To $2.50 Values in To $3.48 Values in Plain and Fancy Silks $1.69 yard. Plain and Fancy Silks $1.98 yard. Beginning at 10 A.M. SATURDAY, JUNE Amoskeag Ginghams. Very , Special. Yard 13c 36 in. Albatross. Reg. 75c. Values for 59c An extraordinary event in this Great Mid-Season Stock Re­ duction Sale emphasizing the savings in every class of merchan­ dise from A to Z. Each class of merchandise will be shown in booths underwits respective letter at the wonderful saving price quoted in this ad. In addition to these special items there are hundreds of lines at sensationally reduced prices,which for lack of space cannot be included here. Come to the Store every day—you will find new and different displays each time you come. Entire Stock of New SPRING MILLINERY For Ladies, Misses and Children Fancy Goods 1 landbags of Velvet. I lamlbags of Leaf lier. Perfumes, Purses, etc. At the Most Sensationally Reduced Prices. New Spring 1917 WASH 15c. to 83c. For actual values II gs a III 10c. Snap Kastners,3 for 25c. jj ■ ^1 Organdies. Organdie Jonquilles - 47c. & 36 in. Plaid Organdie- 63c. 40 in. Organdie Triolet 33c. I 1 3 Pillows. $1.75 Feather Pillows $1 59 2.25 Feather Pillows 1.98 3.00 Feather Pillows 2 69 1 W hat will you lind 1 Come and see. ' I | 1^1 here. ■ Something Special. Ribbons. B B 15c. Ribbons for 10c. BIK 20c. A 25c. Ribbons for 15c. f-.t 1<> 45c. Floral Ribbon 29c. 1 | | B B Skirtings. I Tub Silks. Basket \\ eave Skirtings 69c. Palm Beach Skirtings 53c R ■ Gabardine Skirtings 83c. | 34 inch Tub Silks 27 inch Tub Silks 36 inch Tub Silks 'J Positively The Greatest SALE OF SHOES Ever Planned 1 PR 59c. 59c. 59c. - - - 1 * A 1 1 Ladies Underwear V ? 1 50c. I nion Suits 25c. 1 1 1 Fine Gauze Vests - - 37c. Ill U mbrellas Colored Silk$4.69 MM 1 I Voiles. India Linons. 20c. Values for - - 15c 35c. Values for - - 29c 36 in. Indian lleadj -’22’.c Notions. |10c. Pearl Buttons - 5c. ■10c. HairPiu Cabinets, 45c. Novelties for io me Novelties for 1 o$l (M) Novelties for 23c. 49c. 65c. Wash Goods. Values to 45c. for 25c. \a ues to 50c. for 29c. ' nines to 65c. for 35c. if U ■■ 1 | I Ri? 1 |fl/ 1 11 If 1 J f J Extra Specials. W 1 PiHow Cases . 2 for 25c. jf 1 Six 90 Sheets- Each 69c. f ¿oe lurk Towels 2 for 45c. B 1 Yours for 35c. Beach Suitings ■•6 in. Novelty Voiles. 2^. 3<> in. Fancy White Voiles’ £ 1 » 1