Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 17, 1917, Image 5

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A vote far the road bond bill will ba
• vote for a state-wide system of good
roads without increaslni direct taxes.
Don't forget this when you vote June
* * *
Whether the road bonds are voted
•r not the auto license and the millage
tax will have to be paid juat the
Where would there be any
economy in voting them down?—Me-
MlnDvllle Register.
»• h«v« round Zorolana
to b. a aatlsraotory lubri­
cant for BUICK eutowoMI.a
and trucka
— because the records of their service departments »how that Zero-
lene, correctly refined from asphalt-base crude, gives perfect lubri­
cation with least carbon deposit
Z.rol.ne la (he ml lor xo«r «t-wS.t.v.r IH. m.k.—th.oS tor all typw or .ulomoblla Meirwa.
For correct frada. <•< our lubricenon chan covering your car
Sr doakrr. arrerymbora aod Standard Sor.rea Sraoona
one to pack eggs this year, this ini- summer, wc have often wondered why
proved keeping quality is of a great there were not more bees in this
------ O------
By R. C. Jones Agricultural Agent, dial of importance. The present high county. For these little workers could
price of grain makes it impractical to be made a source of a great deal of
----- o——
I keep the rooster, and from a practi- pleasure and profit.
Use Lime to Increase Yields.
Is it too late materially to increase ' cal, economical standpoint at this I Of coudse we would not recommend
cur national food supply this spring? time of the year he will make better them for the windy portions of the
Not if our farmers in the eastern pot pie than enything else. Therefore, county, but in the sheltered localities
half of the country will promptly re­ in keeping with the national food plan we sec no reason why they should
sort to the use of the cheapest and I of food conservation we urge you to not be raised, especially as it is so
easy to get a start and we urge their
quickest known agency for speeding I‘‘Swat the Rooster.”
Why Not More Bees?
trial. Wc would be glad to furnish
up national production of food-stuffs,
With the wonderful abundance of further information to anyone inter­
namely, lime.
Prices of most commercial fertiliz­ flowers in this locality all threugh the ested.
ers at present are high. Potash is al­
most unobtainable.
Only by most
scrupulous conservation
of stable
manure, and an increased use of le­
gumes as green manure, and of
ground rock phosphate, can the com­
mercial fertilizer shortage be met,
even tcmparaily. There remains one
thing, however, that may be done to
increase yields, which costs no more
now than it did before. It ntay safely
be said, 1 believe, that if ai! sources
of artificial chemical fertilizers failed,
A big photoplay, with a background
cur total farm output in many sec­
of the free outdoors.
tions could not only be maintained,
but even increased for a considerable
This will be one of the most pleasing
time simply by the application of lime
to Peerages that now are low in yield
plays in which we will see this
or lying fallow because they are too |
popular little player.
sour to grow profitable crops. Lime
C3n *>nzl
and should be put on all sour
land. By a plentiful use of lime we f
figuratively speaking, make our
Thursday, May 24th.
war bread” of stones.
There is perhaps no considerable1
15c. Children, 5 c.
secuon of the United States without
some local supply of lime stone, marl, .
y oyster shells. Ground limestone for
ircct application to the soil costs, j
clivcred on the nearest siding, front 1
‘Per ton up, depending on the
ingih of the haul. If crushed lime-1
’°ne is not available, burned lime,
<• i.Cr f>roun(l or hydrated for agri­
or the ordinary lump
me carried by all dealers in building
tU t? r raay be used in emergency, '
ugh lime in this form is frequently
ore expensive. On the other hand,
anr,iine^ cr hydrated lime is used the
¡,;?flc7t,?ns should be less than one- I
'n,0* LOse ot «round lime-stone.
cverv f *^crc *s svailablj for almost*
of u- larmer.> ,at normal cost, in spite
for -l,r c!”"b‘ions, a material which
creas»' llme being, may avail to in- ;
»ousLOTka*ri-c?,!u:'al outPut enor-|
ittnli. .- ac initial returns from the
som -f?t On 0 *nie to sour land are
remarkable. An investiga-
dend of lmkS,One citcn pays a divi-
the fir ,a hundred per cent or more
year, if care is taken at the
;oI"*‘"tmoft,h°eStain ,he arganic|
A Child of the Wild”
Gem Theatre,
Every Saturday in May.
