TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. JUNE 7. 1917. Plan to observe July 4th with us in Tillamook City. To Sell ai these Trices But this Great STOCK REDUCTION SALE is an Absolute Business Necessity. GREAT STOCK REDUCTION SALE J UNE 8th and not one full week of fine weather have we had this vear yet ! ! That is the reason—pure and simple-why this must be held. Knowing that the prices of merchandise would steadily advance we bought heavily in all lines in order that your needs this year would be amply protected at the old prices. The goods are now here, but “Old Sol” has failed us and we have only a very short season left in which to dispose of a larger stock of NEW GOODS than has ever been carried by this store at any time. Buy all your Summer needs now and save on every purchase—our loss is your gain. s ONE DAY SALE OF NEW SPRING MILLINERY SATURDAY, JUNE 9th. Actual $15.00 YOUNGMEN’S AND MEN’S SUITS, $12.35 Sizes 31 to 38. Received Last Friday, LADIES’ NEW SPRING COATS, $8.95 Every One Worth Double Of the Entire Stock of Children’s, Misses’ and Ladies’ Hats at Actual $18.00 NEW AND STYLISH SUITS FOR MEN, $14.85 All Sizes to Choose From. Actual $20.00 YOUNGMEN’S AND MEN’S SUITS, $17.95 Pinch-Backs English Models, etc. JUST HALF THE MARKED PRICE. The Greatest Values in America To-day, for the Money. New Wirthmor Waists, Only $1.00 Each. New Models, Patterns and Colors. Berts' $7.00 New Wei worth Waists, Only $2.00 Each. Waists which are equal, if not actually better, than ordinary makes priced at $2.00. All sizes, from 36 to 44 in. stock. The Daintiest Waists you ever saw, and were they not produced and sold in an extraordi­ nary manner would retail regularly for $3.00 or more. Ladies' New Sport Skirts - $3.49 To $7.00 Dress Skirts, only 5.38 Ladies’ Dresses to $25 for only $16.65 $2.75 Silk Flounce Petticoats, $2.19 Actual to $27.50 HART SCHAFFNER & MARX SUITS FOR MEN, $21.85 The Greatest Values in America To-day, for the Money, Spring and Summer Wash Fabrics Ever Shown by this Store Thrown to the Mercy of the Buying Public At Zero Prices. Good Styles -Sizes 7 to 17 years. 15c. 19c. 25c. 29c. 35c. 37c. 49c. 89c. 73c. 83c. Positively the ¿yWost LADIES’ NEW SPRING COATS. $12.85 LADIES’ NEW SPRING SUITS, $22.45 Absolutely Newest Styles Only. Bought this Month, LADIES’ NEW SPRING COATS, $17.95 \ ery Stylish Models. , Effect the Necessary Reduction of Season Stocks. No "Old Stock" Clearance this, but a genuine Stock Reduction Sale of New and Seasonable Foot­ wear for Men, Women, Boys and (»iris forced upon us by the backwardness of the Spring Season. If you only knew the actual conditions in the Leather and Footwear markets today you would realise at once what really Wonderful Bargains these arc, and buy now for immediate and future use. __ k Delivered a Few Days Ago, Fabrics Underpriced Ever Quoted on Footwear For Every ^JAIember of the Family. ♦4 45 $2.95 83c. »3c. 89c. $3. «5 *3.1» $2 53 $1.95 $2 35 $7.83 B Dress and Sport Sensational Prices Tn $7.50 Dress Shoes for Ladies .................................. Ladies Oxfords " M J." and Strap Pumps ... .. Misses’ 8| to 2 Rubber Sole “M.J.” Pumps........... Ladies’ Rubber Sole Canvas Top Pumps Child’s 8f to 2 Leather Sole, White Canvas Sandals Men's Gunmetal Button Dress Shoes........................... Men’s Work Shoes. Tan and Black Men’s Elkhi.le Shoes ..................................... Per Pair Bovs' 8 to 2 Rikli de Shoes .......... Per Pair Bovs’ 21 to 6 Elkhide Shoes Per Pair Men’s 10 and 12 in. Calked Logging Shoes Every One Worth Double. Received Last Week, Heavier stocks than we have ever carried and a very much shortened season compel us to sacrifice our superb stocks of absolutely new Wash Fabrics at almost any price Come, see what wonderful savings you can make on your Summer Waists Skirts Suits, Coats, etc. Actual 20c. to 25c. Wnsli Fabrics for............ Actual 25c. to 35c. Wash Fabrics for.......... .. Actual to 45c. Wash Fabrics for only ............. Actual to 50c. Wash Fabrics for only............... z\ctual to 65c. Wash Fabrics for................... . 27 and 36 inch Mercerized Poplins for only , Beautiful 36 inch Novelty Voiles for................. Splendid New Basket Weave Skirtings for .. Actual to fl.00 Noveltv Silk Fabrics for only 36 to 40 Novelty Skirtings for only................... LADIES’ NEW SPRING SUITS $13.65 Every One Worth Double. Unquestionably the Largest Selection of KNICKERBOCKER PANT NORFOLK SUITS, $5.45 Arrived Last Week, Skirtings8 Silks’andC .t?CSC lovely new Suitings, the prices > 1oat,n8® should be sold at the few^kB in^hici^ 0"’ but we have now only a cash and we wool 1 ° t.Uri1 our enormous stocks into -rryXlioVe:'^^-vnfice P^ now than BIGGEST £! Ä T p1 AND %Z1I F I BEST season. Buy now and save on every Ya rd goods pur- chase for immediate or warm - -i weather, Dress or Sport Garments. “ Actual $1.75 Wool Suiting. aild Ski Actual $1.98 Wool kl irtings ............... $1.37 Actual $2.50 Wool Suit"’“’ Bn<’ Skirtin«8 $1.59 Actual $2.50 \’ew s.iri r’ $1.98 To *2,.V) Valued p RCOa,i,,,r8............ $1.98 To $ t ,S v Pl nnand Fancy Silks $1.69 ■______ L Ut* 111 Pb"n and Fancy Silks $1.98