TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. JUNE 14, 1917. * solutions in equal parts to use a4 | spray and be sure to cover the foliage C, Jones, County Agriculturist. with a fine spray. Solutions will keen By R. I indefinitely if not mixed until just be- In the County Court of the State of 1 fore you use them. Oregon, for Tillamook County. First Annual Tillamook County You have planted the spuds, now In the matter of the estate of Frank Guernsey Sale. “Do Your Bit” by saving them from Forsblom, deceased. first annual sale, under the To all unknown heirs of Frank The s of the Tillamook Guernsey disease. ______________ Forsblom, deceased, and any and all auspices Club, was held June 9. *9*7. 1* U- Notice. other persons interested in the estate mook, Oregon. Colone J. W . «uglies, of said Frank Frosblom, deceased: In the name of the State oi Oregon, 01 Forest Grove, acted a, auc“0“^ ' Notice is hereby given, that the fol- you are hereby cited and required to and R. C. Jones, County A8r FRANCIS lowing warrants winch were issued appear in the County Court of the ot Tillamook County, as sales man more than seven years prior to t|lt MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE State of Oregon, for the County of nrsl day of July, 1917, to wit; PORTLANB. ORTOOR Tillamook, at the court room thereof, gjhe 29 animals sold brought an Series “F" at Tillamook City, in the county of average price of $398-«), a total o No. Amt. Payable to Tillamook on the 30th day of June, $u.5W. The 23 females averaged 83*7 $1.00 Arthur Hill, Sept, 5, Date 1906 OenUaiMni 1917, at ten o’clock in the forenoon *406.80 and the 6 males $366.07. H‘e 1.00 John Conklin, Jan 2 1907 of that day, then and there to show tup price of $800.00 was paid lor »703 . r. r . of ; Walnut Ridge, 1x0. 9998 2.00 A. Maurer,. Jan. 2, Jywj We are pleased to cause, if any exist, why an order Isabinda 10470 •40 G. Fl. Robison May 6 1908 aolcnowledge reoeipt of your ’• -• «.. should not be made by the above 04971, a granddaughter of Masher's 10<>4J 2.25 I. I'. Stockton Jun 2, 190« Inquiry with referenoe to Sequel and named court directing and authoriz ­ Sequel through Galaxy s .2 ,nrorwx‘* IOO85 •50 Nick Pelz Jue. 9, iggg our experience with Zerolen* ing the administrator of said estate Sequel’s Encore. the t and to aey that It la an en­ to sell at private sale, for cash in The bulls represented some of th<- 10898 1.12 M. A. Cady, Aug 5 190g tirely satlefaotory lubri­ hand the real property belonging to best blood lines of the breed, and 11700 2.70 Dave Shaw, Dec. 9 1908 cant for Ford cars. Where °il ***.. ‘‘••n ’«•role the said estate, situated in Tillamook will make their mark 111 the county in 1*929 67 Eric Erickson Alar. 3 1909 Lt has been used In these County, Oregon, and more particular­ the next few years. \\ alter May Kos U903 3- 37 H. C. Fleming Mar 9 1909 •“‘irsiy 11 «fact oars it has proven an eoonoa ly described as follows, to-wit: of Walter Maple No. 382560 is out ot i-Joo 2.25 Jasper Boysden Jun 2109 loal and efficient oil. .90 Walter Dungy Jul. 7 ,09 All the right, title, estate and in­ Lily du Bas ill, a granddaughter o 1-771 terest acquired by Frank Forsblom Governor of the Chene, with a record 13009 4- 50 Fred Weber Sep 2 1909 Very truly your«. in the tract of land of about 61-100 of of 13804 lbs milk and 684 lbs. iat. 13130 7-49 Yellow Fir Co. Sep. 2 09 an acre, in Sec. 22, Tp. I N., R. 10 W. His sire Rose of Centerville is by 13349 450 blank Baxter Oct 61909 of W. M., as well as any and all other Mars of Woodcrest, the sire oi Alay *34-'3 •07 W. I.. Jenkins, Oct 5 1909 rights acquired, under and by virtue Rilma, one time champion over all *3720 6.85 Portland Tilla of that certain bond for deed execut­ breeds with 19673 lbs milk and 1073.4 11100k b rans. Co. Nov 3 09 ed by Andrew Peterson in favor of lbs fat. The sire’s dam is by the 14538 1.16 J. N. Howard, May 6, 10 said Frank Forsblom, dated Dec. 8, great bull Alay Rose King, and has a 14541 3-'o b. A. Johnson, May 6, 10 1914, and recorded at page 288 ot record of 10768 lbs milk and 555-8 lbs. 14.08 2.04 E. E. Yarnell, May 6, io Book “30” of the records of deeds of f lit . 