T illamook headlight , may 31. 1917. Roll of Honor For May, 1917. o Disc No. 48—Clinton Chalker AGRICULTURE NOTES. Howard Çhalker. Wallace Chalk": TILLAMOOK BANKERS EN­ Dist. No. 3—Jack Rush- Willie III-: Golda Adams,' Ray ’Adam's 0^7’ DORSE ROAD MEASURES t .Ulio^m. I Magnuson Osca/ Mag" ion By R. C. Jones Agricultural Agent. ¿ag-worth, Vivienne Illingsworth. Dist No- 5—Albert lubesing, Mar­ Johnson. Hazel Burdick. Wilbiir Bur. What About the Slacker Land? To ,h. Voi.r.ol Till.mook c««.w Shall there be issued bonds of Tillamook County, to the ion Reed. , lhe first impression the newcomer Dist. No 8.-- u-»’i .rilocct, jcsste ton n n m mini r\( ll «• *-» *4 •-« x4 « —» —I 1. . ~ 'T'l_ „ . _ _ J r\ _ 1 n t?cy’ Kcnneth Huddles­ gets upon entering Tillamook is that amount of Four *- Hundred and Twelve Thousand Dol­ -------- o ■ ■ - Jensen, Non Rivb.-.rds Myitle Me ton. Donald French, Rudolph Akren it is one of the most wildly beautiful E1ta Arch,balS’ r|ay Willie McClay. Wilma Dingess Bril? lars, due in twelve years, with interest at 5 per cent per We have carefully considered to the on earth, and next he asks best of our ability, the question of Cecil Krake, Lester Krake, Lulu Mc- lueinYt Jrge1?1ann' Alley, spots annum to provide for permanent road construction? Clay, Lyle D>nSess, Margaret Mc­ Luella Lane, Thelma Lane, Robert where is your farming country that whether lillamooK County should is­ Vote Yes or No, famous _____ cheese and sue bonds tor building hard-sirriaced . — ______ Kinley, Florence Dyke, Elizabeth Cronen Robert Shunk, Mary Grazen produces , your Emma Grazen. Mildred Lupro. Stan- then you point out here and there roads. After much deliberation, we Vetsch. Jean Wilson. among the stumps the cattle which 300 Yes Dist. No. 9.—Grace Jolliff, Ollie KralLCnnlngCr’ Akrcn* Minnie are picking their living from the soil are ot the opinion that it would be a serious mistake for 1 illamook Coun­ Miner, Bruce Austin, Emma Groat, ty to defeat the proposed bond meas­ 301 No. Clayton Hadley, Blanche Harris, La- Dist. No. 49 —Bertha Zirr, George , which is free to grow grass. Did you ever stop to consider what ure at the election to be held next Verna Holden, Bud Johnson, Frank Becker, Earl Leach. Rosie Schranz it is costing you each year to let Monday. If the bond issue by the Mayer, Ogdon Moulton, May Pester- Lizzie Apblanalp, Ferdinand Becker’ these stumps and logs remain on your fit-hl, Gerald Stark, Leo Wheatley, Abplanalp1* P’ Agne* 2irr’ Rosie rich farming soil? It you have not, go county is defeated and the State Bond Measure carries, which seems Miles Austin, Ella Davidson, Saratte one acre of uncleared land and very likely, Tillamook County will be De Lillies, Donald Dick, Lula Kund- BenfieidN°’ 5<>~Robert N«k«»us. Ida over try and figure out how much real wholly unprepared to take advantage son, Weltha Lance, Kenneth Murphy, by the Legislature— AUTHORIZING PORTS TO 1 land there is to grow grass. Then ' of the State Aid Provisions of the Submitted Dist. No. Si—Jennie Curl. Thad Robison, Vera Rogers, Ora CREATE LIMITED INDEBTEDNESS TO ENCOURAGE WATER after you have done this, figure your State Bill, while if the county votes Dist. No. 55—Persis Edmunds, Paul cost of clearing and then see if it Rose, Glenda Sumerlin, Lerena Wor­ TRANSPORTATION— Purpose—Amending Section 9 of Article XI. of kington, Erma Ball, Roberta Camp­ Lorenza Williams, Marv would not pay to get the money and for county bonds, it will be in a po­ the Constitution by providing that municipal corporations designated ports sition to get the expenditure in Titla- Edmunds, Wilbur bell, Warren Poland, Lillian Groat. VV.lliams, Mark may be empowered by statute to raise money for bonuses to aid water I clear the land right away. And espec­ Errold Haltom, William