Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 24, 1917, Image 4

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j Mrs. F. R. Beals and Fred C. Baker
I was appointed on the committee.
Our Declaration of Safety
ITH good-will toward all, this Bank
enters upon what may be a time of
great financial trial ; but as we be­
lieve a period of positive financial safety
and security for this immediate vicinity.
Th«- Resources of this Bank place a
guu-antee back of our words, which can­
no be denied. During this period of
emergency, we shall continue to safe-
guard the local interests and keep our
funds here for the strength of our local
bus ness arid agricultural needs. In pro­
tect : ng our own people and in financing
our local interests, we believe that we are
following the safest path to patriotic
scry ice.
T illamook C ounty B ank .
Money to loan on farm lands, from
$ SOD up, Good terms. Reasonable rate
of interest. We want your business.
See Everson.
A. Arstill has sublet the rock work
on the Bayocean road to George
Moskos, who will put a crew of men
hoofror IL medy at C. 1. Clough to work at once.
Those who require flowers for
Go to Mason’s for Standard Pat- Decoration Day should leave orders
at once with Mrs. R. L. Scott, at
1 Clough’s Drug Store,
A modern house for rent,—See -
For Sale—A paying sawmill in the
| South end of the County. It will make
Shop to rent, next
money for you. Taylor Real Estate
« Agency, Cloverdale. Ore.
T. H. Goyne.
W. A. Wise, dentist
Dr. C. W Miller, chriopractor.
For Sale—Beautiful tone, practical­
W . W. < o ,der left on Wednesday
ly new $475.00 Player Piano, stool to
for Corvallis.
match and player rolls all for $375-
Dr. Shearer physician and surgeon, Easiest terms. Inquire at this office.
Cloverdale. Ore.
The Franklin Fish Market is now
Pure Water Glass to preserve eggs open for business, drop in and look
around at the Ofd Spanish Kitchen.—
at C. I. Clough Co.
F. N. Elliott, Proprietor.
Mrs. Marie Wade, nurse. Terms re­
In future no alien citizen will be al-
duced to suit the times.
* lowed to vote at school raeetings.
l'he law provides that a person must
Lodging a' the Watchtower, 25c.,
be a full citizen before he can do so.
Also furnished rooms.
J. M. DeLillies
has bought
Garbage gathered free. See M. R
Jones Apartment house. And will be
HanankraC or call Main 6F11.
known in future as the DeLillies
For Famished Rooms at reasonable
price, Sec Mrs. E. Plank
is to recruit to full war strength of
Right Prices.—Lamb Schrader Co. * 150 men. It will be necessary for all
Mrs Reni' left on Wednesday for men between the age of 21 to 30 to
California owing to the death of a register.
Now is the time to look after your
Dr. Wise will be at his Wheeler of- Fire Insurance on all your property.
fice next Saturday and Sunday up to It will surprise you how cheaply you
can get a 3 or 5 year policy.—Rollie
Will pay you to see Everson tor a W. Watson:
•afc investment in city property or
l'he Tillamook Meat Co. will pay
farm lands.
ioc for all 10 pound lard pails and 5c.
One Ion Ford Truck; also 5 pas­ for 5 pound pails. They must be free
senger Ford Nearly new, for sale, from rust. Bring them in at once and
bee Rosenberg,
2* get your money.
For salat new modern bungalow, 8
H Mason 81 Co., has taken over the
rooms and 12 lots in fast growing
Standard ¡.items formerly sold by
residence district, Eugene, of owner.
Lamar’s Variety Store.
resident district, Enquire 'f owner,
I am in the market at all time* for of first street, running south of the
your baby calves—Smith "The Calf Fair grounds.
Man,"—Both Phones.
Don’t forget those busted castings,
John i .'ldschau, Concrete contrae- Can be welded for half. Goods sent
tor. cone. ; te silos built. All
by parcel post and express promptly
guaranteed.Both phones.
returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook,
Geranium, Heli »trope.
Lantana, Oregon.
I Lobelia planks, can be
obtained at dough's Drug Store.
Rosenberg Bros, have opened a
l'or Sal -—Five room strictly mod large line ot all kinds of hay, feed,
ern Bungalow, east part of town, near the saw mill and will carry a
I large feed store oa 2nd Avenue East
$1,750.00. busy terms. — Headlight. * | flour, grass seeds at the very lowest
Henry lithof,
Contractor and prices. Special prices on hay and
Builder, I stimates furnished, Barns feed in car lots.
and Silos a specialty. Bell Phone. A10
I have a number of store buildings,
For Sale, si ix lots in T illamook City houses and office rooms to rent. Also
for $1.11’1’ ”
" 0 • cash. Call
or address | can give desirable ground lease in
various parts of the city desirable to
Mrs. C. N. Drew.
almost any needs. See me also for
Why not be insured in the best fire city property 011 payments to suit
insurance 1 mipany, it costs no more. your income.—Rollie W. Watson.
