TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. MAY 31, 1917 y ELAND E ERWIN Summons. ‘ PIANO INSTRUCTION, - -o - ■ In the Circuit Court of the State of Diploma from Chicago Musical I Oregon for the County of Tillamook. College.—Beginners receive the same M. Sue Henderson, Plaintiff careful training as the most advanced. vs. Terras:—$4 00 per months Instruc­ and Alice Carr, H. E. Carr The following earnest letter from Tillamook Feed Company, 1 tion. Charles W. Burr, professor of mental Says Roa«' Eond Eiil Most Im­ Lydia S. Morgan, and the All lessons given at Studio. fiseases at the University of Pennsyl­ Lehman X . Clough Company portant Ever Submitted to vania, is published in the printed re­ County Representative for the announce the arrival of their new and W. H. Wilson. port of the hearings of the state sub­ Wiley B. Allen Co.s’ line of high Defendants Voters of Oregon. committee on military affairs: grade pianos, player-pianos, Victrolos To W. i. Wilson, defendant. "I am firmly convinced, after trying etc. _________ In the n ,nie of the State of Oregon, for years to prove the opposite for you are hereby required to appear Discussing the $6,009,00«) good roads myself, that compulsory military J^AVID ROBINSON. M. D , and answe r a eOinplamt filed against training for every youth is necessary bond bill at the state-wide rally in in the above entitled suit within you Portiand, Governor Withycombe em ­ in the United States, not only for the six weeks from ihe date of the first purpose of having an army to protect phatically indorsed the measure in the PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON (publication of this summons that be­ the country, but also and more impor­ .«oliowing language: ing the time fixed in the order for tant, because of the benefit to the "This is the greatest measure ever I publication of summons within which NATIONAL BUILDING, mental and physical health of the contemplated by the State of Oregon. I you shall so appear and answer said youth of the country. It means more to this State than any I complaint, the said first day of pub- OF OREGON. "I was much impressed years ago measure in its history, not barring the TILLAMOOK when a student in German (am not Constitution, because the one thing we I lication b- mg the 24th day of May, ( 1917, and if you fail so to appear and __ _____ _r sympa­ need is highways in Oregon •only not pro-German in my answer said complaint, for want 1.UV3, thies, but t,UL have ,,«,v „ a cordial hate for - -•••- mil- J T T. BO1 its “I have just returned from a trip ' thereof the plaintiff will apply to the itarism) by seeing the tremendous im­ A A . through the interior country. When 1 court for the relief demanded in said provement shown in a few months in ATTORNEY-AT LAW. the young men called to serve their you realize that great expanse of coun­ complaint, to-wit: try in the interior — the need of set ­ For a judgment against the de- Complete Set of Abstract Boeks tr time. Many of them arrived at the • iffice. barracks dull looking, not overclean, tlers. the need of men and women on ' fendants H. E. Carr and Alice Carr slouchy. In a short time they were farms—you appreciate the need of : in the sum of $300 00, with interest Make your selections early while our Taxes Paid for Non Residents. I thereon at ten per cent per annum roads in that locality. Then go along upstanding men. T illamook B lock , stock is complete American Youth Short °n Discipline down through our beautiful Valley I from and after August 23rd, 1916. and Tillamook .... Oregon and Duty. with its need ot roads It is time for for the further sum of $18.87 taxes “The American boy has little idea of us to get out of the mud This meas­ ! paid by the plaintiff herein, and for Both Phones. discipline, obedience or duty, and al­ ure will give us good roads—it will be ' the further sum of $50.00 attorney’s most momently, so rapid is the prog­ a highway of prosperity We should 1 fees, and for her costs and disburse­ ress toward degeneration, is becom­ stand as a unit for the whole State of ments herein, and for a decree fore- 1 T. BOALS, M.D., ing more undisciplined, is yielding Oregon—there should be no sectional closing that certain mortgage on the following .