TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. MAY 24, 1917, POMONA GRANGE MEETING sJa'e "C.eould only do so by meeting tions. The alterations would require Summons. J BLAND E ERWIN the requirements of the State. better heating facilities, ventilation ------ o------ within the ceil, in accordance with In the Circuit Court of the State of PIANO INSTRUCTION, standard requirements; toilet provis­ Oregon for the County of Tillamook. good roads meeting Diploma from Chicago Musical — o------ ions in each cell. But what is of as M. Sue Henderson, Plaintiff College.—Beginners receive the same (Continued from First Page.) great importance, there should be vs. • careful training as the most advanced. and the Highway Commission would only one uian to the cell. No possible H. E. Carr and Alice Carr, 1 have to build the road. He made it alterations to the present cell houses 1 illamook Feed Company, Terms:—$4.00 per months Instruc­ plain to everybody present that if could bring about all of these results. Lydia S. Morgan, ana the tion. i illamook county was not in a po­ The present cell blocks are not suf­ Lehman &. Clough Company All lessons given at Studio. sition to prepare the road bed, the ficient to give each man a cell; and it and W. H. Wilson. County Representative for the Pnmona Grange met on Saturday at f . Daniels 7 .... ... Clay said 1 would like to money would go to some other may well be doubted even if toilets Defendants Wiley B. Allen Co.s’ line of high .. . cltv hall in this city, which was call your To W. H. Wilson, defendant. - - attention ----------- 1 to some of the county and Tillamook county would were installed, whether the cost of t largely attended, for several f ’ = 7^ loose its position of receiving the alteration and possible physical life In the name of the Sjate of Oregon, grade pianos, player-pianos, Victroloi t Tak 'V" in try ‘ ng to pu ' with the ‘he first state aid. In discussing the mat­ of the building, if altered, would justi­ you are hereby required to appear etc. ¡’’’Lies in the south part ot the . people. . uemd' . -ake connection Litv only had a small represenU- amount to be spent on Neah-Kah-Nie ter of material to be used for bard fy the necessary expense. Even if all and answer a complaint filed against or not not'at all. This may be be ac- ac- UIlcy J2) AVID ROBINSON, M. D„ at all. This may Wanl t0 put i«7.<»o.oo on surfacing, all contracts would be con­ this could be worked out, the prison you in the above entitled suit within nunted for in the tact that most ot three r\ mile: ”i 'S 01 road’ one °‘ the hard- sidered on their merits by the High­ would still have the inside cell system, six weeks from the date of the first Grangers are busy at the present Wh r ----- 1 -■ propos,'?°^ the state, and way Commission, but it would be a system not in accordance with mod­ publication of this summons that be­ PHYS1CIAN AND SURGEON L aud could not spare tune to at- ” '7 get through thcre w*H be stipulated that no matter who obtain­ ern practice. If the dormitory system ing the time fixed in the order for L Fairview Grange was well rep­ nothing but a steep grade to get up ed the contracts the contractors for trusties be employed, the alter­ publication of summons within which ented and predominated when it . the Blaiu"’ rhefe WaS U report from would have to put up a maintenance ations would require the building on you shall so appear and answer said NATIONAL BUILDING, ' e to voting on any question. I the Blaine Grange some of the re- bond to keep the roads in repair for of floors and partitions in the cell complaint, the said first day of pub­ Quite a number of citizens took ad- I . marks struck me quite forcibly. It is ten years, and after that the State wings; the removal of cell and the re­ lication being the 24th day of May, TILLAMOOK OREGON vantage of the open meCing in the rue we should vote for this if it Highway Commission would pay building of windows in the outer 1917, and if you fail so to appear and •ternoon and participated in the dis- benefits the county at large. Now 1 half the maintenance charges on road walls; the establishment of hall en­ answer said complaint, for want 1 aission, which was upon the follow- say we are all 21 years of age, we are laid by the state. He spoke highly of trances to wards as well as stairways. thereof the plaintiff will apply to the T. BO11U if we vote. If we don’t know how to the members of the State Highway In addition to this, even if enough court for the relief demanded in said 1 ing resolution: •'Whereas, Tillamook County has vote we ought to study this matter up Commission, who were men highly cells were left