See Everson.
A letter from F. M. Lamb, who is at
Milk ranch to rent, one mile from Olin. Iowa, visiting his old home
town, with 12 cows, on shares. All after an absence of 53 years. He says
* there are e some changes since he was
bottom land.—L. I.. Stillwell.
there, but the extent of farming in
For Sale, a Saxon run-about, In that state this year is simply tremen-
good condition. Price $350.00. Apply dous.
to Attorney Webster Holmes.
Mrs. C. F. Barnes was surprised to
be called on the long distance phone
Dr. Wise will leave for his Port­ late one night, but to her surprise «lie
land office in a few days, those who found she was talking to a sister in
wish to see him will come in at once.* Chicago. Mr. Barnes also talked to
bor cheap fertilizer for your garden her, and lie said she could be heard
• nd meadow, - e Frink Elliott at as plain as talking to a person in this
Franklin Fish Market.
Fred Peterson, who is connected
For Sale—New modern residence,
located in best residence district. For with the Agricultural
sale at a bargain. See Frank Herd * came in last week to arrange for a
rommittee in Tillamook City to keep
Dr. Ralph F.. Hall, dentist, from •he government informed as to the
Portland, is a<»o uted w .:h Dr. Wise food situation, and at a meeting
in practicing dentistry in this county
ITmrsdav evening
Rollie Watson,
I.O-O.F. BLD.,
“Drop in and book Around ”
At a meeting of the Water Commis-
sion and the City Council on Tuesday
evening, Mayor Boats, G. W. Dwight
and Rollie W. Watson were appoint-
ed on a committee to confer with the
uinderwriters to
should be done for better fire protec­
tion before spending money on the
same, with the idea of having fire
| rates reduced in this city.
Hood River High School’s track
team competed with The Dalles in
the annual field meet held last week.
The local boys were not in good form
and the score was 107 to 32 in favor
of the Dalles. Robert Henderson, son
of Attorney J. L. Henderson, of this
city, was the biggest pointy winner for
the locals, winning first in the shot
put, third in the discus throw, third in
the half mile and first in the javelin
There seems to be some misunder-
I standing as to what the Company
Fund is for. The money previously
collected was used for incidental ex-
I penses in connection with the armory
but an effort is to be made to raise
more monye to provide the boys with
things the government does not fur­
nish. One effort to swell the Corn­
pany Fund is an endless chain of ici­
ters, and those who receive them are
asked to put up a small fund and
write other letters.
On Monday the new cigarette law
went into effect. On and after Xhat
date it will be a punishable offense
for any one to sell, offer to sell or
keep for sale, exchange, barter, dis­
pose of, or give away to any minor
any cigarette or cigarettes in the
state of Oregon. And the keeping of
cigarettes in any place where minors
may take them or help themselves, is
prima facie evidence of an intent to
sell to minors. A violation of this
provision will subject the violator to
a fine of not more than $1000 for the
first offense and a fine of not more
than $500 nor less than $25 for the
second offense.
Dr. Turner, the well known
eye specialist, of Portland, will be in
Tillamook again Friday and Saturday,
May 25-26, at Jenkins’ Jewelry store.
In Cloverdale, Thursday, May 24th.
Dr. Turner is a specialist of exper­
ience and standing and you will make
no mistake in consulting him about
your eyes and glasses. Headaches re­
lieved, cross eyes straightened, satis­
faction guaranteed. Don't forget the
date. Be sure and call and let Dr.
Turner show' you the new double vis­
ion glass without lines or seams to
catch dirt, strain the eyes, or come
apart. One light solid piece of glass
that looks like a single pair, yet ans-
wers the purpose of two enabling you
to read or do close work and see dis­
tant objects perfectly. Free demon
stration. Call and see them. Dr. Tur­
ner makes no charge for consultation
or examination.
Senator Lane is Dead.
Word was received this morning
that Senator I.ane had died in Cal-
i tomia.
Graduating Exercises .on Friday.
------ O
Thc graduating
Tillamook High
place on Friday
Christian Church,
of graduates. The
graduates will be made by Dr. U. G.
Dubach of the extension work of the
t Iregon Agricultural College, and the
diplomas will
presented by
H. T. Botts, chairman of the school
The graduates are Gladys Leona
Alley. Gertrude Mamie Ball, Eliza-
beth Coates, Lee Eddy Doty, Clark
Edward Embum, Beulah Mae Funk,
Lucile Rowe Hammer, Daniel Broox
Lucas, Delnier Lance Powers, Beulah
Georgana Rogers, Esther Beatrice
Swenson Charlotte Bernice Wadi and
Ina Belle Williams.