14581 2.91 M. Lizzie, May 6, yio — - . j 1 Tillamook County, Oregon, and also Rex’s Dictator of Maple Hill is 14590 •70 11. A. Pittenger Alay 0 io described in the Tract Book of the another bull of Alay Rose breeding. *4593 •70 W. E. Catterlin Alay 6 10 County Assessor of Tillamook Coun­ His sire, Rex of Rich Neck, is out oi *4595 1.10 C. W . Odell Alay 6, 1910 ty Oregon, at pages 23 and 24 thereof Bloomfield Pandora, with 757 ^s fat 14590 .70 E. F. Loomis Alay 6, 10 as Tracts Nos. 44 and 45. the only cow of the breed with a 14597 1.40 Al. N. Lamb May 6, 1910 Witness, the Hon. A. M. Hare, and — because the records of their service departments show that Zero- \\ ade, May Alay 6, io 750 lb record and 2 daughters with 14598 -’1-53 R. Al. W Judge of the County Court ofthe 750 lb lene, correctly refined from asphalt-base crude, gives perfect lubri­ records. His dam is by Lang­ 14003 -'9 E. V. Kupcr, Alay 6t 10 State of Oregon for Tillamook Coun­ 14010 1.10 W 111. V\ ood, Alay 6, 1910 cation with least carbon deposit ty, with the seal of said Court affixed water Hays Rosie's King of the Ala> 14804 2.50 lra Spencer, Jun 3, 1910 by King ot the Alay out of Lang­ thé 16th day of May, *9*7- , water Ltu wear and more power becauae Zerolene kaepa its lubricatir* body al Series ”E” Hayes Rosie. 1 he dam is now rwin Harrison County Clerk. cylinder heat. Leas carbon becauae. being made from asphalt - buss crude, it P. ilasselborg Alar. 6 07 By Kathleen Mills, Deputy. on test and promises to make over 10059 burns ch»an and goes out on exhaust 500 lbs fat, freshening at 23 months 10732 P. Peters, Alay 6, 1908 Zerolene ia the oil for your car - whatever the make—the otl for all txpeaof of age. She has several sisters with 10704 11. F. Young, Alay 6, 08 Fui correct grade, get our lubrication chart covering your car Summons. over 500 tb two-year old records. 10905 Michael Haag May 6, 08 ----- o----- King Noble of C. C. harms and 10909 4r deaVere eva»> wAaze snd Srendazd SarvJce SUI ium J lios. Alahoney Alay 0 08 of In the Circuit Court of the .state Freda’s Noble of Jean DuLulli both 1 ‘-'45 Geo. A. Bateson Jul l 08 Oregon for Tillamook County. combine the blood of Alay Rose and 11509 1’. H. Al. Smith Aug 5 08 Mortgage Company for Amer­ Golden Noble 11 and their seven 11511 Rev. Parker, Aug 5, 1908 ica, a corporation, Plaintiff. nearest tested dams average close to 12284 Neils Brandt Dec. 9, 08 vs. 700 lbs. fat. They are both excellent 12207 J. S. Lilly, Dec. 9, 1908 Frank W. Crane, Bertha Grace type and should make great show 12289 Elmer Scheese Dec 9, 08 Crane, J. G. Balmer, Jane bulls. 12830 I lieu Demetry May 5 09 Roe Balmer, Ernest C. Broad Ripples Lord Yeksa is out of 12040 Steve Ireaoff Apr 7, 09 Crown, Emma A. Crown, E. Kate of Sunny Valleey with a 562 12937 P. B. Bennett May 10, 09 J. McHugh, Lizzie McHugh, tbs. three-year old record. She is now ‘-’943 STANDARD OIL COMPANY Dave Curtis Alay 10, 1909 F. R. Beals and Mary Doe (CAUrOKNIAl on retest and promises to make over 13102 Howard Temple­ Beals, Defendants. tbs. The second dam, Lord \ ek- ton Jun 2, 1909 To Ernest C. Crown and Emma A. 700 sa’s Kate, has a 490 tb. record, and is 13156 1.00 Horace Park Jun 4, 1909 Crown: half sister to Yeksa Tops of Gold ’ s *3353 J.oo J. F. Nartin Sept. 1, I909 In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear Fannie, with 981 lbs. fat. The sire is *3427 1.00 Pete Hoottinsen Sep 1 09 iristons Douglas, who has two sis ­ and answer the complaint filed ‘34-3 1.50 G. Kauffiva Sep 1, I9O9 Notice to Contractors. 