Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 24, 1917, Image 1

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No> r)(>-
f .50 PER YEAR.
20 Miles or more of Hard Surfaced Road to be
Built Immediately if Bond measures Carry
If the County of Tillamook shall prepare and make ready for pav-
mg twenty or more miles in length of the post road between Tillamook
City and McMinnville, and if such portion of said road in either or both
of said counties, are sc prepared that the same shall be ready for pav­
ing according to requirements of the State Highway Commission, the
EoilorialJSnap Shots.;
will come out of the pockets of those
who reside in incorporated cities,
and not qne cent of the bond money
is to be expended upon roads in in­
corporated cities.
Have you ever thought what a
great boom it will be to the rural
districts of Oregon to have $6,000,000
expended upon roads through the
state and how many farmers it will
benefit? Put your thinking cap on
and give this a little serious consider­
ation. Are you going to vote against
it on June 4?
obtained hard surfaced roads. There think that bonding fora hardsurfaced building in Oregon for two years? It tion of facts, opponents of the $6,000-
is a good deal of truth in this remark. road is a terrible calamity. Bonding certainly is not.
000 road bond bill are making the
baseless charge that it will cost the
the state for rural credits, or farm
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It depends altogether upon ones various counties not less than $10,000
loans, is on a par with bonding for
We make an earnest, sincere ap-
Some persons are making objec­ roads. How one can argue in favor of prejudices about bonding. It will be a mile to prepare roads for hard-
peal to the people of Tillamook
tions to the state and county bond one and oppose the other is a conun­ remembered that a few years ago surfacing by the state; that for this
County to vote for the state and
measures because, they claim, that it drum we cannot understand. Can some of the timber owners were reason few counties under the 6 per
greatly interested in Tillamook bar cent limitation can afford this ex­
county good roads bond measures on
is proposed to build scenic roads. you?
improvements, and the government pense and consequently will not be in
June 4, for it means so much for the
What a foolish argument. Most of
future development of Tillamook
the roads that are included in the
Remember this fact when you go project provided for a middle channel a position to obtain paving under the
county, far more than most persons
state road plan have been and are to the polls. Tillamook county will be to near the Whitney Co’s, property. provisions of the road bond bill. The
have any conception of, especially
now used by farmers and the road the first to obtain hard surfaced roads Most of us boosted for bar improve­ actual experience of different coun­
those who have not seen the rapid
travels through the farming districts if the state bond mtasure is passed, ments and a bond issue to carry on ties in the state disproves this con­
of the state. As to Neah-Kah-Nie for the road between this city and the the work, so the Port of Bay City tention of the road bond opponents.
development made in other states by
Mountain road, for the past 20 years Yamhill county line will be the first was bonded for over $400,000. Last Morrow county is completing the
a system of hardsurfaced highways.
A word of advice to Tillamook there has been more or less discus­ built by the State Highway Commis­ year $60,000 was dumped into the bay grading and draining of a stretch of
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on the channel—money wasted is the 18 miles of road from Ione to Hep­
sion about building that road, but as
Tillamook County never had such dairymen, For several years they Clatsop county has decided that its sion. State Senator Olson made this opinion of those who appear to know. pner. The cost for the work for the
a splendid opportunity before to ob­ have had a hard problem dealing part of the state highway is by the plain at the meeting at the city hall A few years, ago everybody was greater part of that mileage was $150
tain a hardsurfaced highway through with the feed question, and they have coast route, Tillamook county will on Saturday evening, pointing out boosting for rural credits, so that the a mile. The most expensive sections
had to pay qut exceedingly large
that the Commission would have to
the county with comparatively small
have to join Clatsop County there.
take this in hand immediately. He farmer could obtain cheap money on of the road did not cost to exceed
cost to the tax-payer as presents it­ amounts of money for hay. The good
stated that Tillamook county was in long time loans. This money is being $5000 a mile. Under the ruling of the
self at this time. If it is turned down roads movement is a partial solution
_ by
j the Highway Commission it will only be
The people of Tillamook have their the preferred class in this respect. He obtained through bonding
to that question. With a hardsurfaced
it will be many years before another
" ‘ Federal Government. And necessary for ccunties to grade and
road to Yamhill county the dairymen •eyes open to the fact that whenever also made this statement, and made State and
magnanimous proposition is offered
any proposition is made to develop it clear to everybody .present that it is a good thing for the farmer, drain the road. The state will lay.
