iilliiinnoli Jtaòliflljt Vol. XXVII TILLAMOOK, OREGON. Our Declaration of Safety Dr. lack < ikon xv ill be in Portland June 13-16, attending the Dental Convention. At high nopn on June 5, seventy- five relatives and friends gathered at New, modern upright Player Piano, the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. stool to match and player records. T V 11H good-will toward all, this Bank Robitsch, of Pleasant Valley, to wit­ Easiest terms.—Apply at this office. ness the marriage of their daughter, \ I enters upon what may be a time of If you were a bride, would you Flora to Alex Walker. The bride was ’ ’ great financial trial ; but as we be­ quit your husband though you loved attired in a white satin gown beauti­ lieve a period of positive financial safety ! him.' Wait, don’t answer yet, see fully trimmed in silk lace, and carried | Mine. Petrova in “Bridges Burned” at a bouquet of white carnations. The and security for this immediate vicinity. the Gem Theatre, Saturday and Sun­ bride’s maid. Miss Katie Zurfleuh was The Resources of this Bank place a day, June 9-10. Prices 15c. and 5c. prettily gowned in pink crepe silk guarantee back of our words, which can­ J. J. McCormick will run two large and carried a bouquet of pink carna­ not be denied. During this jieriod of autos, a Pierce Arrow and a Catalac, tions.. The groom and the best man emergency, we shall continue to safe­ to Portland for the Rose Festival, Fred Robitsch, fore the conventional guard the local interests and keep our June 13, 14 and 15. Persons wantit/g clothes for such occasions, The house funds here for the strength of our local to go to Portland by auto for the was artistically decorated in green business and agricultural needs. In pro­ festival should see him at once. and white. tecting our own people and in financing An opportunity to see Billy Burke I Rev. Paul Ebinger, of Tillamook, in “Peggy," an eight reel Triangle officiating. Rev. Dora Young and our local interests, we believe that we are feature picture at the Gem Theatre, Rev. C. E. Pearson were also present. following the safest path to patriotic Monday, June 11. Adults 15c. children After loving and hearty congratula­ service. 5c. Come early to be sure of good tions the company sat down to a delicious and bountiful wedding din­ seats. Two complete shows only. AS SAFE IN WAR AS IN TIMES OF Married, on the 5th of June, at the ner. The happy couple were the re­ PEACE. home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and cipients of many beautiful and useful Mrs. Thos Shillinglaw, Rev. Albert presents. In the evening almost the EXCELLENT BANKING QUARTERS H. Smith, performing the ceremony, entire neighborhood gathered for a Charles Myron Blanchard and Miss social time. The older folks enjoyed AND SERVICE. music, the young people played Jean Alma Shillinglaw. games and lunch was served at eleven, | Bert Gudgeon, who is known as after which all departed for their I Buffalo Bill’s greatest cowboy, will homes.. , be seen at the Gem Theatre next CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $46,000.00. I Thursday night, June 14th, in “The Homesteaders' Fair. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. -“Blue Streak,” a William Fox feature photoplay. Adults 15c., children 5c. The Nestucca Grange is preparing Rev. Sam G. Bettes, Cowboy- for a bigger and better Homestead­ ' preacher, will preach at Beaver Sun- ers’ Fair this year than in previous Auctioneer—20 years experience I day, June 10th at 11 a.m. and at 8 p. years. The Grange has not set the give us a trial—Ir.a G. Lance, Tilla-1 '.... m. at the United Brethern church. date yet, but about Sept. 14 will be mook Oregon. * : Also at the United Brethern church the time. We are securing some nice '•* 'T'111 ——. — 1- 'T'l. _ J _ _ _ — night, I—I. £ JunC premiums for the fair. The boys and Why not be insured in the best fire at Tillamook, Thursday W. A. Wise, dentist. ♦ insurance company, it costs ----- no more. girls in the Nestucca valley should * I14- Dr. C. W. Miller, chriopractor. * See Everson. get in and raise chickens, calves and Hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough For Sale, a Saxon run-about. In j The Tillamook Homing Club put 25 raise garden truck to win the prizes. Co. * good condition. Price $350.00. Apply birds in a race from Camas, Wash., A good many want to give all the * on Sunday. The time was a little prizes to the children under 15 to Go to Mason’s for Standard Pat- to Attorney Webster Holmes. • I slow', as the birds had to face a encourage them Dr. Shearer has sub- terns. I Full line of watches, clocks, silver A modern house for rent,—See ware, pocket knives.