TILLAMOOK What the Editors Say. ^,'C11S ti,d ----- o----- There are more than five millions of bachelors in the country within the military draft age limit. So you ,ee there are lots of ’em who didn’t get behind the women’s skirt when ¡bey heard of the conscription law.— News Times. Scraps from Oregon Voter. se^T'Vt’h, peop,ekshowe<1 a lot sense in the way they Vote’ bad mistakes were on measures iveWnhlCh ‘ C publi«‘y had been ----- o----- The price of wheat has declined nearly a dollar a bushel since the var­ ious boards of trade agreed to restrict dealings in futures. The price of flour also has reduced materially, al­ through the buyers of the country as yet are showing no disposition to make reduction in . ____ a corresponding the price of their wares,—Observer. Congressman Decker, who hails from solthwest Missouri, overlookeel his political hand when he voted against the armed neutrality bill and later against the declaration of a state of war. Recently he requested . his constituents to wire or write him how they desired him to vote on se­ lective conscription. A number of business men of Carthage, in re- spouse to his request, wired him as follows: "For the love of God, back up the president or give Miss Rankin your seat!”—Umpqua Valley News. ------o------ Nearly every department of our government is now teaching and preaching economy in every line. It is about time our people were shown the error of their ways—wastefulness, and given a few lessons in economy. It has already worked wonders in many lines and if the whole sum could be added it would run into the million dollar mark. It also demon­ strates the greatness of the American people who can adjust themselves in a short time to the .'•quirements of new conditions. Many are now plan­ ning ahead who previously allowed the future to take care of itself. It is pleasing to see the change and the way our great people are falling in line.—Banks Herald. There is absolutely no excuse for tramps this summer People will do wrong to feed any tramp who is able bodied this season. The rule has gone into effect at our house, not to feed any more bums. They have a chance to work or go to war, and if they do not care to do either, we say let them starve. Anyone who feeds bums this summer, when food prices are so high and when farmers and others are running around in circles, trying to get help, we say if the farmers have to beg the laboring men to go to work, it is no time to feed tramps. If any tramp bothers around your house sick "Shep” on him. Have him tackle just above the knees on the hinge side and keep him on the job until there is no danger of a “come back!" —News Times. o------ Resourcefulness on the part of the American chemists has made the United States one of the world’s largest exports of drugs and chem­ icals since the start of the war in Europe. This statement was made in a report by Secretary of Commerce Redfield, read at the annual conven­ tion of American Druggist’s syndi­ cate, at Long Island City. Mr. Red­ field added that the United States, heretofore an importing nation, will soon be able to supply the world in the drug, chemical and dye line. In >913, $27,000,000 worth of products were exported by the United States. In 1916 the amount was raised to $124,000,000. The United States is now making in large quantities cer­ tain drugs and dyes heretofore im­ ported exclusively from belligerent countries, particularly in Germany.— itemizer. Hurrah* for Old Oregon! Spence longe? ‘Th6” “S !" the niu,i anv longer. The way the rural districts ofP±‘id 'hc back"a'd leadership heart .and Brown puts heart and courage into all forward looking people. We are surprised“!?"Lane County. How Otten, ( ) how often, have we boosted for Lane as being the most progressue county in the Willamette \ alley. And tothink that Lane should have fallen behind in tlu good roads procession! -------- o----- Oswald West seems to have more to do with who wilf b, United Vmie< States Senator in Oregon than ..as ha anyone else. When McNary’s up­ pointincnt was pending he went on record as stating that he would not run against McNary next year. ' ----- j —.. This means that to keep West out of the senate many republicans will support McNary at the spring primaries. For if anyone other than McNary should be nominated, West would run. Ter­ ror of West keeps the republican party in chills and fevers. Io the intelligence and patriotism ot the country press of Oregon we owe the enactment of the road bond­ ing bill. Were it not for the progress­ ive spirit of the country newspaper­ men Oregon would be in a sad case. ----- o----- Too bad about the penitentiary. The world is cold and selfish. A confla­ gration that burns a lot of wretches to death may he necessary to arouse Oregon to the necessity of a new building. Get the best pavement ' ou can ob­ tain for the money, durability consid ered; that’s the line of conduct the state highway commission can pur­ sue with the certainty that perman­ ent roads will be their monument for many years to come. ----- o----- There will he little waste of state road money; hut the waste