TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. JUNE 7, 1917. OVERWHELING MAJORITIES FOR COUNTY AND STATE BONDS. having a sort of a Kaiser to rule over things that we people of Oregon all them and tell them to toe the line. want and against all kinds of schemes It was the intention of County and combinations detrimental to the Clark Harrison to make the official agriculture of the state. count on Wednesday, and Justices It was the Oregon Farmer, with its Stanley .... J ““ and v* Aujivi Taylor w were s. 1 v oil on iianu hand iv to i w two v otaivi aotuiijjivu sister pupvu, papers, utt. the tt Washington do so, but when the boxes were op-'and Idaho Farmers, that exposed the FRIDAY, JUNE 8th—“ BETTY OF GREY­ ened it was discovereed that the elec-I Northwestern General Trading Co., I STONE” featuring Dorothy Gish and Owen tion board at Wilson, Beaver and causing the indictment and conviction Moore. 5 reel Triangle feature picture. L nion had failed to enclose the tally of four of the company’s officials for “The Bright Lights.” 2 reel comedy with R. another local scrap on the tapis sheets. swindling the farmers of the north­ Arbuckle and Mabel Normand. Adults 15c. west out of several hundred thousand Campaign Committee's Thanks. Children 5c dollars. J Good Roads Advocates Want Certain Timber Land The regular subscription of the SATURDAY and SUNDAY, JUNE 9 1O~- To the Editor of the I illamook I Headlight alone is $1.50 and of the Re-Cruised—Claim that it will Increase “ BRIDGES BURNED.” Metro picture Headlight: | Oregon Farmer is $1.00. You will County Valuation 11,500,000. We wish to express our apprécia- now j,e a],|e to subscribe ior both for featuring Mme. Petrova. “ CROSY’S RES­ tion and thanks to the voters of the the price of the Headlight. CUE.” One reel comedy with Sidney Drew. County Bonds State Bonds various precincfc for the loyal man­ Yes No. Precinct Yes. No ner in^which they rallied to the sup­ MONDAY, JUNE /lift..-Triangle feature film I. O. O. F. Memorial Services 66 ...•••• 44 .... ....... 66 .. .... 41 port of the state and county bond HAYS .......................... in eight parts featuring the popular BILLY hoqvarton ...... 85 ... ... II ___ ....... 83 .... II measures at the election Monday. BURKE, in “ PEGGY.” Adults 15c. The Tillamook Lodge I. O. O. F., 54 ... ... 32 ....... ....... 67 • .... 21 bay ...................... Wc feel that a few of the precincts No. 94, and the Rebekahs will meet 1 Children 5c. TILLAMOOK ........... 57 ... ... 19 ...... ....... 55 .... 8 of the county should be especially on Sunday morning, June loth, at the SANDLAKE ............. 24 ... 17 .............. 23 .. .... 17 mentioned. The magnanimous view Oddfellows Building, from there they TUESDAY, JUNE 12 th- “ PEARL OF THE 130 ... ••• 74 .............. 167 NEHALEM ............... .... 36 taken by the voters of Tillamook will take a conveyance in a body, to ARMY.” Pathe Serial Picture. Pathe News SUNNYMEAD .......... 57 ■ ■ • ... Il ....... City when they voted to place their the Oddfellows cemetery and Single Reel Comedy. Adults 10c. where FAIRVIEW ............... 41 ... ... 66 ....... .... 40 . .... 66 1% million dollars of assessed valu­ memorial exercises will be participat­ Children 5c. 12 ... .... 8 ....... ... IO ..,. . . . 10 ation, which would have otherwise NETARTS ................. ed in. The Committee on arrange­ STILLWELL ........... 5Ò ... ... 12 ....... .... 55 .... 19 have been exempt for any road tax, ments requests that all Oddfellows WEDNESDA Y, JUNE 13th —BLUEBIRD CLOVERDALE ........ 137 ... • •• 4 ....... .... 129 ... ... 6 under the bond issue, shows a faith and Rebekahs be present at the hall Photoplay. See announcement on the screen. NESKOWIN ............. 39 ... ••• 4 ....... .... 40 ... ... 3 in the future of their city and county by 9 o’clock to join in the services at Adults 10c. Children 5c. KILCHIS ................... 33 • ... 16 ....... .... 33 ... ... 16 which is pleasant to reflect upon, the cemetery. The weather conditions 88 ... ... 11 ....... .... 88 The unselfish voters of Maple Leaf of course permitting. In case of dis­ beaver ............... THURSDAY, JUNE 14th~FOX feature Him LONG PRAIRIE .... 10 . .. ... 28 ....... .... 10 ... ...28 precinct, an exclusive farming dis­ agreeable weather the services will be j “BLUE STREAK” featuring- Wm. Nigh UNION ...................... 51 ... .. . 0 ....... .... 47 .. . ... 2 trict who have already a hard surface conducted at the hall and the trip to' and Violet Palmer. This Drama Throbs ROCKAWAY ........... 29 ... 4 ....... .... 28 ... ... 5 road, arc to be congratulated on the the cemetery omitted. with Virirle Western Life. Dont miss this 21 . . . ... 