TI^’uAMOOK HEADLIGHT. JUNE 14, 1917. homes. Before Thursday night they | . and expensive road projects and de- TO ROUND UP SLACKERS. . voting a large proportion of the road I will have again visited the same ' fund to this prospect, in a few years One German Who Refused to Regis­ homes, this time to collect bond ap­ it can be carried to completion with­ ter is Taken to Poraland. plications in which they hope will be Each subsequent insertion, line. .05 out any extra taxation. But one part 1 written pledges which will add mil­ of the county must not become jeal­ Business and Professional cards Sheriff Campbell had some trouble lions of dollars to the subscriptions ous because anotner part of the coun ­ ■with a few who refused to register, which have already been’made to the one month...................................... 1.00 ty obtains the paved road first. but all of them did so when brought liberty loan. These 10,000,000 circu­ Locals per line each insertion... 05 ------ o to the city with the exception of one, lars were prepared in the Govern­ Display adver‘:«ements, an inch This is something we want to drive Adolph Richter, a homesteader near ment printing office—the “largest job and Lodge Notices, per line . •05 home, "lhe resident taxpayers of Ne­ Beaver, He is a German by birth but of printing ever handled” there, ac­ All Resolutions of Condolence halem precinct were solid for the had taken out his tirst papers. He was cording to a statement issued from one month..................................... ■50 bond measures, out a glance at the locked up for several days, when he the Boy Scouts of America National vote cast in tnat precinct show that had a ettange 01 heart and wanted to headquarters here. Every scout who obtains subscrip­ 74 loggers, v. no are here today and register on Monday, out having been THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. gone tomonow, pay no taxes and reported to the Federal authorities, tions at 10 or more different homes nave nvtuing in common with the he is held in jail pending what is to will receive a war service emblem. F. C. B aa EK, Publisher. The movement represents the largest people or the county, were induced to be done with him. On Wednesday a deputy marshal single effort ever undertaken by the go to tne polls, and vote against something that is of vital importance came in trom t'ortland and left with organization. 10 the wuole county. Had tne vote Reichter the next morning. Sheriff been close, 74 votes might have [ Campbell being summoned as a wit- The Official Count. swayed the election, and case by men jness that Kiehter had refused to reg- Will be sold at auction on the Oaksdale Farm, seven miles west from Halsey, It looks to us as if Bro. Botts got who nave no interest here ana who ister. Owing to several irregularities in Oregon. Rigs will meet Oregon Electric trains. See catalogue for particluars Bro. Daniels goal", with the un­ pay no taxes. Sheriff Campbell received a tele- shorn wiskers thrown in. How about gram from Adjutant Lreneral G. A. election boards failing to send in the Included in this lot are a wonderful good lot of producing cows; however, no ------- o proper tally suects, the official count that, Clay? The Oregonian commended Polk, White, which states that all slackers of the vote in Tillamook County was 1 official testing has been done in this herd, but animals of practically the sjme are to be rounded up. It says: Washington and Yamhill for the breeding have made good records. “The period of leniency for those not completed until Tuesday. It used to be a fight as to the merits votes cast in those counties for good Considering the small vote cast in of the Holstein and Jersey, now there roads, in making a contrast of Clack­ who have not registered is now' past. An ideal opportunity to secure foundation females or a herd sire. List of is a three cornered fight with the amas, Marion, i_inn and Lane coun- Hereafter you will bend every energy all parts ot the state, Tillamook I Guernesy added, with the prospect ties which voted against the bond towards locating and arresting those County polled a fairly good vote. I cows include the following: One daughter of a 26-tb. sire, two daughters of a that the latter will become the most measure. And what about this little who have failed to register. Every There is a registration of 3051 in this 24-lb. sire, one daughter of a 21-tb dam, one daughter of a dam who is sister county, and 2185 voted for the county I popular. kingdom of Tillamook, and the good police officer and deputy sheriff in ticket and 2211 for the state ticket. to