THE STORE DOORS OPEN and SALE BEGINS at 10 a.m. SATURDAY, JUNE 2nd. Actual 15c. TURK AND HUCK TOWELS, traordintiry, Stupendous SCHOOL STOCKINGS I PILLOW CASES Actual $1.00 Sizes 81 x 90 In Preparation for this Great Event. Be Here in Time and Bring the Family Boys’ and Girls' CLOSED ALL DAY FRIDAY Actual 25c. of Individual and Vital^Im|orta nee Jto Every Man and Woman An Event Actual 75c COVERS and PETTICOATS Actual to $1.75 PETTICOATS NIGHT GOWNS and COMBINATIONS $1.19 each Actual to 25c. CRASH and UNION TOWELINGS. 15c. yard. Actual 35c. WHITE and ¡BLACK HOSE for LADIES, Retr. and Extra Sizes. Necessity To be Sacrificed on th STARTING at 1 Plan to Celebrate JULY 81 and 90 inch SHEETINGS PEQUOT, MOHAWK Etc. 39c. yard. Actual 50c. UNION SUITS Boys’, Misses’, Women's 35c. each. Aâtual 75c. BUNGALOW APRONS. Heavy Stocks and a Backward Season Force Us to Announce Sensational Reductions in Beautiful New Wash Fabrics, Suitings, Skirtings, Waistings, Dress Fabrics. For seeing a steady advance in prices, we bought heavily in all lines of merchandise in order to shelves, protect your needs as long as possible at the old prices. The stocks bought are now on our ed as we anticipated, but <»wing to the extreme backwardness of the Spring Season, have not mov " — and save on the making of Hence this sensational slaughter of prices in Wash Goods. Buy now every one of your summer garments. Actual 20c. to 25c. Actual to 45c. values in Wash Fabrics,. 15c. yard. Dainty plain white, fancy white and colored fabrics for making; up Chil- den’s, Misses and Ladies' Dresses, Ladies Waists, etc. Wonderful Bar- gains in the newest inexpensive weaves on the market today, New Wash Skirtings, Waistings & Suitings, at 25c. yard, This is our "Star” selection in a Actual 25c. to 33c. Several Styles. 49c. each. Actual $2.00 MILLINERY SHAPES Good Styles. XX/iieVl wasn rdDriLb, 1 Qr VArri XVU. JttlU. Fabrics you would never hesitate to pay 25c. to 33c. for, but because buying in summer fabrics has been delayed owing to tin- coldness of the I yye.iiii. 1 we are going to u 111 ic, ■ I them .it this -< ' -.itieiially low pr ce selection of Wash Goods that are all «• stars.” No matter what kind of ;t Garment yon want to make, yon will find a fabric in this selection eminently desirable and at a price consistent with economy and the Don’t Wastf TH with us in Tillamook City. Don’t Hoard The man or womi wastes contributes to na tional uncertainties, m I bit by bit the problem: facing the nation’s heat The man or woma oards helps create those ‘‘pyschological tlepret which so often proceed national disturbance. I The Dollar is a naj mixer unless it circulates. Buy as Usui ive as Usual, Entire Stock of Ladies Actual 75c FINE SUSPENDERS Sensational Sales of Footwear. A Famous Make If you know anything at all of the actual conditions really exist­ ing in the footwear market at the present time, you will realize what a sensational sale this is without any more words on our part, except the quoting of prices. To $7.50 Values in - k - - — Shoes for Ladies $4.40 WORK SHIRTS Buy wisely—sayel to was once wasted—and the nation will be vict< UNION SUITS t t t < desire to save, We mention only a few of the fabrics at this wonderful Bargain 1’rice. 34 i|lch |)onrette Waistings. 3tl inch Stripe Voiles, 40 ini h Check Voiles, 3t’> inch Campus Suitings, 34 nch Novelty Skirtings 32 im h t t i-li Suiting. 38 im li Beat h Suitings, 89c. each. FOUR-IN-HAND TIES ATURDA Y, JUNE Actual to 35c. PILLOW TUBINGS Actual 50c Wear Greatly Reduced. Ladies' New Suits, worth double, only- $13 65 Ladies' Suits, newest styles, only - 22.45 Ladies' Dresses, Silks, Serges, etc..only 16.65 New Millinery, to$6.00 values, only - 2.98 New Millinery, to $9.50 values, only 4.29 i »-..„„„a »it«» 14 vrs 1.39 79c. each GREAT BARGAINS in Men ’s andBoyl's Wearables. Black Kid Button St ban _ Black Kid Rutton Sh Men’s and Youngmen's Suits, sizes 31 to 38. $15 v'a/ues for only $12.35 Men's Suits that sold to $18.00, for only ................................. $ 14.85 Men’s and Younfmen's Suits in Eng­ lish, Pinch-back and Medium and Box Back Styles. $20 seller $17.95 Hart Schaffner and Marx Suits, actual values to $27.50, for only $21.85 Boys' Knickerbocker Suits, with Nor­ folk Coats. Actual $7 val $5.45