Henderson, -^orthup, Gladys Northup, Charles ially in this great time of need when ‘ 11100k County by the State Highway transportation lines between such ports and other ports and to assist iu Commission of several hundred thou ­ Archie Pye, Lee Stephens, Bernice Edmunds Walter Fischer, Herman 1 America must feed the world is it our establishing water transportation on interior rivers of Oregon or ou sand dollars in paving county roads, Stone, Carlisle Stranahan, Albert rischer, Lewis Fischer. rivers between Washington and Oregon, or of Washington and Idaho duty to get busy and make this land the road bed of which must be pre- Dist. No. 57—Carl Geinger, Donald fruitful. Viereck, Janies Riley, Irma Austin, reached by navigation from Oregon’s rivers. Such indebtedness shall not : pared by the county. If we do not Illa Davidson, Inez Schwarz, Mary lone Leonard Geinger, Mabel Kline- exceed one per cent of the assessed valuation of the property in the Mr. Cunningham, who gave a take advantage of this, the money Lamar, Pauline Lamar, Marion Rob­ han Ernest Geinger, Nelson Paul. stumping demonstration here some municipality and may be incurred only by majority vote thereon. which will be raised by the State will ison, Ramona .Haltom, Kathryn Kirk, Gladys Khnehan, James Tone, Marie time ago, writes that he expects to be Vote Yes or No. spent in other counties, and Tilla­ Gienger, John Gienger, Pauline Gien- Bessie Thomas, Ernest Dodge, Les­ visit Tillamook soon to conduct an- mook County will not be benefited ger, 1 heodore Liisberg. lie Gray, Loraine King, Carl Leach, 300 other demonstration, the time of by it. Yes Dist. No. 56—Leo Best, Lewis Best which will be announced later. Clay Myers, Jimmie Watson, Bernice As we view it, the carrying of both Mabie Anderson, Clark, Madge de Ford, Helen Eadus, Dayle Miller, No. of these measures will mean the early 301 - o----- Ruth Heitsman, Gertrude Heusser, Clarence Anderson. Helen Berry construction in Tillamook County of Silos. Cordelia Oatfield, Evelyn Stillwell, Wcndal Byers, Raymond Perry. hard surfaced road through­ There is no better immediate meth­ a good by the Legislature.—LIMITING NUMBER OF BILLS Dist No. 59—Maxwell Gray, Hugh Claude Ball, Willie Campbell, Rodney or nearly all the entire length of Submitted od for conserving the food materials out INTRODUCED, AND INCREASING PAY OF LEGISLATORS— Farley, Ervin Johnson, Jesse Short­ Gillmore. the county, and the expense to be Purpose—Amending Sections 18 and 29 of Article IV of the Constitution Dist. No. 60—Susie Brown, Curtis Cuius I grown in this county than by the borne by the county on account of it ledge, Irvine Baker. Melvin Dick, by limiting the number of bills introduced at any session by any member Oscar Hanenkrat, Homer Worthing­ Garner, Eugene Hall, Herbert Blum, ■ erection os> silos. i I will be very small in comparison with It will not hurt to again enumerate the benefits which will be received. i of the Legislature, individually or with other members, to four, and by ton, Elmer Elftsrom, Ora Gillock, Elton Hall, Claude Blum, Agnes any committee to three, also limiting the number of bills introduced by Pcatl Richards, Beatrice Sheldon, Mills, Esther Mills, Ethel Dye, Ellen some of the advantages of the silo. Believing as we do, that the best Its first and most important usage is interests of all the people of Tilla- all Senate committees to thirty, and, by all House committees to sixty, Florence Stranahan, Lucia Wiley, Mills, Cecil Martin. excepting appropriation bills introduced by the Ways and Means Com Dist. No. 61—Helen Krebs, Erna that it increases the food value of I mook county will be best served by I Doris Woolfe, Henry Gillam, Alta ensiled . material. This has , Been • '.