134-0 1.00 Olaf Legamus Sep 1, '909 against you in the above entitled suit ters with over 710 lbs. fat. Broad Ripple's Sunny Boy is a 1.00 Lichloson. Sep 1, 1909 Notice is hereby given that the within six weeks from the date of the double grandson of Beauty Eagle, I ‘3428 1.00 J. County Court of Tillamook County, first publication of this summons, with 16144 ’6s. milk and 846.3 lbs. 134-9 i.00 J. H. Lippie Sep 1, ‘909 Andrew Ander­ Oregon, will receive sealed proposals that being the time fixed in the order fat, at 10 years of age, and Westmore­ 13430 son, Sep I, IW for construction of Blaine Bridge for publication of summons within land, an imported bull of great show which you shall so appear and ans­ 13431 1.50 John Munson Sep 1, 1909 No. 6, according to plans and speci­ wer said complaint, the said first day type. The dam of this- bull is now on 13432 1.50 Gus Erickson Sep 1, 1909 fications on file in the office of the publication being the 17th day of test as a two-year-old, and making a 13433 1.50 Sam Moody Sep 1, 1909 County Clerk, until 10 a.m. the 8th of May, 1917, and if you fail to so appear fine record. 13434 1.50 E. Ross’ Sep I, 1909 day of June, 1917, when said propos­ and This stock was brought into the 13435 1.50 Magnus Peter­ answer said complaint for want als will be publicly opened and read. thereof county by the County Guernsey Club the plaintiff will apply to the son Sep 1, 1909 Each proposal must be accompan­ for the relief demanded in said as a foundation stock for the would- 13441 Bert Baker Sep I, 1909 _ _ ied by a certified check, cash or bid­ Court be breeders. Mr. Durrer, president of complaint, to-wit: For a judgment 13458 John Williams Sep I, 90 ders bond made payable to Tillamook against the club and Mr. Jones, County Ag ­ the defendants, Frank W. 13532 Gus Anderson Oct 6, 09 County, equal in amount to 5 per cent and Bertha Grace Crane, in ricultural Agent, selected it from the 13533 Knute Nordfelt Oct 6 09 of the total amount of bid. Plans and Crane herds of W isconsin, and it was sold sum of $3,570.68, with interest John Mitchell Oct 6, 09 13535 specifications may be had by deposit­ the soon after its arrival here. The Club thereon at 8 per cent per annum from Jos Stretch Oct 6, 1909 13537 ing $5.00 per set with the county and after April I, 1917, and for the is not in the game to make money, 13538 Win. K. Kendall Oct609 clerk to insure their return in good further sum of $350.00 attorney’s fees, and the surplus will be used for the 13539 Geo. Colbert Oct 6, 1009 condition. interest thereon at 8 per cent development of the breed in the 13540 Pete Burnes Oct. 6, 1909 1 he County Court reserves the with county, the exact scheme to be work­ per annum, and for its costs and dis ­ Ward Mathews Oct 6 09 right to reject any or all bids. 13541 ed out later. Tillamook County ex­ 13542 bursements herein, and for a decree Jos Mallory Oct 6, 1909 First publication May 24, 1917. foreclosing that certain mortgage on pects to make its livestock just as 13771 Last publication June 7, 1917. Astoria Hotel Jan 5, 1910 the East half of the East Half of the famous as it’s cheese, and it is going 13977 Clarence Atter­ Erwin Harrison, County Clerk. Southwest Quarter, and the West at it in the right way. bury Apr 7, 1910 Half of the West Half of the South­ John Alorgan was the heaviest buy­ 13886 1.70 Summons. east Quarter of Section 35 in Town­ er, with Berns Brothers and Gus 14008 2.30 Sant Montague Alar 2 10 ship 2 North of Range 10 West of the Goeres close up. The sale list follows, 14010 2.00 Nillus Powell Apr 7 I9IO lra Spencer Apr 7, 1910 In the Circuit Court of the State Of Willamette Meridian, less one acre together with the prices paid; 14070 2.00 Carle Johnson May 4, 10 Oregon for Tillamook County. John Morgan Tillamook, Oregon. sold to Fred Kabkee by deed dated 1407* 2.00 Chris P. Louis May 4, 10 Verna L. Mast, Plaintiff. February 28, 1913, and recorded in Walter May Rose of Walter vs. Maple ............................ . $560.00 *4072 2.00 bld Peterson May 4, 1910 Book Y at page 271 thereof of the Reuben H. Mast, Jr. Defendant. Records of Deeds for Tillamook Choisenbss Calf ................... 32500 14073 2.00 Frank Hammond May 4 10 Io Ruben H. Alast, Jr., above nam­ County, Oregon; which said mort­ Rogue’s Heroine of Haw­ 14074 2.00 A. ________ Brostrom ___ May , ,, 4, .... 1910 ed Defendant. remain uncalled for in the office of thorn ................................ gage was executed October 1, 1913, 430.00 In the name of the State of Oregon and recorded December io, 1913, in Ahnanaris of the ( ounty Clerk of Tillamook Coun­ Burnham you are hereby required to appear and Book Y of Mortgages of Tillamook ty, < Oregon, and unless the same are Beach ................................ 310.00 I answer the complaint filed against County at Page 75 thereof; and for Betsy’s Calf ........................ calle <1 for and presented for payment 410.00 you in the above entitled suit and the sale of the said mortgaged prem­ within sixty days from the first day Berns Bros., Tillamook, Oregon court on or before the last day of the ises to satisfy said judgment, and for Violet of Inly, 1917, the same will be cancell­ of St. Petersport .. . 310.00 ! time prescribed in the order lor the ed ipd payment thereon will be re­ a decree foreclosing you and each of Miss Grumby of McKerrow publication of this summons, and if Farms .............................. 485.00 fused. you fail to so answer for want there­ you of all right, title, interest and Fluvilla of Elmwood .......... equity of redemption in and to said 600.00 Dated this 7th day of June, 1917. of plaintiff will apply to lhe court for By order of the County Court. mortgaged premises, and ever part Lady Countess Beauty ....... . ....... 380.00 the relief prayed lor in the complaint, ( ■ z Goeres, '— Till __ Erwin Harrison, Gus Tillamook, Oregon. to-wit: For a decree forever dissolv­ thereof, and for such other relict as to County Clerk Rex’s Dictator of ' Maple Hill 410.OO .......... ing the bonds of matrimony now ex­ the Court shall seem just. By Kathleen Mills, Deputy. This summons is published by or- La Molly of Firetown ....... isting between plaintiff and defendant 35O.OO and that plaintiff have the custody Icr of the Honorable Geo. R. Bagley, Hero’s Lilly Vale of Haw­ 1 thorn ......................... and care of the minor child. Reuben Judge of the above entitled Court, Notice. Harrison Mast, and that plaintiff be duly made and entered the 10th day Hero’s Daisy Bell of Haw- * thorn .............. decreed to be the owner of a one- of May, 1917. I he stallion Liberal, black Pcrch- Snow, Bronaugh & Thomp­ James Wii'i^ms’. TB'amook, Oreg“ I croti, will be at the Harris barn once third interest in and to the real prop­ son, MacCormac Snow. erly described in the complaint; and White Rose Calf ................ 2-000 a week for two days, Friday and Sat­ 1 Attorneys for Plaintiff, Isabinda of Walnut Ridge 800’00 | urday, commencing April 21st. that defendant be adjudged to pay the suin of thirty dollars per month Last publication June 28, 1917. S't0’ Wilhams, Tillamook, Oregon — for support of said minor child, and King Noble of C. C. Farm . . 