Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 31, 1917, Image 3

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    T illamook
headlight , may 31. 1917.
Submarines Must Be Destroyed or
Bottled Up.
” ?
In the County Court of the State of ijt
Oregon, fr>r Tillamook County.
In the matter of the estate of Frank ||
Forsblom, deceased.
To all unknown heirs of Frank ¡1
Forsblom, deceased, and ...
any ___
and ___
all ”
( other persons interested in the estate
1 of said Frank Frosblom, deceased:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby cited and required to
appear in the County Court of the
State of Oregon, tor the County of
lillamook, at the court room thereof,
at 1 illamook City, in the county of
lillamook on the joth day of June,
• 917, at ten o'clock in the forenoon
of that day, then and there to show
cause, if any exist, why an order
should not be made by the above
named court directing and authoriz­
ing the administrator of said estate
to sell at private sale, for cash in
hand the real property belonging to
the said estate, situated in Tillamook
County, Oregon, and more particular­
ly. described as follows, to-wit:
AU the right, title, estate and in­
terest acquired by Frank Forsblom
in the tract of land of about 61-100 of
an acre, in Sec. 22, Tp. I N., R. 10 W.
of W. M., as well as any and all other
rights acquired, under and by virtue
of that certain bond for deed execut­
ed by Andrew Peterson in favor of
said Frank Forsblom, dated Dec, 8,
1914, and recorded at page ’288 of
Book “30” of the records of deeds of
Tillamook County, Oregon, and also
described in the Tract Book of the
County Assessor of Tillamook Coun­
ty Oregon, at pages 23 and 24 thereof
as Tracts Nos. 44 and 45.
Witness, the Hon. A. M. Hare,
Judge of the County Court of^ the
State of Oregon for Tillamook Coun ­
ty, with the seal of said Court affixed
the i6th day of May, 1917.
Erwin Harrison County Clerk.
By Kathleen Mills, Deputy.
Hindenburg fights defensively on
the west front and the allied German
and Austrian forces are lighting de­
fensively against the Italian drive.
kfVÖ*' «*
1 hey are hoping to hold back the en­
tente armies till the German subma­
rine can sink enough ships and de­
Things must be moving in New 1 stroy enough cargoes to reduce Eng­
York City when hotels that accom- land and h rance to acute hunger and
modate a thousand guests are obliged industrial ruin.
to turn away two hundred daily. For
Il is dilticult for American observ­
this great loss they are partially re­ ers to draw definite conclusions re­
compensed by the charge of twenty- garding the gravity of the submarine
live cents for an orange, sixty cents menace. The British official weekly
for two scrambled eggs and fifty-five statement of losses is not as reveal­
cents for a pot of coffee.
Who ing as it might be, for it does not in­
wouldn't live in old New York!--Sun clude losses of neutral vessels carry-
1 lug supplies to England and France,
Every time sugar or flour goes up and it studiously avoids going into
a few cents a sack, people rush in and tonnage totals.
But the danger is real and great.
buy some to stock up before the next
rise. Just to be obliging, of course, Government admissions in parliament
jobbers raise it again, the retail- I reveal that much and some of the
have to do likewise and the peo- 1 London newspapers complain that
rush in and buy more again. If the losses have been more alarming
people would stop it would break than the government reports have in­
chain. When every raise in price dicated.
The situation calls for vigorous and
makes increased buying, why should
not the dealer raise it again? Quit sustained onslaught against the sub­
buying and see what happens. This marines.. Victories on, land won with
principle is said to have been illus­ enormous loss of life and material,
trated in the potato market here re­ would count for little if Germany
cently, when the farmers had large ever got the whip hand over England
quantities of potatoes holed up await­ and France with her submarines.
A nation starved is a nation con­
ing higher prices. The price dropped
when buying ceased somewhat, and quered. If Germany should once re­
many farmers could get no offer.— duce the French and British people
Ito the verge of starvation, she could
Telephone Register.