in the counties and districts will go on to the tune of millions dumped in mud, save as the intelligent public senti­ ment in each county is aroused to guard road expenditures. Several counties arc doing well in road mat­ ters, but in others waste is appaling. Socialists Pass Unpatriotic Resolu­ tions. HEADLIGHT, JNUE 14, 1917, Summons. In the < ircuit Court of the State of Oregon fur the County of Tillamook. M. Sue Henderson, Plaintiff vs. H. E. Carr and Alice Carr, 1 illamook Feyd Company, Lydia S. Morgan, and the Lehman & Clough Company and \\. H. Wilson. Defendants — lo W. ... a H. *. Wilson, Minuit, uciniuaiii. defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer a complaint filed against you in tile above entitled suit within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons that be- ! mg the lime fixed in the order for publication of summons within which you shall so appear and answer said ' complaint, the said first day of pub­ lication being the 24th day of May, I 1917» sud if you fail so to appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint, to-wit: tor a judgment against the dé­ tendants H. E. Carr and Alice Carr in the sum of $300.00, with interest thereon at ten per cent per annum ■ from and after August 23rd, 1916, and I for the further sum of $18.87 taxes paid by the plaintiff herein, and for ' the further sum of $50.00 attorney’s ices, and for her costs and disburse­ ments herein, and for a decree fore­ closing that certain mortgage 011 the following described premises, situat­ ed in Tillamook County, Oregon, to- wit: Beginning at a point 163% feet west of the southwest corner of Block Number 5, in the town of Lincoln, now within the corporate limits bi 1 illamook City, Oregon, and running thence north jto feet; thence west 40 feet for the initial point of the land intended to be conveyed herein; thence west 57.5 feet; thence south 52.5 feet; thence cast 57.5 feet; thence north 52.5 feet to the initial point herein mentioned, and being the same 1 roperty conveyed to H. E. Carr and Alice Carr, his wife, by E. N. Morgan and Lydia Morgan, his wife, by deed dated June 29, 1915, and recorded lull 17th, 1915, in deed records of Tillamook County, at pages 370 and 377, in Book 31; w hich said mortgage was executed August 23, 1915, and recorded in book Z at page 142 of Mortgages of Tillamook County, in favor of Alex Vlalios, and thereafter assigned by said Alex Vlahos to John l.cland Henderson, trustee, by assignment recorded in said registry in Book 2. pages 387 and 388, and thereafter assi_ igned by said John Leland Henderson, trustee, to the plaintiff herein, by assignment _ ye- corded in said registry, Book 2, pages 507 and 508: and for the sale of said mortgaged premises to satisfy said judgment and for a decree foreclos­ ing you of all right, title, interest and equity of redemption in and to said mortgaged premises and every part thereof, and for such other relief as to the Court shall seem just. This summons is published by order of the Hon. A. M. Hare, County Judge, made and entered the t 23rd day of May, 1917. Last publication July 5th, 1917. John I.elend Henderson, Attorney for Plaintiff. ELAND E ERWIN PIANO INSTRUCTION, HARRIS-AMMER FURNITURE COMPANY Diploma front Chicago Musical College.—Beginners receive the same careful training as the most advanced. Terms:—$4.00 per months Instruc­ tion. All lessons given at Studio. County Representative for the Wiley B. Allen Co.s’ line of high grade pianos, player-pianos, Victrolos etc. announce the arrival of their new SPRING STOCK! AVID ROBINSON, M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON NATIONAL BUILDING, OF TILLAMOOK Rugs, Linoleum, Ranges, Furniture, Beds, Mattresses OREGON T. BOi ua ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Complete Set of Abstract Bocks in Office. Taxes Paid for Non Residents. Make your selections early while our stock is complete. T illamook B lock , Tillamook .... Oregon Both Phones. T. BOALS, M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon S. P. Co. (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) Tillamook .... Oregon EBSTER HOLMES. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW COMMERCIAL BUILDING, FIRST STREET, TILLAMOOK, OREGON rj~' H. GOYNE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office: O pposite C ourt H ouse , COOK Tillamook WITH PEARL Oregon. R. JACK OLSEN, OIL DENTIST. (I. O. O. F Bldg.) Cook in a cool, comfortable kitchen this sum­ mer. An oil cook stove is comparatively inex­ pensive to buy and it will soon pay for itself in comfort and lower fuel expense. Meals in a jiffy, and a cool kitchen in summer. Bakes, broils, roasts, toasts. Better cooking be­ cause of the steady, evenly-distributed heat. More convenient than a wood or coal stove for all the year ’round cooking, and more econom­ ical. The executive committee of the so­ cialist party of this state has adopted unpatriotic resolutions opposing the selective draft law. That action is even inconsistent with the socialistic The long blue chimneys prevent all smoke and point of view. Smell. In 1, 2. 