I t ìicaìil iaht TILLAMOOK, OREGON. JUNE 14, 1917. V.50 PER YEAR. Donald Hare left on Tuesday for 1 Cap. S. S. Johnson was a Portland Hall Idaho, where he has secured visitor this week. employment. Nercne Bain, who lias been engaged New, modern upright Player Piano, in fishing in California for the past stool to match and player records. two years, returned last Saturday. Easiest terms.—Apply at this office. Mrs. VV. S. Conover and daughter IV 1TH good-will toward all, this Batik *-• y®n Fatton is visiting his daugh­ Mrs. George Hansunrair are Port- ter, Elizabeth, in Portland this week \ \ enters upon what may be a time of I land Rose Show visitors this week. and enjoying the Rose Show. I Rev. Sumerlin left on Monday for ’ ' great financial trial ; but as we be­ Capt. and Mrs. Farley and Mrs. R. ' Philomath, to attend the annual U. B. u. Jackson of Bar \ iew were Tilla- conference. He was accompanied as lieve a period of positive financial safety 11100k shoppers On Saturday evening. far as Portland by his daughter Miss advantages and protection and security for this immediate vicinity. ,-.Rcv: Dora Young, of Beaver U. B. Irma who will visit a sister in that '’I''HE Federal Reserve System, of which ALL The Resources of this Bank place a Church, took the train here Monday city. National Banks a rej, Members, piovides for the tI?..attcn<5 *hc Annual Conference at guarantee back of our words, which can­ Ivan Donaldson, who has finished JL re-discount of assets of an acceptable character. 1 hilomath. his course at Pacific University at not be denied. During this period' of The result has been an elasticity of currency W. S. Cone and wife, accompanied Forest Grove, visited home folks last emergency, we shall continue to safe­ by Miss Marion and Miss Dorothy week. He went outside on Monday which strengthens and makes more adaptable those Hare, left on Tuesday for the Rose for the purpose of enlisting if possible guard the local interests and keep our banks which are Members. Carnival at Portland. I in the medical reserve corps. funds here for the strength of our loeal DIRECTORS : Citizens Bank vs. J. T. Alexander I Frank C. Reed vs. Alma B. Reed is business and agricultural needs. In pro­ and wife, et al, is a suit filed in the , a divorce suit filed in the circuit A. H7 Bunn, Farmer. P. Heisel, Farmer. circuit court to recover $700.00 on a I court. These parties were married in tecting our own people and in financing C. J. Eduards Mgr. C. Power Co. J. C. Holden, Vice Pres. promissory note. | Portland Novermer 30, 1912, and it is B. C. Lamb, Building Materials. John Morgan. Farmer. our local interests, we believe that we are Myron, Blanchard has received a ' alleged that the defendant deserted •F. J. Riechers. Cashier. following the safest path to patriotic call to preach at the Nazarene church I his wife at Wheeler on April 6, 1916. ■ No children were born to the union. at Winlock, Ore., and has gone to service. I take up the work there. The management of the Geni Chas. Wooley, of Beaver, took the ! Theatre is deserving of a great deal AS SAFE IN WAR AS IN TIMES OF ¡ train here on Monday for Brighton of credit for the fine class of photo ! to visit his daughter Mrs. T. W. Watt plays they are giving every week. PEACE. I who has been quite ill for some time. 1 The public seem to appreciate their efforts by the large audiences who Jack Holgate, of Hemlock, took the EXCELLENT BANKING QUARTERS train here Tuesday for Portland, witness these excellent photo plays. Mrs. Harry Thomas, of Mohler. where he will represent the Clover­ AND SERVICE. C. I. Clough ............................... 10.00 has the amusement part of the pro­ dale Masonic Lodge at the Grand Orgon, spent part of last week in Til­ J. L. Lawson ............................. 10.00 gram in hand. lamook with her parents W. M. Hea- Lodge meeting. 10.00 i ston and wife, while on her way home Hotel Tillamook ..................... James Feeney, of the Feeney- Work For Honor Guard Girls. 10.00 from Cloverdale, where she under­ Standard Feed Co..................... Bremer Co., went out to Portland 011 5.00 went an operation at the hands of Grant Mills ............................... Wednesday. Theie is a good pros- Dr. J. E. Shearer in the Nestucca W. B. Aiderman ....................... 