TILLAMOOK H. T. Botts, H. H. Rosenberg, Judge ADVERTISING RATES. Hare and the editor here in Tilla­ Legal Advertisements. First Insertion per line ........... $ .10 mook, who obtained the support of Each subsequent insertion, line. •05 members from other counties, the amendment was carried and is now a Business and Professional cards one month.................................. too part of the state bonding bill, with Locals per line each insertion... 05 this provision, that hardsurfacing is Display advertisements, an inch to be done immediately. This goes to and Lodge Notices, per line . 05 prove that this city had no selfish All Resolutions of Condolence motive, but a desire to help out the one month................................. •50 i south part of the county, and we are glad to know how thoroughly the people there appreciate what was THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. done for their benefit, as well as a F. C. BAKER, Publisher. great saving to the county. SEVEN HUNDRED AND SIXTEEN REGISTER Hays. P. D. E. Stinbach, N. Hiner, F. B. DeVroy, R. Pesterfield, C. O. Daw­ A Few More Days Allowed to Slack­ »Sill, son, J. Hiner, j. J. Weston, ------------ , , J. L. Stein- ers to Register. back, A. Byers, E. L. Taylor, R. VV Bennett, L. E. Dick, O. F. Lucas, C. On Tuesday the registration of all B. Stanley, G. J. Peterson, H. Harris, male persons between the ages of 21 B. E. Thayer, A. Apsley, G. P. Wins­ and 30 took place in the different low, L. A. Burke, P. L. Himes, L. voting precincts, when 716 were reg­ Reed, P. Williams, A. G. Johnson, E. istered. Sheriff Campbell has re­ L. Hopkins, A. T. Dolan, R. O. ceived instructions from the govern­ Leonard, O. C. Deeter, W. J. Riech­ ment officials to giv ■ slackers a few- ers, E. E. Koch, R. Grate, E. M. Con- more days to register, and those who dit. do not do so in that time will be ar­ Hebo. rested. We give below the names of R. H. Getchell, L. J. Edwards, V. It will be remembered that some of those who registered on Tuesday. M. Kellow, F. D. Nelson, E. H. the timber men endeavored to deprive Persons totally disabled, 5; depend­ Cross, C. E. Emery, R. A. Cooper, Bayocean of a road and a way out. ent relatives indicated, 367; occupa- L. C. Getchell, W. VV. Yates, C. s. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to I They simply delayed the project, that tional exemptions indicated, 28; in- Coleman, O. F. Lane, -, F. E. Cross, C. have a jollification meeting and burn was all. The road is going to be built, dicating no exemptions, 235. H, Waight, N. N. Kirby, L. E. Han- Dougal-Dougally-Doism in effigy. Bay. s. Dahl, C. Bossinger, A. give away, and the circular is worth be .111 honest, fair and square .cruise C. Browning, E. Scheese, J. N. Borba, .■i.ckett, H. VV. Hopkins, V. Donald- n, H. Landolt, G. F. Hackett, A. keeping for future reference to prove of tin timber in the comity, which is H. Smith, L. G. Shannon, J. Alten- i et tier, J. Baumgartner, A. J. War- that there must have been some coer­ brought about by the activities of berger, E. R. W’oods, E. Kostic, G. cion to bring about such a combina­ sonic of the timber owners attempt­ Grossman, C. Erdt, J. H. Magarrell. nor. Carnahan. Maple Leaf. tion. ing to retard the development of the J. Zurflueh, jr., A. S. Gilmore, L. R. Larson, O. A. Olson, C. C. Ma- ----- o----- county. There is no disputing the fact Governor Withyconibe, in appoint­ that some of the timber is under W oods, A. R. Stornier, H. B. Moore, kinster, G. W. Hoskins, L. O. Ander­ ing Charles L. McNary, of Salem, to cruised and not paying a fair propor­ I VV. W. Turner, A. Walker, V. S. em, B. Hanson, G. C. Swabb, F. B. succeed the late United Senator Har­ tion of taxation, while other sections Brown, C. E. Norberg, N. A. Chris­ Culberson, E. C. Wilson, G. E. Bo- ry Lane, may have made a good of timber is fully cruised and prob- j teisen, B. E. Turner, V. V