• mittees.. Also increasing the pay of members of the Legislature from $3.00 Carr, Ruth Erskine, Wanda Haltom. Krebs, Richard Krebs, Florence the carrying both these I , , , iij ' iuk uvui iiiese measures, we re- to $6.00 per day and the total daily pay from $¡20.00 to $300.00 for any demonstrated on a clover ¡¡nd grass ' spectfull that every voUr of the Florence Willett, Margie Morse, Ro- Krebs. - regular session. Vote Yes or No. Academy—Ruth Benson, William mixture right here m Tillamook. It : county vote in favor of ■ same. Jetta Watson, Hazei Wheatley, Doro­ solves the harvesting problem, B. C. Lamb, President, First thy Dennis, Leonard Bales, Isedore Plasker, Elta Sheets, Mary Fitzpat­ also rain will not do damage to material I ■ ional Bank. Nat .304 Yes. Erickson, Leon Illingworth, Leroy rick, Catherine O’Hara, Gerturde as which is going into the silo. Brooks, Leo Plasker, Maribelle East ­ I W. J. Riechers, Cashier First Nat- -------- Stillwell, Eunice Ammer, Rowena Just what type of silo is built is an Hanson, Liona Holden. Louise Hand- land. Rose Plasker, Jack Wells, Peter individual question, as any of the ap­ ional Bank. 305 No. _____ ley, Elizabeth Mowyy, Jauneta Betschert, Joe Emmenegger,, Frances proved types are giving satisfaction I J. C. Holden, Vice President First '■■■ ' -■ Highberger, Carolina Portmann, Es ­ I National Bank. Thompson, Elli Laakso, Vern Chris­ I in most instances, however, the com­ Submitted by the Legislature.—DECLARATION AGAINST IMPLIED Marion telle Kuppenbender, Rose Portman, mon stave silo offers the simplest t M. W. Harrison, President Tilla- tensen, James Harrison, REPEAL OF CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONS BY AMEND­ Lamb Clyde Lucy, Donald McGee, Anna Portman, Ruth Kuppenbender, solution as to which is best in this mook County Bank. MENTS THERETO— Purpose— Amending Section 1 of Article 1 of the Furrer, Martin Emmenegger, __ Thad Robison, Cashier Tillamook ______ Julius Sylvester, Karl Wolfe, Elvon Alma locality, as the material can be secur­ County Bank. Constitution of Oregon by declaring, that it is the function of the Consti­ Smith, Clarence Albert, Lavelle Bak­ Vincent Emmenegger, Adolph Len- ed at our mills. tution to clearly define a consistent and harmonious plan of government; Clara C. A. McGhee, Ass. Cashier Tilla­ er, Gerald Crenshaw, Hazel Duvall, scheidt, Mabel Soderberg, that to perpetuate such consistency and harmony, all constitutional ~ Brooks, Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Irene , I Just what crop will be developed as mook County Bank. Gwendolyn Harris, Alma Heusser, Jacob, amendments shall be so worded that their adoption will leave the amend­ Patrick Soterberg, Margaret a suitable silage crop for this locality . Corinne Jenkins, Wade Jenkins, Gil­ Portmann. ed Constitution without any conflicting provisions that, as the effect of Pius Hoffert, Mildred remains to be yet solved, although, i Spence or Loyalty. bert Pye, lone Talcott, Almeda True, Johnson, Philomina as has been stated, the clover and any amendment upon the entire Constitution is a vital consideration in Hoffert. Elvira Wolfe, Dorothy Cfiok, Camiie grass mixture gave better results in construing the amendment, no amendment shall have the effect of render­ Oregon has been named by the Sec­ Haltom, Clayton Hoy, Paul Johnson, the milk pail than when it was not I retary ing any other part or parts of the Constitution ineffective without ex­ of war as an area of possible Where to Register for War Census. Claude Mahan, Naphtali Schnal, Lee made into silage. It is interesting in military activity. He urges that in pressly and specifically repealing the same. Vote Yes or No. Stillwell, Lester Talbott, Lois Knight this connection to note that the U. S. 1 such areas a network of through Earl Maine, Henry Berkey, Melvin Precinct. Building. Department of Agriculture is breed­ Yes. Carr, Mason Hanenkrat, Dorothy Bay ......................... Ashley Building ing toward an apparent frost-proof roads—roads conecting population 306 —be constructed. The Council Kirk, Alfred Sylvester,, Jessie Thayer Bay Ocean ... School House No. 58 corn, and present indications point , centers National Defense makes similar 307 No. Harold Vantress, Mark Hoy, Leon­ Beaver............ School House No. 8. toward success for this would allow of recommendations, and names the Pa­ ard Johnson, Harlan Youel, Maurice Blaine ....................... School House us to mature the crop. cific Highway as a road of first im ­ Woolfe, Merrill Webb, Corinne Carnahan .................. School House Submitted by the Legislature—UNIFORM TAX CLASSIFICATION portance. Strananan, Josephine Sheldon, Leon Cloverdale ................ School House AMENDMENT— Purpose—Amending Section 32 of Article 1 and Section The only way we can get money I Flying. Clara Fairview ....................... Grange Haii Shaw, Marjorie Pangborn, I Of Article IX of the Constitution by providing for uniform taxation of enough to construct at once any In early spring one lowly fly Leap, Frances Long, La Vant Hol­ Foley .............. School House No. 24 all property of the same class within the State, county, or district levying through highway system is by pass ­ Winged over the chilly earth. den, Tom Handley, Roy Elfstrom, Garibaldi ......... School House No. 14 the tax, and classification of property for such purpose; for the adoption ing the $6,000,000 bond bill on the Arline Austin, Alvera True, Bertha Goodspeed .......Old Catholic Church She was so sluggish and not spry, by law of uniform rules for assessment and taxation, and that all taxes fourth of next month. Nor was she full of mirth. Baker, Bessie Baker, Carrol Schultz. Hays ....................... Talbot Building shall be levied and collected under general laws operating uniformly Mr. Spence, as the mouthpiece of Clarence W hite, Darrel King, Donald Hebo ........................... School House The days a little warmer grew, throughout the State, and omitting the present requirement of equality the granges, says we do not need She changed her sluggish song; Crenshaw, Evelyn Oliver, Fred Heits­ Hoquarton .................. Court House without classificaion. Vote Yes or No, roads (any roads) "leading from man, Frederick Knudson, Florence Kilchis ............ School House No. 38 She hunted for the proper brew, community center to community That her race she might prolong. t Ryan, Hermon Smith, Jesse Dye, Little Nestucca ....... School House center.” The Secretary of War says 308 Yes. Jim Crow, Maxine Baker, Oral Duval, Maple Leaf ................ School House She flew o’er a barn yard large we do, and that no share of the gov ­ Some manure then she spied, Thelma Johnson, Vera VVagy, Wayne Nehalem .... .................. City Hall ernment funds designated fqx post 309 No. Wiley, Evelyn Freeberg, Leona Hop­ Neskowin ... .............. Myers Hall "The proper place to enlarge roads shall be wasted on side roads. Netarts ....... ... O ’ Hara Residence The family circle, ” she cried. kins, Mamie Jacob, Wilbur Hopkins. 1 At least no other inference can be Rockaway .. ........... School House Submitted by the Legislature—REQUIRING ELECTION CITY, TOWN Theodore Jacob. But farmer Brown had read one day given this letter. AND STATE OFFICERS AT SAME TIME— Purpose—Amending Erickson, South Prairie ........... School House Dist. No. 10.