TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JUNE 7, 1917. Misleading Dispatches. The Betrayal of Rumania. Citation. In the County Court of the State of Evidence accumulates as to the foul Oregon, for Tillamook County. A recently published Washington In the matter of the estate of Frank dispatch, says that the war would last betrayal of Rumania by the former Forsblotn, deceased. three years longer and pointing out ' Russian government. To all unknown heirs of Frank A Swiss editor now gives support, Forsblom, deceased, and any and all Germany’s world conquest aims, was altogether foolish and needlessly on what he considers good authority other persons interested in the estate Frank Frosblotn, deceased: disquieting. It made it appear as —and Switzerland is a great center of In said the name of the State of Oregon though Germany’s plan to conquer for Russian news—to the quite cred­ you are hereby cited and required to Europe, to rest its northern arm on ible report circulated at the time that appear in the County Court of the ASPHALT BASE—THE CHOICE OF EXPERTS the North and Baltic seas and its the price for a separate peace for State of Oregon, for the County of Factory experts, and leading coast distributors for all makes of cars, southern arm on the Mediterranean, which Sturmer was negotiating in­ Tillamook, at the court room thereof, testify that Zerolene, correctly refined from California asphalt-base at Tillamook City, in the county of crude, gives perfect lubrication with least carbon deposit. to stretch its power over all western cluded the portion of Rumania—Rus­ Tillamook on the 30th day of June, sia to take Moldavia, while Austria- Asia and thereafter dominate the Less wear and more power because Zerolene keeps its lubricating 1917, at ten o'clock in the forenoon civilized world was something just Hungary was to take Wallachia and of that day, then and there to show body at cylinder heat. Less carbon because,being made from asphalt­ base crude, it bums clean and goes out on exhaust discovered. The truth is that for by some accounts to give part of cause, if any exist, why an order should not be made by the above nearly three years this plan has been Galicia to Russia in exchange. Zerolene is the oil for your car—whatever the make —the oil for named court directing and authoriz­ Why Rumania came in when it did all types of automobile engines. For correct grade get our lubrica­ outlined in every country newspaper ing the administrator of said estate tion chart covering your car in the United States, wise editors was a mystery which some explained to sell at private sale, for cash in At dtsltti everywhere end Standard Service Stetione have been fit to write editorials, as by a German ultimatum. That mani­ hand the real property belonging to said estate, situated in Tillamook the original purpose of Germany at festly was incorrect, but there is a the STANDARD OIL COMPANY County, Oregon, and more particular­ (CALIFORNIA* the beginning of the war. No one is reason to think that instead of an ult­ ly described as follows, to-wit: in a position to know, but that does imatum Germany used guile. When All the right, title, estate and in­ not prevent anyone from making the Hindenburg was ready Russia coerc­ terest acquired by Frank Forsblom ed Rumania into the war, promising in the tract of land of about 6t-too of assertion with all positiveness. an acre, in Sec. 22, Tp. I N., R. to W. That dispatch was written by some aid which it was not meant to give, of W. M., as well as any and all other the intention being to sell out Ru ­ wise ass who wanted to show his rights acquired, under and by virtue great, if sadly belated wisdom. It mania along with the allies and to of that certain bond for deed execut­ ed by Andrew Peterson in favor of was on a par with that other despatch make the Sereth the new boundary. If this is the truth, and it unques­ said Frank Forsblom, dated Dec. 8, of a week previous, stating that Mr. 1914, and recorded at page 288 of Edison had perfected a plan to ex- tionably fits the facts most remark­ Book “30” of the records of deeds of ably, it uncovers one of the vilest Tillamook County, Oregon, and also 1 tract the teeth from the submarine. will put . an . .... of history, . , which , , , described in the Iract Book of the The war may continue three years; crimes H.O. H ahhison C o . Assessor of Tillamook Coun- - - the | . County ---------- its continuance depends upon how indelible stain on the last . days - of czardom. Not even the portion of | ty Oregon, at pages — 23 ------- and - 24 -• *• thereof ----- » D18TR1MUTOR8 long the weakest party can hold out Tracts Nos. 44 and 45. . H. WALLINGFORD KIGHGHADK MOTOH was quite so mean a treach- as Witness, Poland before being compelled by lack of the Hon. A. M. Hare, Gentlemeni CAA. IORIZED FORD AGENCY Judge of the County Court of the men, money or supplies to submit to ery. State of Oregon for Tillamook Coun­ - ORCCON AUTH' the terms of the strongest side. Any­ ty, with the seal of said Court affixed •owruA''*0 When the War’s Going to End. one who reads can see that and the °* Hua the 16th day of May, 1917. Oentl«'r#n' use alarming dispatches from Washing­ Absolute knowledge have I none, Erwin Harrison County Clerk. .o ar* our experience ., "° “ '"« By Kathleen Mills, Deputy. Zeroleno light In wo Ford •*<_. ton, predicting all sorts of dire ca­ But my aunt’s washerwomen’s son »bio to oay that hovo secured * iubri For uniformly ootlofactory results lamities and possibilities should be Heard a policeman on his beat Oii * Tom stopped.