ogt, C. A. «quist, T. E. Price, J. W. W illiams, L. choice, but a kind of icy chill went ably in some instances with excessive Yyster, F. J. Mills, F. Brown, A. L. H. Lucas, C. E. Swenson, J. W. Erickson, G. A. Hare, E. F. Gollon, over a good many staunch Republi­ amounts. This is common knowledge Brown. Cloverdale. A. L. Smith, H. Heisei, H. Norberg, cans, for there appears to be a senti­ by,those who are in a position to VV. Franklin, H. M. Shearer, O. E. C. McKinster. ment that McNary was too close to know, and who claim that if an hon­ Nehalem. the West administration, which is go­ est, fair and square, cruise was made, Mattoon, A. Wade, C. J. Worthing­ G. F. Golbel, H. Klug, H. Reust, M. ing to actas a boomerang when he it would add many thousand dollars ton, E. J. Paul, O. B. Wilson, G. H. asks Republicans to nominate him at to the revenue of the county and Ethell, J. E. Gist, C. A. Hushbeck, G. Raicies, V. Vulcto, T. Rogosich, E. the next primary election. would build many miles of hard sur­ Wilt, J. P. Mattoon, A. L. Learned, Golsc, J. Sandich, B. Beovich, A. B. faced roads. VV e will refer briefly to P. J. Jenck, G. D. Wells, G. D. Sand­ Miskovich, F. Reust, P. Perak, P. The four voting precincts in the the county cruise. The records show ers, H. E. Brooten, J. A. Jenck, W. Golovac, E. Psulse, M. Zanich, S. Little Nestucca Valley gave a re­ that in a large number of sections R. Lawrence, A. M. Jenck, W. A. Boravac, M. Marijanovisch, W. R. markably vote for the county bond­ certain percentage should be added Gage, D. M. Brooten, S. Moon, M. Parker, A. E. Schollbyer, H. E. Ober, ing—319 for and 9 against. This is in to the cruise, but this was never done. Schuler. V. Hansen, C. W. Witcher, F. I. Fairview. a district where onethird of Tillamook The only way to ascertain whether Avoid, W. W. Davis, M. Fabijanich, cheese is manufactured, and goes to this percentage should be added is to E. P. Jeffrey, R. O. Wilson, G. VV W. N. Downs, C. E. Allen, C. H. prove that dairymen, who are level recruise those sections and if the per Dürrer, H. F. Ott, F. Wyss, J. Scum­ Judge, VV. A. Snyder, T. M. Berns, headed and don't allow prejudices to ventage should not lie added it is ming, A. Donaldson, LI. H. Neiger, J. Rudakowich, A. Pernar, C. o. sway them, arc almost unanimous for only fair to the timber owners that N. A. Wagoner, I. R. Wolfe, B. W. Davis, R. V. Thompson, V. Cavaya, hardsurfaced roads. Well done, Little this percentage lie stricken from the Neilson, J. A. Neilson, P. Wyss, W. O. E. Effenbcrger, L. W. Travis, R. Nestucca Valley, you know a good county cruise. There is a whole lot of Wilks, M. Blazer, J. E. Lucas, I. R. Hoover, A. D. Thompson, R. E. My­ thing when you see it and the snap timber in the county that is under Donaldson, F. D. Shaw, H. H. Han- ers, F. C. Wollett, P. E. Allen, J. Mc­ shot man commends you on your cruised, and as no one can deny that, enkrat, H. Garland, R. Bernet, W. G. Guire, K. McDonald, S. di Stefano,, good judgment and good horse sense. the proper thing to do is to have a Grunian,, B. A. White, T. B. Hyder, M. D. Scovrii, L. L. Kuper, Leo ----- o honest, fair anil square cruise. This S. Rolcy, H. H. Hogen, O. D. White, Batzer, H. VV. Tubbesing, S. O. With this issue the Tillamook need not entail a large amount of J. A. Dürrer, C. Wyss, B. A. Folks, Blanchard, H. Scovell, B. E. Scovell Headlight enters upon its jot h birth- money right away, but with a half a L. G. Seifer, J. Kunzi, R. R. Stillwell, E. C. Scovell, A. R. Tohl, A. W. day, which is the pioneer newspaper 'dozen cruisers sent to different sec­ G. W. Olson, P. J. Jacob, L. D. Anderson, J. Josi, L. di Stifano, W. of Tillamook county. In that brief tions of timber it would soon be as­ Rush, E. E. Tinncritet, X. Fossbind, C. Christensen, E. Schollmeyer, A. B. time many important changes have certained that sonic of the timber