TILLAMOOK COUNTY BUSINESS D. C. Peregoy ... Bat O’Hara ......... D, Reedy is Appointed County Vet- T. E. Ashley ....... R B. Hays .............. erinanan—Contract for Blaine Ross Shreve ............ Bridge Let. W. J. Jennings .. . ------ -o — In the matter of improvement of C. A. Elliott ... Tillamook Cloverdale road, it s. h . Rock....... ;;; R. Schaffer Las resolved that the county court Geo. L. Buvll ........... ill orepare for hard surfacing ten F. ks^oMoad. provided the state will M. T. Chance ........... W. H. Hoskins ....... dsurface the same. tol, the matter of opening ballot Peter Heisel ......... . the County Clerk asked per- W. H. Christensen .. ^¡¿n to open ballot boxes of Wil- -A. E. Meyer ... V. Alley .......... "" Beaver, Rockaway, Union, and I i H. M. A. Sellon ... Hays precincts, which contained tally iC. S. Wells ......... Shii'thcW inaiter^f Overtiring county ' P. J. Sharp .............. -' Jrrants, the County Clerk was or-)G A fon“",er ^the marier of the claim of F. C. I i £ C. ’ S. Askinson ...1 .. ,| U. S. Edwards .... Skomp Dr damages, the same was I T. W. Lyster ....... COin"tlhedn>atter of the petition of H. B. Johnson .... C. S. Barnes ......... Everett Wells for a county road, the A. M. Austin ....... ,^nie was continued. . M. V. Stillwell .... In the matter of the appointment of Ethel Hays .......... superintendent of Rockaway public Claude Christensen F P Miller was appointed. T. Woodward .. 1 In the matter of bids for Blaine J. Jas. Kodad ........... the following bids were re- i W. H. Kandle .... 1 vd- C F. Stone, A. Arstill, Dolan J. C. Dunn ........... and Minich and Mallory and Jenck John Fox ............ the latter being accepted viz: Two 9« Gus Goeres .......... foot spans, complete $2,3to.oo; two Emil G. Krebs .... covers, complete. $7151 concrete in Frank Hanenkrat . place, 1-2-3 mix, t5.9O per yard; con- ' J. H. Johnson s(jn ....... 'rete in place 1-3’5 mix, U4-85 Per; Alva Williams . yard. , r W. C. Commons • In the matter of the appointment of joh„ Affolter a deputy State Veterinarian, J. E. . Oscar Taggart ......... Reedt was appointed. . ■XV. N. Reddaway .. In the matter of the special election C. E. Allen ................ hc|(| in Tillamook County June 4th. W. A. Snyder............ for the purpose of submitting to the F. M. Leslie .............. voters the question of issuing bonds Wm. H. Banke ......... to provide for the construction of , Geo. McDonell ......... permanent roads, an order was made Sd. H. Best .............. declaring that the bond measure had Frank Hart ................ carried. Wm. D. Shafer ......... E. F. Carter .............. General Fund. Eugene Atkinson .... Mary Burmester ................... $ 25-00 ! H. A. Brant .............. 25.00 Fiora b Edgar ......... Hilnia Anderson ..................... Anna Herchenhein ............... *7.5° Bertha Darby ............ ■7-50 a . L. Darby ............ Irene Eadus ............................ >7-50 E D Hoag................ Johanna York ........................ 25-00 i xtay Frisbie ... Lizzie Armstrong ................... 25-00 1 A L. Page ................ Laura 1. Winters ................... Elizabeth Gilliland ............... 25-0° 1 Geo. Chaffee .............. 32 50 j R b . Hays ................ Florence M. Baker ................. Ivel M. Gillam ....................... 25-°° 1 Eugenia Myers ....... 10.00 1 D„k, Grace Jennings ....................... Robt. Wk», Watt ... 10.00 I Theo. Jacoby . Iva Hanby .............................. 17-50 I Henry L. King Ruby C. Brooten ................... Frank Heyd & Co................... 2207.16 , John A. Biggs 1.00 A. W. Bunn .. Nehalem Drug Co.................... 5.00 J. T. Davis ... J. S. Stephens ........................ Lena Epplett .......................... 2- 75 J. J. Hollett ... P. W. Barrett ............... ’........ 10-75 Hugh V. Welsh 3- 00 I. H. Moore .., King Crenshaw Hdw-. Co. ... Al Gulstrom .................... 2-5° I F. A. Armentrout .... A. M. Hinn .............................. I,5° Mrs. J. E. Shearer ... Mabel R. Terry....................... 9'2? H. B. Lockwood ....... 9.00 ■ j Morrison Mills ......... Frankie Wiley ........................ 9.00 . H. Booth .................... Harriett Ford .......................... 50.00 Fred Zaddach ........... Mary L. White ....................... G. B. Lamb .............................. 83.33 Geo. Loerpabel ......... G. B. Lamb .................. ........... 30.91 I Geo. W. Phelps ..... Mrs. F, P. Hobson ................. 30.00 , Geo. Benson ............. C. 0. & C. M. Dawson .......... 9-85 i M. Melshior .............. P. W. Todd ............................ 