—Seaside Signal. Summons. Know Say to a laborer on the street this oil. »ttempt- to «l*03 That he had a letter just last week n°- or. they F°_rLaii th.t xt P’rreot In the Circuit Court of the State of ’""to* th’ 40 °’rYlcb America's High Duty. Written in the finest Greek Oregon for Tillamook County. ’r*°«on From a Chinese coolie in Timbuctoo Mortgage Company for Amer­ (By John Sharp Williams, United Who said the niggers in Cuba knew ica, a corporation, Plaintiff. vs. tirlo.tU’“’ States Senator from Mississippi.) Of a colored man in a Texas town truly ? ou Ver? W. Crane, Bertha Grace The United States has entered up­ Who got it straight from a circus Frank Crane, J. G. Balmer, Jane on the great world conflict, which is clown Roe Balmer, Ernest C. to decide whether Democracy shall That a man in Klondike heard the Crown, Emma A. Crown, E. J. McHugh, Lizzie McHugh, have a safe place on the sun on earth, news or not. There is hardly any duty From a gang of South American jews F. R. Beals and Mary Doe Beals, Defendants. higher than that which ought to ac­ About somebody in Borneo To Ernest C. Crown and Emma A. tuate each citizen to help furnish a Who heard of a dame who claimed to Crown: know In the name of the State of Oregon, part of the money which will be nec­ Of a mining guy that made a stake y°u are hereby required to appear essary for that purpose. an<^. answer . 1 ‘e 'L It is true that a man may be able to Whose mother-in-law will undertake against you in the above entitled suit lend his money out at 6, or 7, or 8, lo prove that her husbands sisters within sjx weeks frora the date of the niece first publication of this summons, and in some places even 10 per cent, that being the time fixed in the order but he might well forego for the Has stated in a printed piece she has a son who has a friend f°r. Publication of summons within space of two or three years the high­ That .... , . , which you shall so appear and ans- er rate of interest while he invested W ho knows when the war is going to wer said compiaint> the said first day Mrs. Gus Griffith, of end.—Ex. of publication being the 17th day of in 3'/i per cent bonds of the United Everton, Mo., writes: “I May, 1917, and if you fail to so appear States. His principal would be safe. suffered for three years and answer said complaint for want The Bow-Legged Girl. The bonds are exempt from taxation with various female thereof the plaintiff will apply to the o troubles. My life was a except the inheritance tax, and ex­ for the relief demanded in said A Wyoming exchange will have a Court misery. I was not able changeable for later bonds of a high­ liable suit on hand for indulging in complaint, to-wit: For a judgment to do anything ... bear­ er rate of interest if the United the following description of tbe pres­ against the defendants, Frank W. ing down pains in my Crane and Bertha Grace Crane, in back and limos, and head­ States later during this war issues ent day girl. The short skirt, cut shoe the sum of $3,570.68, with interest ache ... weak and nerv­ top high, has served to bring to light such, and are specifically freed from thereon at 8 per cent per annum from ous. Dr. ----- recom­ the vast number of bow-legged girls any war tax that may be levied. mended Cardui to me.” that we are growing in this land of and after April 1, 1917, and for the Our men cannot go to France or the free and the home of the brave, further sutn of $350.00 attorney’s fees, TAKE Belgium in any considerable numbers it seems to have been raining bow- with interest thereon at 8 per cent per annum, and for its costs and dis­ for a year. The Government's money legged girls in this country for the bursements herein, and for a decree past twenty years. Girls who have received from the subscriptions to hitherto lived straight laced and foreclosing that certain mortgage on bonds may get there by wire, the straight legged suddenly, in the short the East half of the East Half of the credit based upon it may, which skirt style, appear like walking Southwest Quarter, and the West Half of the West Half of the South­ is the same thing, and, after parenthesis. Men know now what east Quarter of Section 35 in Town­ are marrying and 1 sometimes getting there takes the form of cloth­ they believe they are buying