TILLAMOOK Good Roads Question in a Notshell. ■MEF HEADLIGHT. MAY 31. 191". ATSOP (Continued from First Page.) Em ph WALLOWA the increased automobile license fees and the existing one-fourth mill state road tax. The Chari lisias vaina, pori • conin “I i for y myse train in th purp the < tant, men youl “1 whe •onlj thie itar pro the tim bar sio ups BUMMERV'uU Ault. «LARO CITY CRANOC The proposed bond issue will pro­ vide good roads at no greater cost than the state is now paying for poor ones. SbERMAN ; LAC KAM.-v; N \ TE LOCA SET- — Adopted Unanimously. There is no doubt whatever that the $6,000,000 state bond measure will carry with an overwhelming majority throughout the state. POLK RiCK ■ MANIWP DALLA* MOM MOU L. LINCOLN MARION FARMER« «AN’’ »Mit« DURKEE R S O Good roads will make Oregon the greatest dairy center in the world. Remember this when you vote on the road bond bill in June. MADRAS ORAL Cl ■ ERRERÒ *1 People won’t go back to the farm until they have roads to get there. Assist the "Back to the Farm" move­ ment by voting for the road bond bill at the June election. MCHWTli APRlNGfltLD ChiMMlk WALKER This is the greatest measure contemplated in the State of Oregon Jt means more to the state than any measure in its history, because the one thing we need is highways in Oregon, said Governor Withycombc in discussing the road bond bill. At die me rei ini rm in th w hi h< il c< ai t) COTTAGE GROVE AMI ANO lUTMtRll» STATE HIGHWAYS WINCHESTER EDCHBowEiA J ROfitTBURC APPROXIMATE location OF ROUTES DESIGNATED IN THE MVR tlí CRCfM ARI’ONVILLI ROAD BONDING ACT QLANpALU-. ' o s t u r t < 1 HUTES M A L M E VJ R The incresed auto license and quarter mill state road tax will have to be paid whether the road bonds are voted or not. Wherein can there be any economy in voting against the road bonds? Good roads are not only desirable in time of peace, but are positively indispensable when the county is in a state of war. A vote for the road bond bill is a patriotic duty, Good roads are a military necessity. CREEK curry ; SUBMITTED TO THE PEOPLE OF OREGON AT THE SPECIAL ELECTION. JUNE 4,1917 JAC ' JOSEPtÜNf’î“ I •l> LOFORO FHOENII MAP PREPARED B* C. C. CHAPMAN. EDITOR OF THE I The announcement by the State I highway Commission that it would _ L _ _ purchase one or more plants and do COR»BSCMT • C C CMARMAN ROR’LAMO OREOO» . its own paving unless satisfactory bids were submitted by contractors has been most heartily indorsed by Then, again, what is the value of There is a splendid road being built the improvement for the connecting PLEA FROM GRANDE RONDE. citizens throughout the state. a farm with a mudhole for a road. now to the Neah-Kah-Nie beaches roads. Surely, the farmer, regardless The U. S. (Dept.) of Agriculture of his residence with respect to the Tillamookers have had their Troubles With a good road it will quickly al­ which will give them good transpor­ most doubly increase in value. How tation facilities to the railroad, but has found from a series of investiga­ main trunk roads, cannot help but and Experiences on that Road. can the county assess a farm with a the road up the North Fork of the tions that the selling price of tilla­ recognize that he will be benefitted mudhole tor a road. Don’t you see Nehalem River is in a deplorable con­ ble farm lands from the improvement by the expenditure of funds raised by A timely and kindly advice to the 1 hat the state of Oregon is losing dition. This is the main road to vast of the main market roads has increas­ the proposed bond issue. voters of Oregon by your staunch $1,000,000 per year through lower val­ tracts of timber, out of which the saw o ■ - ed from one to three times the total good roads booster for many years cost of the improvements. The adoption of the $6,000,000 road a resident of the State of Oregon,— ues on property of all kinds by taxa­ mills on Nehalem Bay are securing tion? luu ask a real estate man if their supply of logs. This timber is bond bill to be voted on June 4 will since 1891. good roads and sunshine don’t in­ ripe and ready te cut and the large The personnel of the State High­ not increase state road taxes. It is up to you now to vote for or for ! way Commission, appointed by Gov­ The taxpayer will continue to pay against the $6,000,000 road bonds on crease his business and also the pop­ timber owners have been selling ulation of Oregon. "Sure thing!’’ manufacturing purposes at very reas- ernor Withycombc, is a guarantee one quarter of a mill annually. June 4th coming. If the majority for Do you get that? and don't forget it! onable prices. There is a great awak­ that the funds raised from the $6,- The rejection of the measure will the bonds is voted, it will be like a it! ening of the lumber industry in this 000,000 road bonds will be expended not decrease the motor vehicle license salvation to mankind of the State of Coming back to the mail service; county today and we ought to pre­ in practical road construction; that fee which by law already enacted by Oregon—yes, to the people in general With good roads, we will get our pare for it. The harbors ought to he there will be neither waste or ex­ the legislature is doubled next year. for it will give us a system of roads, travagance in the expenditure of the Therefore, irrespective of the re­ a problem which the people of the mail sooner and in better shape. You improved and shipbuilding ought to funds. sult of the election, the contribution state have tried to solve ever since it merchants and business men know be commenced to help carry the im­ what that means. mense tonnage of this territory. of the taxpayer and the motor vehicle Now, while we have no roads in the Second to the lumber industry, the In iqio the people of California owner to the state road fund will be was settled by immigrants. If this measure fails to carry, it will be likt winter, still we have potatoes, grain, dairying needs cheap money and low voted bonds to the amount of $18,- unchanged and will be as follows: a disgrace to us and we might as well hay and other produce like milk, but­ 000,000 for good roads by a small One quarter mill state road tax or taxes so the farms can be improved bury Dur faces because we then could ter, beef, pork, poultry, etc., but not and less feed bought outside the majority. Last fall by a 4 to 1 vote 25 cents for each $1000 assessed valu­ not look a visitor from other states a pound can we get to market they approved a further bond issue ation. straight in the face but, on the other through the mud holes. This puts us county. of $15,000,000 for building iqore roads Total estimate income from this To vote the county bonds, you aie hand, we could welcome them with a in the same position as hohj^ig it in voting to mortgage your farms, your of the same character. From these source on present valuation $220,000 smile and ask them, if we vote favor- I storage for higher prices. You people timber and other properties, to build figures it is evident that the people of per annum. ably, “what do you think of Oregon in the cities are the losers, as well as California have found the issuance Cost to motor vehicles. a road around a steep mountain, now? ” Roads we are going to have, we, holding it in storage by force. through hard, basaltic, rock; The of bonds a practical plan for getting Motorcycles and motor bi­ and more of them not summer roads, results in the construction of perma­ cycles .......................................... $ 300 no—winter roads. Did you get that? Vote for the bonds, then we will soon road to be twenty-four feet wide, and 6.00 be able to ship to you and you will be the cost of which, under present con­ nent highways. Electric vehicles for pleasure. 10.00 Let nie ask you one thing, "has there able to live cheaper. Did you get ditions would be enormous. To do so Electric service vehicles ........ ever been anything accomplished that? You know good roads will save "I heartily approve the plan of the Automobiles up to 26 horse­ and neglect other very much needed 6.00 without bonding the states, counties, the life of man and beast. 1 have pul­ improvements, would be a very bad State Highway Commission purchas­ power .......................................... towns, cities, railroads, steamship ing and operating paving plants if Automobiles up to 36 horse­ led dead horses out of the mud holes business proposition. manufacturing plants—yes, here. Now, that is bad policy. I 10.00 lines, satisfactory bids for laying pavement power .......................................... The Neah-Kah-Nie Mountain road even the United States and king ­ are not forthcoming from contrac­ Automobiles up to 40 horse­ would rather help pull Oregon out of would be only a luxury for the next doms? Why, it is the most simple, 15.00 tors,” said Governor Withycombc. the mud, and 1 hope that most of the five years, and to spent about $100,- power .......................................... most economical system of building Oregon voters will be on my side. "My confidence in the integrity and Automobiles in excess of 40 000.00 for a luxury, during these times roads ever put up before the people 20.00 business ability of the members of Suppose we need need a doctor of war and its enormous expense, is horsepower ............................... to vote for. There has been everso- the commission is absolute and I Motor trucks over one and one very badly, which is often the case. extravagance that might not have know that they will give us one hun­ half tons but under two tons 1500 much said for and against the bonds. Telephoning is easy, but the doctor been called extravagance a year ago, I have never read anything mislead ­ dred per cent efficiency for all public Motor trucks two tons and un­ gets stuck in the mud, breakes his before the war was upon us. money expended for highway con­ der two and one half tons ... 