Zerolene “a most satisfactory motor oil"—that is the testimony of the leading
dictate her terms and they would be
automobile distributors of the Coast.
crushing. She would demand posses­
They know from the records of their service departments—and we know from
t IlL XA
1 I II J 14 tl
1( V4 X
1 V44 I I 4 navies,
4 cl V 4 X- O f
of 4 the
j t|lat achieved, she would be ab-
exhaustive tests—that Zerolene. correctly refined from selected California
asphalt-base crude, jives perfect lubrication with least carbon deposit
made a serious mistake in not taking world would have to yield to her
Zerolene is the oil for your car—whatever the make—the oil for all types of
over the supply when wheat passed policies.
automobile engines. For correct grade, gee our Lubrication Chart covering
the $1.50 per bushel price. By allow-
your car
To meet that menace to world safe­
ing manipulation to bring prices ty and independence it is imperative
M dealers everywhere and Standard Service Stations
govern- that the United States navy shall join
where they are today, the _
ment has absolutely played into the - the allies in an effort on a big scale to
hands of speculators and has made ' close all harbors from which the sub-
the public suffer. Only speculators | marines steal out upon their work of
Circuit Court of the State of
Tn the
have profited. Because of the nuny ]aw|esl destruction.
Oregon for Tillamook County.
serious problems today before
I If German submarines are nesting Mortgage Company for Amer­
government no criticism s."..
be or hiding jn neutral waters, they
ica, a corporation, Plaintiff.
made for the failure to take
act.*°n shoud be raided there. If the neutrals
„ •
heretofore. However, it is now time I thus affected campaign against that Frank W. Crane,
Bertha Grace
to bring this matter to the attention ¡ action,
they should be told plainly
Crane, J. G. Balmer, Jane
of the government and to see that that they must stop harboring these
Roe Balmer,
Ernest C.
some action is taken without further ruthless enemies of civilization
Crown, Emma A. Crown, E.
I acquiesce in the cleaning out work of
J. McHugh, Lizzie McHugh,
others. This is no time for insincere
F. R. Beals and Mary Doe
War is no child’s game; it is not to
Beals, Defendants.
be waged by clerks or typewriters in cal ties.—Spokesman Review.
To Ernest C. Crown and Emma A.
newspaper offices, nor in kitchens,
In the name of the State of Oregon,
nor in parlors. It is life or death to
hundreds of thousands of our best
you are hereby required to appear
Where to Seek Spies.
and most capable young men. Il may
; and answer the
complaint filed
be you or your boy, or your brother
, against you in the above entitled suit
Betrayal of important facts about I within six weeks from the date of the
whose life will be lost unless red tape
is cut, unless the best brains this the voyage of the destroyer flotilla to first publication of this summons,
country contains are put in positions Europe impresses upon the American that being the time fixed in the order
of power. It will not do, now that we people with new emphasis the truth for publication of summons within
are in war, to be ‘‘too proud to fight.” which they have learned (luring near­ which you shall so appear and ans­
ly three years—that the German spy
said complaint, the said first day
Indiana Lady Describes Condition, This is no “peace without victory” system exists everywhere, and is wer
of publication being the 17th day of
I contest. We are to have cither dem­
ocracy or Prussianism. We are to be most likely to be found in the most May, 1917. and if you fail to so appear
Which She Says Was Due To
free, or wc are to take orders from unsuspected places. The British and and answer said complaint for want
Constipation and Tells of
Germany. It is no time to consider French nations learned the same les­ thereof the plaintiff will apply to the
feelings or persons. It is no time to son by painful experience, being by Court for the relief demanded in said
Relief Obtained From
mince words. It is no time to dilly nature reluctant to scent an enemy complaint, to-wit: For a judgment
Wherever Ford cars have pioneered, Ford
dally and fool along. Men are de­ behind an outward show of friend­ against the defendants. Frank W.
service has kept pace. It! is the factor which
manded, not politicians; brains, not ship. The American people should Crane and Bertha Grace Crane, in
sweet words or sounding pharses. surely have learned it from the ac­ the sum of $3,570.68, with interest
strengthens the personal relation between
Scottsburg, Ind.—Mrs. Annie Johnson, Your boy’s life is at stake.— Umpqua tivities of Bernstorff, Von Papen, thereon at 8 per cent per annum from
Ford owners and the Company. To get the
of this place, writes: “I well remember Valley News.
