Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 31, 1917, Image 1

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    Vol. XXVII
Are You in Favor of State Aid for Hardsurfaced
Roads in the County or Not ?
ith all due respect to the opinions of those who differ with us on the bonding questions, it is the can-
id opinion of the T illamook H eadlight that the people Of Tillamook county should not only vote for the
State bond measure, but the County measure as well, for the reason that ail parts of the county never had
such a splendid opportunity to obtain a hard surfaced road the entire length ot Tillamook, giving each sec­
tion a square deal and an opportunity to enjoy the benefits of modern, up-to-date roads in preference to
mud holes, with a most liberal offer of State aid.
It is a most magnanimous offer the State is making to Tillamook County in agreeing to construct, 50
miles or more ol hardsurfaced road if the County will prepare the road bed. This is the issue in a nutshell,
and is squarely up to the people whether they want to throw down the generous offer, or accept it. If the
bond measures carry it will mean that Tillamook county, during the next five years, will have a hard sur
laced road from one end of the county to the other, which is of far-reaching benefit to everybody living here
In looking over the petition to bond the county, we find names of some of our largest resident taxpay­
ers, and when a conservative and successful banker and dairyman like M. W. Harrison^ president of the Till­
amook County Bank, signed his name he had the business foresight that it was a splendid opening for Till
amook county to obtain a hard surfaced road through the entire county.
One good feature about the State bond measure is the fact that a large amount of the money to build
permanent, main trunk roads will be paid by those who own autos and auto trucks, taking this burden from
other taxpayers and placing it where it belong. Every fair minded person will admit that this is just.
We are sorry that ignorance, prejudice and selfishness prevails to some extent, but we believe it is the
patriotic duty of every citizen of Tillamook county to get behind the good roads movement and provide a
military road in this county We earnestly appeal to our patriotic citizens to bury their little prejudices,
short-sightedness and selfishness and take a larger, broader view of the road question in this county That
is one important matter in which we can do our bit in this national crisis. About 200 brave young Tilla­
mookers have volunteered their services to the government, throwing up good positions for the post of duty,
and surely we, who are left at home, should throw our energies into the good roads movement and provide
a military road in Tillamook county, for use of the government whenever required. Go to the polls on Mon­
day and do your bit by voting for the State and County road measures and perform a patriotic duty.
Editorial Hardsorfaced
Snap Shots,
doomsday before other sections of expended on Neah-Kah-Nic Moun­ When the government made a prop­
the county are taken into considera­ tain. It is simply done to create a osition to furnish half the money to
tion. Let’s have a hard surfaced road wrong impression and cause local improve Tillamook bar, provided lo­
There is no place in Tillamook through the entire length of the strife, with a view of defeating the cal interests would provide the other
county that will be benefited more, county and all enjoy the benefits as good roads measures. We have come half, it was gladly accepted and the
if the state and county bond measures soon as possible. Vote for the state across so many misleading state­ Port of Bay City was bonded for
carry, than Brighton, on the Nehalem and county measures and all parts of ments like the above, and it is sur­ that amount. The timbermen did not
prising that people will persist in re­ object to bonding then, but lent con­
rives, It has no road at present and the county will get a square deal.
Don’t be a slacker—turn out next as
-------- 0--------
peating them, after the state bond siderable assistance in having the
Monday and vote for the state and
measure has been given such wide project approved by the government.
county good roads measures.
The same applies to the improvement
benefit to that industrial center. Help those who have allowed their preju­ publicity by the Press of the state.
of Nehalem bar, when the Port of
Good roads advocates were in evi-
for considerable money is put into it is more and more evident that they
We find that some of our citizens Nehalem was bonded. Now if it was
dence on Saturday discussing the circulation
by industrial activity do not know the facts, and are ob- are in favor of the state measure and the right thing to bond the Ports of
question with those who want to
scessed by a lack of confidence in opposed to the county bonding. Be­ Bay City and Nehalem—and we
srep 1 illamook in the mud.
their fellow men. The most surprising fore they cast their vote they should think it was—so that the timber own­
isn’t , it? . Oretown
Grangers thing which those who allow their consider this fact: Tillamook is the ers could ship their lumber by water,
Are you lined up with the timber in- | Strange
•---- = _____
, an unanimous
1 WAth
prejudices to predominate is the fact first county to receive state aid, and we think the timber owners are show­
•crests who are opposing state aid ! wenl on record
ing a selfish disposition when they
■or hard surfaced roads in this county vote in favor of the county and state that they will state something that is if the money is not available to pre­ oppose the state and county bonding
roads measures, and Grangers at not true and will not believe the pare the road bed, this county will no
or 'he resident citizens who want to good
Fairview are bucking it. It simply naked truth when it is shown them. longer
be in.the - preferred class, and for permanent roads to do away with
1 -
Pull Tillamook out of the mud?
amounts to this: The timber int.eersts We will illustrate this: They are say­ some other county will obtain the the heavy maintenance charges which
this and other counties have to pay.