44-56 i H. F. Good speed .... W. L. Campbell ..................... 5500 ■ Rollie W. Watson ... R. L. Shreve .......................... 9-15 . C. . N. Drew . .............. W. C. Hawk ........................ 58.5° I £. C. Jensen Headlight ................................ 128.25 1 E. J. Keilow Erwin Harrison ..................... 3-25 1 Thos. Coates Tillamok Garage ............. .. 57-30. Alex Watt J. J. Daily .. . ............................ 133 00 - l p ßrode H. Mason & Co........................ IOOOIJ M Bodle Bushong & Co........................ 7>-53 ' k W i Leo LIU Wilson VV .... S. G. Reed .............................. 6; — I (¡c°- J. Burchard 69-0° Nehalem River Trans. Co. .. 4.80 „ j May Burchard .. F. L. Owens .......................... 121.20 I a A. , G. Larson .. . Dr. G. I.. George ............... 5-oo I : J. M. Baker .... A. M. Hare ............................ 100.00. I F. J. Ayer ....... F. L. Owens .......................... 14-45 I W. J. Gilbert .. A. M. Hare ............................. >2.95 1 R. Y. Blalock .. Tillamook Feed Co.................. 8.20 1 Fannie Smith A. L S. Hush beck ..................... 25.00 I Earl Ayer ........ M. E. Gruber .......................... 5.00 Chasfl Desmond K- H. Cady .............................. 994 ; B. W. Turner... H. V. Alley Ex. Mattie Oliver 5.00 ¡Alwin Blum .... C A. Dunn .............................. 18.45 i L. M. Kraner .. JL L. Campbell ..................... >33-33 John Lowrance J; J- Johnson .......................... 40.00 Lena Cochran .. c B. Stanley................. 75 °° B. A. Folks .... Elmer Webb ...................... 75.00 fjscar Tittle ... Coast Power Co.................... 19-1° l L. Tinnerstet Tl. D. . R. .. Inlamook Herald J- E. Epplett ......... .. . . . . . . • 25-5° Clay Daniels .. 55-0° . yv. H. Sales ... Jerks Office 273-33 a . D. Lonimen 8 L. Beals........... 83-33 (jtto Shearer .. The Frederick Post Co. ’. ’. ’.. ’. 1280 Don Ellis ....... 2.00 N. -McMillan .... r ? Voa,s Lbr- Co................ y- A Jones Realty Co............. 767 Henry Plaskcr F r. Jones F. B. Stranahan ................... p«Tei & Tci co.- 37.55 | I N. W. Barker ......................... Dank Heyd ............................. 1410 i A. H. Gaylord ....................... D- S. Boyakin ........................ H-35 I A. H. Harris .......................... i h- Epplett ........ 2.80 C. E. Reynolds ....................... Assessors Office ........... 219.99 | Fred Lewallen ....................... S«?l'kgteOnr typewriter Co. .. 70.00 ■ Oscar Bodyfelt .................... b'labh & Roland ...... 8-54 Chas McKillip ....................... v L Ya-iic Kamm............ : 30.00 t S. A. Brodhead ..................... Mutua Telephone Co............. 6.20 R. G. Sumerlin ..................... j. '’’al Laundry Co................ 2-75 - E. M. Bales ........................... / d OO<1 typewriter Co. . 71-75 1 H. T. Botts ............................ ^,wXVAwninB Co’ 26.50 J. S. Stephens ....................... 8.00 D. Fitzpatrick .............. ........ 6.00 Blanche Hart ......................... 6.70 A. C. Deuel ............................ C S. Wells ............... 3 00 | D. T. Edmunds ..................... A*B Co?eaterson & C° rnr '• 5.00 1 Ernest Edmunds .................... 5.00 Frank A. Rowe .................... Jas Christensen . . ” 500 Mrs. J. F. McDonald ........... J?v Baker 5-0° Wesley Rush ......................... Wood et al....... 78.00 W. B. Sutton ......................... 48.80 H. P. Kerr .................. -........ 'Sri?1"“ 320 Leland B. Erwin .................... 7.80 N. W. McRae ......................... 6.20 Carl Hunt ............................... R. 1A1 Einne .......... o 3® E. J, Geinger ....................... «alph Welsh . 740 J. M. Liisberg ....................... « tank 6.20 Byron Randall ....................... W r Eenter .......... 9.60 Arthur Edmunds .................. 1 ■ tronihlcy .. . 4-4» Leo Norton ........................... {? _b*"«r Juoh hn " , F El inger ’ . .. 6.60 A. J. Zimmerman .................. J' A' ^rber......... 9.40 R. P Richards .... N. Minton ......................... 9.40 A. F L Buell ............. Lucile Minton ....................... 6.80 H. H Brooten .... G. Lyon ............................. 11.80 C. A ip ^lah ........... Clara Sutton ......................... 11 20 T. • Kcbbc W. R. Illingworth .................. 800 H A- Ninnaman ... Road District No. 1. 5.80 L. 11 00 Anderson Bros ..................... I u Ibranc’’......... Proctor......... 7.60 W. H. Derby ......................... Jr T Davi, .... 9.20 C. A. Dunn ............................. rRav 8.00 A. T. Dolan ........................... J t'nnerstct ... 