«escribed premises, situat­ more to the sway of his emotions, interest. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ed in Tillamook County, Oregon, to- instead of being taught to control "These roads are not only for home wit: them, and has become so saturated Surgeon S. P. Co. consumption. Military necessity and Beginning at a point t6j!« feet west . with the importance of his getting (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) his righ’s, that he has no thought that patriotic duty should make every voter of the southwest corner of Black he owes a duty to his state, his fam­ get out and vote for these bonds Good Number 5. in the town of Lincoln, Oregon Tillamook ily or himself. He has no point of roads later may save Portland, and all now within the corporate limits of « contact with the national government the State. We need and must have I Tillamook City, Oregon, and running 'l"l They will add to the thence north 210 fest; thence west 46 and does not realize he owes it any­ good roads EBSTER HOLMES, È wealth, thrift and happiness of our feet for the initial point of the land thing. intended to be conveyed herein; “Unless the American boy is taught people and our State. This measure ATTORNEY-AT-LAW obedience, unless he learns he must does not add one farthing to our taxes; thence west 57.5 feet; thence south submit to authority, unless he learns it simply capitalizes waste. It is a 52.5 feet; thence east 57.5 feet; thence COMMERCIAL BUILDING, that the highest manhood is to obey, most splendid measure. No sane man north 52.5 feet to the initial point FIRST STREET, unless he learns that work is a blessing or woman should offer a single word herein mentioned, and being the same property conveyed to H. E. Carr and not a curse, this country is doomed to of opposition to this movement. OREGON TILLAMOOK Alice Carr, his wife, by E. N. Morgan the same fate that has overtaken “It Is placed in the hands of three and Lydia Morgan, his wife, by deed every soft, fat, flabby, emotional and kind-hearted, but mush-headed, race as good business men as Oregon can dated June 29, 1915, and recorded GOYNE. that has proceeded us. Universal ever boast of anil is properly safe July 17th. 1915, in deed records of possible. It Is WITH guarded In every way Tillamook County, at pages 376 and training will do much to stiffen lip. to ATTORNEY -AT-LAW. Every 377. in Book 31; which said mortgage make firm-fibcred and manly the boys a step in the right direction good citizen should take off his coat was execute’ll August 23, 1915, and of America. Office: O pposite C ourt H ouse , "Should you think any opinion of and work for this bond measure, with recorded in book Z at page 142 of the American boy is undeserved, may his friends an«l his neighbors. Every Mortgages of Tillamook County, in Tillamook < Iregon. I be personal and state that the char­ citizen should keep his coat off until favor of Alex \ lahos, and thereafter acter of my calling has given me op­ election day. for the passa««’ of this assigned by said Alex \ lahos to portunity to study him closely tor measure m-ans so much to civilization John Leland Henderson, trustee, by ACK OLSEN, more than a few years. He is very and the »•« ¡far-1 of this gr-at State." assignment recorded in said registry bright sometimes, but he is soft, too in Book 2, pages 387 and 388, and DENTIST. fond of luxury, and lacks the firm thereafter assigned by said John OREGON WOMEN FOR sense of duty the older generation Leland Henderson, trustee, to the GOOD ROADS BONOS (I. O. O. F Bldg-) had.” plaintiff herein, by assignment re- • Facts Ignored by Dill and LaFoHette corded in said registry y, Book 2, pages All the convenience of gas. No waiting for the Assurance that the women of thia 507 and 508; and for the sale of said Tillamook - Oregon This is the expert testimony of a fire to burn up. Meals in a jiffy, and a cool learned professor who for years has •rate favor good roads was given at mortgaged premises to satisfy said kitchen all the time. had exceptional contact with Ameri­ the state wide rally In Portland by judgment ind for a decree foreclos­ Bakes, broils, roasts, toasts. Better cooking can youth. The published reports of Mrs Charles H. Castner. of Hood ing you of all right, title, interest