94 ....... .... 81 ... ... 31 splendid vote of 2 to t which they WHEELER ............... One. Adults 15c Children 5c. 60 . . . ... 28 ....... .... 60 ... ...29 put up in favor of the bond issues. HEBO ........................ Dr. Turner, the well known I 92 . . . little nestucca The principle shown in Maple Leaf, eye specialist, of Portland, l6 . . . ... 22 ....... however, was not evident in Fairview will be in Tillamook again Friday and TRASK ........................ GOODSPEED ........... 85 ... ... 31 ....... .... 83 ... ...27 who also have a hard surfaced road, Saturday, June 22 and 23 at Jenkins’ 50 ... . . . 20 ....... .... 50 ... ...19 but our hearts go out in sympathy to Jewelry store. Dr. Turner will make GARIBALDI ............. 20 . . . ••• 35 ....... .... 17 ... ...36 the loyal 41, who, severely handicap­ regular visits to Tillamook every 1 Itti Annual SOUTH PRAIRIE .. MAPLE LEAF ........ 54 ... ••• 27 ....... .... 50 ... ...29 ped though they were by a large part month in future. In Cloverdale, 29 ... .... 28 ... • . 13 of their population being composed Thursday, June 21st, Be sure and call BLAINE ..................... . . . 2 ....... of a selfish, distrustful element, ral­ and let him show you the new double BAY OCEAN ............... 27 ... ••• 24 ....... .... 27 ... ...24 lied to the support of progress to vision glass without the slightest ! FOLEY ........................ 22 61 ... • • • • 57 • • • . . . 21 such an extent that they almost tied lines or seams to catch dirt, strain CARNAHAN ............. AND the vote of the opposition in the pre­ the eyes or come apart. One light WILSON ..................... cinct, which fact indicates that the solid piece of glass that looks like a 678 1568 1496 567 fair name of Fairview bids fair to be single pair, yet answers the purpose redeemed by the fair minded pro­ of two, enabling you to read or do surprise to those who have watched gressive citizens of that locality. Oh! What a surprise! close work, and sec distant objects AT drift 01 public sentiment and It is a fact, worthy of note for fu- perfectly, be sure and see them. Dr. Dougalism got two lovely black 1 the strong resentment against Doug- ture reference, that in the Wheeler Turner makes no charge for consul­ eyes. alism. So if anyone is to blame for precinct, the home of our Reprcscnta- tation or examination. Headaches the county being bonded it is the , tive F. A. Rowe where the wouldbe relieved, cross eyes straightened, I This is what happened to John foolish policy of a few of the timber iron hand of Dougalism .soo.l 1 was provide,] for jn the State bond at 4:00 o’clock p. m. Wednesday forenoon—U. S. His­ and don’l proposed to be interfered valuation on timber. We understand I On Sale June 12, 13, 14, 15. I measure and which could not be pro- tory, Writing (Penmanship), Music, with in their local affairs by a paid that the County Court had this mat­ 1 cured in any feasible way except by Drawing. Return Limit June 18th agitator coming here and advising ter under consideration some time Wednesday afternoon — r’hysiology, bonding the county to raise funds to them how to vote. They have intel­ ago. Reading, Manual Training, Composi ­ ’ prepare the road bed. We can only tion, Domestic Science, Methods in Ask your local agent for information. ligence to know what is best for the I The first serious opposition the attribute such acts to petty jealousy, Reading, Course of Study for Draw­ John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, county. The issues were upon the i good roads advocates met with was narrowness or servility to Dougalism. ing, Methods in Arithmetic. county and State bonding measures, at Wheeler, which opened their eyes Portland, Ore. Thursday forenoon- Arithmetic, Nearly all the southern precincts and although the timber owners did to the situation about the saw mill History of Education, Psychology, showed their interest by voting al- Methods of Geography, Mechanical not appear to oppose the state bond men and loggers being lined up. It |most unanimously for the measures, Drawing, Domestic Art, Course of measure, they were bitterly opposed , was a complete surprise, for several one precinct (Union) when the votes Study for Domestic Art. to the county bond measure, and re­ ■ weeks, previous a delegation from Thursday afternoon—Grammar, Have you bought your Liberty Bonds T were counted was found to be too sorted to some coercion and political Wheeler had come to this city and Geography, Stenography, American per cent pure. Literature, Physics, Typewriting, tricks to bring about its defeat. As participated in the arrangemcent The unstructed support of the news­ Methods in