TILLAMOOK Mat the Editors Say. judging from the inside working of the German spies which have came to light *n the ,ast icw days il tfight be well to look around at home and take an inventory. You can never tell where one of these fellows is apt to light. They’re mighty clever in their mission.—Umpqua Valley NeWs. W.th the war. This was made clear by President Wilson’» proclamation and the events of the months which preceded it. When the United States entered the war it was with the clear purpose of enforcing the rights of hu­ manity and the issue was clear cut as between democracy and the autocra­ cy of the central powers. It was made clear that if liberty is to prevail the power of one man to affect the desti­ ny and welfare of the world must be eliminated, and the United Statees is in the war for that purpose only. The old issues and commercial rivalries or the warring nations have nothing to do with it, but if England is making common cause with us to enforce what we have set out to do, so much the better for us and for her also. Excuses of this kind for divided loy­ alty have not a leg to stand upon.— Independent. HEADLIGHT, JUNE 7, Summons. -- -Q - In the Circuit Court of the State of ,!rvSou f°r County of Tillamook. -M. Sue Henderson, Plaintiff vs. H- E. Carr and Alice Carr, 1 illainook F eed Company, X Lydia S. Morgan, and the Lehman & Clough Company and \\. H. Wilson. -r 1» „ .. . Defendants Io W. H. Wilson, defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer a complaint filed against I i you in the above entitled suit within i six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons that be­ ing the time fixed in the order for publication of summons within which you shall so appear and answer said complaint, the said first day of pub­ lication being the 24th day of May, . 19*7. and if you fail so to appear and answer said complaint, for want 1 thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint, to-wity For a judgment against the de­ fendants H. E. Carr and Alice Carr in the sum of $300.00, with interest thereon at ten per cent per annum from and after August ¿3rd, 1916, and ' for the further sum of $18.87 taxes paid by the plaintiff herein, and for the further sum of $50.00 attorney’s fees, and for her costs and disburse­ ment* herein, and for a decree fore­ closing that certain mortgage on the following described premises, situat­ ed in Tillamook County’, Oregon, to- wit: Beginning at a point 163'4 feet west of the southwest corner of Block Number 5, in the town of Lincoln, now within the corporate limits of 1 illamook City, Oregon, and running thence north ¿10 feet; thence west 46 feet for the initial point of the land intended to be conveyed herein; thence west 57-5 feet; thence south 52.5 feet; thence east 57.5 feet; thence north 52.5 feet to the initial point herein mentioned, and being the same property conveyed to H. E. Carr and Alice Carr, his wife, by E. N. Morgan and Lydia Morgan, his wife, by deed dated June ¿9, 1915, and recorded July 17th, 1915, in deed records of Tillamook County, at pages 376 and 377. i" Book 31; which said mortgage was executed August 23, 1915, and recorded in book Z at page 142 of Mortgages of Tillamook County, in favor of Alex Vlahos, and thereafter assigned by said Alex Vlahos to John Leland Henderson, trustee, by assignment recorded in said registry in Book 2, pages 387 and 388, and thereafter assigned by said John Leland Henderson, trustee, to the plaintiff herein, by assignment re­ corded in said registry, Book 2, pages 507 and 508; and for the sale of said mortgaged premises to satisfy said judgment and for a decree foreclos­ ing you of all right, title, interest and equity of redemption in and to said mortgaged premises and every part thereof, and for such other relief as to the Court shall seem just. This summons is published by order of the Hon. A. M. Hare, County Judge, made and entered the ¿3rd day of May, 1917. Last publication July 5th, 1917. John Lelend Henderson, Attorney for Plaintiff. ELAND E ERWIN J PIANO INSTRUCTION, HARRIS-AMiVxiiR FURNITURE COMPANY Diploma from Chicago Musical College.— Beginners receive the same careful training as the most advanced. Terms:—$4.00 per months Instruc­ tion. All lessons given at Studio. County Representative for the Wiley B. Allen Co.s’ line of high grade pianos, player-pianos, Victrolos etc. announce the arrival of their new SPRING STOCK! There will always be those who will think in the case of Harry Lane, as so many do in that of Horace Greeley, that disappointment over the chang­ ed attitude toward him of a public with which he had believed himself popular caused the nervous i break- his life. down which ended h !- ,:/ - —Oregon OF Register. ----- o----- America must guard all her proper­ ty against destruction by German spies, which are numerous in this Home Trained Citizens. country. They are a desperate gang -----o----- and through sympathy get informa­ To build a home, with love as archi­ Make your selections early while our tect. tion from people who are not true- stock is complete. blue Americans. Let every American Is one of those God given gifts that we be true to his trust and watch.— Banks Herald. At times are given, that men may erect The mother who “didn’t raise her On earth a model of Heaven above; boy to be soldier” seems to forget For wood and stone themselves can the fact that the liberties she enjoys nothing be were secured for her by other moth­ Till placed togethehr by hands of ers who did raise their boys to be sol­ love. diers. The mother who gives her son And then we hear from the celes­ now, to render his service and risk of tial dome: life, may be giving him to prevent her Ye have done well, for ye have built daughter, or her daughter's daughter, a home from the fate of the daughters of Eu­ And comfort, beauty and protection rope. Remember Belgium. We do not give want that fate to overtake us.