the people of Tillamook county. We of Tillamook county will be able to and improve Tillamook County, some Tillamook county must have money Now
it is proposed
to the crushed rock base and the paving.
go to the Willamette Valley in the
cannot comprehend how any proper­
fall of the year when hay is cheap of the timber owners send an agita­ available to prepare the road bed, bond the state and county for hard
ty owner, who resides in the county, and ship it by auto truck at compar­ tor into the county to oppose it.'The and if the county was not in a posi­ surfaced roads, some of the timber
The more the California people
can oppose a proposition which will
atively little cost. In the state of agitator is now in the county oppos­ tion to do that, the money will be ex­ men and farmers are opposing it, spend for the roads and the more
lay 50 or more miles of hardsurfaced Washington it is an every day occur­ ing the bonding measures. We hope pended in the other counties which which plainly shows how selfish and hard surfaced roads they
get the
road without cost to the county. rence to truck hay and other products every Tillamooker who has the, wel­ are now in a position to fulfill the re­ narrow some persons are.
more eager they become for more.
Everybody in the county should be, by auto truck 50 to 60 miles. And fare and development of Tillamook quirements of the law. We want to
Six years ago their state bond issue
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and ought to be, enthusiastic over whenever there is a hard surfaced at heart will resent this interference make this plain, so that there shall be
Pomona Grange did not vote on the of $18,000,000 for road work was
such a splendid offer as that. If Till­ road built to Yamhill county, Tilla­ of a paid agitator coming here en­ no understanding on this point. It is state bond measure, but when a vote voted by a bare majority. Last fall
amook county turns down this offer, mook dairymen will be shipping in deavering to stop the progress of up to the people of Tillamook county was taken on bonding the county 23 they were asked to approve an ad­
it simply means this: It is only a their feed themselves, buying it di­ this county.
whether they want this county to be voted against and 16 for, of the 23 ditional issue of $15,000,000 and the
question of a few years before there rect from the farmers who raise it,
------ o------
the first to receive state aid, or Grangers who voted against
the vote in its favor was four to one. Still
is a hard surfaced road through the cutting out the middlemen’s commis­
Some of the timber owners have whether they are going to throw this county bonding, most of them be- there is quite a bevy of people in On-
county, the entire expense of which sions and charges. That is what hard sent in their paid agitator, who is op­ splendid advantage away and allow longed to the Fairview Grange.
gon who do not believe in permanent
will fall on the taxpayers, This is surfaced roads are doing in other posing the bond measures. No doubt some other countv to obtain 20 or
road construction. It is up to the vot­
gospel truth.
None of us want any additional tax- ers on June 4 next whether or not
parts of the country, but as long as the people of Tillamook will receive more miles of hard surfaced road that
our citizens prefer paying heavy tax­ letters telling them how to vote. We should be built in the south part of ation, and most of us are advocating they accept or reject the bond issue,
Most of our citizens, especially ation to maintain macadauj roads think Tillamook people can settle the county. If Tillamook county turns the bond measures because there is a both local and state. By ratifying the
those residing in tue south . part of every year, and will not see what a their differences and settle them down the county bonding is it knock­ chance of taxes being reduced when proposed measures they will take the
the county, realize what the cost of blessing hard surfaced roads arc to right without outside interference or ed out of being the first county to re­ hard surfaced roads are built and the first step toward a good, fommon
road maintenance is between Tilla­ farmers in other sections, the dairy­ at the dictation of a paid agitator. ceive state aid, and it may be several heavy maintenance charges arc elimi­ sense way of disposing of the ancient
mook City and Cloverdale. If the men will be deprived of shipping in This paid qgitator and representa­ years before it can receive state aid, nated. The editor gets a duck fit methods of building roads in this
bond measures fail to carry, a large hay at a minimum cost. Have our tives of some of the timber men re­ for every county that is in the state every time he thinks what State Mas­ state and place Oregon on a footing
amount of tax money will continue to Granger friends who are opposed to side in Portland, where they have road plan will want their part done ter Spence advocated putting over on with its sister states in building thor­
oughfares. If on the contrary, it is
be expended upon that road. If the the state and county bond measures paved streets galore and Multnomah whenever their is money available, the taxpayers of this county. Just
fancy, the
man who is strutting argued that “paddling” through mud
bond measures
carry, Tillamook ever taken this little incident into county has abundance of hardsurface ^re we in?