Boy-ed, and all their creatures.
and after April I, 1017, and for the
It cannot safely be inferred that be­ further sum of $350.00 attorney's fees,
I suffered for a long time with constipa­
best possible service from your Ford car,
cause pro-German agitators have be­ with interest thereon at 8 per cent
tion, which would get me down. I took
bring it here when it needs attention and get
The idea that is gaining prevalence come silent, they have become idle. per annum, and for its costs and dis­
doctors’ medicines qjjd any number of now that the war is on is that all
They arc too w ise to arouse suspicion bursements herein, and for a decree
the benefit of Ford supervision throughout.
purgatives. They would leave me in a must cut expenditures to the limit. by expressing their sentiments. Little ¡foreclosing that certain mortgage on
We use the genuine Ford parts and give you
worse condition than 1 was before taking, The idea is growing rapidly, and the harm is to be expected from a n:an the East half of the East Half of the
the benefit of the regular standard Ford
and my stomach so upset... 1 know worst of it is, has the sanction of well who curses the President or t cars Southwest Quarter, and the West
meaning people. It is very pernicious down a flag. The genuine spy or Half of the West Half of the South-
once I suffered . . . from constipation, i
prices. Touring Car $360, Runabout $345,
and will gnaw at the vitals of the traitor will pretend to support the > east Quarter of Section 35 in Town-
was so ill we had to have the doctor, just world if persisted in. It will cause the
Sedan $645, Coupelet $505, Town Car $595
President and honor the flag.
, ship 2 North of Range to West of the
so nervous and feverish. The doctor greatest number of business failures
It does not speak well for the ■ Willamette Meridian, less one acre
all f.o.b. Detroit. On display and for sale by
said I would have to quit medicines, my I the world has ever known and will be sagacity of the officials at Washing­ ’ sold to Fred Kabkec by deed dated
the means of forcing labor out of em­ ton that they refuse to suspect any ' February 28, 1913. and recorded in
stomach was so bad . ..
My husband was reading and found ployment, for there will be less op­ of the persons who had knowledge of Book Y at page 271 thereof of the
something about Thedford’s Black- portunity to labor. The proper thing the orders for the destroyer flotilla Records of Deeds for Tillamook
Draught and brought me a package to to do is to right about face—as there because all were trusted employes. County, Oregon; which said mort­
try. I used it regularly at first until I be­ is much money in circulation, and An enemy would insinuate a spy into gage was executed October I, 1013,
hoarding just such a position or would bribe and recorded December to, 1913, in
gan to feel better, then 1 used just a dose there will be more if the
occasionally. I was cured of this con­ spirit is curtailed in time—before it a person who already held it, for the ! Rook Y of Mortgages of Tillamook
stipation and am sure the B'ack-Draught gains the mastery. Then the immense sufficient reason that no other would County at Page 75 thereof; and for
did it.”
war loans to the Europeap countries serve the purpose. When the British I the sale of the said mortgaged prem-
If your stomach is out of order, you will to a great extent be spfnt right in the Revolutionary War wanted a ises to satisfy said judgment, and for
will suffer from such disagreeable symp­ here in America, and it will increase ■ traitor, they went after big game— a decree foreclosing von and each of
toms as headache, biliousness, indiges­ the circulation of money, jt is not a
tion, etc., and unless something is done, case of hanging onto every cent, but Benedict Arnold, one of Washing­ you of all right, title, interest and
ton’s generals.
equity of redemption in and to said
serious trouble may result.
of being careful and making money
Far be it from The Oregonian to mortgaged premises, and every part
Thedford’s Black-Draught has been
instigate a reckless spy-hunting man­ thereof, and for such other relief as to
found a valuable remedy for these go
ia, but it becomes the Government to the Court shall seem just.
It is purely vegetable, and
This summons is published by or­
use its proper agencies in the work
acts in a prompt and natural way, help­
and, when information is betrayed der of the Honorable Geo. R. Raglcy,
ing to regulate the liver and to cleanse
the bowels of impurities.
which was possessed only by person Judge of the above entitled Court,
Try Black-Draught.
The call to . American physicians
in positions of trust, to seek the guil­ duly made and entered the 10th day
. |
and surgeons for service in France is ty one among such persons. It would of May, T917.
only the beginning of the profession­ do well to inquire into the anteced­
Snow. Rronaugb & Thomp­
------ o------
al and pecuniary sacrifice demanded, ents, affiliations and expressions of
son. MacCormac Snow
In the Circuit Court of the State of the greatness ot which will serve as opinion about the war of all persons
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Oregon for Tillamook County.
a measure of our national devotion to in such positions ami to put none in T.ast publication June 28, »017.
Verna L. Mast, Plaintiff.
the bleeding republic. An army sur­ charge except persons of proved pro­
geon of the medical reserve corps bity and loyalty. This may involve
Reuben H. Mast, Jr. Defendant.
Biliousness and ConstiPati°n.
with the rank of major gets a salary hardship to men who have these qual­
To Ruben H. Mast, Jr., above nam­ of $3,000 a year. That is the maximum ities, but it is better that such an one
------ o------
ed Defendant.