three 30-th. cows, one daughter of a sire who is a brother to two 27-lb roads boosters west of the coast the county should be on the constant Following is the official count: cows, one daughter of an 18-lb. sire, eighteen daughters of a sire whise five It is to be hoped that the State range, which out of 2145 votes cast at lookout for non registrants. Inas­ Authorizing Ports to create limited nearest dam* average 17.95 tbs. List of bulls included: Five sons of a 24-tb Grange will dis-Spence with the state the election, 1569 voted for state much as those who failed to register encourage water j Master, for it looks as though the bonds and hard surfaced roads. increased the obligation on those who indebtedness to sire and two sons of a sire whose five nearest dams average t7.95-tbs. State Grange have been nothing but There’s no mistaking the sentiment have registered, every legistrar and transportation—Yes, 818; No, 830. Limiting number of bills introduced every person who have registered a cat’s paw for the labor unions and in Tillamook County, and if we know AH Registered Holsteins. should join in a •‘• ntLsS search for and increase pay of legislators—Yes, I labor agitators. anything of the push and energy of those who have failed in this obliga­ 283; No, 1418. Catalogue giving full particulars is being published. Send name and one Tillamookers, they are not going to I Declaration against implied repeal j “■ Tillamook County polled a fairly lay down until there is a hard surfac­ tion.” will be mailed when published. of constitutional provisions by 1 good vote last week, but some of the ed road through the entire length of THE RED CROSS CAMPAIGN. amendments therto—Yes, 503; No, counties were shy 50 percent. What’s 850. the matter with the Oregon System the county. June 18th to 25th Big Week— Tilla­ * Uniform tax classification amend- 1 anyway, when people won’t take the ------ . The government is arresting slack­ ment—Yes, 772; No, 690. mook County Must Raise $4000. trouble to go to the polls? ers and placing them in detention Requiring election city, town and Col. Geo. A. Gue, Auctioneer, North Yakima. Wash. ------o------ June 17th is really the beginning of state officers at same time—Yes, E, A. Rhoten, Assistant, Salem Ore. The cowboy preacher should change camps, which is the proper thing to his name to death on chicken preach­ do, but the government should have the big Red Cross Drive throughout 1210; No, 487. Four hundred thousand dollar tax er. The dear brothers and sisters are rounded up food speculators and the nation to raise $ 100,000,000.00 for T advised to bring plenty of chicken, placed them under, restraint. Had the great work. From every pulpit levy for a n ew penitentiary—Yes and there is no telling how many he they done so people would now be in throughout the width and length of 655, No, 1159. County State is liable to get away with at Beaver a better shape to subscribe for liberty the Lnion will the admonition go bonds. Red Cross and other worthy forth to aid in this Bonds Bonds philantrophic next Sunday. causes. The food speculators and a Precinct Yes No Y’es No work of aid for those in distress, ------ o------ large number of manufacturers are 61 21 Everybody invited to join the pa­ making millions of dollars every day v The state of Oregon is asked for Bay ................. • 54 3'2 12 2 12 2 triotic demonstration in this city the and making it that much harder for $000,000, of which Tillamook county’s Bayoccan .. .. 1 1 88 13 I «7 Fourth. Get in line and show your the people to subscribe and give share will be $4000.00. Beginning with Beaver .......... I 28 colors. There shouldn't be any pro­ money tor patriotic purposes. The in­ Monday a “drive for funds" by pop­ Blaine............ 61 22 59 21 German sentiment in Tillamook creased price of stocks and material ular subscription pledges will be Carnahan .... 6 made throughout the county, the cam­ Cloverdale ... • 137 4 129 County. Do your bit in swelling the is a serious problem with most busi­ paign closes on the following Mon­ Fairview ........ <16 66 40 41 demonstration. ness men just now, and if they fail to day, June 25th. Foley .............. . 28 26 26 1 23 ------ o------ subscribe for liberty bonds as they 20 50 Under the direction of the Ameri­ Garibaldi........ • 50 19 The three "Busy B's"—Beals, Botts otherwise would gladly have done, it can Red Cross Society local branch. (roodspeed .. • 85 31 83 29 and Baker— as they are called by the 66 44 66 41 timber men's paid agitator, have no is because food speculators and man­ Ladies of the Civic League, The Hays............... 60 28 60 29 objections to anyone enjoying a good ufacturers see that this was a good Girl’s Honor Guard, Ministerial As­ Hebo.............. 11 85 11 83 laugh at their expense, for its all fair time to make big profits and get rich sociation, Fraternal Beneficial organ­ Hoquarton . 