in one of the wings complaint, to-wit: ATTORN EY-AT LAW. „ opportunity nowto get some good carefully. It is a serious matter when respected and perfectly honest. He for all other prisoners, with one man For a judgment against the de­ ha-d surfaced roads at a very little you put a plaster on the other fellows illustrated what a great benefit hard to a cell, the cells would have to be fendants H. E. Carr and Alice Carr Complete Set of Abstract Bocks in Office. cost above the usual tax; And, where- to do it y°U nk h iS righ*’ Vote surfaced roads had been to the farm­ remodeled to obtain better hygenic in the sum of $300.00, with interest _s that opportunity will never come ers in the Poyvell’s Valley district and and sanitary conditions. thereon at ten per cent per annum Taxes Paid for Non Residents. “Again, this arrangement would in from and after August 23rd. 1916, and to us again, as the timber owners ot de'hr' 5 h ^aid,*e :’re into eastern Multnomah County. The least T illamook B lock , the wealth of our hills are prepared debt on this bond issue. I understand they could haul their products for be­ no way provide daytime segregation for the further sum of $18.87 taxes - Oregon io move it, and we will be left with­ the money would be spent whfre it fore they had hard surfaced roads between prisoners. In view of these paid by the plaintiff herein, and for Tillamook - out their help to build permanent (Would do the most good. They have was $3.00 a ton. With hard surfaced facts, it is recommended that plans the further sum of $50.00 attorney’s Both Phones. roads; and, whereas, we have an op­ chewed this thing to pieces and have roads the auto trucks came out from and specifications be prepared for an fees, and for her costs and disburse­ portunity to get from 20 to 50 miles ’ „ . e farTer out' 1 want to say it Portland and now hauled it for $1.00 entirely new prison. That the pro­ ments herein, and for a decree fore­ T. BO ALS, M.D., oi paved roads from the state if we will be the hardest thing to ever put a ton. You couldn’t get those farmers posed new institution be of fireproof closing that certain mortgage on the to go back to the old mud roads. He construction, have the outside cell following described premises, situat ­ prepare the road bed; the bond issue through. Resolved, that we ravor the county J- M. Liisberg said I want to say strongly urged the people of Tilla­ system with one man to the cell; that ed in Tillamook County, Oregon, to- PHYSICIAN- AND SURGEON, state , road bond measure.” we will get certain miles of road for mook county to vote for the that the cells be of reenforced concrete wit: Surgeon S. P. Co. rather than of brick or steel. Beginning at a point 163% feet west What caused the most surprise to a nominal sum. We will get $6,000- bond measure, for the reason “It is recommended that the new of the southwest corner of Block i most everybody was a letter read by ooofroni the state. Where does the this county would obtain so much (I. O. O. F. Bldg ) E R. Beals from State Master money come from? I am in favor of more hard surfaced roads than any institution be constructed in units; Number 5, in the town of Lincoln, I that a definite financial plan be pro­ now within the corporate limits of Tillamook .... Oregon. Spent«, who advocated submitting a good roads, but are we going to in- other county. vided by an annual tax levy, for six Tillamook City, Oregon, and running proposition to the voters of Tilla­ • cur this indebtedness? We are al-' mook county to raise a ten mill j iw^dy Pa7*nK taxes on everything. Important Facts to Remember About years, so that the entire prison can be thence north 210 feet; thence west 46 completed within six years. It is also feet for the initial point of the land ’^^y’EBSTER HOLMES. The War Census. special tax for a period of five years, I W hat is the matter with paying as recommended that the first unit be intended to be conveyed herein; m addition to the present road tax, you go. That is my motto. Our living ' War Census Day—Tuesday, June 5, the construction of cell houses and thence west 57.5 feet; thence south ATTORNEY-AT-LAW which would mean $1,000,000 addi­ I expenses are increasing. This bond­ as named by President Wilson in his cells sufficient for the following pur­ 52.5 feet; thence east S7-5 feet; thence tional taxation. COMMERCIAL BUILDING, issue is nothing but fool-hardiness. poses, to-wit: To provide the sep­ north 52.5 feet to the initial point official proclamation. | Let me tell you, just a few individuals arate cell system so that by the use herein mentioned, and being the same Who Must Register—Every male FIRST STREET, When