—R. W. Bennett, storm for two hours. Four 1 persons | scribed $10 for the children again this won year anj others subscribed liberally. if « won Jeweler Watchmaker, in Tillamook entered birds and W S. Coates Shrode. first place, Joe Mills, second, I' 1 Prizes will be announced later, Shop to rent, next to my office.- | DruS Store' The Fairview Birthday Club will Kerr, third, and W. Foster, fourth. ” • R. Y .Blalock, Sec. T. H. Goyne. There will be another race next meet with Mrs. W. E. Noyes, Friday, Dr. Shearer, physician and surgeon, Sunday, when the birds will be liber­ Teachers’ Appointed. Cloverdale, Ore. * June 15th. Mrs. Kunze will assist ated at Cascade Locks, a distance of Mrs. Noyes in entertaining the guests Pure Water Glass to preserve eggs Prof. R. W. Kirk, Supt.; Virgil Feu­ 150 miles. Money to loan on farm lands, from dal!, now teacher at Pendleton High at C. I. Clough Co. * $500 up, Good terms. Reasonable rate Sheriff Campbell and Deputy Mrs. Marie Wade, ni^rse. Terms re­ of interest. We want your business. Sheriff Stanley went to Netarts to School will take the department of * arrest Chester Vanderpool, on Mon­ Science, including Agriculture and duced to suit the times. * See Everson. Athletics; L. A. King, Manual Train­ For Sale — A paying sawmill in the Lodging at the Watchtower, 25c., South end of the County. It will make 1 j day, and on their way there met him ing; Mrs. Mertha Hanson, History; Also furnished rooms. * money for you. Taylor Real Estate 1 coming in on a wagon. The man es- Miss Hazel McKowan, Music; Miss T , 2t. caped from the penitentiary on Jan- Mauryce L. Curry, Mathematics; ____ , Cloverdale, Ore. Garbage gathered free. See M. R. Agency, Hanankrat, or call Main 6F11. For Sale—Beautiful tone, practical- uary 29, 1917, who was serving a se - Julia B. Miller, Domestic Science; Mr For Furnished Rooms at reasonable ly new $475.00 Player Piano, stool to’tence from one to seven years on a J. Carl Bowman, 8th Grade; Edith E. »2 match and player rolls all for $375- charge of larceny in a dwelling in Snere, 7th Grade; Stella Goyne, 4U1 price, See Mrs. E. Plank. Easiest terms. Inquire at this office. ; Multnomah county< harden C. A. Coal— The Franklin Fish Market is now I Murphy came in for the man on Grade; Mrs. Frances Wiley, 2nd Blacksmith Coal—Right Grade; Mrs. Clara Burge, ist Grade; Right Prices.—Lamb Schrader Co. &l.i,”Kr«1,.l.O2;TOt.d.y „d lei. the "... Miss Myrtle Wallin, the Wilson riv­ Will pay you to see Everson tor a F. N. Elliott, Proprietor. * i er school. Other teachers who will Feeney & Bremer Co. filed bids on safe investment in city property or farm lands. * J. M. DeLillies has bought the Wednesday to build two corgo ves- teach are Miss Alice Todd, Miss One Ton Ford Truck; also 5 pas­ Jones Apartment house. And will be se|s for the government. The ves- Pruehs, Margaret Hanson, Miss Lot- senger Ford Nearly new, for sale, known in future as the DeLillies se]s contracted for are 280 feet long I ta A. Crapson. See Rosenberg. 2* I Apartments. • I with a carrying capacity of 3000 tons. Holstein Breeders’ Association Dr. Wise will be at Wheeler Satur­ For Sale—Horse and buggy, broke Feeney & Bremer Co. have entered ♦ ■■ o----- day afternoon and up to noon on to work single or double, weight 1000 into a contract with the A. F. Coats Yourselves and families arc re­ Sunday next. pounds._ Enquire of E. P. Jeffrey, R. Lumber Co. to furnish the lumber at quested to attend a meeting of the 2* $35,00 per thousand. The prospects Holstein Breeder’s Association, which Dr. Wise will be at the Nehalem p. £). Tillamook, Oregon. Now is the time to look after your >°ok exceedingly good for obtaining will be held on Bert Folks place on hotel Friday evening and up to noon Fire Insurance on all your property, the contract to build two vessels here. the Trask River road about 6 miles Saturday. H Mason & Co., has taken over the It will surprise you how cheaply you They will be finished, should the con- East of Tillamook City, on June 12, Standard patterns formerly sold by can get a 3 or 5 year policy.