—Tele­ To all those little ones who come to phone Register. live ----- o----- On earth, and grow and love and still The Missouri equal suffragists will again urge upon congress as a war-time The world replenish with its mead of measure the adoption of a suffrage man.” amendment to the national constitu­ The above beautiful thought of tion. If congress refuses, they will home calls to mind that each head of WITH > W resort to other measures which they a family has an obligation to fulfill, a will make sufficiently warlike to im­ duty imposed by the Diety which, if press congress that there is no peace the flame of love burns brightly, will in sight. Woman suffrage may come be a pleasure to perforin—building a as an outgrowth of the war, but it is home giving comfort, beauty and to be seriously questioned whether protection to his family. this nation should take on its should­ Here is the place where characters ers issues that engender strife and are formed; where the essentials divert attention from the real busi­ of citizenship are instilled into the ness in hand—the prosecution of the minds and hearts of the children; No coal, wood or ashes to lug. No waiting for war to a successful issue. Woman where they should be taught to look the fire to burn up. suffrage is destined to come about for the beautiful and pure things of Meals in a jiffy and a cool kitchen all the time. the same time that nations agree to life. Bakes, broils, roasts, toasts. Better cooking be­ cause of the steady, evenly-distributed heat. establish a firm basis of international "A home first” should be the mot­ More convenient than a wood or coal stove for peace, and the women will be on to for every family in our city. Some all the year 'round cooking, and more econom­ hand to help enforce observance.— of us are prone to slight our duty. We ical. Telephone Register. The long blue chimneys prevent all smoke and are engrossed in commercial pursuits Smell. In I. 2. 3 and 4 burner irises, with ----- 0----- or without ovens. Also cabinet There is going to be no escape for to the detriment of our family obli­ models. Ask your dealer today. gations. We mean well, but are “mamma’s boys” from being drafted, if Uncle Sam’s plans are carried out. thoughtless. Others set up as their No favoritism is to be shown. No purpose of life "having a good time,” I political or other pull is to be allow­ and devote all their time and energy ed to prevent any able-bodied young to that end, growing narrower in THAT KNIFE-LIKE PAIN. man between the ages of 21 and 30 their vision, having the wrong con­ Scott Is Only One of Nature’s Warnings °f from being called to his country’s ception of life’s duties.—Mt. Weak or Disordered Kidneys. service, if he is needed. Rich and poor Herald. FOR SALE BY Have you lame back, aching day and alike are to be made to enter the night? Do you feel sharp pains after Flag and the Tariff. ALEX. M c NATR & co. stooping? Are the kidneys sore? Is army and fight for his country, which their action irregular? Use Doan ’ s KING CRENSHAW CO. is as it should be. Predictions are A writer on the Philadelphia Public Kidney Pills—the medicine that is freely being made that this war will recommended by so many people in last from three to five years and that Ledger learned from the owners of a this locality. Read this Hillsboro res­ before it is over al) able-bodied men worsted mill in Jamestown that the ident's experience. Mrs. A. R. England, 728 W. Oak will be called to the colons. Anyway, American flag raised over the mill St., Hillsboro, Ore., says: "Two years the government is proceeding exactly was ago I had such a bad attack of lum­ Made from American sheep. as if the war is to be a long drawn bago that I wasn’t able to g.t up or Carded by an Italian. out matter and it would be well for down stairs. When 1 sat down on a Spun by a Swed?. chair, 1 could hardly straighten up. everyone to lay aside optimism over Sharp pains, like a knife sticking me Warped by a German. it being a mere deviation from the in my back, nearly killed me at times. Dressed by an Englishman. ordinary course of things.—Itemizer. I could hardly drag myself around, as Drawn by a Scotchman. 1 felt so completely played out. 1 had ---- ~o----- Woven by a Belgian. taken only a few doses of Doan s The cost of living is becoming in­ Kidney Pills when my back com­ Supervised by a Frenchman. tolerable. Upon the flimsiest kind of menced to feel stronger. I had used Inspected by an American. an excuse prices of food stuffs are only one box when I was able to get Scoured by an Albanian. about as well as ever. Since then I raised, and if no other excuse can be have never had any trouble with my Dyed by a Turk. found they are boosted on gene al back or kidneys.” , Examined by an Irishman. principles. Millions of people who arc Price 50c. at all dealers. Don t Pressed by a Pole. dependent upon their daily labor find simply ask for a kidney remedy—get What attracted those various races Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that it almost impossible to keep soul and body together. In hundreds of thou­ to our shores? The prospect of higher Mrs. England had, Foster-Milburn sands of cases their vitili y is slip­ wages