the afternoon meeting was I are going to get rich and you are go- ' resident between the ages of 21 and of the cells in the new unit and the property conveyed to H. E. Carr and opened by Master W. H. Christensen. ing to “get it in the neck.” cells in the present penitentiary each Alice Carr, his wife, by E. N. Morgan -TILLAMOOK, OREGON George Loerpabel asked whether | h. R. Beals said 1 have something ‘ thirty years, inclusive. This includes I lhe money could be spent for other of interest to this audience if I were aliens as well as as Americans. Jap­ man will have a cell to himself; and and Lydia Morgan, his wife, by deed | anese, Chinese, Italians, Germans, that the incorrigibles be confined in dated June 29, 1915, and recorded roads than these specified. EL GO Y N K, allowed to read a letter from your July 17th, 1915, in deed records of The Master, W. H. Christensen, Master, Mr. Spence. Now this letter English, Americans, and men of any the new cell unit.” It will be noticed that while the Tillamook County, at pages 376 and stated that it was his opinion that it came up in this way: I was called to other nationality who are of the des­ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. could not be changed and used on the south end of the county to ex­ ignated ages, must register. Aliens commission recommends an annual 377, in Book 31; which said mortgage < tax for six years, the proposed meas- was executed August 23, 1915, and will not be drafted for war duty, of _ . another road, but would have to be plain the bond issue and that at Office: O pposite C ourt H ouse , course, but complete record of them 1 ure provides for such tax for only recorded in book Z at page 142 of I I spent as voted. nearly every place where I had a is desired. I four years. Mortgages of Tillamook County, in Tillamook G. Loerpabel said he was in favor meeting I was told the Master was Oregon The limited space taken in this favor of Alex Vlahos, and thereafter W ho is Exempt—No male resident of good roads and that they were opposed to bond issues. So I wrote ’ pamphlet prevents us from quoting assigned by said Alex Vlahos to between the ages of 21 and 30 years, necessary, and while a few years ago him in regard to it and on February more fully from the report of the John Leland Henderson, trustee, by we could get along with gravel roads, 16 and in answer to the question of a inclusive, is exempt from registration. commission, but the foregoing will R. JACK OLSEN, assignment recorded in said registry now we needed hard surfaced roads. bond issue for Tillamook County, he Those to be exempted from military illustrate how thoroughly its mem­ in Book 2, pages 387 and 388, and service will be determined later, but I He said as far as spending the money addressed me this letter. DENTIST. bers, after the examination of one of thereafter assigned by said John lirst all must register. in the south end of the county was Salem, Oregon, Feb. 15th, 1917. Where to Register—Registration them of the prisons of several other Leland Henderson, trustee, to the concerned, it was arranged all right. Mr. F. R. Beals, Tillamook, Ore. (I. O. O. F Bldg.) must be made in the home precinct states, recognizes the necessity ’ of a plaintiff herein, by assignment re- He wished he could say as much for _ Dear Sir:—Relative to the question of the men registering. Register at new structure in order that Oi 'regon corded in said registry, Book 2, pages his end. It was his opinion that $87,- of raising road funds in Tillamook Tillaipook - Oregon may be able to take rank among the 507 and 508; and for the sale of said your regular voting place. 000.00 will not reach very far as it County, 1 would suggest that the Hours of Registraton—Booths at advanced states of the Union in the mortgaged premises to satisfy said called for $68,000.00 from Lake Lytle best plan is to submit a proposition regular voting places in each precinct intelligently humane handling of its judgment and for a decree foreclos­ 1 south. ing you of all right, title, interest and J2)R. L. L. HOY, to the voters to raise a ten piill tax will be open on War Census Day prisoners. The people in the north end of the on all the property of the County from 7 o'clock a.m. to 9 o'clock p. m. The commission strongly advises equity of redemption in and to said county, he said, were not to blame for a period of say five years, that to Don’t wait until the last moment. an intelligent segregation of prison­ mortgaged premises and every part PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON for the way it was mapped out. He be in addition to the regular road ers so as to avoid the contamination thereof, and for such other relief as Register early. 