16 16 33 in love, war and politics. But the quick. But what a contrast to the izations, and every Patriotic Ameri- Kilchis............ • 33 J 2 92 91 “Busy B’s” are happy and satisfied at thousands of men who have volun­ can citizen co-operating. Your serv- Little Nistucca JO 28 10 28 making "goats” of so many persons. teered their services and to some of ices are wanted, so if you have the Long Prairie . the big manufacturers who have of­ time to spare, you may co-operate Maple Leaf . . • 54 ----- o----- 50 29 27 fered their plants and their services with your organization in further Neskowin .... On the above date, we will sell at public auction our entire her 1 of Jersey 39 4 40 3 Some of the timber men have been to the country. Nehalem ........ 167 promoting this great work. . 130 74 3<> cows, all of which arc in Register of merit with yearly records averaging doing a good deal of butting in the ----- o------ ’ Netarts............ 12 Tillamookers trom every corner of 8 10 10 past few years. It seems now that the 545-19 lbs. butter; also a choice assortment of heifers and' young bulls, R» out One would naturally suppose that Rockaway .... 29 28 4 5 good roads boosters are going to take the Wheeler Reporter would be peev­ this county you are now called upon 17 23 17 of Register of Merit dams—a total of 33 head. a hand in the butting in business as ed with the result of the election last ' to do “your bit” for the service of Sandlake........ . 24 20 your country and humanity.. Over South Prairie . 35 17 36 well, who claim that by a recruise of week. Last year that newspaper was j ¡your This offering consists of big, healthy specimens of the breed which have Stillwell.......... • 56 12 8 55 the timber of the county, a large ad­ filled brim full with letters advocat­ ’ one hundred thousand Americans arc 11 II been, careflly selected as to type, ancestry, production and1 reproduction. • 57 54 dition to the road fund will be the re­ ing the state highway, written by now serving in the trenches of Eu­ Sunnymead rope and hundreds of thousands of TillamooJk .... 57 19 55 19 sult. those who were appealed to to give more will soon be there. It is our duty Trask .............. 16 22 21 17 their opinion, but when it came to the Union1.............. O 2 47 Benton County, one of the counties question as to providing money, so and we must make much needed pro­ Wheeler .......... • 51 81 21 Jj of the Willamette Valley, which vot­ that the county would be in a posi­ vision for taking care of the sick and Wilson’ ........ • 6 7 3 4 ed against bonds, was one of the first tion to receive state aid, that news­ wounded. If we are unable to fight, counties to apply for state aid. If paper went right back on what it had we can do no less a service than pro­ Total ........ U99 678 >569 576 there is any preference, the counties been preaching and boosting last viding for those that do fight. . It is like Tillamook, which gave large ma­ year. Here is one little paragraph your duty to subscribe your bit to jorities for the measure, should be that looks more like a threat than this cause. Will you do so? ROADS WIN BY 13,883. lhe following telegram was receiv­ the first to receive state aid. That is any thing else taken from the Re­ ed on Saturday addressed to Rollie a fair way to dole out state aid. I he sale, therefore, presents an unusual opportunity to, buy the best of Up-State Goes Againt Bonds, but porter: , Watson: Jerseys at your own price. Send for catalogue. "We realize too, that with our rapid "Rollie Watson, Tillamook, Ore. Multnomah Majority Carries. All will admit there wouldn't industrial development, that next year I lune 18 to 25 Red Cross campaign ------ o 1 Send.