O. K. Tittle, E. H. Zurflueh, J. Zwald, Berns, J. J. Kuper, W. F. Thompson, taken place in Tillamook City and owners were not paying their just G. A. Betchart, F. H. Rush, A. G. T. Bash, A. J. Effenbcrger, J. A. county, for when the Headlight proportion of taxation. Let the next Zwald. Hansen, O. F. Knight, H. L. Alley, made its debut the population was budget contain an item of $25,000 to Foley. C. C. Robitsch, G. C. Summers,, A. sparce, with manufacturing and agri­ recruise the timber where the per­ S. Farias, J. Stanich. J. Plecon, G. Josi, P. M. Holt, W. R. Walker, Carl cultural industries small and insigni­ ventage have not been added. This Sodes,, A. l.aglcr, L. Gusetis, P. Plitzkaw, W. G. Smith, H. W. Wyld, ficant. It is now the greatest cheese alone will add $1,500.000 worth of Suklis, J. Sodcr, A. Ticcngren, E. A. O. J. Stasek, P. L. Kuppenbender, J producing county in the state, with property to be assessed if the pcr- Kebbe, S. R. Vcrmilyea, F. Lagler, J. Leslie. S. Walker, C. A. Easoni, F. M. Jeffers the prospect of becoming a great ventage should bc added. Neskowin. lumber center in the near future. The budget contain aft item of $25,000 for P. Papadopulos, R. Barker, A. Mar- E. O. Winzert, L. F. Affolter, E. D. off, E. D. Titnlinson, A. D. Lommcn, Edmunds, A. F. Bauer, A. N. Sheets, Headlight has always taken an active this purpose. E. A. Fogy, O. Parker, W . N. Husle, O. E. Taggart, E. Neuenschwander, part in the development of the county F. H. Kebbe, F. J. Biggs, E. M W. C. Commons, J. C. Trent, P. C. and for the past 19 years the present Notice to Contractors. Clark, F. A. Emery, L. H. Krake, H Meyer, M. O. Boyer, F. E. Moore, editor has devoted his energies to ----- o promoting the development of the Notice is hereby given that the W. Thomas, C. E. Stephens, F. F. A. Scherzinger, C. A. Bauer, J. A. city and county. True it is we have County Court of Tillamook County, Hediger, A. L. McCarty. Affolter, J. V. Sutten, W. Affolter, A. Garibaldi. met with some disappointment, on ac­ Oregon, will receive sealed proposals C. Tatro. for construction of Blaine Bridge J. R. Ford, E. Marshall, R. H. count of lack of interest and indiffer­ No. o, according to plans and speci­ Netarts. ence of our citizens, but for all that, fications on file in the office of the Tyson, W. J. Mann, H. 1. Sheldon, J. J. Pohl, O. Z. Wells, E. H. Porter, the Headlight has never faltered in County Clerk, until 10 a m. the 8th E. Mann, A. G. Krumlauf, R. H. Van Geo. E. McDonald, taking up any fight that was for the day of June, 1917. when said propos­ Nortwick, C. P. Moody, M. A. Shear­ Rockaway. als will be publicly opened and read. er, J. A. Benson, C. C. Edner, F. W . H. E. Hoss, J. F. Beatty, W. D. interest of the county as a whole. Each proposal must be accompan­ ied by a certified check, cash or bid­ Schmieder, B. Center, L. Woodford, Shafer, H. L. Sappington, Lester It is satisfactory to know that the ders bond made payable to Tillamook R. E. Jackson, T. R. Peterson, M U. Moroney, P. Salit, J. L. Kipper. people of the south part of the coun­ County, equal in amount to 5 per cent Hobson, IL Thompson, A. J. R’:»;, Sandlake. the total amount of bid Plans and D. Kruminili. V. E ( rane. R VV. ty appreciate the efforts of a number of W. Webb, Harold Brandt, C. H. specifications may be had by deposit­ Smith, G. W. McMillan, John Vris, of Tillamook City business men who ing $-00 per set with the county Webb, F. Lightfoot, E. E. Allen, R. \ Searcy, U. Edwards, J. Atkinson, interested themselves mi their behalf. clerk to insure their return in good VV H Mun-on. VV I. Burgau, C. Schlegel, E. F. Jackson, C. R. W right S. Carter. W hen tlic*state bond measure passed condition. The County Court reserves the H Champhc, D. Carlson, F. H. the house there was no provision in right to reject anv or all bids. South Prairie. VV ilde, W. VV. Hill, E I’skcmchnuk, the bill for hardsurfacing the county First publication May 24. 