling was unanimously expressed that if urday after visiting in Eugene and .Erwin, Tillamock. Oregon, cheer the boys belonging to the 10th something is not done very soon to­ Portland, she was accompanied by It is reported that the Western Company, Coast Artillery, before wards getting a fire truck or appar­ two grand children, Miss Frederick* Union Telegraph office is to be rc- they entrain for active service, which atus the few boys we have are going and Gould Travis. moved to the depot. This is meeting will be the latter part of July. It may to resign. Auctioneer—20 years experience Ernest T. Glenn, a deserter from 'the4**1'1 considerable complaint from be several years before they return, give us a trial- Ira G. Lance, Tilla- ja”t : those who use the Western Union, ■ especially if they are sent to France, Alfalfa Land for Sale. * army, was arrested at Blaine 1_„. 11100k Oregon. Sunday and taken to Vancouver Mon­ and to remove it to the depot is go- land this may be the last opportunity Why not be insured in the best fire day by Deputy Sheriff James T Burke 1 "’K 10 causf considerable inconven­ ¡the people of Tillamook county will For Sale, near Riddle, Oregon, poo- W. A. Wise, dentist. ience. The president of the Tillamook ! have of showing their appreciation of insurance company, it costs no more. Glenn’s parents live at Albany. lienee * ^Commercial JCom... — —... Club —— wired ------- to — the Pub­ the Tillamook boys before they leave, acres of river bottom land, deep Dr. C. W. Miller, chriopractor. * See Everson. Dont forget those busted castings. 'ljc Service Commission this morning for there is no telling what the for­ sandy loam, . _ gravel subsoil, natural For Sale, a Saxon run-about. In hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough Can be welded for half. Goods sent : 'asking that the commission prevent tunes or misfortunes of war have in drainage, river frontage, fronts coun­ ty road good for automobiles the good condition. Price $350.00. Apply Co. * by parcel post and express promptly . the removal. store for them. We all hope and pray year around. Daily mail and automo­ to Attorney Webster Holmes. * ' that they will return safely to Tilla- Go to Mason's for Standard Pat­ The W. R. C. met in K. P. Hall : returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook, bile stage, ten miles from S. P. rail­ and were I mook, but in these strenuous times, terns. * Furnished house for rent, Apply to Oregon. ' • last Saturday afternoon ----- ------ I ¡and with so many serious difficulties road station and three miles from called to order by its president Mrs. I good trading point with good stores. Good ironers wanted at the Crystal W. T. Newcomb, 2nd Avenue West Prof. R. W. Kirk and family are Billings. Four new members were ad­ to contend with no one can tell what T his land especially adopted to alfal­ Laundry. * near First Street. c* ded to the roll, and applications read is going to happen. So this is the fa and can guarantee irrigation by , , , UUlSlUt outside Oil on IUV1I their VALAUUU. vacation. 1IH.J They A are ■ V A modern house for rent,—See Bring your watches and jewelry . now visiting friends at valley points, for several more. All delegates who time for the home city and home Nov. 1st, 1917, at $36.00 per acre and Shrode. work to me, all work guaranteed—R. , They expect to visit a brother of Mr. contemplate attending the W. R. C. county to do honor to the Tillamook a maintenance fee of $1.50 per year. | Kirk at Bellingham, Wash., before Convention at Forest Grove June 26- boys in volunteering their services in Can show land now yielding seven For sale, 3 inch wagon, Apply to W. Bennett, Jeweler. 