‘° J' A',Rh,000,000 road bond issue McArthur and Staoff, Rickreall, Oregon, owners. sible person like C. T. Starr to look will also have become voters." for campaign organization in 1111a- carried in the state by a majority of after their interests. They preferred a That is exactly what was repeated­ mook county? XV ire acceptance and 13,882. Col. J. W. Hughes, Forest Grove, Oregon, Auctioneer. trouble maker, and the trouble lias ly stated in the campaign, that when­ indicate progress. . I he bonds lost in the state outside C. D. Minton, Portland, Oregon, Assistant. been growing right along, so they ever the timber owners could they Henry C. Corbett, Crairman. of Multnomah County by 4574 votes, are getting exactly what they pay for. would run the county, and Represen­ State Campaign Red Cross but the majority of 18,456 votes in tative Rowe favors that kind of Committee.” Multnomah county carried them Acceptance was immediately acted through. Lane, Linn, Marion, Baker, A good many persons are doing thing. The Reporter ought to know their "hit”—to get rich and robbing that no one can herd men to vote the 'upon by wiring headquarters that Benton and Clackamas counties re­ the people. Spruce wood is being way they want them to. An illustra­ 1 campaign would be launched Vigor- turned heavy adverse votes 011 the shipped from this city at about $15.00 tion of that took place last week bond issue. Campaign headquarters for Tilla­ a ton to be manufactured into paper. when a number of the loggers from Clatsop county with a vote of 2711 the logging camps voted county and mook County have been established to 267, gave good roads the strongest It comes back at $135.00 a ton, more state bonds. The timber owners and than double what it previously cost. I at Rollie W atson’s office; the local support. Wheeler county, with a vote Talk about the newspapers doing mill men will have plenty of trouble I Red Cross Society, Ladies of the of 562 to 72, also made a good show­ with labor agitators without adding Civic League, Girls’ Honcfr Guard, ing- their "bit”, they're paying blood _________________ more troubles. There is one thing for I Ministerial Association money to the paper manufacturers. have all, the Reporter to do and that is to ----- o----- patriotically joined in the work and Their Verdict. We have received several letters boost for a hard surface road from plans laid for the coming week's can- one end of the county to the other, ; easing for the county. Subscriptions thanking the editor for the fight he The county court of Yamhill county made for good roads. We do not which will be a splendid improvement may be made at headquarters in per­ as son or by telephone. Everybody “do which voted by a large majority for know of ever meeting some of the tor the south side of Nehalem bay, well as for the industries there. your bit.” the road bonds, takes immediate ac­ persons who sent us theii thanks. We Meetings to be held as follows: tion indicating a purpose to inaugur­ feel glad that all good roads advo­ From the pulpits in the Nation, ate a programme of paved roads with cates appreciate our efforts, and the W. R. C. In Active Work. Sunday, June 17. state aid. figures and facts we published. What "O' ■ Tillamook, City Hall, Monday, June The county of Clackamas, which we appreciate most was the fact that The Women's Relief Corps of this 18, at 8 p.m. went against the bonds by an im­ when we made an earnest appeal to city have been doing some active Beaver, School House, Tuesday, mense majority, is silent. No doubt it the people of the county to vote the work of importance of late. The is hasty to say that Clackamas wants bond measures, they took our advice Corps recently presented the Coast June 19, at 8 p.m. Cloverdale, school house, Wednes­ no hard-surface, or that Clackamas and did so. Artillery with .1 beautiful company day, June 20, 2 p.m. has nothing to say; for Clackamas Oretown, school house, Wednesday, spoke in no uncertain tones last The snap shot man was a little tlag. Forty of the ladies marched to Monday. It wants no _____ ___ _ amused in answering the phone the the armory and Mrs. D. Billings, June 20, at 8 p.m. roads built Bay City, school house, ’Thursday, there with money furnished by the day after the election to find so many president of the Corps, made the pre­ .uitomobilists of Oregon. Perhaps it persons in this county had come to sentation speech, which was respond­ June 21, at 2 p.m. Garibaldi, school house, Thursday, is true also that it is against hard the conclusion that Multnomah ed to by Cap. S. S. Johnson in .