less for their ship 2 North of Range 10 West of the ing and food, munitions, rifles and promise to “love, honor and obey”, Willamette Meridian, less one acre "When I was on the cannons, and may help our allies to than any other men have bought sold to Fred Kabkee by deed dated sixth bottle”, site contin­ February 28, 1913, and recorded in win. Next to the imindiate duty of since Adam. This craze for physical Book ues, “1 began feeling like Y at page 271 thereof of the valuation as a part of the rate-making a new woman ... I am chasing submarines and sinking them seems to have followed the women Records of Deeds for Tillamook now a well woman .. . wherever they can be found, thereby when they made their sortie into our County, Oregon: which said mort­ I know my cure is per­ gage was executed October I, 1913. reopening the avenues overseas for politics. manent for it has been and recorded December 10, 1913, in three years since I took tin world's commerce, there is noth­ Book Y of Mortgages of Tillamook Cardui.” Thousands of Our representatives in Washington County ing that can do as much good as at Page 75 thereof; and for women, now strong and lending the government your money. are ready to place billions of money the sale of the said mortgaged prem­ healthy, who once sut- fered trom women's ail­ And even in that respect the man at the disposal of the president and ises to satisfy said judgment, and for ments, give Card-u-l the who subscribes to a bond, putting his official subordinates when it is a decree foreclosing you and each of credit tor their good you of all right, title, interest and v. hat ready money he can into it, has know w hat the mony is for, how it equity of redemption in and to said health. Try it, for your troubles. is to be spent, by whom, and that the satisfaction ot knowing that his mortgaged premises, and every part AH Druggists money has helped build a destroyer, it is necessary. We have yet to find thereof; and for such other relief as to or buy an armed yacht, which in its anybody in Oregon with money who the Court shall seem just. summons is published by or­ is unwilling to do his full share. Tax­ der 7 his turn has destroyed a submarine. of the Honorable Geo. R. Bagley, The American people are not a ation, however great, will be borne in-1 j ,tfe fl”5 above entitled Court, money loving people in the sense that willingly, provided the taxation L is , i, ma(li and entered the 10th day Summ°ns. the miser is. Their money getting necessary and equitable as between i of May, 1917. Snow. Bronaugh & Thomp­ In the Circuit Court of the State of takes more the form of a game, which man and man, business and business, I son, MacCormac Snow. Oregon for Tillamook County. is enjoyed because of its skill and the section and section, This is no time Attorneys for Plaintiff, \ erna L. Mast. Plaintiff. clash of wits, and their love of the to tax the manufacturer and to levy l ast publication June 28, 1917. vs. possession of money is based more no tax on cotton growers and wheat Reuben H. Mast, Jr. Defendant. To Ruben H. Mast, Jr., above nam­ upon the use to which the money can raiser. This is no time to levy taxa­ Notice of Hearing Administrator’» ed Defendant. be put in elevating themselves and tion dependent upon residence north 1 Final Account. In the name of the State of Oregon their children and their neighl hors or ' south of the Mason and Dixon line _ ____ R*-*-•■, •••-» —• 1 you are hereby required to appear and Notice is Administrator hereby given, de that the non un- bonis answer the complaint filed against and the community in which they live If there is to be conscription, it must dersigned ’ --- UC MV1HB l,w*l < you in the above entitled suit and than upon the money itself, or the be ’ without unjust discrimination. of the estate of C. B. Hadley, deceas­ court on or before the last day of the reputation of having it. Nor must there be unjust discrimina- ed, has filed in the County Court for time prescribed in the order lor tl.e tion in i taxation—Umpqua We are the wealthiest people in publication of this summons, and it Valley Tillamook County his final account, and said court has fixed Monday, . . News. : you fail to so answer for want there­ world; this wealth ought now July 2, 1917, at ten a.m. of said date of plaintiff will apply to the *.o.-rt for serve the country. It will be a shame­ as the time and the office of the ’ the relief prayed for in the complaint, ful thing that those who are not fit Bowel Complaints in India. County Judge for said county as the to-wit: For a decree forever dissolv­ place for the hearing of said final ac­ ing the bonds of matrimony now ex­ for military service should allow In a lecture at one« of the Des count. isting between plaintiff and defendant those who are fit to go to the front Moines, Iowa, churches a missionary _ and that plaintiff have the custodi and be maimed and mangled, and fro*.’ ' '’"-* *ol