April Cheese.
Beaver, $2,82x76
Blaine, $1,403.77
Central, $4.652.21
(. lover Leal, $ 5.668.30.
Cold Springs. $2,460.23.
East Beaver, $2.284.76.
Elwood, $3,005.01.
Fairview, $11,698.88.
Cloverdale, $4.437.93.
Long Prairie, $5,091.67.
Maple Leaf, $13,344.06.
Meda, $4,933.08.
Mohler. $5,909.13.
Neskowin, $2.327.99.
t ’retown, $3.863.14.
Pleasant Valley, $1,924.46.
South Prairie, $6,495.44.
Three Rivers, $4,514.68.
T illamook Creamery, $11,134.60.
Aldcrvalc, $1,648.88.
Making a total for the above fac-
tori?.« of $101.580.87.
Harris- Roenicke Wedding.
----- o- "■ ■
Vancouver, Wash., was the scene of
a well appointed wedding recently
when Anna Hoenicke, of Woods,
Oregon, and T. .1. Harris, of Tilla-
tuook, were united in matrimony,
News of the event came as a com-
plcte surprise to the many friends of
both contracting parties there and in
Tillamook. The bride was born ami
reared to young womanhood in Port­
land, having made her home until
recently in different parts of that
city, and has a ho«t of triends there.
She is the only daughter of the late
OttO Hoenicke, one of Portland's
pioneer business men, who establish­
ed the Oregon Paper Box Factory,
’he first one to be opened there, and
was active in that concern until taken
by failing health. The groom is a
prominent business man in Tillamook
He is senior member of the firm of
Harris A Ammcr, and conducts the
only furniture store in Tillamook. He
is a prominent ledge and club mcm-
her in this city. They will be at home
to friends after May 25-
Engineer at Siuslaw Jettj Comes to
E. E. Leefe, junior engineer,
has been in charge of jetty construc­
tion at the mouth oi the Siuslaw ior
the past four years, has received no­
tice that he is to be transferred to
Tillamook and has instructions to
take charge of the jetty work at 1111-
amook and Nehalem as soon as the
enrockment of the jetties near Flor­
ence is completed.
Mr. Leefe expects to go to the new
location about June I, where he will
succeed Engineer W. G. Carroll, who
was also his predecessor on the work
at the Siuslaw'.
Railroad Building Starts.
Forest Grove, Or., May 20— Con-
struction work on the extention of
the United Railways line from Wilk­
esboro to Tillamook is now under
way. Machinery is being conveyed to
Cellar Canyon, about to miles up
Gales Creek, where a camp has been
The contracts for the construction
of the first ten mile unit will be let to
I. J. Houston and Arthur Porter for
clearing and grading; the Interstate
Bridge Company, the bridgework,
and W. D. Haley the furnishing of
The work of construction of the 50
miles to Tillamook is to be finished
by the end of the year 1917. The new
road is to be used for lumbering ex­
clusively for the present.
AMK First National Bank is carrying the Check-
« »"l s’vi«. .............
)\'F THOUSAND patrons 111, and around
These are made up of Firms,
Corporations, Farmers, Merchants, Manufacturers,
Housewives and Cbil.lren.
. uz
Heisel. Farmer.
C J Edwards. Mgr. C.PowerCo. J. C. Holden. Vice Pres.
BC Lamb. Ruilding Materials. John Morgan. Farmer,
u. o. w
j fiicchers. Cashier.
St. Alphonsus Academy.
------ o------
“A Dream in Fairy-land,” a pretty
and catchy operatta, wiB be given by
the students and music class of the
Academy, on Tuesday evening, June
12. at 8:15 p.m.. Admission for adults
35 cents, children 15 cents.
Diplomas will be presented to the
eighth grade graduates the same
Miss Aleen Fitzpatrick,
been taking piano lessons from the
sisters during the past seven years,
finishes the junior course of music as
prescribed by the institute, will also
receive her diploma on June 12.
Miss Aleen
has studied assid­
uously, especially during the last two
years; the completion of "Matthew’s”
ten grades, besides various other
classics and technical exercises is
evident of what constant application
and industry can do.
The "Tiny Tots” promise to make
their audience smile by showing in
word and song what
every little
house-maid is enabled to do with
broom and dust pan.
You _ __
are all
assured of having a most t-.J-,
evening, so do not fail to come.
An oil eook-atova i* chaapar to buy than a
wood or coal stove and it a much chaapar to
operate. Meals in a jiffy, and a cool kitchen in
All the convenience of gas—economical for all
the year 'round cooking. Bakes, broils, roasts,
toasts. Steady, evenly-distributed heat, the beat
for cooking.