18.00 ing for the bonds, but I have read machine or wagon, patient suffering Yours very truly, things against the bonds which were I struction.” Motor trucks two and one half —maybe bleeding to death before the George Watt. ..... o— — tons and under three tons — 21.00 daylight falsehoods. Now, I know doctor can get ihere. Who is to Messrs. Benson, Adams and Thomp- And don't forget this: If the $6,000,- Motor trucks three tons and un­ (We refer our correspondent to a !2"’ I Or'you want to catch the early good roads bonds are approved, der three and one half tons . 24.00 statement made by the County Court, and 1 am positive the main trunk line roads will be hard Motor trucks three and one .... that a better and (rain. You start, pretty soon you say which shows that Mr. Watt is not surfaced, relieving the various coun­ half tons and under four tons. 27.00 more unselfish set of officers would “stuck! never will catch it now!” be hard to find. Can you show me a I Then, again, you sec up-hill busi- correctly advised when he says that ties of the expense of repairing and Motor trucks four tons and not man that will not vote for the bonds? ' ness all the time with these roads. $100,000 is to be expended on Neah- 30.00 maintaining these roads. Therefore, over five tons ........................... Mountain. It is not For humanity’s sake 1 hope there will I Threshing time is bound to come. If Kah-Nie ! tons the money now raised by the counties No motor truck of over five true, but a mistatement to mislead the ' not be a woman voter in Oregon who j ____ __ _ except and expended on these roads will he capacity shall be operated it happens to rain the day before the people. 1 he only difference is that available for work on local laterals, with consent of county court, which will not vote for the bonds, If the threshers arc expected, the machine some persons have circulated the voters would take a trip through connecting with the state improved shall hall collect a fee of not less than $8 cannot be moved. Then, again, some Grande Ronde in the winter, or even of our bridges are too poor,—cannot report that $85,000 was to be expend­ highways, bringing the farmer, no per month. ed 011 Neah-Kah-Nie Mountain road, matter where situated, into direct Estimated income annually from ' now, there would not be one of them carry the weight of the machine— and Mr. Watt has now jumped it up connection with the city markets. motor vehicle licenses on existing ba­ I unw illing to vote for the bonds. handicapped! Again a good team can to $100,000. The truth and the facts 1 have been in Grande Ronde go­ only make ten miles in eight hours sis, not allowing for future increase, ing on ten years; 1 have seen enough with an empty wagon. Just ask your are these: The county measure pro­ The hotels of Oregon consume an $310,000. vides that $85,000 is to be expended enormous pile of food stuffs that Total revenue from millage tax and of hardships, suffering and prova- neighbor who has been to Grande i on the road from Clatsop county line tions born by the traveling public, Ronde in winter if he has ever heard I come off the farms, and the country motor license per annum. $530.000. [to Brighton, to include the cost of roads are a means of getting this pro­ The only question involved in the residents and myself, both to man of the Lena Hill road and the old 1 duct to market. The compiled statis­ proposed bond issue is whether this and beast. It is enough! Don’t suffer Dolph road. There must be a good building a bridge across the Nehalem tics on the matter show that seven revenue shall be used to pay the so that we must say "Why hast thou many like that in Oregon. This is to river. 1 lie burden of Mr. Watt's let- hotels in Poraland are paying farm­ charges of the bond issue and a sum forsaken us." Thousands of Oregon remind you who have been over these . 1 ter appears 10 be in the North Fork ers annualy $3,500,000 for poultry, of money secured with which to in­ citizens will verify this statemenL roads to help us pull Oregon out of 1 road being in a bad condition, but eggs, butter, milk, etc. not to mention sure the early completion of a large Just think! The United States mail the mud. If we succeed, you will , 1 this has nothing whatever to do with . the question of Tillamook County re- the restaurants and cafctarias. This road mileage, or whether the revenue has to be carried over these roads six ,thank me some day for this hint. i ceiving state aid for hardsurfacing amount will have a heavy increase shall be applied directly to road con­ days in a week the whole year around Yours for the $6,000.000 road bonds ' ' county roads. That is a matter for with good roads. The farmer who is struction requiring a long number of Over $3000 per year could be saved M. Petersen. J him to take up with the county court, overlooking the market the hotels are years to accomplish a desired result. by the government mail servise in I and there is no doubt the court will this one road—if