4: 15 P.M.
4:40P M.
4:53 P.M.
4: 58,P.M.
3: 0» P. M.
5:28 P.M.
5:40 P.M.
7:20 A.M.
7:45 A.M.
7:58 A.M.
8:03 A.M.
8: 14 A.M
8-35 A.M.
8;45 A.M.
10: 25 A.M.
9:59 A.M.
9 48 A.M.
9 88 A.M.
9: 29 A. M.
9:08 A.M.
9:00 A M.
It la time for us to get out of the
mud. We need and must have good
roads. They will add to the wealth,
thrift and happiness of our people and
our state. This measure ($6,000,000
road bond bill) does not add one far­
thing to our taxes; It simply capital­
izes waste. No sane man or woman
should offer a single word of opposi­
tion to this movement.—Governor
Withycombe at state-wide good roada
rally in Portland.
Less wear and more power because Zerolene keeps na lubricant body at
cylinder heat. Less carbon because, being made from aaphalt-baae crude, if
burns clean and goes out on exhaust
in this *he du,y °f American farmers,
®ost (n’'ional erisis, to make the I
zvaihH th,s’ our cheapest and most
Action u?Cncy ,or ’Reeding up pro-
crushrd r ar or no war> a carload of
ulnavs ln,cstone where needed is
at th.
*n the farmers’ pocket
r 0 'he crop year. And a car
by cirh !niCstonc, judiciously used
acid' u.]irrntr "hose land is too
breed,tu' L ’"«"tent our supply of
’I mill-
"y a surprising number
b»irvm '°n^ of bushels.—Hoard’s
Secret-.Aar' V'rocman, Assistant
y of -Agriculture.
When th*’’ the Ro°«er ”
over ther • :spr,n« breeding season is
b'epina ■>' is
”, no good reason for
"'a.. . ln rna|c fowl
, with
, , a , flock , of _
*le s should
’’ hrated
hratej -■ *aCt’ he
h°u1<i not he
*be hens
a unless separate from
It ha, k
•btt the nCCj c,car,y demonstrated
tblion of , n uc,ton and general con-
" so m-,1
■’ better when there
«trilt .» c bird around, and also
thon f’.h,a.vc hotter ketping qual-
* backing ” c ones’ a”d where one
* '’««». and wc urge cvcry-
Those who argue against obtaining
outside money through the six mil­
lion bond issue are working against
the improvement of the by-roads or
laterals which they ciaim to cham­
pion—Pendleton East Oregonian.
* * *
"This is tbe greatest measure ever
contemplated by the state of Oregon,"
said Governor Withycombe, discuss­
ing the $6,000,000 road bond bill at
the state-wide good roads rally in
Portland. "It means more to the state
than any measure in its history, be­
cause the one thing we need in high­
ways in Oregon."
* * *
preparedness, economic Insurance and
common horse sense rise up to slap
the contrary Mr. Spence's statements
in the face. The bond issue IS prac-
| tlcal, IS necessary, IS without tax
obligation, DOES make the auto own­
er bear ALL the burden and SHOULD
carry.—Astoria Astorian.
7: 20
8: 54
6: 38
6: 33
P. M
P. M
P. M
P. M
A convenient service for business
or pleasure trip.
Aek local agent for further information.
JOHN M SCOTT, General Passenger Agent
S outhern P acific L ines .
WAXIT will make all your
Furniture look like new. Fine
for floors and linoleum. Nothing
better for Auto bodies. Works
like magic.
Guaranteed Harmless.
For Sale at
With every Pound Can of Royal
Club Coffee, one can of Pepper
Mustard or Ginger FREE.