The editor is not selfish. He has a are pulling the legs of the Fairview ing that the commissioners are to money that would be used in this There
is no logic in the argument
receive $60,000. This is a barefaced county if the county bonding fails.
jjard surfaced road in front of his Grangers quite strongly just now, falsehood
that it was a good thing to bond the
and plainly show that those
uonie, and is now anxious that ail but haven’t succeeded in getting hold who make them are totally ignorant It is up to the voters to decide this Ports, and a bad thing to bond the
I’Jrts of the county enjoy the benefits of the legs of the Grangers at Ore- of what the road bill provides. An­ point next Monday, But before they county or state for roads, especially
town and other parts of the county
do cast their vote in opposition to the
of hard surfaced roads.
to deprive Tillamook county ot ob­ other is: That the auto licenses will | county bonding they should fully as Tillamook county will receive $3
taining state aid for hard surfaced not pay the principal and interest. A comprehend what a hole Tillamook to every $1 put up by the county.
The best kind of economy in road
little unbiased figuring will prove the County will be in if the county has no
to ciiininttic
eliminate me
the continual roads.
—& is tu
----- o-----
The Wheeler Reporter is peeved
I contrary.
money to comply with what is re­
eavy maintenance charges on the
A large number of, farmers some
quired in the state road measure. It because it cannot have an expensive
wain highway through the coumy.
county. years ago, when 1.
It will be many many years before will simply knock out Tillamook draw bridge built across the Nehalem
“'.: road money
*his is what a hard surfaced road was available, used to get together
** T , Tillamook County will have an op­ county and other parts of the state river at that point, which is local Sel­
through the county will ao.
and subscribe money and work tor portunity of securing a paved high­ will receive the money that should be fishness. For that reason it is kind of
better roads where they resided, and way through the county at compar­ expended in this county. Do not be on the fence and in a half manner is
Let er Buck. Why some of the would go to the County Court with atively small cost if the state and mistaken on this point. That is what opposed to the county bonding.
if the
airview Grangers who are opposing a proposition for the county to put up county road measures fail. It is about is going to happen if the county has There is one thing certain,
county bonding fails to carry there
e otter of the state to pave Tilla- half the money. It was always com­ five years since that Tillamook coun­ no money available to do its part.
will be no money available to pre­
■hook roads will buck when they get plied with, and gave the farmers an ty started hard surfacing its roads,
0 the next world, for it appears to be opportunity to obtain better roads. and very little progress have been
Tillamook county is going to have pare the road bed from the Clatsop
Part of their makeup to buck most The same thing applies to the state made. We have but a few miles of a hard surfaced road through the en­ county line to Garibaldi, so it seems
'*Iery, improvement that is contem- bonding measure. The state offers t hard surfaced roads in the county, all tire length of the county before that the Wheeler Reporter is en­
do the hard surfacing if the county , of which is connected with Tillamook many years, The sentiment along deavoring to cut off its nose to spite
city and in road district No. 2. In those lines are growing stronger its face, or, in other words, knock
will prepare the road bed.
building a few miles every year it every year, so it will not be long be­ the good roads movement because it
Lth^' *’avc P° Personal fight with
it will be many years be-
oi€ *1*0 differ with us on the good
This is how L. H. Brown put it to a 1 means that considerable amount of fore an agitation is started, along the cannot have its own way about the
a<ts question. The editor believes crowd of objectors on the street on tore any
lines suggested by State Master building of a very expensive draw­
e state and county bond measures Saturday: “If someone offered to hard surfacing is done in the county. Spence, to raise a special tax in each bridge.
road district for that purpose. That
. * a Rood thing for Tillamook coun- build you a new house, free ofco .
duiiu you a
county bond measures the south and
A correspondent says: The present
J-5 uW'H eventually reduce taxa- if
you simply prepared the lot lor the north parts of the county will have is if the state and county bond meas­
and ”e'p ’he Rood work all you can structure, wouldn’t
you be a hard surfaced roads in the next few­ ures fail to pass. We do not mention Master Mr. Spence, has proved an
this to scare people but it is in the embarrassment to the Grange^, His
-j , ?ast your vote for a hard surfac- fool if you did not accept the offer_
years. And it is right and proper power of either of the road districts name is almost the only name that
Ufhway through the county.