Language, Thesis for Pri­ usual the Fairview Grangers were where the county bond money was to papers and the loyal co-workers, men mary certificate. The following memorandum is is­ ation for war purposes follew, as rounded up and put to work, but be expended. But that did not blight Friday forenoon—Theory and prac­ and women, throughout the county, proposed by the committee and said somehow dissension bobbled up there the ardour of the goodroads advocates sued: tice, Orthography (Spelling). Physi ­ the untiring efforts and timely advice to be sure of being established by for the reason that some of the Fair- | It put more ginger into the fight, not­ cal Geography, English Literature, and 1. — Men between the ages of 21 of F. R. Beals, who seemed to be Chemistry, Physical Culture, viewites seemed to have come to the withstanding the strange somer­ on Congress in extra session: Stamp tax 31 will, after having registered everywhere at the same time, all con­ Friday afternoon—School Law, on proprietary and other articles $51,- conclusion they were being ridiculed sault of some of the Wheeler citizens. tributed to the success of the under­ Geology, Algebra, Civil Government. June 5, 1917, be drafted for the dif- ooo,«xx>. human transportation tax from all parts of the county, especial­ Strange as it may appear to people fcrent branches of the service for the Saturday forenoon— Geometry, taking and made the victory an ex­ $35, 000, 000, freight transportation ly when Orctown and other grangers living outside of Wheeler, that town Botany. National Army only. tremely decisive one. Saturday afternoon—General His- tax, $ 1 00,000,000; soft drinks, mineral went on record in favor of the state went on record with a big vote op- 2. —This draft will take place be­ May our county continue to pros­ for. Bookkeeping. waters and the like, $19,200,000; ex­ and county bond measures. So things posed to providing the money to pre- Sept, tween day of registration and ! G. B. Lamb, per. cise tax on distilled and rectified liq­ did not look as encouraging as it pare _ the road bed to give that city 1 County Superintendent. 1, 1917; and, after a man is once City Campaign Committee. might at Fairview, for without D1C , three hardsurfaced roads leading into drafted by the War Department and uors, $115,ocx),000; cigars, $11,600,000; opposition of the dairymen to the has been advised that he has I been cigarettes, $17,000,000, smoking and Academy Entertainment. measures it was seen that they would | when the campaign closed on Sat- drafted for the National Army, , he chewing tobacco, $17,000,000; snuff, tarry. Something to offset this had urday night in this city, the local will have to enter the National Army $1,500.000; automobiles, $19,500,000; DR. WISE Do not forget that on June 12th, ___ jttecs were perfectly satisfied to be dene. The saw mill men were con)m perfect and cannot enter, join, or volunteer theatre and baseball tickets and tick­ the pupils of St. Alphonsus Academy coerced and others were lined up in 1 t|]at t],c bond measures would carry will present the charming operetta, : for the so called U. S. Regular Army, ets for other amusements, $75,ooo,o«X); Can be Found on opposition to the county measure, and wjt|t gOO(] majorities. They had got ' in which he can choose his branch of musical instruments, $7,000,000. The “A Dream of Fairy-Land,” in two several of our worthy citizens "cre I next to the people and appeared to parts. There are twenty five girls in Monday at TILLAMOOK. ■ service and be under well trained of­ The conscientious reporters who send such information out from Washing­ foolish enough to sign a circular let-_______ what they were talking about, the cast;'all have put forth their best Tuesday at CLOVERDALE. ficers. ter sent out at the last moment, Qthers were not so optimistic about efforts to make this operetta a per­ 3. —Now is the time to enlist and ton add: "These estimates have been Wednesday at TILLAMOOK which caused some reseei.tment. a |an(j s]jde in favor of the bonds. It join the regular army before you are based on a decision by the sub-com­ fect success. Admission 35 and 15 cts. Jillamookcrs soon saw through the | wag the strenuous work of the local ; Thursday at TILLAMOOK compelled to enter the National mittee to make every effort to raise the necessary revenue without resort­ scheme an«l its aeled as a boomerang, I committce, and the women workers, Army. Friday .. at TILLAMOOK. A Generous Offer. ing to any change in the tariff. On even among some of the loggers at | wjth tlie ]jve wires in the south part be a slacker and wait un- 5.