137-28 are requested to receive their this national crisis. tons to the acre per year and pasture For cheap fertilizer for your garden ■ returning. D. Billings. * The patriotic demonstration will for two months after Sept. 1st, with and meadow, see Frank Elliott at I Sollie Smith and family and Mrs. credentials from the president. The Dr. Shearer, physician aad .surgeon, relief committee reported Comrade not be confined to the G. A. R. and irrigation. Mild rtjtrable climate, good Franklin Fish Market. j Dan Murphy motored to Salem Chief as quite ill at Dr. Boal’s Hos­ W. R. C., but the business men, water, plenty nearby outrange, an' Cloverdale, Ore. * Mrs. Ross and children, of Salem. “> attend ‘he commencement exercis- pital. Women’s Civic Improvement League ideal dairy or stockfeeding country. arc visiting at the home of her sister cs at the Catholic school which Miss Pure Water Glass to preserve eggs andddonor Girls will take a promi­ Miss Neva Hydorn was another nent part as a guard of honor to the A few small ranches for sale, Mrs. Geo. P. Winslow. ‘ Eugenia Smith attends. She will rc- at C. I. Clough Co. * June bride to return to this city on Tillamook boys, as well as any other further particulars aonlv to A. _ _ , * , ., turn home with them. Everson, Tillamook. Oregon. For Sale—New modern residence, . Saturday with her husband, Mr. Mrs. Marie Wade, nurse. Terms re­ located in best residence district. For Married on the 13th of June, at the Chester McGhee, who were married organizations from outside the city, duced to suit the times. * sale at a bargain. See Frank Heyd. *•, home of M. L. Barber, at Nehalem, in Portland on Monday of last week, giving everybody an opportunity to Dr. Turner, the well known 1 Oregon, Samuel Curry, of Lane where the happy couple spent their join in. Lots in Block 3, Miller’s Addition The committee having the patriotic Experienced Tillamook Dairyman County, and Mabel Barber, of Tilla- honeymoon. The bride is a highly re- eye specialist, of Portland,, for sale.—See T. H. Goyne. * 1 wants to rent 4 or 5 good milk cows. .moox mook County, Rev. vuumy, a «, R. ix . S. c . Young »vu..B per- Pv.- ted young women with many demonstration in hand request all will be in Tillamook again Friday and Address Box 63, Garibaldi, Ore. | ! forming - • ceremony. the 1 fricndS( while the groom is one of our business men to join in the demon- Saturday, June 22 and 23 at Jenkins’’ Lodging at the Watchtower, 25c., stration and march with the busi- I Frank Freeman brough a large egg Also furnished rooms. Last Friday evening the Sons of best young men, having been engaged ness men as they did at the opening Jewelry store. Dr. Turner will make F , to this office on Wednesday that i Veterans invited the Post and W. R. in the Tillamook County Bank for a of the Fair last year. Business houses Garbage gathered free. See M. IC. tn attend their meeting. A pro- 1 number of years The happy couple with the exception of fruit stands regular visits to Tillamook every ' 1 measured 8% inches by 7 inches. Hanankrat, or call Main 6F11. month in future. In Cloverdale, at I Henry Uithof, Contractor and gram was given after which refresh- , have the best wishes and congratula- etc, arc to be closed between 9 a.m. Piano For Sale, cheap if sold Builder, Estimates furnished, Barns ments were served. All had a pleasant tions of a large number of friends for and 2 p.m. so as to give every body Thursday, June 21st, Be sure and call once. Enquire of Zylphia Switzer. time I their future happiness, and we extend an opportunity to show their patriot­ and let him show you the new double ¡and Silos a specialty, Bell Phone. A10 C. J. Edwards and wife returned the satne to ,hcm’ ism and join in the demonstration. vision glass without the slightest For Furnished Rooms at reasonable ■ New, modern upright Player Piano, The Women's Civic Improvement lines or seams to catch dirt, strain ' ' on ■ Tuesday, ” . ' ,, where I •2 stool to match and player records. from “ Portland price, See Mrs. E. Plank. League and the Honor Guard Girls ", to ' Circuit Court in Session. they had taken their son Lowell, the eyes or come apart. One light A marriage license was issued to Easiest terms.—Apply at this office. 'the Good Samaritan Hospital for , will also take part. I Full line of watches, clocks, silver 1 treatment. Mrs. Edwards had the I Judge G. R. Bagley solid piece of glass that looks like a Bradford York and Pearl Ripley. convened the • ware, pocket knives.—R. W. Bennett, ' Hose Company Meets. single pair, yet answers the purpose the circuit court House to rent, on Fifth Street, ln Jeweler Watchmaker, in Tillamook misfortune to sprain her ankle and is a(ljourned term of unable to walk. 1 on Monday and several cases have of two, enabling you to read or do good condition, 8 rooms. Apply to ’ | Drug Store. * I Andy Kostic, father of Geo. Kostic, I been disposed of this week. The Tillamook Hose Company Billings. close work, and see distant objects held their regular business meeting ' Money to loan on farm lands, from ' ’ _____ — «. ” ■ Sandborn-Cutting Co. vs J. W. But- June Hans Overlialilcr, W A........ •< 2L-I Bhto. 14 at the City Hall, and the fol- perfectly, be sure and see them. Dr. '' $500 up, Good terms. Reasonable rate of diabetes. Deceased ler and C. F. Stone. 1 his was a jury Oro in ibc on a iwo week. s of interest. We w, want your business. o(‘^c a, Um« trial and a verdict of $126.70 was ren­ lowing resolution was adopted and a Turner makes no charge for consul­ tation or examination. Headaches ! See Everson. ’ o{ his death. The funeral services dered in favor of the plaintiff, the copy sent to the city council. Resolved that the Tillamook Hose The motor service between Mohler | pan jjichols left on Saturday for wcre held from the Catholic church costs and disbursements amounting relieved, cross eyes straightened, Co. recommend the Citv Council to I to $123.80. and Tillamook was resumed the first 1 port]and and Astoria. He went to of this city on Tuesday, as follows: approximately, automo- satisfaction guaranteed. of the week. | secure new nets and other equipment 1 W. H. Edson, of Blaine, spent Sun­ Louis Weinhard, et al, vs| F. H. day in this city with his family. Mrs. Astmann et al. Default and decree. D. L. Shrode returned from Salem for fishing. _ is visiting <>♦ State of Oregon vs. P. J. Sharp. Edson at tVin the hntnr home ni of her her on Monday, where he visited his [ > The Misses Mamie and Vida Me- * ' rr Cullough of Portland, spent the week parents ___ Mr. ____ and _____ Mrs. , John 1 Sheets. „.sets. This was a case where Sharp was in­ family. : Mr. Sheets who has been ~ very ill at dicted by the grand jury for unlawful ....... w , - end with’G. W. Stockman of this city,»- .......... . Will pay you to see Everson tor a the Boal ’ s hospital, is reported to be manufacture of intoxicating liquors, »afc or at the V ienck s Apartments, r ’. 2 investment _____ ’ in city property ’ who pleaded guilty and was fined on the gain • i Married on the 17th of June, in this farm U-J. lands. Mrs. J. Brimhall and Mr. and Mrs. $50. citv. Bradford York and Miss Pearl f W. B. Aiderman vs. Henry Becker One Ton Ford Truck; also 5 pas-,—w.---- - ”— z- q Curtis per­ L. A. Moulton and little son, Laurens senger Ford Nearly new, for sale, j Ripley, the Kev.~C- and Mary Becker. Plaintiff claimed FRIDA Y, ! Jr., arrived from Hood River last JUNE 22nd. See Rosenberg. 2* forming the ceremony. I Tuesday. Mrs. Moulton will spend a ¡$715.00 for the sale of an auto to de- “DAPHNE AND THE I’lR ATE.” Triangle I feature | fendant. Jury trial and a verdict in Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wiley returned | . ............................. 1 few weeks with her parents at Ne- For Sale, six lots in Tillamook City from Yamhill County the first of the 1 naicin, before picture featuring LILLIAN GISH. Thia picture is won­ wiv/iv coming' to Tillamook -------- ---- ‘ 1 favor of plaintiff for the amount. for $1,100.00 cash. Call or address •veek, where they had visited their w|]cre they tbcy will make their home. American Can Co., vs. Oregon derful in many of the effects of a marine engogement, an home, Mrs. C. N. Drew. * week, wnere mey n.u ....... ........ where daughter and family. ! Fisheries Company, Action for mon- actual battle between ships as it occurred in Piratical I have a number of store buildings, ey. Dismissed. House and lot to trade for an Auto Dr. and Mrs. Reedy have returned I days. or a Ford. Office Commercial Bldg., to the city, the latter having been ' houses and office rooms to rent. Also Wheeler Lumber Co., vs Oregon _ can give desirable ground lease in THE JUDGE.” A two reel comedy featuringfLouise Room 2, J. S. Stephens. called to California owing to the various parts of the city desirable to Fisheries Co. Action for money. Judg­ Fazenda. Adults, 15c. Children, 5c. ment. H. Mason & Co., has taken over the death of a sister. almost any needs. See me also for The Adjustment Bureau of the I Standard patterns formerly sold by Horse For Sale—will work single city property on payments to suit SATURDA Y and SUN DA Y, JUNE 23-24 I