That is what the state promises ’°.°° I that they should.
to vote a special tax to hardsurface one sees mentioned in the papers as
in Tillamook county, with this dif
the roads. This would necessitate ad­ being opposed to the great road
I *l>n
bond measures fail to carry 1 ference: You are to prepare the road
Some persons are . striving to ditional taxation, but we believe that building program, and the naive way
rend *•' -pay for the hardsurfaced I bed and the state will put do« the create a false impression when they if the people cannot obtain hard in which he says "the people want
ta».5 In illamook county? The tax- hardsurfaced road free of cost to the say $100,000 is to be expended on
surfaced roads one way they^will do this” or "the Grange is opj^esed to
Tillamook County. We I taxpayer.” And there are Tillamook Neah-Kah-Nic Mountain. No such so by some other way. How much that” makes one wonder if he really
’he nfr say ’bi* if they won't accept
believes it and takes himself serious­
thing is contemplated by anyone, and
bird 1<r °f the state to put down the heavy taxation and bad road, who it is not true. The reason that the better and at less cost to the taxpayer ly. Mr. Spence is like the little log­
is the plan now proposed. We are not
r<mnt!Ur[ac‘n,f frce °f cost to the
coast route was chosen was on ac­ favoring a special levy in either of ging locomotive they tell of in Coos
the taxpayers will be taxed
count of Clatsop County selecting the road districts for hardsurfacing, county which started to take a train
One thing about the plan io give that route and if Tillamook county but it is one of the things trtat will be of cars up the mountain. Before it
truth * 8anie later. This is gosphj
Tillamook a hard «urfaccd
don't want to join onto the highway discussed in the future, in connection had gone many feed a coupling broke
through the entire length ci the coun it will be deprived of state aid. We with hard surfacing.
Th. •
----- O' •
and the train stood still. But the im-
ieeja'8 18
Tillamookers have to ty—it is fair to all parts of the coun­
I portant little engine, feeling that it
to state here that $85.000 of the
state °a ‘'*onday: Do you want the ty But we want to give the citizens a want
There is a little opposition in the was the whole thing, didn’t notice
tfe. 0 ’t'K up a large proportion of hunch. Do the work a few md:s at a county bond money is to be expend-
in preparing the road bed from county to both measures, now that and went steaming and whistling and
*av tsney ,’or a hard surfaced high- time and the central part of the eede
the Clatsop county line to Brighton some of the timber owners have tak­ I sputtering up the track, utterly un-
•tnt tt,r°U|fh ’he county or do you county will get the hard ’upfac,n,r: and
to build a bridge. It is untrue to en a hand in local affairs again, I conscious that it had no following.
ttie ... e *axPayers to "dig up” That’s and when a certain amount of hard
| Mr. Spence is not pulling the train.
,n a nutshell. We’re in favor surfaced road is put down it will be say this amount, or $100.000 is to be whose aim is to defeat the measures. 1 The steaming and whistling and sput-
Mate "digging up” for this
splendid improvement in Tillamook
tering and blowing is a harmless di­
version that engines and men with
nothing else to do may be pardoned
for indulging in. But he is a poor
-------- O---------
To defeat this $6,000,000 road bond
issue would stamp Oregon as being
one of the most backward states of
the Union, whereas if the issue is
voted it will mean that our state is
at least awakening to the possibilities
which lie before it. Oregon cannot af­
ford to pass up this wonderful oppor­
tunity to better her economic con­
The annual license on all autonio-
biles has been doubled. The automo-
bile owner is willing to pay the in-
creased assessment. The
from this source will be more than
sufficient to pay both interest and
principal of the road bonds. All that
the automobile owners are asking is
that the money they must pay shall
be expended in building roads. Why
not? They arc going to pay the bill.
And it will not be necessary to in­
crease taxes either.
If there is one form of legislation
that the women of this state are in­
terested in more than any other, out­
side of the home and schools, it is
good roads, and particularly do they
wish this for the rural women, for to
whom can good roads mean more
than to the women on the farm. It
would tend to lessen that great isola­
tion—the great factor in driving the
boys and girls to the city—Mrs. Chas.
H. Castner, President of Oregon
Federation of Women’s Clubs.
At the special election Monday, the
voters of this state will decide wheth­
er or not Oregon shall issue in the
next five years $6,000,000 twenty-five
year 4 per cent bonds for the con­
struction of a state-wide system of
hard-surfaced highways. Of the entire
bond issue, at least $600,000 must be
issued in denominations of not ex­
ceeding $500 each or less. The funds
derived from the sale of the bonds
will be expended under the direction
of a State Highway Commission of
three members, already appointed by
the Governor, in paving main high­
ways after the different counties have
prepared the necessary preliminary
grades, If the bids submitted
building the roads are deemed
cessive, the Commission
nouAced that it will purchase
necessary equipment and do its
paving. Issuance of the proposed
bonds will not increase taxes. The
necessary revenue for paying the in­
terest and retiring the bonds at ma­
turity has already been provided in
(Continued on Last Page.)