1 slated that it was his opinion that levy made by the County Court and of youthful and accidental offenders to the Court shall seem just. Registration of Absentees—If you T illamook B lock , j none of the projects were favorable the proposed taxes voted by the road find you will be unavoidably absent through contact and association with This summons is published by order to the ranchers. There would be sum­ districts. This will give your county from your home precinct on War hardened and persistent criminals, of the Hon. A. M. Hare, County - - Oregon mer travel there but no permanent all the money it can spend economic­ Census Day, you should apply at the and the good results of segregation Judge, made and entered the 23rd Tillamook, settlers. He said it was a terrible ally in that length of time, and the earliest possible date to the county will appeal tQ all thoughtful minds; day of May, 1917. Last publication large proposition but he did not think timber and other interests will be clerk of lhe county in which you may but with present buildings it is not July 5th, 1917. that $87,000.00 should be spent on paying their full share of the burden, he at the time, whether in Oregon or possible. Separation of prisoners of John Lelend Henderson, JOHN LELAND HENDERSON Neah-Kah-Nie, and as a progressive as the roads are being built, and at elsewhere, who will fill out your doubtful morals is another necessity Attorney for Plaintiff. citizen he was against the bond issue. the end of that time you will have full registration card. He will then give if the lowest form of immortality is ATTORNEY , T. A. Porter said, I can’t see wheth- value in roads and not be in debt a you tile card, which you must mail to to be avoided. With confirmed offen­ Notice to Contractors. AND > er we better go back 18 or 20 yeais, the registrar of your home precinct, ders the single cell is the only way to cent. . COUNSELLOR-AT LA W or progress, 1 am in favor of going Notice is hereby given that the If thought desirable to vote bonds, in care of the sheriff of your home accomplish this, while with the trus­ ahead. 1 am in favor of bonding the the bonding proposition might be Bounty, in time to reach the registrar ties the open dormitory will bri«g County Court of Tillamook County, T illamook B lock , county if in lhe end it is the best way. submitted to the voters at the same by War Census Day. If you live in similar good effects. With the present Oregon, will receive sealed proposals Tillamook - - - Oregon. I ior one am in favor of hard surfac­ time, but 1 should suggest that those Portland, or a city of over 30,000 buildings the number of cells is en­ for construction of Blaine Bridge ROOM NO. 261. ed roads. If it is all right to borrow bonds should be short time serial population in another state, mail the tirely insufficient and there is no No. 6, according to plans and speci­ fications on file in the office of the money to build a house or a nice barn bonds running not to exceed ten card to the registrar in care of the open dormitory. The public mind agrees with the County Clerk, until io a.m. the Sth QARL HABERLACH, | I can’t sec why it is not better to years and the first series to be paid mayor. bond and build the roads. We have in live years. This bonding plan will Dili I' IlllillUUI, the IIIV burden L/UlMVIl . of hav- commission that prisoners are entitl­ day of June, 1917, when said propos­ But remember, spent money enough to hardsurface > get much of the timber betore it is ing your card reach the registrar of ed to good light, pure air, adequate als will be publicly opened and read. ATTORNEY AT LAW. sewerage, comfortable heat and the Each proposal must be accompan ­ our roads but the money has been removed and sold. . , , . your home precinct by War Census best possible moral assistance for a ied by a certified check, cash or bid­ spent and what we have is mud holes. Under a long term bond loan most Day is on you. T illamook B isock Registration of the Sick—Men of betterment of their lives. The com- ders bond made payable to Tillamook I believe as a general rule we are all of this timber will be removed and mission has found that those sur- County, equal in amount to 5 per cent Tillamook satisfied with our end of the county, the logged off lands sold to settlers military age who arc too ill to go to Oregon but we are not satisfied with our The timber interests will < scape '’“L the voting booth to register must roundings’ can not be had with exist­ of the total amount of bid. Plans and ing buildings and has recommended ___ ______ person before War specifications may be had by deposit­ roads. Why not build a good road share of the burden and the settlers send a _ competent right through the county? Our road will be left to pay the debt in addi­ Census Day to the county clerk to that the people respond in a practical ing $5.00 per set with the county c HAWK, way to make the desired possibilities. clerk to insure their return in good is not bad but still it is not hard sur­ tion to the burden of clearing oft the explain the circumstances, and secure The ultimate purpose of the bill condition. 