1017. J. B. Ebinger, C. Wyss, O. A. Hau­ i R Obrcnorich, J. Barbour. road south of this city. All that it Last publication June 7, 1017. gen. P. F. Fraser, M. Weber, A. A. Goodspeed. Erwin Harrison, County Clerk. provided for was from Clatsop coun­ Mason, C. E. Eckloff, E. P. Rock. I Randall, N. S. Nelson. F Kruc- F. G. Eckloff, R. C. Neilson, R. ty line to Garibaldi beach, by way of Wheeler. F. R. Rials was in Salem Stomach Trouble and Constipation. inski, G. VV Van Patten, G. M. Bell, Hammond, P. E. 1 dgar, R. J'>hn«m, "I will cheerfully say that Cham­ L. G. Finney, T. J. Van Patten, E. 1 . at the time and it was through his ef­ G. B. Darby, P. Laboich, M Ricken­ ber) in's Tablets arc the most satis­ forts that an amendment was made in factory remedy for stomach troubles Harrison. R E. Buttz, J. B. Delsman, bach, A. A. Schlappi, N. C. Horras, the bill for 20 miles or more of hard and constipation that 1 have sold in G. Burge, C. M. Thomas, C. A. Ihinn, Zem Biser, M. Novkoich, L. Yukh, M. surfacing w hen it went to the Senate, I thirty four years’ drug store service," G. A Ryan, G. R. Dickey, A. L, Dick­ Jukil. jr., 11. H J. and with his assistance there ar.d the I V. Murphy; druggist, Wells- ey, E. E. Smith. B. L. Beals, Ji., Stillwell. helpofD. L. Shrode, C. J. Edwards, [ ¿J/ ‘ °r ’ak Lai’«r* Curl, O. D. Edwai rds, J. J. Fcldschau, R. E. Andrus, F. M. Gould, J. Swift, Editorial Soap Shots. I « HEADLIGHT. JUNE 7, 1917. C. M. Dawson, G. C. Terry, A D. Case, V. M. Stewart, VV. R. Letson, E. Seaman, H. R. McKinley, L. Loll, O. A. Dahlheim, G. Oliver, R. L. Shreve, C. A. McGhee, L. Morrison, V. P. Magarrell, D. V. Jennings. Sunnymead. J. A. La Londe.L. A. King, G. F. Sanders, G. A. Allmon, V. G. Blan ’ Diehl, R. F chard, T. C. Stuart, H. Lucas, B. Clements, A. Grab. Tillamook. L. Marskiewicz, E. L. Stewart, L. A. Moulton, E. D. Allen, J. F. Stewart, W. C, Foster,, H. E. Wells, A. VV. Marolf, R. S. Hull, P. H. Long, C. Freeman, C. C. Wagner, C. F. VVoolfe, E. G. Baker, J. C. Plasker, L. B. Erwin, J. Wright, T. R. Fraser, J. S. Plasker. Trask. G. Peterson, J. V. Fitzpatrick, H. Schild, J. Davis, H. S. Stasek, F. W. Hunter, W. Stuivenga, A. J. Rogers, J. W. Kays, V. Neilson, S. H. Paul, J. J. Michaud, R. K. West, J. Nielson, E. C. Smith, J. Schriber, L. A. Mc­ Cormick. Tillamook. V. R. Hushbeck, E. W. Gilman, A. A. Edmunds, L. E. Norton, R. 1. Mapes, J. A. Hurliman, B. C. Randall, L. L. Fisher, M. C. Blaser, C. M. Babcock, D. L. McCracken. Wheeler. C. C. Merrett, W. C. Hatfield, J. Hackman, R. W. Elsea, J. V. Alley, H. A. Wittirin, M. G. Huguerrin, C. Corder, E. C. Madden, H. Bowen, VV. R. Winkler, 0. Channell, F. Patchell, L. J. Smith, Ray Honch, O. U. Monte Cristo, E. E. Wagoner, C. E. White, C. E. Olson, A. N. Minton, N. E. Ral­ ston, D. E. Bennett, T. A. Cathers, VV. H. Marett, M. Eggenberger, F. VV. VVélton, E. Goodrich, J. West, W. Johnson, VV. L. Mayer, B. H. Coff­ man, H. R. Goldsmith, G. Finch, C. VV. Shunk, H. H. Johnson, G. Bye, J. S. Hiatt, J. N. Legault, J. R. Thomp­ son, E. Prcignitz, J. O. Brier, J. F. Thomas, C. H. Griffis, J. Seamon, A. C. Bisbee, C. E. Pickering, H. C. Keys, P. Lindley, C. C. Adams, E. R. W heeler, F. E. Adams, G. VV. Zad- dach, G. O. Trude, E. O. Pitchell, R. L. Leslie, H. G. Bovce, E. P. Watt, G. Jorvis, C. S. Patterson, E. Grimm, J. VV. Bailey, P. L. Frost, F. H. Mil­ ler,, C. Seamon, VV. Brill,’ M. Miller, C. I. Spaugh, F. Pickett, J. A. Hoov­ er, C. N. English, D. Aitken, V. Goodrich, F. C. Reed, P. Hogan, J. Bunk, F. H. Mansell, O. W. Soren­ sen, W. M. Laughton, J. Karaindres, N. Demchook, C. S. Laughton. Wilson. H. V. Berg. your aid and encouragement. Begin at once to make something useful for the fair and thus see to it that every class in which ladies should be rep­ resented is full of choice specimens of your taste and skill. Every one who visits the