and QR. L. L. HOY, because of the steady, evenly-distributed heat. the hearings before the house and River, Pr "»blent of the < 'regon Feder­ equity of redemption in and to said More convenient than a wood or coal stove for senate committee contain hundreds ation of Women’s Ciube. She said mortgaged _ . premises and every . part ali the y:ar ’round cooking—and more eco­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON of similar judgments. Military ex- "If there in on. form of legislation thereof ■. and for such other relief as nomical. perts, authorities on medicine. au­ that the women of this State are in­ to the Court shall seem just. The long blue chimneys prevent all smoke and T illamook B lock , thorities on physical development, au­ This summons is published by order smell. In 1, 2. 3 and 4 burner sixes. thorities on the fundamental principal terested in more than any other, out­ of the Hon. A. M. Hare, County or without ovens. Also cabinet Tillamook, Oregon of our government, speak there with side of the home and schools. It is Judge, made and entered the 23rd models. Ask your dealer today. convincing earnestness for universal good roads, and particularly do they day of May, 1917. Last publication wish this for the rural women, for to military training. July 5th, 1917. The pacifist plea is also presented, w hom can good roads mean more than JOHN LELAND HENDERSON John Lclend Henderson, to the women on the farm. It would bul it is vague, emotional and non- Attorney for Plaintiff. authoritative. No one capable of tend to less n that great isolation— ATTORNEY weighing evidence rati study the op­ the great factor in driving the boys AND Teacher ’ s Examinations. posing testimony and not be pro­ and girls to the city. foundly impressed with the force of "The women of my organization, COUNSELLOR AT-LAW Notice is hereby given tiiat the the case for preparedness through composed of 133 clubs, and nearly 15.- FOR SALE BY T illamook B lock , universal training and the weakness 000 women In this state, are interested County Superintendent of Tillamook Tillamook - - - Oiegon of the opposition. That is whv Presi­ tn good roads, as was shown by a reen- County. Oregon, will hold :!.«’ regular ROOM NO. 261. ALEX. McNAIR & CO. dent Wilson and Secretary ■ f War lution unanimously passed tor good examination of applicants for ^ta'e in Baker were converted from . learning held Certificates at the court house KING CRENSHAW CO toward Mr. Kryan’.s p eric doctrine roads at the last annual meeting Tillamook City, as follows: at Seaside. ” QARL HABER LACH, Commencing Wednesday, lune 7, to their present stan«l for elective conscripto n. That is why hundreds of 1917. at 9:00 o'clock a.m , and con- de ­ Within the '.ast few days it has representatives ami sen itors changed t nuing until Saturday, June ;o, '9*7. AT TOR N E Y- A T-L A W. I their opinions am! voted for conscrip- velop< per cent, / illamook This happened right In Portland A Chemistry, Physical culture, Oregon thirteen dollars could be spent every householder telephoned a fuel com­ Friday afternoon—School Law. second for an indefinite period with­ pany to send him a load ot oak wood. Geology, Algebra. Civil Government. out touching the principal, converted The prospective customer was Inform­ Saturday forenoon— Geometry, into silver dollars the coined pieces ed that the dealer did not have any Botany. H. T. Botts, Pres , Attorney laid end to end would reach more such wood on hand and would not be Saturday afternoon—General His- at-Law, than four times around the earth at for. Bookkeeping. able to till the order until the mads the equator. Piled on top of one John Leland Henderson, Sec­ G. B. Lamb. another these silver dollars wcnld ex­ had "dried up" so that the farmer County Superintendent. retary Treas., Attorney-at- tend nearly six hundred miles in the could haul It to town Is It not about Law and Notrary Public. air. Made into dollar bills they would time. Mr Farmer. Oregon was getHng cover 20,080 acres. The interest on Into th* road building business on a PROOF FROM FOREST GROVE the loan is greater than the entire practical and result producing basis? running expenses of the government Such a plan of road building is pro­ Forest Grove Citizens Speak out