around the country at the expense of on bottomless roads is conducive to
roads. Now if it is a good thong for
county is placed in the preferred class consideration? •
Multnomah county to have
Now for a heart-to-heart talk with the State Grange opposing the State the prosperity and welfare of this
and that road will be the first built
great state it is possible to continue
under the state plan. It will not cost
In this connection we will quote a surfaced roads, which some of the those who reside south of Tillamook bond measure advocating that the our sham methods of attempting road
the county more than $500.00 1 to paragraph which appeared in the timber representatives enjoy at all city. The main highway through the taxpayers of Tillamook County be construction indefinitely. —Umpqua
$1,000.00 a mile to prepare the 1 road Telephone-Register last
week, it seasons of the year, why isn’t it a county will, for a long time to come, taxed an additional $1,000,000 the Valley News.
bed. The state will put down the says: “There arc many ways in which good thing for Tillamook and Tilla- be the only road of travel. There is next five years. Probably «he thought
hard surface at no expense to the hard-surfaced roads will unexpectedly mookers to have hard surfaced roads little prospect of a railroad to the it would be a good thing for the
prove profitable to local communities as well? It will cost the resident tax­ south part of the county, so all Grangers of this county, and had in
some of which may be forecast. For payers little money to obtain them. freight, incoming and outgoing, will mind that the timber owners pay 75
------ o------
We want to ad<l a little more infor­ instance, it is known that Tillamook ceive letters or circulars sent out have to be hauled over this road. It
State Senator Olson Made a Splendid
------ o------
mation here, which the people of county does not cure her hay crop as through some of these timber repre­ is costing to-day $500 a ton, and as
Talk a*, the City Hall.
The Holstein Breeders’ Association
Tillamook county have overlooked
sentatives, telling you how they want in the county comes from the Little whose every effort is along the line
in discussing the bond question.
you to vote.
On Saturday evening State Senator
Nestucca Valley, this, too is taxed of progress, the development of hand­
When the state lays the hardsurfaced fogs and heavy dews. It is asserted
$5.00 a ton for hauling it to this city. some pure bred, black and white Olson, of Multnomah County, ad­
road between Tillamook City and by Tillamook farmers that if they
Every time the Dougal-Dopgally- With a hardsurfaced road freight can herds, who believe in improvement dressed a mee ting at the City Hall in
Cloverdale the contractor will be could have good road connections Do Man pokes his nose into Tilla­
and will be hauled to the south part and development, are for good roads Ifavof of the state bond measure. Ow­
under bond to maintain the road for with Washington, \ anthill and 1 oik | mook County affairs, adds a large . of the county for $1.50. The farmers and for the success of the election on ing to the fact that little publicity had
ten years, and after that time the counties they would invest in large number of persons to those who want in the east part of Multnomah coun- this question Monday, June 4th.
been given, the attendance was
state and the county pays half the motor trucks and purchase all their , to soak it to the timber owners, and I ty, where they have hard surfaced
| as large as it would have been,
cost of maintenance. Stop and figure hay in this valley, leaving their Krass 1 make them cough up more taxes. I roads, get their freight hauled for $1
1 a good number oi our citizens
for better dairy pastures, and that j
out what a great amount of money it part not used for the enrichment ot I This is unfortunate, for the timber a ton. Auto trucks go out from Port­
farmers were present.