3 and 4 burner sixes, with The socialist have always professed or without ovens. Also cabinet models. Ask your dealer today. devotion to the principle of democ­ racy and unyielding hostility to au­ tocracy. Now, however, when they are put to the test, when democracy Call For Bids for Bonds and Con­ is locked in a death grapple with au­ struction Work tocracy. they are passing illogical res­ olutions like the foregoing when even The Big N'estucca Drainage District the children of the schools clearly see that their action is lending aid and will receive bids for the construction FOR SALE BY comfort to the kaiser and Prussian of ditches according to its plans of militarism. reclamation up to 10 o'clock a.m., In past years they have been openly antagonistic to or cold against the June 23rd, 1917, and will also receive volunteer army and the volunteer na­ bids for the sale of $8000.00 of its tional guard. They have contended bonds to be issued for paying expen­ and there was justice to the conten­ ses of construction, up to the same tion, that under that system the rank time. ----- o----- It is quite possible that the govern­ and file of the army was chiefly made A certified check for five per cent ment will be called upon to do a little up of poor men and poor men had "regulating” of the domestic sugar borne the brunt of fighting our wars. of the amount of each bid is required The conscriptive draft meets those to insure that successful bidder will situation, if the claims of brokers in objections. It takes the rich man’s investment securities are borne out sons and nephews along with the take and pay for bonds or enter into by the facts. A recent circular issued poor man’s sons and nephews. So far contract with approved bond for do­ by a Chicago firm says the "beet it hurnanily possible to apply ab­ ing the work awarded. Bids will be sugar companies should make from as stract justice the draft will be applied opened at Tillamook, Oregon, on the three or four cents a pound profit and favoritism. The process of date mentioned, and may be sent in year, as compared with the three- without selection and elimination will be fourths of a cent a pound in normal largely in the hands of local civilian care of IL T. Botts, attorney for the times.” Allowance must be made for boards. In other words, it will be ap­ district, at that place. Bids for con- the over sanguine statements of the struction may be made for separate by the people. security salesman, but it probably is plied We are conscripting wealth, and not far from the truth that largely in­ under this method wealth will be sections of the work. Right reserved creased profits on sugar are being made to bear a greater war burden to reject any or all bids. counted on with confidence, despite than it has ever borne before. \\ e arc W. H. Hudson, Sec. this widespread agitation for control going to take the rich man’s son for Cloverdale Ore. of food speculation. Elimination of service, and then we are going to the food speculator has almost been take the rich man's money to defray Notice to Creditors. accomplished in Europe,, and it is one the expenses of the war—to buy ----- o — ■ of the lessons that America will be uniforms and guns and ammunition Notice is hereby given t"at the un­ called upon to apply now that it has and food and clothing for the men entered the war. It is a noteworthy serving in this great citizen army. TILLAMOOK, ORE. dersigned have been by the County fact that an inadequate proportion of We have said “they are passing un­ Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, the increased price of sugar has patriotic resolutions,” meaning the found its way into the pockets of the radicals who arc in control of the or­ appointed administrators of the Es­ farmer^ w ho grew the beets.—Qre- ganization. Happily, conscientious tate of Daniel W. Gilbert, deceased, Konian. and patriotic socialists are refusing to and have qualified as such. All per­ ___ p____ # be bound by them. They do not in­ sons having cl tints against said estate Dogs Must Now Pay State License fhe law was adopted primarily for W e feel like congratulating the good tend to be put in the light of aiding are required to present the same to Tax. 1 lie purpose of protecting the owners sense displayed in the election on the kaiser.—Spokesmen Review. and «iheep, goats, swine, fowls ami the undersigned at Beaver, Oregon, Monday by the people of A anthill, in other domestic animals. According to the provisions of a for allowance with the proper vouch-I Carrying the good roads bonds. It A SAFE TEST. . new law adopted at the last session evidences at least two things—confi­ ers within six months of the date of of the state legislature, every dog ------o---- Notice of Hearing Administrator’« dence in your fellow man to honestly the first publication of this notice. in the state of Oregon over six a of For those who are in need Final Account. administer the state's affairs, and the monts of age on July I must be pro ­ Dated June 71b, 1917. ability to know a good thing when remedy for kidney troubles and back­ vided with a state license. Edgar