360.00 for such other relief as the court may Bowel Complaints in India. Lake Shore Dandy- Moving an Army. 345-00 deem meet with equity, and for the Jennie Lind’s Calf 360.00 costs and disbursements of said suit. R. Zweifel, Mohler, OrcgJn. In a lecture at one of the Des Some idea of the adequacy of the Rosette This summons is served upon you equipment of Liao ‘■'Hies Iowa, churches a missionary of the railroads of the 365.00 by publication by order of Hon. A. \ estina’s Queen of Walnut ’ •'"iti India told of going into the in­ M. Hare, County Judge, of Tillamook Vnited States for the movement of Ridge ................... terior of India, where lie was taken County, Oregon, in the absence of troops may be obtained from the .. J°nas pison, Tillamook, Ore 425.00 ■ick. that lie had a bottle of Cham- the judge oi the above named Circuit statement prepared by Lieutenant Broad Ripple’s Lord Yeksa regon. 400.00 • lain s Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Court, which said order was made and Colonel Chauncey R Bnker of the McKcrrow’s Betsy of Lilly lyimdyyGth him and believed that dated the 19th day of April, 1917. and quartermaster corps. Vnited States v ale .................. -avid his life. This remedy is used the date of first publication thereof is army and distributed to the railroads CaVtHlJinuCr?Ut’ Tiilamook, 390.00 >n.-c<-sfullv in India both as a pre- , Orc. j April 19, 1917, and date of last pub­ of the country by the special com­ Castello s Heness 250.00 \cnijiiv< and cure for cholera. \ ou lication hereof, and the last date on mittee on national defense of the L«ikc Shore Cieni may know front this that it can be de­ which vou are required to appear and American Railway association 300.00 pend« d upon for the milder forms of To move one field army of 80,000 I Geo. Hoskins, Tillamook, Ore egon. answer is May 31, 1917. Raymond ’ s Athlone of Wai- 1 '1 complaint that occur in this men, consisting of three infantry’di­ Johnson & Handley, nut Ridge For sale bv Lamar’s Drug visions, one cavalrv division and a Attorneys for Plaintiff. 515.00 country. Store. BriaTR U y r - r " ’ TiUamook; brigade, technically known as a Oregon. bngate of field army troops—troops Broad Ripples Sunny Bov 260.00 Stomach Troubles. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN auxiliary to the infantry and cavalrv Lady Isabelle Calf 250.00 divisions—requires a total of 6229 I Homer Mason, Tiliamook' Oregon. Maliy remarkable ciW^s of stomach cars, made up into 366 trains with as °WS Gu,,v s D’i’v THE COUNTY. 375-00 Hudson Bros., Cloverdale troubles have been effected by Cham­ many locomotives. These 6229 cars Oregon. berlain ’ s Tablets. One man who had Lu?h ’ NoMe oi Jean Du- w-ould be made up of 2115 passenger See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere. spent over two thousand dollars for 3»i baggage. io$5 box. 1899 stock and Save the Crop. 2'00° medicine and treatment was cured by 775 flat cars.. ! «•li . , 1 Pototo violo Crop, a few boxes of these tablets. Price, This quantity of equipment repre­ where 1 none"grew n t"a..cs Telorî* two potatoes grow “'0? Rr °"’ 45 cents. For sale by Lamar's Drug sents .7 of t per cent of the locomo­ ’hem both isBiu«a. sav^ Store. ‘ '■emanin^Xich^ 7 ^- tives owned bv American railroads. 4-2 per cent of their passenger cars Forethought. and .2 of t per cent of their freight D Jss Y’1’ ,hu *ay 1 hcar' ”ow with BÖr- not believe that our family has been berlain s Tablets are the most satis- I Dentists. without Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera factory remedy for stomach troubles and Diarrhoea Remedy since we com­ and constipation that I have sold in National Building. menced keeping house years ago. „1?? f”u,r. vîars' ”ore sc-vice." When we go on an extended visit we ........................ Tillamook, Oreg on. take it with us." For sale by Lamar’s Sold Everywhere Drug Store. Drug Store. K ' Founds quick ^¡ucr. “p ‘o 25 8-llo«.q^ten M’an<1- *x the two AGRICULTURAL NOTES Citation. ----- o------- FORD DODGE EROLENE Siândaatd Oil l&r Mofar Cars flUEX. MeRRIR & CO GENERAL HARDCUARE Kitehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. I Used 40 Years $ ARDUI The Woman’s Tonic P’ S Hy F”' "i* -2J7