fair will look to these departments with the greatest of in­ terest, and we feel certain that you will not allow them to disappoint the just expectations of the public. Any information regarding the exhibition will be gladly given by the Fair Board or by the Manager Ben Kup- penbendir, Tillamook, Oregon. ilege of the women in Tillamook County to make these departments the best ever seen in the state . A thing of beauty is a joy forever and who can provide so much as the mothers, wives and daughters of Tillamook County. We hereby solicit Stomach Troubles. Many remarkable ct*£S of stomach troubles have been effected by Cham­ berlain’s Tablets. One man who had spent over two thousand dollars for medicine and treatment was cured by a few boxes of these tablets. Price, 25 cents. For sale by Lamar’s Drug Store. AGRICULTURAL NOTES. By R. C. Jones, County Agriculturist. The Mole Must Go. Unfortunately the mole campaign, organized in the winter, was delayed on account of inability to secure traps These traps arrived after most of the schools had closed, and are being slowly taken up. A letter this week from Mr. Schef- fer state that now is the very best time to trap moles, as they are the most active at this time and the furs are prime. It is just as important to save the crops raised for our stock as it is to raise it, so let us make an united ef­ fort right now to lessen the number of moles my a systematic trapping campaign. Guernsey Cattle Sale. Do not forget the sale of Guernsey cattle next Saturday, June 9th, These cattle are all registered and come from some of the best producing strains. The outlook was never brighter for the breeders of good pure bred cattle that it is today. America will be called on to replen­ ish the world’s livestock and it is up to us to be prepared with some of this good stock. Your trouble will be, not in finding a market for your sur­ plus, but in preventing someone from buying you out all together. Look them over at the Fair grounds and you will want some of them. The banks will back responsible parties on the purchase of this stock at 6 per cent interest. Can you afford to be without. Save All Breeding Stock, At the present price of meat and feed there is a tendency to sell our- selves short of breeding stock, Do not allow the slaughter of females suited for breeding purposes. Do not market immature or unfinished an­ imals. This applies with force to the swine industry. Although feed is high, there FAIR NEWS. is profit to be made in putting weight ----- 0----- on immature stock at present prices, The premium lists are out for the which, beyond question, will continue Tillamook County Fair to be held at Tillamook City, Oregon, August 28- for a long period. It is the patriotic duty of every 29-30 and 31. Every one should get a opy. They are neatly put up and breeder of live stock to see to it that contain a lot of information and they 1 he docs his part in sending to market j animals carrying as much weight as are free to you. We all recognize the fact that much possible, to prevent the selling for of the beauty of the fair depends up­ : slaughter of pregnant stock, to stop ' the marketing of immature swine and on the interest taken by the ladies. „to do everything he can in an edica- The premium list contains ample provision for you to bear a full share . tional way in his neighborhood to of the work and reap a goodly share ; conserve the live stock rcsoifces of ; his section and thereby contribute to of the honors and. success, . ¡the saving of the livestock industry classes of fruits, flowers, 1 "’¡of the North v,-»t during ihe.se war food, domestic art, drawings and art arc open fields for all. It is the priv­ | times. FRANK HEYD& CO. General Contractors and Ruilders. Estimates & Plans Furnished. SEE OUR Special Silo! (.all at our plant and get prices. sat e you money. OAT BLOCK WEST OL Both Phones. It wM P.O. »