—Frank That borax sprinkled on the pile, As loyal citizens of the Stillwell ....... ... Shreve Residence Í Article II of the Constitution by inserting Section 14-a to re­ Harold Erickson, Nels Franstrom. W’ould frighten all the flies away, | States, whose advice should Sunnymead . ....... Hays Residence quire incorporated cities and towns to hold their primary and general Anna Franstrom. Bernell Freeman, And so he bought some with a smile low—that of Mr. Spence or ........... School House The fly she tarried long enough elections for the nomination and election of their elective officers at snch Harold Glad, Marie Glad, Mildred Sand Lake .. the Secretary of War? Who times as the primary and general elections for the nomination and elec­ Glad, Pearl Glad, John Krake, Wanda Tillamook .. .................. City.. Hall To smell that borax cheap, prepared to know the needs of the I I tion of State officers are held; to provide for one election board to serve Keen, Leta Lightfoot, Virgil Light­ Trask ........... School House No. 57 And said "Not for me is that stuff Government — -Secretary Baker or I for both State and city or town elections; adjusting the terms of present foot, Blanche Glad, Ellen Glad, Ethel Union ......... ....... Collier Building T’yould put my babes to sleep.” Farmer Spence? Who is likely to incumbents of elective city or town offices to conform thereto, and re­ Anderson, Evelyn Dougherty, Evelyn Wilson ......... . School House No. 3 She flew o’er farmer Johnson’s have the firmest grasp upon the situa­ I quiring the enactment of such legislation as may be necessary to carry Glad, Dorothy Hare, Christina Olson, Wheeler .... . . . Effenberger Hall tion as it exists and as it is likely to "meader, ” .......... School House this amendment into effect. Vote Yes or No. Elizabeth Zuercher, Edward Glad. Long Prairie exist in the future—the spokesman of And found another place to lay. Eunice Swensen. the Administration at Washington or She chose to lay them on the spread­ Dist. No. 11—Ivan Ludtke, George Notice of Hearing Administrator’s Yes. the spokesman of the granges? 310 er Final Account. Ludtke, Clifford Hanks, Alta Hanks. After all, it comes right down to a Bound for the field that very day. Elmer Lundberg, Earl Barber, Olga ...... o question of loyalty and nothing else. 311 No. Notice is hereby given, that the un­ The eggs alas in the hot sun VonRotz. We are given our choice of taking Didn ’ t receive the treatment proper Dist. No. 12—Edna Wismer, Hallie dersigned Administrator de bonis non the advice of Secretary Baker and dried up slowly one by one, Submitted by the Legislature.—FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLAR Desmond, Edith Quick, Bessie Getch- of the estate of C. B. Hadley, deceas­ And After the manure went through the i the Council of National Defense and TAX LEVY FOR A NEW PENITENTIARY— Purpose—To authorize ell, Homer Blum, Casper Robitsch, ed, has filed in the County Court for upholding our government or of tak­ chopper. theBoard of Control to construct a new State Penitentiary by contract or Hjrman Blackburn, Willie Getchell, Tillamook County his final account, ing the advice of Granger Spence and otherwise, and to acquire a new site or grounds therefor in the county in J alb Graf. and said court has fixed Monday, She flew to farmer Wilson’t place, withholding our aid from the govern­ which the penitentiary is now located, at a total cost not exceeding four I ■ist. No. 13.—Lloyd McKillip. Neil July 2, ¡917, at ten a.tn. of said date Seeking further her eggs to lay, ment.