— Don’t Saturday at • • . WHEBLER account of the close margin between Nehalem who were taken to the polls i of county, that induced people to til you arc cotnpellcd, but join the an- Headlight is pleased to in autos, for wc are informed quite a , turn out and vote. But for all that I The Democratic and Republican vote I Regulars today. Tomorrow may find I Both Phone». just I nounce a clubbing arrangement ’in the House, neither side wishes Io number voted for the bonds. A glance ¡hardly anyone expected such an over- you drafted and then it will be too Farmer, made with the Oregon open the tariff question.” The answer at the vote at Nehalem and Wheeler ! whelming and pronounced vote in the whereby every subscriber to the late. ¡county for the state and county road is that Americans must pay the extra allowed how mill hands and loggers The above gives each person regis ­ Headlight may also receive the Ore­ had been rounded up to vote against | bonds. With over 800 majority for tered a choice of the service in which $ 1,800,000,000 a year. gon Farmer without extra charge. _____ bonds and over 1OOO 1000 majority 1 the county bonds. Those who favored I county wishes to enter, and those who Any subscriber of the Headlight I rave the wind he bonding put up a clean fight and did for state bonds, Tillamook County wish to join the home company, ap­ Notice. t io pays a year’s subscription at who AND STORM ply to Captain S. S. Johnson, and fo- - o----- B°t resort to personalities, giving di.l itself proud in favor of good $1.50 henceforth will be entitled to I f'Kures and facts to the people to roads, and the people will not be sat­ The stallion Liberal, black Perch­ any other part of the service, to vour in the best wet receive the Oregon Farmer if he will , eron, will be at the Harris birn once think ever and digest before they isfied until there is a hardsurfaced local Postmaster. weather tegs simply express his wish that it be , a week for two days, Friday and Sat­ *cnt to the polls to cast their votes. road from one er.d of the county to sent to him. If your subscription to' ever invented urday, commencing April 21st. the Vine». other. This may not . mean any ad- Although there have more or | IIIL luVV been UVCH lliv. * the Headlight is paid in advance, all ' Americans Must Pay. ik 1 ditional taxation, . 53 sentiment in the Inc county Wu»>y for .«■ bond- ------ ( ---------- for with the coue. . y you need to do is to send in another _ For Sale, six lots in Tillamook City In? for roads, it was doubtful whether (bond money, state aid and t <. g' ar To protect the Democratic tariff for $1,100.00 cash. Call or address $1.50 and your subscription to this * bond measure would have carried 1 road levy, there is no reason why in paper will be credited one year from j • from protection, the Ways and Mrs. C. N. Drew. this county a few years ago. What 1 the next four or five years this road the time to which it is now paid, and s has Means Committee of Congress riped the bond advocates more than 'project cannot be carried through »0 the Oregon Farmer will be started laid out a plan to increase the federal QR J. G. TURNER, *n>thing else wa# thc repeated inter- I completion. , taxes already assessed on incomes, to you at once. PROTECTOR HAT 75* ttfence of the timber owners’ paid 1 The vote in the four precincts 01 corporation activities, articles in gen­ The Oregon Fanner is more than a EYE SPECIALIST. the Nestucca Valley was most sur- Dealers everywhere. *Kttator in purely local affairs. It hone paper; ju^i eral use and the special entertain­ farm paper. It is i priring. which is composed for the PORTLAND Oxir 80 r°" a large number of heavy resi- OREGON to be welcome in ment privileges, to make these pro­ the sort of a pa A J TOWER CO. en' ttt'payers into the bond band i most part of dairymen. The vote any family Circle besides many in- vide the government with extraordi­ Reguliir Monthly Viftiu to *iKon, who were greatly op- shows that 3'9 TO,e<1 ,or co"n,y nary war revenues to the amount of ^»ed to bonding previously, and the bonds and only 9 against. Even Fair- teresting stories a ! features every Tillamook mid Cloverdale. Farm« r devotes $1,800,000,000 a year. Sonic of the im­ Dougalism. ‘^nche that struck Dougalism and. view, the hot bed of Douga hsm. week, the Oregon Farm< considerable space to fighting for the portant items of that tremendous tax- WATCII PAPER EOE DATE». noshowed that it had become tire ®*vc ‘ it l too lovely black eyes, was no Program for the Gem Theatre, Voters Show their Contempt for Timber Owners Paid Agitator. R ose F estival P atriotic C elebration PORTLAND, ORE June 13, 14, 15, 1917 Low Round Trip Fares SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES B . FISH BRAND REFLEX SLICKER