—Rollie tract be secured in nine and twelve at 10 o’clock. This meeting is called for the pur­ months. Lamar’s Variety Store. * W. Watson. The Tillamook Meat Co. will pay pose of discussing the question of ^tm in the market at all times for ioc for all 10 pound lard pails and 5C* On Sunday morning, at the parson­ baby calves—Smith ‘‘The Calf for 5 pound pails. They must be free age of the German Reform Church, paying for milk delivered to cheese >”~-Both Phones. . from rust. Bring them in at once and the pastor Rev. Heusser, officiating, factories at its present system and the system which might be adopted which . John Feldschau, Concrete contrac- get your money. Mr. Fred Bohmer and Miss Edith we have at hand at this time, showing lor, concrete silc3 built. All work For sale, new modern bungalow, 8 Goyne were united in wedlock, in the Pia.-intccd.Both phones. rooms and 12 lots in fast growing presence of a number of the bride’s a decided improvement over the Dr. and Mrs. Wise will ___ motor to residence district, Eugene, of owner, I present system. Portland next Wednesday to attend resident district. Enquire of owner, relatives. The bride is the daughter Other business will be taken up of first street, running south of the of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Goyne, and a which might be of interest to the as- lhe Rose Carnival. Fair grounds. sister of District Attorney T. H. sociation. For sale, at a bargain two ponies Don’t forget those busted castings. Goyne. She is a young woman great­ Chas. Kunze, President. one light wagon, phone 34F5 or Can be welded for half. Goods sent ly respected. The happy couple left *n»e jtn. D. Shafer, Rockaway. * by parcel post and express promptly on the morning train to spend their Patriotic Demonstration the Fourth Don overlook the display adver- returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook, honeymoon in Portland. Mr. Bohmer I'seme of the Gem Theatre else­ Oregon. is engaged at the Coates Logging The committee recently appointed where j - this paper. camp, and the newly weds will make to manage the patriotic demonstration Bring your watches and jewelry Wedding invitations are out for the their home in this county, who have which is to be held in this city on the marriage of Cloyd O. Dawson, when tv n t0 me* a" work guaranteed—R. the congratulations of many friends. Fourth, organized last week with Miss Mabel F. Goyne, daughter of **• Bennett, Jeweler. I Fred C. Baker, president; A. G. Am- District Attorney T. H. Goyne, will The Portland Oregon Clasiss, of mer, secretary; and A. A. Pennington jOr £heap fertilizer for your garden the German Reform Church met in 1 treasurer. ’"I meadow, see Frank Elliott at be a June bride on the 12th. '»»nklin Fish Market. Rosenberg Bros, have opened a 38th annual session in Tillamook last It was decided to send out invita­ 1 —New modern residence, large line of all kinds of hay, feed, week, commencing last Thursday and tions to different localities to join ated in best residence district. For near the saw mill andl will carry a lasting until Sunday evening. Nine * »1 a bargain. See Frank Heyd. •* large feed store on 2nd Avenue East ministers and five elder delegates the demonstration, which was as fol- Experienced Tillamook Dairyman flour, grass seeds at the very lowest were present, representing Idaho, I lows: "The Tillamook Commercial Club . ,n, s ,o rent 4 or 5 good milk cows, prices. Special prices on hay and California, Washington, and Oregon. feed in car lots. have decided to hold a patriotic dem­ ress Box 63, Garibaldi, Ore. I have a number of store buildings, On Thursday night a sermon was de­ onstration in the city on the fourth of Per Sale—Five room strictly mod- houses and office rooms to rent Also livered by W. G. Lienkaemfer, of July. In view of the fact that it will rn Bungalow, east part of town, can give desirable ground lease n Portland, president of the organiza­ »'.750.00. Easy terms.