than they received at home. Co., Props., Buffa'a. N. Y. ping away solely from lack of suffi- What made those higher wages and Call For Bids for Bonds and Con­ TIIJ,AM(X)K, O^E. cient nourishment. Yet in the very better standard of living possible? struction Work face of this the insatiable food spec- The Republican policy of protection ulators and profit grabbers arc turn- to home industries. Such a policy re­ The Big Nestucca Drainage District >ng the screws tighter every day. sulted in these men working shoulder will receive bids for the construction There appears to be but one way in to shoulder for the betterment of of ditches according to its plans of which this sucking of the blood of themselves and the development of reclamation up to io o clock a.m., humanity can be stopper, and that is this nation. Is that not to be preferr­ June ¿3rd, 19*7, and will also receive for the government to take prompt ed to the Democratic policy which bids for the sale of $«00000 of its setion and fix a maximum price at would boost foreign competition to a bonds to be issued for paying expen­ which every article of food is to be point destructive of domestic indus­ ses of construction, up to the same •old, and in fixing the maximum the tries? Is it not better to have these time. price should be first scheduled down men working for us than to have A certified check for five per cent to normal. The fact that a scarcity their products qorking against us: of the amount of each bid is required of food stuffs exists should not be ac­ The flag and protection stand for to insure that successful bidder will cepted as an excuse for allowing the united action. take and pay for bonds or enter into Present prices to prevail.—Seaside contract with approved bond for do­ Signal. ing the work awarded. Bids will be opened at Tillamook, Oregon, on the ----- o----- date mentioned, and may be sent in There is still pro-Germans in care of H. T. Botts, attorney for the Washington county and it is evident district, at that place. Bids for con­ that they are so obsessed with the struction may be made for separate ■dea which is slowly drawing the em­ sections of the work. Right reserved pire to ruin that they are unable tc to reject any or all bids. Notice to Creditors. Creditor*. persons having claims against the view the war in the correct perspec­ W. H. Hudson, Sec. said estate to present the same, duly tive. As an illustration, one explain- Cloverdale Ore. 1 1 Notice is hereby given that the un­ verified, to the undersigned within ed the other day that as between the dersigned, by an order duly made and six months from this date. Vnited States and Germany there To The Public. Dated this May 5th, 1917. could be no question of his loyalty, “I have been using Chamberlain's entered in the County Court of the Effie Jenson, Administra- but the alliance, or the fact that we Tablets for indigestion for the past State of Oregon, for Tillamook Coun­ six months, and it affords me pleas­ ty, has been appointed Administratrix trix of the Estate of Har­ have made common cause with Eng­ ure to say I have never used a remedy of the Estate of Harry Sappington, , land, was the stumbling block. ry Sappington, deceased. that did me so much good.”—Mrs. C. Post office address, Hebo, Strangely enough he is unable to see , E Riley. I Ilion. N. Y. Chambeedlain s deceased. Oregon. Notice is hereby further given to all I •hat the accident of making common l Tablets for sale by Lamar’s Drug Store. cause with England ha* nothing to do I p) AVID ROBINSON. M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON NATIONAL BUILDING, TILLAMOOK Rugs, Linoleum, Ranges, Furniture, Beds, Mattresses. OREGON T. Buns ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Complete Set of Abstract. Butka in Office. Taxes Paid for Non-Reaident*. T illamook B lock , Tillamook .... Oregon Both Phones. T. BOALS, M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon S. P. Co. (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) Tillamook .... Oregon T^^EBSTER HOLMES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW COMMERCIAL BUILDING, FIRST STREET: ,_p H. OREGON - TILLAMOOK, GOYNK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office: OFPoaiTK C oukt H ovse , Tji PEARL? Tillamook eSL OIL Jb Oregon. J^R. JACK OLSEN, LESS WORK DENTIST. (I. O. O. F Bldg.) Tillamook - Oregon J2)R. L. L. HOY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , Tillamook, Oregon. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON NEW PERFECTION OIL COOW JVE ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT-LAW T illamook B lock , Tillamook - - - • Otegori. ROOM NO. 2ttl. QARL HABERI. a CH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. T illamook Block The Potatoe King cf Wash­ ington will not permit plant- ing his Potatoes before they have been properly treated with Bichloride of Mercury Directions for use at Tilla mook Oreg-on C. HAWK. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Bay City J Oregon E. REEDY, D.V M., VETERINARY. Both Phone*. C. I. CLOUGH CO Tillamook • . * Oregon. H. T. Bott«, Preu , Attorney at La w. John Leland Hetideraon, Sec­ retary Treau., Attoruey-at- I.aw and Notrary Public. Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. free : free :: freeim Law, Abstract*. Real Fiatate, I ne u rance. Both Phone«. With every Pound Can of Royal Club Coffee, one can of Pepper Mustard or Ginger FREE. See our window display RAY & CO TILLAMOOK—ORKOON. Ï Have Your House Wiring Done by * ------------- ' ! Coast poWerCo. DONE RIGHT at RIGHT PRICES.