500 The Honor Guard Girls are work­ CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $4(5,000.00. pect of obtaining a contract for two Dawson Bros............................... 5.00 ing in conjunction with the Associat­ vessels if Mr. Feeney can obtain hospital, May 18th. She speaks very Partridge & Morrison ............. 5 ed Charities of Tillamook, and have _ highly of the care received whilc^ I sufticient backing. L. Labowitch ............................. 5.00 taken over the work of supplying I there. 1 he Elkhorn ............ ................ 5.00 clothing to needy people in town and John Harter and wife camp in from Rev. Smith, of the Nazarene church, Harris-Ammer Furniture Co. 5.00 in the country. On Friday afternoon California on Sunday by auto, and Mrs. Bert King and Mrs Ora Dceter, ! 5.00 they will canvass the town and get a will remain here for the purpose of are in Spokane, Wash., attending the Tillamook Sheet Metal Works 5.00 list of the people who have any old I . _ --------- (disposing of his property. He prefers 'annual assembly of the Nazarene Fred S. Gilbert ......................... 5-00 clothes, and some day next week will For Sale—New modern residence, ' to reside in California, where they church. Mrs. Smith accompanied Rev. Bennett & Koch ....................... King Crenshaw Co..................... 5.00 I collect them. The girls sewing class, located in best residence district. For have plenty of hard surface roads, 1 Smith as far as Portland where she W. A. Williams ....................... 5.00 I under the direction of competent sale at a bargain, bee Frank Heyd. * ¡ C. J. Edwards and wife went to stopped to visit a sister. Mrs. Deeter L. S. Hushbeck ......................... 5.00 j women, will make the clothes over so Experienced Tillamook Dairyman Newberg on Sunday, returning on will visit at Walla Walla, Wash., be­ Carl Haberlach ......................... 5.00 I that* there will be no waste through W. A. Wise, dentist. * wants to rent 4 or 5 good milk cows. Tuesday. They were accompanied to fore returning. Bert King and wife I.. L. Hov ................................... 5.00 neglect in making them. , Newberg by Mrs. W. M. Heacock went out on Saturday to Woodburn W .A. Wise ............................... Dr. C. VV. Miller, chriopractor. ♦ Address Box 03, Garibaldi, Ore. 5.00 Gather up all your old cast off gar­ Hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough Henry Uilhof, Contractor and and children who will visit relatives where they visited Mr. King’s par­ Allen & Petersen ..................... 5.00 | ments, and help the girls in their next three weeks. there for the ents. David Robinson ....................... Builder, Estimates furnished, Barns 5.00 j Co. _ * work. If you are not called upon, The County Court left on Tuesday Plasker Bros................................. 5.00 | call the leader, Ethel Gaylord, or the Rosenberg Bros, have opened a Go to Mason’s for Standard Pat­ and Silos a specialty, Bell Phone. A10 to meet with the State Highway Frank Goff ................................. 5.00 ; large line of all kinds of hay, feed, Auctioneer—20 years experience Corps Captain, Evelyn Hoag, and terns. * 5.00; they will see that someone calls for give us a trial—Ira G. Lance, Tilla­ near the saw mill and will carry a j Commission to-day (Thursday) go- Alex McNair ............................. A modern house for rent,—See Peter Becker ............................. large teed store on -nd Avenue East ing out. by way of .McMinnville to 5 00 _ ________________ mook Oregon. anything that you may have. If you Shrode. flour, grass seeds at the very lowest meet with the V anthill C ounty Court, Fred C. Baker ........................... 5.00 know of any families that need help Why not be insured in the best fire the “ matter of *•- hardsurfacing 20 The Rialto ................................. Dr. Shearer, physician and surgeon, prices. Special prices on hay and when 1 **■ —1 • 5°° the girls would appreciate any infor- insurance company, it costs no more. ¡miles VI or I11V1V more VI of the lilt 4 road —— — south of C. E. Trombley ......................... * ,4111113 * feed in car lots. Cloverdale, Ore. * 5.00 1 mation that you could give them. See Everson. 