—Headlight. ♦ various parts of the city desuable to tion. On Friday evening a sermon be the last Fourth the 10th Company, Coast Artillery will be with us pre­ any needs. See me also fo Uithof, Contractor and Ilmost city Property_ROnnPaywent.tfto_.u.t was delivered by C. H. Riedesel, of vious to being mustered into the . an<1 . Y.:. c'.r ’ Estimates furnished. furnished, Barns Barn* city property Kimama, Idaho. The Sunday morn­ United States army, we wish to a Silos a specialty, Bell Phone. A10 your income. ing was delivered by Rev. E. Scheidt, extend to you and your com- of Hillsboro, E. A. Wyss, of Hills­ munity a very cordial invitation boro was stated clerk of the mission to participate in the Demonstration. Rev. Dcning. of Salem, is Vice-pres- In this way we can show our appre­ dent of the classis. bAMAR’S VARIETY STORE ciation of the Tillamook boys who Bill Nigh shoots up a Fox studio have offered their services in this in the William Fox feature picture, national crisis and fittingly show our IMF. BLD., "The Blue Streak" a lively western patriotism." frontier play, at the Gem Theatre, The business men will be asked to «s Drop in and Book Around- Thursday, June Adults 15c., join in the demonstration «imilar to Children SC. the opening of the county fair last Tillamook Jottings. • » I-.50 PER YEAR. 1917. Walker- Robitsch. T illamook C ounty B ank . » JUNE ", I ADVANTAGES AND PROTECTION ^I^HE Federal Reserve System, of which ALI ; National Banks areJfMembers, ptovides for the 1 re-discount of assets of an acceptable character. The result has t»een an elasticity of currency which strengthens and makes more adaptable those banks which are Members. DIRECTORS: A. W. Bunn. Farmer. C. J. Edwards. Mgr. C. Power Co. B. C. Lamb, Building Materials. W. J. Riechers. P. Helsel, Farmer. J. C. Holden, Vice Pres. John Morgan. Farmer. Cashier. 'The first National Bank 1 year. The committee nominate number of young ladies for the God­ dess of Liberty, and the business men who contribute toward the demon­ stration will be given a certain num- ber of votes in proportion to the amount given, the voting commences on the 18th and ending the 23rd of June. Patriotic addresses are being ar­ ranged for by the local speakers and several ladies have kindly offer their serevices to provide a large choir, and a number of the local musicians will provide the music. Captain Johnson has kindly con­ sented to have the 10th Company, Coast Artillery, participate in the demonstration, and with the G. A. R. W, R. C., and other organizations it will be the biggest patriotic gather­ ing ever held in Tillamook county. Notice of Annual School Meeting. ----- 0----- Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of school district No. 9 of Tillamook County, State of Oregon, that the annual school meeting of said district will be held at the high school building, to begin at the hour of one o'clock p.m. on the third Mon­ day of June, A. D. 1917. This meeting is called for the pur­ pose of electing one director for a three year term and school clerk for one year, and the transaction of busi­ ness usual at such meetings. Dated this 7th day of June, 1917. v Ira C. Smith, District Clerk. Death of L. D. Ackley. Lorenzo D. Ackley, a well known citizen of Tillamook County for many years, passed away at his home at Medford, Ore., where he had resided for several years. The remains were COMPANY TO BE MUSTERED brought to Tillamook for burial and IN. the funeral services were held today. The deceased is survived by his wife Date Will be July 15th—Leaves Tilla­ and nine children, viz: Ralph Ackley, mook Two Weeks After. Portland, Ore.; Claude Ackley, Mrs. James Williams and M. D. Ackley, of ----- 0----- Captain S. S. Johnson, of the 10th Tillamook, Ore.; Harry Ackley, of Company, Coast Artillery, is. instruct­ Company C, O. N. G.; Lee Ackley, ed to recruit the company up to its and Nellie Ackley, of Medford; Mrs. full strength which is 109 men. Owing H. Williams, Turlock, Cal., and