3.80 A. F. Coats Lbr. Co................. O’. Jennin^........ 7.00 A. Arstill ................................ 6.30 Nels Nelson ........................... T r \furl ............. A r ^rcy............. 300 Tom Berry ............................. u 9. B'als ......... 3.20 John Paquet ......................... A p Rays ............. 11.80 Mclvis Johnson ..................... 360 John Langley ......................... II - Mapes............. Powell ... 7.80 Tom Purvis ........................... HEADLIGHT, JNUE 14, Geo. Benson ............................ Wm. D. Shafer ...................... Jack Leslie ............................. L. Smith ................................. Geo. Cronk .................. .......... B. Batzner ............................. F. P. Humpke ........................ Anderson Bros ......... ............ G. W. Handy ........................ W. F. Cain ........................... . Good Roads Meh. Co............. Good Roads Meh. Co............. Wheeler Lbr. Co .................. Wm Anderson ...................... Goodyear Rubber Co.............. Geo. W. Phelps .................... F. P. Hobson ........................ Geo. J. Burckard .................. Benson and Peterson........... . Hiner & Co. .......................... United States Steel products Co........................................... A. Finley ................................. M. R. Kerns .......................... G. W. Wilks .......................... H. Billings ............................. W. Kalhar............................... C. E. Allen ............................. John Anderson ...................... Jake Kamm ............................ G. Summers ........................... M. A. Sellon .......................... S. G. Reed ............................... A. M. Miner ........................... Frank Stevens ........................ Frank Darcy .......................... Herman Tubesing................. Emil Ross ............................... Gilman Nunn .......................... Honoré Smith ........................ Frank Logier ........................ Tony Logier .......................... Joe Logier ............................. Charles Easom ...................... F. A. Emery .......................... A. H. Paquet .......................... B. Tomilson ........................... C. Frost ............................... ... Frank Barnes ...................... . R. Myers ............................... P. J. Inglby............................. Ed. Tomilson ........................ Victor Crane .......................... J. M. Vermelyea .................... Jas Langley .......................... L. H. Kenney........................ B. Miner ................................. C. G. Hanks ........................... Walter Thompson ................ Fritz Reust ............................. Leslie Barber ........................ E. Worthington .................... . Sam Tomlinson ...................... M. F. Reust ........................... W. G. Linkhart ...................... Emil Scholmyer .................... Fritz Reust ............................ Steve Scovel .......................... M. Olsen ................................. M. Olsen ................................. Fred Zaddach ........................ August Lundberg .................. EF.mil Larson ........................ Miller ...................................... C. W. Hulse ........................... Geo. Knight ............................ John Hicks ............................. Harry Wyld ........................... Leo. Batzner .......................... Geo. Randal ............................ Arthur Thompson ................. Fred Witte ............................. Paul Wapkie .......................... Phelix Kebbe ........................ . Chas Haybarker .................... T. Eggleston .......................... Jess Eggleston ...................... Bert Tilden ............................ Road District No. 3. Alwin Blum ............................ John Graf ............................... Fred Blum ............................ A. J. Nails ............................. Ed. Le Francis ...................... Geo. Higgenbothem .............. Geo. Maddux .......................... N. J. Dye ............................... Q. Pangborn ........................... Walter Severance .................. Ole Hopkins .......................... Wnx Hare ............................... Guy Allmon ............................ Zeno Biser ............................. Ray Hammond ....... .............. Chas, Thurman ...................... Chas. Blum ............................. Nick Peltz ............................. Frank Blazer ......................... R. C. Neilson .......................... A. L. Darby ............................ C. A. Blair ............................... Hull Johnson ........................ Ray Edgar ............................. Arch Wilks ............................ Joe Blazer ............................. D. B. Darby ............................ R. C. Hammond ..................... Lando Darby .......................... G. C. Vaughn ........................ Chas. Moore .......................... C. E. Walker .......................... John Blum ............................. Will Turner ............................ Ike Wells ................................. E. D. Hoag ............................. Wm. Clark ............................. C. S. Wells ............................. Ame Blum ............................... Hugo Graf ............................. Peder Erickson ...................... Geo. McDonald ...................... Pau! Vanderpool .................... Wm. Banke ............................. Jess Fryer ............................... R. C. Neilson .......................... Nels Neilson ........................... L. Vandervitch ...................... O. Noble ................................. Ben Darby ........................... Wm. Illingworth .................... H. V. Berg ............................. Robt. Illingworth ................... Frank Hare ............................ L. Rush ................................... W. B. Sutton .......................... R. W. Hammon .................... C. W. Thurman .................... Matt Weber ............................ Thorc Haugen ........................ Thorr Haugen .................... .. J. S. Graham ........................ E. Thomas ............................. E. Hess ................................... F. d Jacoby ....... ..................... Ed. Jacoby ............................. C. Kinnanj^n .......................... Hans Wilks ............................ Clyde Hudson ........................ Edw Mallory .......................... Zeno Bizer ............................. F. E. Cross ........................... Geo. W. Cook ........................ Emil I .arsen .......................... less Wright ............................ Henry Leach ................. B A. Folks .................. A. F. Coats I hr. Co............... A. F. Coats I.br. Co............... A. F. Coats Lbr. Co................ 1917, R. R. Stillwell ........................ 26.75 N. Hanson .............................. «4- 25 6.50 B. A. Folks ............................ (Continued next week.) THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT JUNE BRIDES. Dawson-Goyr.c. In the presence of a large company, at the Methodist Church, at 8 o'clock on last Tuesday evening occurred the marriage of Miss Mabel Goyne, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Goyne of this city, to Mr. Cloyd O. Dawson, a wide awake and popu­ lar young business man of this place. The bridal party consisted of Miss Stella Goyne, sister of the bride, maid of henor, Mr. Lloyd Edwards as best man, Mrs. Rutherford as maid.of honor, little Miss Ruth Smith as ring bearer. Thos. Goyne, Jr, and Perry Rutherford as pages. The bridesmaids were Miss Daise Goodspeed, and Mis­ ses Swenson, and Zylphia Switzer and Ira Wolf and Albert Swenson acting as ushers. The bride was beautifully attired in white and a point lace veil and an orange blossom wreath. The cere­ mony was performed under an arch of pink rhododendrons. The marriage ceremony was performed by the Rev. A. T. Lacy, pastor of the M. E. church. There was served at the home of the bride a bountiful four course re- past, where good cheer and good fel- low-ship reigned, after which the bridal couple departed on their wed­ ding trip carrying with them love and good wishes of their many friends. The young people are of our best citizeens and we expect to hear good things of them in the future. We ex­ tend our congratulations and best wishes. Swenson-McKown. I Eugene, Or., June 9.—Imogene and Hazel McKown, graduates of the University of Oregon, were married I here this week. A third sister, Helen McKown, was married to Charles McKown at San Jose, Cal., last Sat­ urday. Miss Imogene McKown was married to John Black Jr., Tuesday, the day after he received his bache­ lor's degree from the University of Oregon. They will live on a farm at Reedsport. Miss McKown was a teacher in the Eugene High School. Miss Hazel McKown was married to Oscar Swenson, of the Tillamook County Bank, Monday evening. Miss McKown had been instructor in the high school at Tillamook. She came to Eugene with her fiance Monday, supposedly to attend the marriage of her sister Tuesday night. The wedding of Oscar Swenson and Miss Hazel McKown came as a surprise, as it was thought that they had left here to attend the wedding of her sister, but the Tillamook couple got in one day ahead. The happy couple returned to Tillamook on Fri­ day and are receiving the congratula­ tions of their friends. Both are popu­ lar and highly esteemed. 