—Oregonian. hundred thousand dollars. To enable the Board of Control to carry out wByfelt, Mildred McKillip, Ruth as the time and the office of the But alas she had played her ace; the provisions of this Act, a State tax levy of one hundred thousand dol­ There was no place for her to play. Lekalltn, Clifford Price, Crystal County Judge for said county as the lars each year for four years is authorized to be made in addition to the Letter of Condolence. .Sappington, Len Pierce, Nettie Earl, place for the hearing of said rinal ac­ For this bright man when work was taxes otherwise authorized by law. Vote Yes or No, slock, Gladys Earl, Delma Bodyfelt, Fred count. Whereas, God in his infinite wis­ Had built right under the barn floor Notice is further given, to all per­ Bissett, Shirl Jackson, Elmer Earl, has seen fit to remove from her 312 Yes. sons interested in said estate to ap­ A liquid manure tank without a crack dom Winnie Kellow. Which made the stuff worth much earthly home the beloved sister of Dist. No. 21—Allen Hughes, Floyd pear at said time and place and show Sister Lola Reedy. more. Cameron, Edward Cameron, Victor cause, if any there be why the said No. Therefore, be it resolved, that Sil- 313 Davis, Jack Ward. Eva Edwards, administrator should not be discharg­ Poor fly, she had no place to go. ver Wave Chapter number 18, O. E. And she was awful weary, Ciara Ward, Florence Hayes, Mary ed, his said account approved and his S. extend to sister Lola Reedy, its Submitted by the Legislature.—SIX MILLION DOLLAR STATE ROAD Her song was sickly, sad, and low, Ward, Marion Davis, Augusta Ed­ bondsmen exonerated. BOND ISSUE AND HIGHWAY BILL— Purpose—Authorizing the I heartfelt sympathy in her bereave- •' ’ 9. Dated Tillamook, Oregon May wards. She died for the world was dreary. ( I ment, and that a copy of the resolu­ State Highway Commission to raise money for building roads in next five Dist. No. 25—Hazel Wilkes, Glenn 1917. Farmer Wilson the best crops had | tions be sent to her and a copy plac­ years in an amount not exceeding six million dollars, by selling four per I J. C. Holden. Reading. In all the country round, cent bonds of the State of Oregon; limiting the sale of such bonds to one ed upon the books of the chapter. Administrator de bonis For he took the liquid from the tank Dist. No. 27—Gertie Doering, Lil­ million dollars the first year and two million dollars second year; Committee, Mrs, H. A. Williams, non of the Es*ate of C • B. lie Doering, Eula McKimens, Bernice And put it on the ground. , Mrs. Albert Plank and Mrs. A. K. providing method of payment of interest and principal and for retirement Hadley deceased. Loerpabel, Elwood Finley, Arthur of such bonds; to make the surplus arising from license fees collected on ................................................. .................................... Case. ____ The next best field for many miles Eoerpabel, Albert Miller, Helen Mil­ motor vehicles a fund to apply thereon; and providing for the construc­ Was Farmer Johnson’s "Meader”; ’ ler. tion and maintenance of hard-surfaced highways, post roads and forest His face was covered o'er with smiles , No’ice to Stockholders. Dist. No. 31.—Mel Duncan, Doro­ INSTANT ACTION SURPRISES roads. Vote Ye* or No. , And he laid it on the spreader. MANY HERE. thy Bousse, Myrtle Mather, Hattie This grocer ’ s story surprises local Now farmer Brown had in his field annual meeting of the stock- I The Deatlcy, Lillie Deatley, Donald Pro- stomach trouble . holders of Tillamook Hotel Company 314 Yes. A crop of very good hay voost, Helen Jordan, Frank Starr, people: "I had had food seemed to sour and form JorJn i "Tis better, he thought, to increase . will be held at the hotel building in Eva Crawford, Nola Flagg, Erma All Was always constipated. Noth­ ¡Tillamook City, Oregon, on Monday, 315 the yield No ^aughn, Naomi Simmons, Marie gas. helped until I tried buckthorn Than just to drove the flies away. [June 4th, 1917, at 2:00 o’clock p.m. Stubblefield, Jennie Anderson, Irene ing etc., as ----- mixed in The best of the fertilizer in the yard All stockholders are requested to be ‘ " J “ Deatlcy, Winfield Trombley, Ken­ bark, glyc ’ ne, SPOONFUL as- , consider these splendid youngsters of For Sale. present. Adler-i-ka. ONE Had wasted day by day, neth