The long bine chimney* prevent all smoka and
In 1, 2, 3 and 4 burner «!•«■, with
Tillamook City Will Hold a Patriotic
Demonstration the Fourth.
1 he Tillamook Commercial Club
will take charge of one ol the largest
patriotic demonstrations ever held
in Tillamook County on the Fourth
ol July. A number of business men
took the matter up on Wednesday
evening, as a result of the suggestion
made at the meeting 01 business men
on Monday evening, when E. T.
Haltom was appointed to get a com­
mittee together and talk the matter
Those who were selected to man­
age the patriotic demonstration were
bred C. Baker, president of the Com­
mercial C lub, A. A. Pennington, A.
G. Ammcr and Leo Morrison C E
Barnes and Cloyd Da wson consented
to raise the funds.
As probably this will be the last
time that the- 10th Company, Coast
Artillery, will parade in Tillamook
and the people of the county given
an opportunity to see them before
they are called away, the occasion
will be made a special feature of the
patriotic demonstration,
with the
business men and the Women’s Civic
Improvement Club taking part in the
Good Roads Boosters.
TilUmook good roads boosters for
the election to
-- be
— held
----- 1 c„
on Monday
June 4th, held a meeting last t night
to take immediate steps to a cam-
of knowledge pn
sues of the s state
‘ ' and
__ .* county bond is-
sues. It was decided that as there
was much indifference shown that
the importance of getting the local
vote out to the polls was necessary
to carry th. measures in this county.
Committees were appointed of the
business mm of Tillamook City
boost for the success of the bonding
measures, both the state and county
Ackley, D. L. Shrode, W.
G. Dwight, W. B. Alderman, * G. H.
.V- Evrrson. Rollie Watson
and I-. C. Baker were appointed on
the various committee assignments
One of the man features of the com­
mittee work laid out was the author­
ization of "Tag" Day. for Saturday.
May 26 and every day
u",n' .,*’,e,c.t,on '*»> Monday
4th. 1 he 1 ag day idea is, that every
good roads booster »»ho believes tn
lifting the county of Tillamook out
of the mud—wear a tag and show
their stand in the matter. Everybody
wear a tag and show that vou are for
Hygiene Society Meetings.
Earl J. Cummins, representing the
Oregon Social Hygiene Society, is in
the county arranging some interest­
ing meeting« that are to take place in
this city. Bay City, and other place«.
I he society 1« doing good work along
social punty lines and in educating
the people, and it is hoped a large
number of person, will attend these
meetings for they are highly instruc­
tive and interesting. The l^cal com­
mittee ,« composed of C. J Edwards,
H < renshaw. t. hester Holden, Erwin
Harrison, and R W. Kirk There are
to be meetings for men and meclmgs
tor women. 1 he first lecture in this
«ty ia by Mrs. A. R. Maclean, of
er without evena. Al«o cabinet
»odels. Ask your dealer today.
announce the arrival of their new
Rugs, Linoleum, Ranges,
Furniture, Beds, Mattresses.
Make your selections early while our
stock is complete.
Stall V'rS'*" 5SS
Resolution of Condolence.
Whereas it has pleased our He»'-
enly Father to call from our midst on
May 6th, 1917, our beloved s's,er
Mary Oliver;
Therefore, be it resolved that
deeply fee] the loss of our depart*^
only. Mr f P.' s , mee“»8 is for men sister, who was a kind and devoid
B.»ir,l Jt n’"‘ ” a ®*tnber
of the member; that our lodge extend
Hoard of Directors Oregoi
_ >n Social
Hygiene Society. No chai
husband and family our deepest sy®
i lectures cbar
made for these
for ges
tl arc
. ,e5,urc5 f°r ‘hr so- pathy in this, their sad hour of bet-
C’On Th"rLOrtC‘1» by ,h' statr
Be it further resolved that the d>ar'
Jer of this lodge be draped in nvurn-
'ng for a period of thirty da£S. fhlt ’
copy of these resolutions be spreJ
opera house Tbe commhtrm’A th<? *'pO? lhc ’"'"‘H«. an«1 * copy be
Rayt City -seX“
bcreaved family and to
- th«
Batter, J. O. Bororth H. n Ft,
*1 T,IUmo<’>‘ Papers for puplication.
nme ¡md P H Wyman.
O'1' by one the chairs stand vara"‘
» ,ta d" hS
' J“”'
Thiï ‘bn
Address Box 63, Garibaldi Ore
That were filled by those we loved-
One by one the seats are filling
In our Father's home above.
Committee, May Frisbie, Hattie A
1 J’°rn,n* St»L Rebekah Lodge,