38.4« 55-50 42.00 18.00 1500 9.00 82.25 72-75 55.50 28.50 60.00 27.00 55.50 52.50 78.00 75-00 60.00 3J.OO 18.00 6.00 7-50 6.00 300 21.00 72.00 66.00 9450 142.50 150.00 75-00 24.00 24.OO 21.00 à?«» 21.00 43 50 91.50 67.50 40.50 75-00 55-50 69.00 27-75 36.75 44.25 0-75 16.50 7.50 750 4-50 4-50 101.00 12.00 500 105.00 48.00 66.00 27.00 12.00 12.00 56.25 Dr. Turner, the well known 5100 eye specialist, of Portland, 97-50 84.87 will be in Tillamook again Friday and 36.00 Saturday, June 22 and 23 at Jenkins’ 57-00 72.00 Jewelry store. Dr. Turner will make regular visits to Tillamook every month in future. In Cloverdale, Thursday, June 21st, Be sure and call and let him show you the new double vision glass without the slightest lines or seams to catch dirt, strain the eyes or come apart. One light solid piece of glass that looks like a single pair, yet answers the purpose of two, enabling you to read or do close work, and see distant objects perfectly, be sure and see them. Dr. Turner makes no charge for consul­ tation or examination. Headaches relieved, cross eyes straightened, satisfaction guaranteed. * Makes Cluì.b.nn Arrangement With ,r ? i The Oregon Fanner OffersUnm! Opportunity to Its Re2öers MONG our large circle of readers there are a great many who are in­ terested directly or indirectly in fruit growing, dairying and other branches of farming. AU of these naturally wish to keep ui close touch with ag­ ricultural activities throughout the state; and to know about any fight which is being waged for the measures Oregon farmers want and against all sorts of schemes that are detrimental to the people and agricultural interests of this state. We have, therefore, made a special clubbing arrangement with THE OREGON FAR­ MER whereby any farmer or fruitgrower, who is one cf our regular subscribers and who is not now a subscriber to THE OREGON FARMER, will be entitled to receive THE OREGON FARMER in combination with this paper at the same rate as for this paper alone. A » This offer applies to all those who renew or extend their subscriptions as well as to all new subscribers. Jf you are interested di­ rectly or indirectly in Oregon agriculture, do not miss this unusual opportunity, but send your order In now. THE OREGON FARMER is the one farm paper which is devoting itself exclusively to the farming activities and interests of Oregon. It has a big organization rath- ering the news of importance to farmers, dairymen, fruitgrowers, stockr risers and poultrymen: and it has the backbone to at­ tack wrongful methods and combinations and bad legislation, and support honest leaders and beneficial measures. We are confident that our readers will congratulate us on our being able to make this splendid and at­ tractive clubbing offer. TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, 1 yr$l 50 OREGON FARMER, 1 year - $1.00 /I $250 By Our Clubbing arrangement, both for $1.50 Notice. 1917, will be summarily ^rrested and interned until after the close of the war. In order to give every person ample opportunity to secure a permit from the Marshal, the time limit upon this order has been extended until the hour of noon, June 15, 1917. All citi­ zens are requested to furnish infor- mation and aid in the enforcement of this order. Clarence L. Reames, United States A11orney. Section 4 of the proclamation of the President, of date April 6, 1917, makes it unlawful for any male citi­ zen of German over the age of 14 years who is not fully naturalized, to approach within one-half mile of the Armory located in the city of Tilla­ mook, Oregon, unless such person has in his possession a written permit from the United States Marshal. Mr. Henry Crenshaw, whose office is at King Crenshaw Hardware store, Astounding Report for Tillamook. city of Tillamook, Oregon, has been The wife of a merchant had stomach appointed by the United States Mar­ shal for the District of Oregon, as a trouble so bad she could eat nothing Special Deputy United States Mar­ but toast, fruit and hot water. Every­ shal with authority to take applica­ thing else would sour or ferment. tions for these permits. All persons effected by this order One spoonful buckthorn bark, glycer­ should make application immediately ine, etc., as mixed in A