less than half a century ago, while post'd In the J6.000.0tW road bond bill Publicly. the amount itself would conduct the on which the people will vote at the Law. Abstracts. Real Estate. atfairs of the government for fully special election June 4th Inauraace. In Forest Grove we find that peo ­ seven years, on the basis of the an­ ple are praising Doan’s Kidney Pills Both Phones. nual expenditures of the last decade. Californians have found bonds for highly. Being so near by, the state­ Another and more cheerful way of road building a profitable Investment. TILLAMOOK—OREGON. looking al the situation is that, great Six years ago. by a bare majority, they ment of a Forest Grove resident is of particular interest. Tillamook People as the loan is, the wealth of the voted bonds to the amount of $16.dOO. will do well to profit by Mr. Haynie’s United States is such that it amounts ¡.ant Fall experience. to the lending of one dollar out of boo for road construction John F. Haynie, county road com­ every forty dollars of our existing by a 4 to 1 vote they authorised a further Issue of $15,00*),00<> for the missioner, Forest Grove, Ore., says: tangible resources. A _ penny _ . a saved by every inhabitant would can­ construction of more roads Evidently "Several years ago, I was given up to cel the principal in twenty years.— they were entirely »atlshed with their die with complication oi kidney and Initial Investment Pretty good argu bladder troubles. W ords couldn't be­ Thomas F. Logan, in Leslin’s. ment for supporting the 66 000.1XW gin to explain what I went throu gh "Chamberlain's Tablets Have Done road bond bill tn Oregon at the June for nearly a year. After taking about twenty boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills Wonders lor Me.” •I vet to*. in succession. 1 was restored to my - ■ o ■■ ' Notice to Creditors. “ I have been a sufferer from •persons having claims against the The people of Oregon have reason former, good health and today I can Stomach trouble for a number of ta eongratulate themselves upon the hold my own with any man. I give said estate to present the same, duly! i Doan's Kidney Pills full credit for my years, and although I have used a Notice is hereby given that the un­ verified, to the undersigned within ' selection of Herbert Nunn as State great number ot remedies recotn- present go«od condition. This medi­ mended lor this complaint. Chamber­ Highway Engineer by the new High cine has no equal and I always re­ dersigned, by an order duly made and six months from this date. • ay Commission No better appoint lain’s Tablets is the first medicine commend it to others I hear com­ entered in the County Court of the Dated this May 5th, 1917. that has given me positive and lasting neat could have been made His se plaining of kidney trouble." State of Oregon, for Tillamook Coun­ Effie Jenson, Administra­ telief." writes Mrs. Anna Kadin, leetlnn happily eliminated th-- possibil­ Price 50c. at all dealers. Don’t sim­ ty, has been appointed Administratrix trix of the Estate of Har­ ^Spencerport. N. Y. “Chamberlain's ity that an unlit appointment might ply ask for a kidney remedy—get is have done wonders for me be mad-- through political tarerluaaa. Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that of the 1 state of Harry Sappington, ry Sappington, deceased. ■■Rvalue them very highly." For —Coquille Sentinel Mr. Haynie had. Foster-Milburn Co„ deceased. Post office address, Hebo, Lamar's Drug Store Notice is hereby further given to all | Props, Buffalo N. \. Oregon. AMERICAN BOY NEEDS DISCI PLINE. •----- o------ Emphatic Testimony of a Professor of Mental Diseases. HARRIS-AMMER FURNITURE COMPANY SPRING STOCK! Rugs, Linoleum, Ranges, Furniture, Beds, Mattresses COOK PEAÄL OIL CONVENIENCE NEW PERFECTION OIL CCOA y STOVE The Potatoe King of Wash- ington will uotjoermit plant ing his Potatoes before they have been properly treated with Bichloride of Mercury Directions for use at C. I. CLOUGH CO. TILLAMOOK, ORE. FREE ! FREE ! I FREE! ! ! With every Pound Can of Royal Club Coflfee, one can of Pepper Mustard or Ginger FREE. See our window display. RAY & CO. Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. Have Your House Wiring Done by Coagt poWei* Co. DONE RIGHT at RIGHT PRICES