1 he State
will save the taxpayers to be relieved the soil. For their butter and cheese owners as well as the county, for we land and haul in potatoes, hay, etc.,
. Senator is an able speaker and made
of this maintenance charge for ten and beef we could exchange our hay, believe that the timber owners and ' direct from the farm to the commis­
, a most convincing argument in flavor
The State Press, for thf most part,
years on that road. The satjie system and prunes and apples. The creamery the citizens should and could harmon­ sion house or depot, for $1.00 a ton
of the bonding measure.
piuuvs «•■■«• -ri------- -
is boosting for hard surfaced roads.
will apply to the road from Clatsop 1 anil
He first toadied upon the- manner
and condenser
supplies could be ize their differences and get along and the farmer also saves time. The
county line to Garibaldi. Can you gathered from a greater »cope Ot agreeably together. Before the Dou- editor is acquainted with a number of We will quote a few paragraphs in which the bonding bills were intro­
ligure it out what a tremendous sav­ country in quicker time had we bet­ gal-Dougally-Do Man appeared on these farmers, for he resided in that which make interesting reading.
duced and p ■ <1 in the state legisla-
- -
ing it will be to have 50 miles of ter airy
In the last ten years approximately I lure, and th- 1 discussed the benefits
roads, Consolidation of schools the scene there was no Tiostile senti­ part of Multnomah county for sever­
hard surfaced road in the county and could be effected at less expense and I ment against the timber owners. It al years. Ask these farmers if they $40,000,000 has been expended on hard surface.! roads would be to the
not one cent of our county tax mon­ better instruction, and the city and is quite different, we are sorry to say, would be willing to go back to the roads in this state. What is there to I state oi Oregon, which was far be-
ey expended in maintaining that country would be brought nearer to to-day. If the Whitney Company and i old macadam roads, and one gets a show for it? Support the $<>,000,000 ihind Washington and California. The
the Hammond Company wish to scrap on his hands before he is aware bond issue on June 4th and let us ¡State Senator could not understand
large niilege of road. Those who
each other.”
make, a rod for their own backs, and of it. These hard surfaced roads in take up road building on a practical why some ot the farmers were oppos-
Complain about high taxation had
that of the other timber owners who
better get their eyes open, for this is
and comprehensive basis.—Itemizer 1 ing a compri he nsive system of hard
Hard surfaced roads means an in­ take no part in sending a paid agita­ Multnomah county have put thous­
where taxpayers will be relieved of
surfaced highways through the state,
crease of business. Every part ot If tor into the county to oppose the de­ ands of dollars in the pockets of the
the heavy maintenance charges on lamook county will be greatly bene
Vote the bond issue for better roads. when it would be such a great benefit
; farmers. It will do so to those who
velopment of the county, that is up to
our roads.
fitted by a main trunk road thJou^ them, but they are*responsible for the 1 reside in the south part of the county, It is the greatest plan ever offered to them, cspe cially as auto licenses
as soon as a ahardsurface road is built. the state to increase its wealth, popu­ would provi
the money -x pay off
the county. It will be a benefit to hostile sentiment
prevails We do not know of anything that lation and happiness. Study the ques­ th<- $6,000/1'
$6,ooo,oio in 25 years, with
We want to call the attention of the trading places like uC,ov"^lc’R^
is will help the south pyt of the county tion impartially, and learn that you $2,800,000 kit t ove r at the end of that
People to a few facts, which should Beaver, Hemlock, Bay City, Ko«a I against the timber owners and it he
be impressed upon their minds. The way. Bar View. Brighton, W heeler, taking deeper root every time u- more than a hard surface road. Pro­ profit if you are an automobile own­ time. This wa > figured on the present
changed condition of road construc­ Mohler and Nehalem as we 11 as Ti I- butts into the affairs of the people
vided the state and county bond er or you profit if you are not. Th< number of ;:u it« s, anti if they kept on
I this county.
measures carry, the south part of the issue contains no graft. Get more increasing
tion was brought about by autos and amook City. But probably the south
county will be the first to receive confidence in your fellow man.— for past ycr.r , the money derived
auto trucks, which destroy mecadam part of Tillamook county would be
Are you going to vote June 4 to
Telephone Register.