Mrs. to several men being discharged eight F. O. Fredericks, of Medford, Ore. more men are required, and there will Mr. Ackley was born on a farm be little trouble procuring that num­ near Cincinnati, Ohio, August 5, 1884, ber now that it is known the com­ and is the third of the seven sons and pany is to be mustered in on the 15th five daughters born to Samuel and of July, and two weeks after that date Charlotte (Ripley) Ackley. Samuel will entrain for "Fort Stevens or Ackley was born in New York state some other point for a course of in April, 1812, and his wife was born training. Before leaving the company near Marietta, Ohio, on Duck creek, will take part in a patriotic demon­ in 1813, As a young man just starting stration in this city on July 4th, out in the world, Samuel Ackley went which will enable people from all from New York to Ohio, marrie <1 parts of the county to sec the boys there, and when Lorenzo D. was a and give them an ovation. year old moved to Putman county, Captain Johnson has received the Ill. A few years later he moved to following memorandum, to enable Iowa, and after a winter spent in civilians to take the physical examin­ Black Hawk county, returned to llli- ation as specialists. It says: nois, where he lived four years, His “A special examination for Coast next home was in Sullivan county, Artillery enlisted specialists will be Mo., removing from there in about held June 18. Specially competent a year to Page county, Iowa, his in­ civilians who have passed physical tention being to get away from the examination and other requirements trouble over the slavery question. for recruits may take examinations j Until 1861 he roamed around over without enlisting and no obligation Illinois, Iowa and Missouri, and that will attach to them in case of failure. year crossed the plains with ox-team, Circular 29 shows number allow«! in arriving at his destination in Califor­ each grade. Results of last examina­ nia at the end of five months. After tion will be announced as soon as a winter in Butte county he removed possible. Please advise those concern- in the spring to a different locality, cd.” and for nine years had no settled It will be noted that only civilians home for any length of time, in the will be permitted to take these exam­ meantime engaged in ranching. In inations. They will l>e required to time the disposition to locate in Ore­ first undergo the physical examina­ gon led him to make the journey ovrr tion required for all recruits. This the mountains with teams, and from can be given by the examining phy­ Portland he took a boat for Tilla- sician located at any company station mook county, where he lived on a or at Eugene on the day preceding farm until 1871. Then, with the faith- the examination. ful wife who had shared his many The number and base pay of the wonderings, he moved to San Ber­ several grades of specialists are as nardino county, Cal., where four follows; years later, in 1875 his death occurred 2 Master Electricians .. ... $75 00 his wife and helpmate surviving him ... 65.00 for two months only. Lorenzo D. 3 Engineers 4 Electrician sergeants, 1st class 45.00 Ackley remained in Oregon when his 12 Assistant Engineers........... 45.00 people went to California, and the 4 Electrician sergeants 2nd class 36.00 following year, in 1872, was'united in 4 Firemen ............................. 30.00 marriage with Mary I. Jenkins, who 4 Radio sergeants ................... 30.00 was born near Knoxdale, Iowa in 40.00 1851. 3 Master Gunners ........ Applicants will send in their names to Captain W. G. Williams, 640 Ornamental Fire Places Built of Brick and Stone. All Fire Morgan Building, Portland, Oregon, Places absolutely guaranteed or to tst Lieutenant Charles B. Ham- not to smoke or money re­ ble, Eugene, Oregon. They should funded. give age, married or unmarried, edu­ Brick work of all kinds done on short notice. cation, profession, experience or We make a specialty of re­ other qualifications for examination pairing smoking Fire Places. to be taken. The designation of plzce of exam­ ination will be made lat-r and will probably be Eugene, RALPH E. WARREN 7H.LAMOOK ORE I