we really had a road furnishing and will continue to fur­ do something at once to provide a Opposed to Bonding. —and how many more are there like nish is making a mistake. better road to the logging camps. ----- o this one in Oregon? It has taken me "Lift Oregon Out of the Mud.” three days to haul six hundred To the Editor of the Tillamook We agree with Mr. Watt that this Opponents of the $6,000,000 road That mud road we hauled on. should be done, but we are somewhat pounds ten miles. If we need a doctor bond issue who have been objecting That mud road we stalled on, Headlight. so strenuously on the ground that too That streak of deep mud, that terror it costs us from $10 to $15 for one Dear Sir:—As your paper has al­ surprised that he should oppose a visit. Do you, who do not favor us ways been open for a full discussion proposition that will give the south much of the money spent for road of teams, relief by bonding the state to build oi both sides of all questions of pub­ side of Nehalem bay a state highway improvements is paid for paving roy­ 'Twas up hill and down hill, roads, still want us to suffer. It will lic interest. I wish to state in your through that section. It will be a alties. S. Benson, chairman of the And seldom around hill; Oregon State Highway Commission, In, over, or under, when coming to benefit the state at large to have a columns my reasons for viging great benefit to the interests there and those who have invested in town complete system of roads, as describ­ againit the County bonding issue. has arranged to pay the royalties on streams. ed in the bonding act. In the first a specimen to-mile strip of paving, In my opinion, if the road around lots, both at Wheeler and Brighton. "Down with dust.” giving all contractors a chance to bid That same road next summer, rose place, auto license will more than Neah-Kah-Nie Mountain is eliminat­ The editor thinks that everything build the roads, except for the quar­ ed, a bond issue w ould not be neces­ possible is being done to help the on the work without thought or con­ up in the air, sideration of the royalty charges. Mr. It flew about wildly and lit cvery- ter mill state road tax. sary. Of the $6.000,000 bond issue lumber industry. The Port of Bay- The money spent buiiding the roads there is only $ to be spent City was bonded to improve Tilla­ Benson also has offered to buy from where, Warren Bros, all their patent rights It troubled the farmer, it spoiled his will come home to our laborers, the first year. Now, there is from Bay mook bar, and we are sorry Mr. stores, hotels, farmers, and the gen­ City to Cloverdale a distance of 27 Watt did not get some of the bond in Warrenite paving for the state of best hay, Oregon and present the' patents to It worried his good wife on every eral public. There will not be one dol­ miles of road which is in very good money for furnishing the rock. He lar lost, but that much more in cir­ condition, and can be prepared for made every effort to furnish the rock, the state. bright day, hardsurfacing at very little expense, but never a word did he say then in It climbed in the auto and went for a culation. More children will be able to attend also, the road down the North Fork opposition to issuing bonds. The Farmers not residing on any of the ride, toads to be improved under the road It got in the hearse and we hoped it school. You people in the cities can­ of the Nehalem to Wheeler can be Port of Nehalem bonded for two jet­ not understand that, but just come made ready at small expense. This ties to help the timber interests, and bond bill should not for that reason had died. oppose the road bond measure. With But early next morning like a cross out and see the little children, as well will be all, or more, than we can we hope it will be instrumental in as the large ones, plodding through reasonably expect to be hard surfaced Mr. Watt and the millmen and the the approval of the voters of the setting hen, owners making a large bond issue, every such farmer will de­ It flew on our backs jind was at us the mud and water; some of the in two years. Now, if we take the two timber children have to go a mile or two years’ interest which we would pay amount of money in that section of rive a two-fold benefit. In the first again. and their shoes are full of water on bonds, if passed, $54,000.00 anil the county. That is all the harm we place, he will be brought that much "This road is Impassable— when they get to the school. It is a add this to the yearly road tax. it wish thetn, but we cannot understand closer to a hard surfaced road. Sec­ Not even Jackassable; hard job for the school teacher to would pay for making the balance of how Mr. Watt or any other citizen ondly. the money now expended on If you want to travel it. take care of them. the main roads will be available for You must pave it.” the oad ready to receive pavement. with good business ju h-incnt can op- (Oregon Uotrr*. « pose an offer of state aid of several hundred thousand dollars to give Till­ amook county hard surfaced roads. With all due respect to the opinions of our friend Mr. Watt, the editor honestly believes the state and county, measures will prove a great benefit to. everybody in Tillamook county and. will eliminate a great deal of the maintenance charges reconstructing roads every few years. T he editor will appeal to Mr. Watt’s patriotism, and ask him to put aside his trival objection, and get in and provide a military road in this county for the government.