For years 1 was troubled with bil­
A lieutenant gets $1500. The other should occasionally suffer injustice
In the name of the State of Oregon (lay the head of a New York unit of
iousness anil
constipation, which
you are hereby required to appear and the corps, enjoying one of the largest than that the interests of the country made life miserable for me. My ap
answer the complaint filed against
petite failed me. 1 lost my usual force
you in the above entitled suit and professional incomes in the United and remorseless enemy.—Oregonian. and vitality. Pepsin preparations and
court on or before the last day of the
cathartics only made matters worse. I
time prescribed in the order for the gives up the difference between his
do not know where I should have
publication of this summons, and ii
been today had 1 not tried Chambrr-
you fail to so answer for want »here­
j Iain's 1 ablets. The tablets relieve the
*----- O'
of plaintiff will apply to the court for
Notice is hereby given that the un- ill feeling at once, strengthen the di­
the relief prayed for in »he complaint, turned over to substitutes. Many of dersigned, administrator of the estate gestive functions, purify the stomach,
to-wit: For a decree forever dissolv­
liver and blood, helping the system to
ing the bonds of matrimony now ex­ doned. however, because the custom of Lars Jensen, deceased, lias filed do its work naturally.—Mrs. Rosa
isting between plaintiff and defendant
Potts, Birmingham. Ala. These tab
and that plaintiff have the custody losing favor among medical men. for 1 illamook County, Oregon, and lets are for saly by Lamar's Drug
and care of the minor child, Reuben
that Saturday, the second day of Store.
Harrison Mast; and that plaintiff be plays a large part jn their success and
For a burn or scald apply Cham­
1917, at the hour of ten a m., of
decreed to be the owner of a one-
said date is fixed as the time, and the berlain's Salve. It will ally the pain
third interest in and to the real pron- sona! attention or none at all.
The medical reserve corps is filled office of the County Judge, of Tilla­ almost instantly and quickly heal the
erty described in the complaint; and
that defendant be adjudged to pay with volunteer doctors who simply mook County, Oregon, in Tillamook injured parts. For sale by Lamar's
Drug Store.
the sum of thirty dollars per month offer themselves (and thereby their
for support of said minor child, and incomes) for the period of the war. City, 1 illamook County, Oregon, is
A Symbol of Health.
for such other relief as the court may And a« is always the case when the fixed as the place for the hearing of
| deem meet with equity, and for the volunteer system is in vogue, many the said account.
The Pythagorians
. costs and disbursements of said suit. of the best men of the profession
Notice is further given that all per­ Greece ate simple food. practiced
This summons is served upon you have offered themselves and are now
... a _____
by publication by order of Hon. A. subject to call. Among them arc the sons having any objections to the ac­ temperance and purity. As
! M. Hare, County Judge, of Tillamook Mayo brothers, whose income has ceptance and approval by said County they used the five pointed star which
County, Oregon, in the absence of been estimatid at a quarter a million Court of said final account wilt ap­ they regarded as a svrabol of health.
A red five pointed star appears on
the judge of the above named Circuit a year. B.it as the French sajr. "It is
pear at said time and place and show each package of Chamberlain's Tab­
Court, which said order was made and war,” and the doctors
are ready, I
dated the tQtb day of April. 1917. and though to many the sacrifices requir­ cause, if any there be, why the admin­ let., and still fulfills its ancient mis­
the date of first publication thereof is ed must be the cause of much anxiety , istrator should not be discharged and sion as a symbol of health. If you
are troubled with indigestion, bilious­
April 19, 1917. *nd date of last pub­ especially ambng those who have | his bondsmen exonerated.
ness or constipation, get a package of
lication hereof. ..nd the last date on reached or passed middle age, have
C. C. Jensen, Administrat­ these tablets from your druggist. You
which you are required to avpear and families and know they will be hand-
or of the Estate of Lars will be surprised at the quick relief
answer is May 31. >917-
¡capped in starting over after the war
which they afford. For sale by La­
Johnson & Handley,
— Pittsburg Gazette Times.
Jensen, Deceased.
mar’s Drug Store.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
All the wheat in England belongs to
the government. All the wheat in
America is the
plaything of the
Chicago wheat pit.—Telephone Reg-
pnwn entiwlysdiisfactory
Ackley & Murphy
Kitehen Ranges and
Heating Stoves.
the best stock of hardware in
See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere.
National Building.