< few well chosen remarks. The XX. R. C. June 21. at 8 p.m. surface for roads, under state auspices County would vote against the state recently furnished the company with. Nehalem, K. P. Hall, Friday, June Perhaps it is also true that it is indif­ bonds and defeat the measure. That 100 "housewives" which were much 22, at z p.m. ferent to the location, or at least the county gave a large majority in favor XX heeler, Show House, Friday, permanent improvement, of the Pa­ of the bonds, and this can be account­ appreciated by the boys. The W. R. C. is growing fast and June 22, at 8 p.m. cific highway. If these are not the ed for in the fact, that, seeing the much interest is being taken. The Rockaway, school house, Saturday, lessons to be drawn from the action benefits of hard surfaced roads in next meeting will be Saturday after ­ :3o p.m. June 23, at 7 of Clackamas county, and Marion, that county, the voters were anxious Linn and Lane as well—all on the’ that other parts of the state should noon, June i6tb. Following is the letter which Presi­ direct route of the Pacific highway— enjoy the same. SCOUTS TO SELL BONDS. dent Billings received from Capt. what is to be understood by their The Count* Court, when it received Johnson in recognition of the "house­ Each Boy Getting Ten Subscriptions emphatic adverse verdict on the bonds? a telegram from the Dougal-Doug.il wives.’’ To Win Medal. | We arc in no doubt about Yamhill Tillamook, Ore., May 2, 1017. ly-Do Man advising wli.it should be Dear Mr». Billings:—On behalf of clone to obtain state aid, should have New York, June 10.—Twenty mil­ county. Washington and Polk. They wired back "Go to the hot place; the Officers and men of the Tenth lion calls will be paid at American ■ire net only anxious to progress I roads—best roads__ that’s where all paid agitators be­ Company. Coast Artillery, National ' homes during th* lour <11* - !•x.’o ' g long.” The imp, rtincncc of this paid Guard, Tillamook, 1 big leave to tomorrow by 238,000 box«, who, not . but they have a definite notion that value to them thank you and your noble organiza­ old enough to be calle dto lhe colors ¡there agitator is getting to be a joke, how 1 ’ is ’/¡ enormous ’’O' ------ in — a - ’iway. They have a vision c\ r in Tillamook, and the vote last tion for the lovely and useful presents under the conscription act, will solicit '■**>•’* ignway. week showed that the people of the presented to the 10th Company, O. C. people to purchase bonds of the liber- 111 ■’ constant stream of vehicle travel X , N. G . as evidenced by the heaping cy • loan of ■ 1917. County were tired of jackass politi 1 and traffic north and south. They ill not be nr< aken.—Oregonian. Notice of Annual ^School Meeting. |po, c ms and trouble makers butting in- in­ basket of "hi Mie wives” which we re- 1 These youngsters working under to our local affairs. It's up to the reived last Mmulay. I cannot imagine I the direction of 11,000 men. are mem­ pose of electing one director for a Notice is heTb^Jen to the legal Cail for Bids. County Court to look after the a more appropriate gift, and am ccr-1 ber« of the Box Scouts of America t tree year term and school clerk for tain that the presence of these useful and their campaign in their response ci'untv's interest. vour, of school (!jsir]ct xo 8» °nc j ear. and the transaction of busi- packages will cause the mind of the to President \\ ilson's to them on Three Rivers Creamery Association C°’?n,y’ S,i“e oi Oregon hcss usual at such meetings. The people of Tillamook want a company to revert often and grateful­ May 19 to "lend their aid to the Sec­ wishes to receive bid« for chec«e thatT that the annual school 8 ’ liardsurfacrd road through the entire ly t ■ the patriotic women whose retary of the Treasury in distributing •‘ted this 7th day of June, 1917- f”r y**r ,0,,< V "1 bidi to H toni« »ni V ¿í, length of the county. The vote last delicate hands prepared the gifts. applications and obtaining popular M. Farmer. Beaver. Oregon, on Ira C. Smith, or Again thanking you, 1 am. w< ek was a strong indication of that. subscriptions” to the loan. before July 6th. 1917 Company District Clerk. Very sincerely yours. It is up to the County Court to abide The Scouts will go forth with more serves the right to reject anv or re­ OÍ one o ’ clock « m ‘ ,hc hour alt Sidnev S. Johnson, than 10.000.000 campaign circulars, bid*. <«7 of Jun,. J’,™“" ‘hird Mon- bv the mandate of the people. It is no , F ^A1*’ ,ix ,ot* in Tillamook City Captain 10th Co. O. C. A., N. G. which they will leave at as niany small job but by eliminanng all new Three Rivers Creamery Asso. rh" » «"‘J for the pur. f-r »1.100.00 cash. Call or address C. N. Drew. • ADVERTISING RATES. Legal Advertisement!. First Insertion per line ........... $ .10 Oaksdale Holsteins Auction Sale June 30, 1917 36 HEAD OF COWS, BULLS, HEIFERS AND CALVES. C. R. EVANS, Halsey, Oregon. DISPERSAL SALE OF RECISTER OF MERIT JERSEYS, Wednesday, June 27. It is, by long odds, the greatest herd 01 dairy cattle ever offered for sale in the West. FRANK HE YD & CO. General Contractors and Builders. ’ Estimates & Plans Furnished, SEE OUR Special Silo! Call at our plant and get prices. save you money. ONE BLOCK WEST ot Both Phones. P.O It will