K. Gilbert, you see it pushed at you. There was ache, it is a good plan to try Doan s Notice is hereby given, that the un­ I The law provides that these licens­ nothing in the bond bill to warrant Kidney Pills. They are strongly re­ William J. Gilbert, es shall be collected by the constable dersigned Administrator de bonis non men in suspicioning any lurking jok­ commended by McMinnville people. . , Administrators. of each of the districts, in return for of the estate of C. B. Hadley, deceas­ Arthur Branson, 339 B Street., No. ers. Persons who held such suspicions which he is to receive ten per cent ed, has filed in the County Court for McMinnville, Ore., says: "About six must be fast losing a valuable virtue To The Public. of the receipts. As fast as the money Tillamook County his final account, or eight years ago, I had rheumatic —confidence in mankind. Federal aid "I have been using Chamberlain’s : is collected and the licenses are is­ and said court has fixed Monday, pains in my back and legs so bad that was offered on the basis of matching Tablets for indigestion for the past sued the remittance shall be turned July 2, 1917, at ten a.m. of said date •t by the state, and the vehicle whicn I wasn’t able to do my work. At six months, and it affords me pleas­ over to the county treasurer, who as the time and the office of the times, it was all I could do to get most wear the roads were to be tax­ ure to say I have never used a remedy shall keep what is known as a dog County Judge for said county as the around. Sharp, shooting pains caught ed most for good road making. This that did m< so much good."—Mrs. C. fund. The license fees range from place for the hearing of said linal ac­ •* business and it is also just. When me in the small of my back and for a E. Riley. 1 Ilion, N. Y. Chambccdlain's ( $1.50 to $3. The law exempts a few count. *e get the roads we will not be will" minute I could hardly move. When I Tablets for sale by Lamar's Drug • counties situated cast of the Cascade Notice is further givn, to all per­ lng to go back to the old condition, got down to do anything it was all I Store. mountains from paying the state sons interested in said estate to ap­ •ny more than city residents who could do to straighten up as my back pear at said time and place and show license. have secured pavement are willing to felt so weak and stiff. After I had Sore Nipples. cause, if any there be why the said Another chapter of the law provides 8° back to mud. however much it has taken six or eight boxes of Doan s Any mother who has had expcr- administrator should not be docharg- ( that owners of sheep, goats, swine or Kidney Pills I was cured. Since then cost them. A great responsibility now icnce with this distressing ailment . ..... ..... n. grea < d, his said account approved and his rests on the Highway Commission to I haven’t had any rheumatic pains will be pleased to know that a cure fowls, whose animals are killed by bondstnen exonerated. dogs, shall file a report of their dam ­ and my kidney* have been as strong carry out their program with justice, tnav be effected bv applying Cham­ Dated Tillamook, Oregon May ^9, within ten days after the daté of and to verify the figures they have , a5price 50c. at all dealers. Don't berlain’s Salve as soon as the child is age* 1917- said killing with the county court. If done nursing. Wipe it off with a sofr made. This will mean that the annual J. C. Holden, the report is approved, the owners of surplus of receipts over disburse­ simplv ask for a kidney remedy—get cloth before allowing the babe to the animals killed will be compensat­ Administrator de bonis Doan's Kidnev Pills — the same that nurse. Many trained nurser use this ments shall be sufficient to pay off non of the Estate of C. B. Branson had. Foster-Milburn Co. I ssmvc salve wim with W5i best rcsui results. log sale by ed for their loss out of the funds re­ lhe bonds by 1945. Let no posterity Mr. ! Hadley deceased. alized from the state licenses. Lamar’s Drug Store. Buffalo, N. Y. rise with a finger of scorn and say: Props., 1 Tillamook ■ Oregon Q r . l . l . hoy , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , Tillamook, I Oregon. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW T illamook B lock , Tillamook - . . • Oregon. ROOM NO. 2M1. ALEX. McNAIR & CO. KING CRENSHAW CO C. I. CLOUGH CO. - JOHN LELAND HENDERSON NEW PERFECTION OIL C^ŒsS^OVE The Potatoe King of Wash ington will not permit plant ing his Potatoes before they have been properly treated with Bichloride of Mercury Directions for use at - QARL HABERLACH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. T illamook R kock Tillamook Oregon c - hawk , 1 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Bay City J Oregou E. REEDY, D.V M., VETERINARY. Both Phone«. Tillamook - . Oregon. H..T. Bott«, Free., Attorney at Law. John Leland Henderson. Sec­ retary Treat*., Attorney-at- Law and Notrary Public. Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. Almtract«. Real Fatate, Insurance. Both Phone«. TILLAMOOK— OREGON. Have Your House Wiring Done by DONE RIGHT at RIGHT PRICES