from that f ot.ree would be consielcr-
roads in a comparatively short lime, most benefiitted, for it is without rail­ pull Tillamook
_________ out of the mud or state aid, for the law specially pro­
able. He sai< <1 there was no opposition
making it necessary to build hard sur­ road connections. It is not surprising keep Tillamook in the mud? With a vides that this road is to be built im­
----- o-----
from those ..ho owned autos to the
faced roads , on main thoroughfares. that that part of the county « SO em hard surfaced road those who own mediately. If there is any part of Ore­
Those good and public spirited citi­
asurc, for the reason
It was unjust on the property owners thusiastic over a hard surfaced road, autos will think it no trick to go to gon that should cast a solid vote in zens of Oregon who arc crying re­ state bondir,
that they w ,'tild save in wear anil
favor of the state and county bonds,
and farmers to place the entire bur- and will poll a big vote in favor if it.
Portland in summer and winter.
tear on tires
' it is the south part of Tillamook
den upon them to > __________
reconstruct and
tures for public improvements simply a year. Hi .¡.o showe
We want tT^ake a suggestion Jto
maintain these roads, and the state
At the Pamona Grange meeting of county. What we want to know, will because we are only as yet facing the
otghway measure provides that the those who singed the county bonding Saturday, J. M. I.iisberg, one of those they turn out and vote or stay at possibility of a hard seige of war, of the number of mill
expense be placed where it justly be­ petition. Those who oppose bonding who opposed the state and county home and throw ayaw this splendid should take heart and benefit by the a tire tra; .it g over
roads and other roa
longs—upon the autos and auto will be out in force and poll the,r
bond measures, and we believe he opportunity to obtain a hard surfaced example of our northern neighbors,
Senator paid State
Pucks. Those who oppose the state force and it behooves those who was sincere and conscicnscious in his i road?
the indomitable Canadians. In spite Handley : nd Fred R
“°nd measure by their vote June 4, I want hard surfaced roads to get out behalf. The same evening he heard
of the fact that Canada has under­ I pliment. He state
Practically say, they prefer that the and vote, and for everyone who State Senator Olson in the same
If we take the advice of those who gone two years and a half of stren­ ’ which gav< 'filial
Property owners and the farmers pay , signed the petition to take as many t
building, and he changed his mind. say the state and county bond issues uous war times, attendant with all of
'the polls as possible. There is Iiab e He is now boosting for hard surfaced should be defeated on account of the its financial and human exactitudes, . or more o.'
or the hard surfacing.
bill whc
to be a small vote cast and 1f hat 1. roads. We simply mention this for war let us see where it would land us. the Province of Quebec, last year ex- I of this city
In this connection we will repeat ! the case the bond measures will fa
the reason some of the Grangers It will be two years before another , pended $1.953,000 for good roads, for passed thi
w j we have often stated before, I to carrv and Tillamook county will have not considered all phases of the good roads bill can be passed by the the seven months ending October t. 1 persistent
an,l which everybody ought to be j be left in the mud.
matter, and have overlooked what a legislature and submitted to the peo­ and there remained another half mil- that it v.:
late w: 5 reluct!
informed upon before they cast
great benefit a hard surfaced road ple. That would mean that Oregon Ilion of dollars to spend upon im­ At first t>
ended in that t way,
">'‘>r vote on the bonding measures.
One of the Grangers on Saturday through the county will be to every­ would have to stand still for two provements not yet approved. The have the
■ for it gai •
ilia nook county < such a
body and the county as well.
* ne points we wish to emphasize are who had a vision as to the future
years longer in road building, and 1 Province expende«!
1 large am tint of hard surface« d road
Washington and California will RO $to,ooo,ooo for public improvements
the hardsurfacing <«•
and placed it in
Multnomah county will pay 4° Per pieces,
other than for good roads.—Oregon He stated that the preferred
said as soon as the central
Tillamook county
1____ ,
°I the auto tax and not one cent part of the county had hard surfaced people about bonding, especially which amounts to millions of dollars Voter.
would be the first to receive state aid
the $6,000,000 bond issue will be roads it wouldn’t care a whoop some of the dairymen of this county. every year to those two states. Is it
Upended in that county.
whether the other parts of the county But to hear some of them talk they good business sense to defer road
their campaign of miarepreaenta-
(Cor.tinued on Last Page.)
h-ighty per cent of the $6,000,000
The Press & Good Roads