—Editor.) Resolution from Orctown Grange: No. 354. Vvneiias, The proposed paved road in nilamook County will be of great Dencnt to the whole people oi the county; and regardless 01 the fact mat me majority oi the members of Uretown Grange live Hom one to six mill s num the proposed route of said paved road; lhuiciore; Be it resolved by Ore- town orange, No. 354 'in regular ses­ sion assembled, that we go on record as luvormg the proposeed bond issue lor the proposed paved road. vOUNlY COURT rviA6.ES STATEMENT In order that there may be no mis­ understanding as to tile »etion or 111- .c.nion 01 me county court as to me so-bailed ivecarucy ¿uoUinam road,. 111 connection witn me ouiiil election to uc neiu next wiunuay, june 4th, we make the following statement. lne State mgut.ay commission, has declared that me state road trom Clatsop County should be by way of Necarney Mountain and me coast. In. order tor ntiamooK county to ob- min Slate aid 11 is necessary that the county prepare trie ¡uauued tor the . oau inc State Hignway Commission. Selects lor that purpose. The propos­ al in the election order that $87,000 of the money to be raised in this county by bond issue shall be spent on tnc road between the County line,, by way ot Necarney, and Brighton was put iu in order that the county might get state aid for the county road from the county line to Gari­ baldi as provided m the slate bond measure, lne Li.gnway commission had declared tnai 11 wuuiu spend no. money on tnai road unless me road­ bed to me county lint should be pre­ pared mcluumg bnuge between Ne­ halem uiiu Vv uceler. 11 the otate dond Measure fails or for any voter reason stale aid cannot be hau tor naiusu.lacing this road, the county court win not spend any of tins 487,000 on the Necarucy Mountain road north and west from Nehalem, but will use it in improving the remainder of the road; that is from Brighton, through Wheeler, to Nehalem City. The County Court has not consid­ ered nor does it propose to consider the improvement of the Necarney Mountain road, except as necessary in order to get state aid in hardsur­ facing the road and only when State aid is assured. Should the State Highway Com­ mission decide to change the State Highway from around Necarney to the inside route the County Court expects, as far as it has the means- and can legally do so, provide the re­ quired road bed to connect by that route. Whether such change shall be made does not rest with the County Court. When the bond election was order­ ed the Necarney route had been spec­ ified; the election order was required to state on what roads the money to be raised should be spent. If the County was to get state aid on this road the money had to be provided for the road by the proposed bond issue, no other means being available. No provision is made in the elec­ tion order for spending any money between Brighton and Lake LytlxJor the reason that there is no d^Jty road established between those Under the law no provision coi^^e made for spending money from bonds except on roads described in the elec­ tion order. Where no road was es­ tablished none could be described. However, the last budget provided $8000 for establishing and opening such a road and is held for that pur­ pose. The County Court is waiting in this matter until it can have the State Highway Commission furnish an engineer to locate this road to the satisfaction of the Commission so that there will be no call for a change of it later, thus causing additional ex* pens?. Respectfully. A. M. Hare, Co. Judge, S. G. Reed, Co. Com. F. L. Owens, Co. Com. KAISER PRAYS AGAIN. Me Und Gott. Mine Gott will be my partner, You don’t know xvho I am. I am de German Kaiser, De Emperor Willieyum. You know 1 whipped dem Belgia”» Und with bu’.lets filled Russia full, I’ll wip France und Italy, Und blow up Johnnie Bull. All dem odder nations. For dem I don’t giv a dam, If you will be mine partner Und whip dat Uncle Sam. Yoy know I god dem submarines All Europe knows dat well. But dot Edison got a patent now Vot blows dem all to hell. Now, Gott, if you will do me dis, Den you I’ll always love, Und 1’11 be emperor on earth Und you can rule above. But Gott if you refuse me dis. Tomorrow night at eleven. Ill call my Zeppelines out. And declare war on Heaven. I wouldn’t ask dis favor Gott, But I can plainly seen, Dat when Edison push dat button »«* I got no more submarines.