1 instructions from the Federal regula­ faced and it will not stand with bard The County Court reserves the surfaced roads. 1 never have said one ’^consider the first plan much more tions which these officials will re­ now before the people to secure such PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON a series of units as will give an op­ right to reject any or all bids. word against my taxes, I say, if economical; that you wi get more ceive from the Government. portunity to conduct various trades First publication May 24, 1917. Penalties — The penalty for failing necessary raise the tax, and put it on value for a dollar and all • • Bay City and industries for the physical edu­ Oregon the roads. considered will have to pay thei to appear to register, or for giving cation of inmates and for the support Last publication June 7. 1917- false, misleading or incorrect ans- Erwin Harrison, County Clerk. R. \. Blalock made a strong plea share. Very truly yours, wers, is imprisonment. I here is no of the institution, and the investment in fitvor of the state and county will well repay the people of the E. REEDY, D.V M., C. E. Spence. ’ alternative of a fine. bonds. Letter of Condolence. state, commercially as well as moral­ He is in favor of a short time bond C. E. Donaldson said, 1 don’t know ------ o ----- ly. For New Penitentiary. will soon be VETERINARY. but we will get the same kind of road issue because the t— timber — Whereas, God in his infinite wis- you have here in the city, It would be removed. . PROFIT BY THIS dom has seen fit to remove Ifum her pre- The following argument was Both Phone». nice to have. Concrete is the right Sid Anderson said our taxes are earthly home th« beloved sister oi year—think pared by Warden Murphy to present thing. It would be nice. I would be crawling up every Sister Minnie Gilbert. Tillamook - Oregon. Don’t Waste Another Day. willing to pay for it. 1 get no benefit of that will you.' Can we ’bond more to the people of Oregon in the elec­ Therefore, be it resolved, (acksoii county- 1 tion phamplet in favor of the bill When you are worried by backache; hom my road. I and most people get Oi i"rti «... By lameness and urinary disorders— ver Wave Chapter, Number_ __ ____ initiated by the Legislative Assembly no benefit and that is why 1 am going Don’t experiment with an untried S. extend to Sister Minni. Gilbert, its for the building of a new penitentiary to vote against the bond issue. heartfelt sympathy in her bereave­ medicine. but there was no funds to pay for H. T. Botts, Preu , Attorney *ant to say, you may so tpuch about ment, and that a copy of the resoln- Do as thousands of people arc do- . printing it in the pamphlet and he at-Law. the up-keep, it would be the same on "'i* T«.'? SV»—1-' ing. [tions be sent to her and a copy plac- was compelled to let the bill appear hardsurface if you don’t look after it. John Leland Henderson. Sec ed upon the books of this chapter. Use Doan’s Kidney Pills. ' ““ **“ 1 * Mr. Tatro, of Neskowin, said I am ,,.d . H..k «r.kk h.-k ... ;y',“ without any word in its favor, and to Mrs. Reedy, Mrs. Lewis and M rs. Read this McMinnville resident’s retary Treaa., Attorney at- depend upon the friends of progress not opposed to bonds and not oppos­ moving the timber and kavUK experience: j Wiley, Committee. Law and Notrary Public. ed to having good roads. I have to farmers to pay the taxes. This is and humanity to do the circulating Mrs. Mary T. Full, R. F. D. No. 1,1 and the arguing for the needed im- in Coos Havel five miles before 1 get to one. what they are up against Notice to Creditors. McMinnville, Orc., says: "Doan's I ' provement. . . , The people at this end don't have to ------ o------ Modern public thought insists that Kidney Pills arc all that is claimed I Havel far to get to a railroad; I C Judge Hare explained th prisoners in a penitentiary are entitl- for them and I am ready to speak a Notice is hereby given that the un- I have to travel 25 miles to get to a changes were made at the request » edto whol.some surroundings, to good word for them every chance I dersigned, by an order duly made and railroad. We want roads. Money citizens at Nehalem. Law, Abntractn. Real Estate, called tor but hygenic conditions that will not des­ get as I know from personal exper­ entered in the County Court of the spent on these roads is the best mon­ Dr R. T. Boals was - Insurance. try their physical health; to moral ience that they are very reliable. 