Warren, Cecil Wilkins, Thelma tonished less importance than the fortunes of me in its INSTANT action. E. J. Claussen, Sec. Mather, Jennie McClew, Gladys Because Adler-i-ka flushes the EN­ For when it rained good and hard New. modern upright Player Piano, ■ merchant princes? Or is it possible It washed the good away. Rich ards, Barbara Simmons, Arthur TIRE alimentary tract it relieves that many of the solons in the legi»- stool to match and player records. lative halls at Washington arc inter­ ■^Hderson, Harry Crawford, Lynn ANY CASE constipation, sour However, al) three of the men agree. As the pleasant summer goes by, Mayes, Herbert Miller, Lucile Craw­ stomach or gas and prevents appen­ ■ Easiest terms.—Apply at this office. ested in buying i»p these bonds— ford, Marie Flagg, Anna McClew, dicitis. It has QUICKEST action of That the best thing of all, you see, trafficking in the very life of the Was to swat the very first fly. Myrtle Sandberg, Harvey Maddux, anything we ever sold. J. S. Lamar, country for profit, the meanwhile Government to Buy Horses and Wilson McKean, Violet Sandberg. profi -sing undying patriotism and Mules. druggist. _________ Dist. No. 32—Miles Blalock, Ella loyalty to American institutions. Whooping Cough. Bialock, Clarice Booth, Lila Booth. Four boards of thccavalry officers These are questions which presrnt ». 33—Elizabeth Phillips, ■themselves to the minds of milKons One of the most successful prepar­ , were appointed today to visit Kansas of American citizi ns these days and "'arie Mayer, Eugene Simmons, Lyle ations in use for this disease is Cham­ City, Mo.; Fort Reno, Okla.; Fort no good reason exists for the situa­ Simmons. berlain’s Cough Remedy. S. W. Mc­ !■ aroxind half Gi-t. \TO —Willie Goodspeed, Clinton, Blandon Springs, Ala., writes Royal, Va., and Fort Keogh, Mont., tion as it now stands. Loyalty to the }Shaw, Dora O’Brien. Madeline "Our baby had whooping cough as drenched when to buy about $100,000,000 of horses I country we all love and to our own ■filenbuyck. Elizabeth Vaughn, had a« most any baby could have it. I firesides should lead every American and mules for the army. ithJISH BRAND Marold Haugen, Leon Shaw, Bert gave him Chamberlain'* Cough Rem­ to study thesi questions from the ,’np'''pcvd. Warren Goodspeed, viewpoint of one who is deeply and edy and it soo* cot him well.” For edv * ia Vaughn, Harriett Hellenbuyck, Why doe« the government continue iint<”«ely infi ri .till vitally concern- safe to issue so many bonds for war rev­ i i-d, if you please—in the situation. '\i.lic Vaughn, Nina Kodad. Dorothy enue purposes? Why not use con­ J Xril when you have decided how Kai'e ’Roy Shaw, Gladys Kodad. Rheumatism. will hoop yoxi dry and scripted incomes for tin-* purpose in­ ' congress should deal with the issu e, Shaw, Willie Olson, Asbury Shaw ■ isenneth Elliott. Jack Driscoll. stead of saddling the general public , takes up the matter directly with comfortable bled with chronic or F you are If : with a bond burden that will be a pcr- . your senators and representatives anil Ant­ •No. 30—(. Jordon Hastings. , u.itism give Chamber- scular rh DEALERS EVERYWHERE ■ muse pentual drain upon the workers of the - require of them the p lection you Herchenhcitn, Frances Craw- ; 1 trial. The relief I Iain’ 's s Linim ford Ella Anderson, Julia Briggs. land' The young manhood of the na­ I demand. Lets have more income con­ OUR 80th YEAR n , pain Eva ‘ ggleston, Helena | from ---- which it afford- is alone tion is being conscripted to bear the | scripton and ics* bonds.—Umpqua Burmester, C A.J.TOWtR CO BOSTON I worth many limes the cost. For sale Hiid 1 Steel, Alice Steel, Lottie Eg- brunt of the tight, and does congress 1 Valley News. j by Lamar's Drug Store. tlesi COUNTY TICKET STATE TICKET. I I REFLEX SLICKER’S