1 this city will be taken up with the Morris Schnal ........................... 5.00 j Security Pure Water Glass to preserve eggs For Sale, a Saxon run-about. In --------- „ Savings „ and Trust Co. vs. ¡commission. The County Court has B. D. Lamar ............................... 2.50 I Alfalfa Land for Sale. ■ | Linn )vvn a jvised that the road between F. N. Elliott ............................. ... rtuviscii m.iiLuviinul at C. I. Clough Co. * ■ good condition. Price $350.00. Apply James Walton Jr., Lizctta r. .Kerron, ¿ 50 | formerly Lizctta F. Walton, r'--' ' this city and Gafibalili ---------- has’ Been des- A. P. Vlahos ............................. 2.50 * Fawk, W. S. Walton and Jane Doe Mrs. Geo. Willet is a Portland visit­ ; to Attorney ^Vebstcr Holmes. For Sale, near Riddle, Oregon, 900 n’ | ignated a post road, Mr. Bqzorth, of Wagner Bros............................... 2.50 I Full line of watches, clocks, silver Walton is a suit filed in the circuit I Bay City, appearing before the com­ .1. W. Edwall ............................. or this week. 2.00 acres of river bottom land, deep E. T. Haltom was in Portland this ware, pocket knives.—R. W. Bennett, court to recover $4,800 on two prom­ mission last week. This makes the P. A. Finne ................................. 1.50 sandy loam, _ gravel subsoil, natural drainage, river frontage, fronts coun­ Jeweler Watchmaker, in Tillamook issory notes and interest on same. week on business. | entire road through the county a post I ty road good for automobiles the * Beaver Accepts Invitation. Mrs. Marie Wade, nurse. Terms re­ Drug Store. Swastica Club met with Mrs. Erwin I road and subject to state aid. There year around. Daily mail and automo­ duced to suit the times. * ' Money to loan on farm lands, from Harrison in -May. The afternoon was I will be a public hearing’in this city at Air. F. C. Baker, Tillamook, Orc. $500 up, Good terms. Reasonable rate spent in the usual manner. I he in- 1 some future date to decide whether Dear Sir.--We received the invita­ bile stage, ten miles from S. P. rail­ P. A. Finnc is a Portland Rose of interest. We want your business. vited guests were Mesdanies \\ biles, [ the Three Rivers or the Little Nes- tion to participate in the 4th of July road, station and three milts from visitor this week. See Everson. * Curtis, Puckett, Burton and Rasmus­ tucca road is to be selected as part of patriotic demonstration in Tillamook good trading point with good stores. will meet in June with the highway through the county. D. L. Shrode left on Tuesday for City. We brought the matter up at This land ( specially adopted to alfal­ —............... Millinery Sale—Beginning Friday, sen. The ' dub Salem to visit his family. our Grange on Saturday and voted Io fa and can guarantee irrigation June 15, all trimmed hats and Sport Mrs. Gordon Burge. go and take : art in making it a great Nov. 1st, 1917, at $36.00 per acre Lots in Block 3, Miller’s Addition hats will be reduced at Miss Patter­ PATRIOTIC DEMONSTRATION I have a number of store buildings, event for Tillamook. I was appointed a maintenance fee of $1.50 per ; for sale.—See T. FI. Goyne. * son’s. houses and office rooms to rent. Also chairman of a committee of three to Can show land now' yielding s The Fourth of July to be Fittingly Wat ’ chtowcr, 25c., Lodging at the Horse For Sale—will work single can give desirable ground lease in * arrange anything necessary to help tons to the acre per year and pat Observed in Tillamook City. Also furnished rooms. or double*, weight about f 100. Cheap various parts of the city desirable to in a program that you as a committee for two months after Sept. 1st, A. E. Brown, of Sandlake, took the if sold at once. Apply to \\ ill Goeres almost any needs. See me also for | Nearly all the arrangements have wish. We thought if you would like irrigation. Mild equable climate, g city property on payments to suit train here Monday for Astoria. R. F. D. Box 72, Tillamook. beiit completed for a patriotic dem­ we would get a dozen or more of our water, plenty nearby outrange, For Sale—A paying sawmill in the your income.