1 had declined to respond, baid he ey that can be spent, we dont want ; and intellectual influences that tend have found Doan's Kidney Pills just State of Oregon, for Tillamook Coun­ I Both Phones. anything to come between us and our nothing to say on 1 ’' ’ j ’ j jn toward their betterment in every the thing for a dull pain across my ty, has been appointed Administratrix share. It is a shame for anybody to T. Botts was called ior anu TILLAMOOK— OK KOON. kidneys. A few doses soon relieve the have to travel over our roads even rCiPd?dSen”idcome here for the pur- sense- to fair human treatment; to misery and makes me feel as strong I of the Estate of Harry Sappingtou, reasonable creature comforts, and to I deceased. 0,1 stilts. As far as the timber men are 1 n making a talk. I am not pre- such evidences of encouragement as as ever.” fonccrned they, of course, are fight- Price 50c, at all dealers. Don’t Notice is hereby further given to al) will generate confidence in themselv- lnR this. While it is going to cost les and worthy ambitions of citixen simply ask for a kidney remedy—get. persons having claims against the [fore to build now than ten years Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that said estate to present the same, duly Hom now. still we need the roads, The official management of the Mrs. Full uses. Foster Millburn Co., sure. \\ c are far from transportation Soils called attention to the .aCt th verified, to the undersigned within Oregon State penitentiary is fully Prop«., Buffalo N. Y. and our roads are something terrible. six months from this date. abreast with that line of thought, but 1 am telling you the conditions, the r to get it is impossible to give it vital ex- Dated this May 5th, 1917. Ornamental Fire Places Built road« are something ridiculous. ,ls”Said'it is cheap-i press™ under t*' Effie Jenson, Administra­ of Brick and Stone. All Fire .. Geo. R, McKimens said I would bonds and hard ons of the prison buddings. The com- Places absolutely guaranteed trix of the Estate of Har­ I “ke to know why the statement does cr to pay interest on ------ I mission composed of three prominent not to smoke or money re- #r,t tally with the description in the 1 surface the roads than to pay «the ry Sappington, deceased. representative business men of the funded. J^Prrs. if they can change things like | keep on dirt and gravel roa is. . a state, appointed for the purpose, I’ost office address, Hebo, •' ' $6.000,000 proposition car made a thorough investigation of the Brick work of all kind« done at now. how do we know where the that if the Oregon. nioney will bc spent. It seems there ried Tillamool ,k County will get mo^e penitentiary in all its departments, on short notice. — v other county in the '■ something in the wood pile. c benefit than any We make a specialty of re ­ I and in the course of an elaborate re­ int the money that is spent, spent state. Rheumatism. pairing smoking Fire Places. Beals said that he had talked port. after calling attention to the °n lhe main road. I am in favor of faulty • conditions presented in the Mr Rood roads. Imt 1 don’t expect I shall with state officials and that If you are troubled with chronic or i present building« and the necessity »“te for the bonds and I want to see would not consider consi'icr any «Sy work —•- in the for betterment, says: muscular rheumatism give Chamber t money spent where it will do north end d of the county unless pre­ “If the present penitentiary is to be Iain’s Liniment a trial. The relief not over Rood. led by used, with only the cell system, it from pain which it affords is alone ceded by a bridge. That not spent on TILLAMOOK ORF. would be *T • Daniels wanted to know >10, ,.000 worth many times the cost. For sale should be altered- so that it may have ---- or $15.000 Mountain road, and lis'l? j*1.6 ’et*er in the petition as pub- the Nccarney better hygenic and sanitary condi- by Lamar's Drug Store, have aid from the . ..F|i *n the newspapers and election that if we were to •ou"' did not agree. State Master Spence Advised Raising $1,000,000 Additional Taxation In Five Years J Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. Have Your Kt “75 House Wiring Done by ■ I Coagfc power Co. RALPH E. WARREN, DONE RIGHT at RIGHT PRICES I»