—Rollie W. Watson. Garbage gathered free. See M. R. onstration in Tillamook City on the best singers to sing “W e are Tenting ideal dairy or stockfeeding country. Wanted, an experienced cheese­ Fourth of July, which is under the Hanankrat, or call Main 6F11. South end of the County. It will make t' ¡Tonight on the Old Camp (¡round”, A few small ranches for sa Piano For Sale, cheap if sold at money for you. Taylor J Real .Estate maker competent to take charge ot management of a committee from the or some good song for the occasion further particulars apply tp 21. factory receiving about 3.000 ">» of Tillamook Commercial Club com­ and the writer would give a ten min­ F.verson, Tillamook, Oregon. Agency, Cloverdale, 2 lots in fast growing five parts, featuring BESSIE BARRISCAI.E who will be The Women ’ s Civic Improvement missioner, was in town this week with 2* residence district, Eugene, of owner, near First Street. remembered its playing the lead in ” HONOR’S ALTAR,’ a great big smile on his face at the League is making preparations to Bring your watches ___ — resident district. Enquire M owner, complete victory won over Dougal- join in the patriotic demonstration in and jewelry ‘CINDERS OF LOVE.” A two part comedy featuring ^nrk to me, all work guaranteed—R. of first street, running south of the i«m in this county. Mr. Farmer had this city on the fourth. the clever CH ESTER CONKLIN. Adults, 15c. Children 5c Fair grounds. w Bennett, Jeweler. A number of short patriotic ad­ to stand a good deal of the brunt of Don ’ t forget those busted castings. for cheap fertilizer for your garden Dougalism when he was in office, dresses will be made by local speak- ®nd meadow, see Frank Elliott at Can be welded for half. Goods sent and it is gratifying to him to know­ ers. I’ATHE serial picture which in very pfenning to nil w ho by parcel post and express promptly how completely the people snowed E. T. Haltom ........................... $ 15.00 Franklin Fish Market. have been following it, a ntory of great concern dealing M. F. Leach ........................... 15.00 Governor Withycombe appointed returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook, that under at the election. A. F. Coats Lumber Co............ 15.00 with the interenta of the U.S.A. i- E Reedy county livestock inspec- | P. S. Bromby, who represents the F. R. Beals .................................. 1500 Oregon. Pnthe Newt* 4>nwinir the late happening* at home arid or 'or Tillamook county. Blodget Co., came in Saturday to Tillamook County Bank......... 10 00 abroad, r I ho a COMIC COMEDY. Adults, 10< . Children, make arrangements for lire patrol First National Bank . 10.00 this summer. For the infounation of John Plasker ..................... 1... 10.00 our readers, we wish to state that the Ray A Co....................................... 10.00 Blodget Co has nothing whatever to J. S. Lamar ................................. BLUEBIRD FEATURE PICTURE. Watch the screen 10.00 do with having a paid agitator sent Pennington ................. 10.00 for the advance announcement. Adults, 10c. Children," into this county. Mr Bromby believ-rTi)Iamook Rakery ................... 10.00 es that it is no trouble for the timber | Ti||antook Garage ..................... 1000 owners to get along amicably with q Edmunds ......................... 10.00 MIX FEAT I RE PICTURE, featuring George Walsh in the people of this county if some of , H \fa,on & Co........................... 1000 “HIGH FINANCE.” Love in disguise is the theme; ami them would use a little more discre- j c Vogler............................... 10.00 tion and come over here and consult f Clements ....................... love triumphant is the tinaie. A picture of special merit. 10 00 with the business men more often, | Coast Power Co......................... Adults, 15c. Children, 5c. 1000 and get together. J, Hamilton ............................... 1000 Our Declaration of Safety I The First National Bank T illamook C ounty B ank . TILLAMOOK, OREGON. Tillamook Jottings. jhuivi RALPH E. WARREN, Program for the Gem Theatre FRIDAY, JUNE 15th SATURDAY and SUNDAY, JUNE 16-17. MONDAY, JUNE 18th TUESDAY, JUNE 19th WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20th, LAMAR'S VARIETY STORE I.OO.F. BLD., Drop in and book Around THURSDAY, JUNE 21st.