See our window display
Six years ago the people of Califor­
nia voted $18,000,000 bonds for good
The measure received only a
small majority. Last November they
voted an additional >15,000,000 of
bonds for further road work.
vote at the second election was 4 to 1
for tbe bonds There’s a reason Cal
tfornlans were satisfied with their
first Investemnt.
Road construction
in California has yielded satisfactory
dividends to tbe people of that state.
The State Highway Commission has
adopted the following policy with re­
gard to road surveys:
Whenever any County shall make
application to the Commission setting
forth a desire to do construction work
on post roads, forest roads or any
other state highway within its limits,
the Commission will authorize a def­
inite location survey establishing
grades and alignments. The expense
of such surveys will be paid for from
the state funds of the Commission
Is Opposed to B°nding.
tain it and Tillamook County will be
left. Those who have given the mat­
ter some consideration contend that
with a county bond of $412,000 it will
prepare the road bed from the Clat­
sop county line to Garibaldi and hard-
surface the road from Garibaldi to
Wilson river bridge, and prepare the
road bed south of this city to tbe
Yamhill county line. As well as do the
extra hard surfacing called for in the
north part of the county.
Other counties are making prepara­
tions to have their roads hardsurfaced
as soon as possible, should the state
bond measure carry, and it won’t de
for I illamook county to be unpre­
pared, for every mile of hard surfac­
ed road that the State Highway com­
mission puts down in this county
will be a saving of $10,000 to the tax­
payers, and there are over 50 miles
designated -is hardsurfaced roads in
1 illamook county in the state bond
Ed. Headlight.—Wc sec by the last
issue of your paper that the petition
for bonding the county has been filed,
to be voted upon June 4th.
Now we would like to ask the
powers that be, are or would like to
be, that if the State and County bond­
automqBtie owner should vote ing acts should both carry and the
for the $6,000,000 road Bond bill. The county money is spent according to
license on all motor vehicles has been the letter accompanying the petition
doubled by a law passed at the last (and W'C arc assured that they will
Legislature and will have to be paid have to be), how the county will be
anyway. If the road bond bill carries able to take advantage of the State
at the June election, the money raised act, that is where would they get the
from automobile licenses will be ex- money to prepare the road bed for
pended in building good roads, If the the hard surface from the Clatsop
bond bill is defeated, the money raised County line to Garibaldi, about 25
from automobile licenses may be ex- miles of road, which will cost at least
pended for other purposes, For the $100,000 exclusive of the $36,000 set
very same reason those who do not aside to bridge the Nehalem?
Under the county bonding petition
own an automobile should vote for
the extreme northern end of the
the road bond bill. In doing so, they county, i e Nehalem, Mohler and
will insure the expenditure of the Wheeler, fares well, but from Mohler
automobile license money In road to Bay City there will be nothing do­
/ ’
building without adding one cent to ing. From Bay City to Cloverdale by
------o---- -
their taxes
Tillamook City where there now is
In the County Court of the State of
* * *
the best roads in the county, J4 of the Oregon, for 1 illamook County,
Mr. Automobile Owner:
Your li­ bonding money will be spent and the
In the_____
matter __ of the estate of Frank
cense was doubled by the last Legis­ rest of the county gets nothing. Is Forsbloin,
lature. You will have to pay the in­ that a fair proposition? It docs not
To all unknown heirs of Frank
creased license no matter what be- look like it. If the state bonding prop­
' Forsblom, deceased, and any and all
comes of the $6.060,000 road bond bill osition for building scenic roads car- 5
other persons interested in the estate
at the special election in June. If the ry, the Highway Commission will
of said I-rank E'rosblom, deceased:
road bond bill carries, however, the want to build a scenic highway flown
In the name of the State of Oregon,
money raised from automobile licenses the beach and over Necarney Moun­
tain an<l around to Portland, and it you are hereby cited and required to
will be expended In road building,
will require all of the money that appear in the County Court of the
Why not vote for the bond bill and 1 illamook County can raise to build I State of Oregon, for the County of
get some
the road bed through the county, 1 illamook, at the court room thereof,
w w w
which has to be done before and hard at I illamook City, in the county of
I don't believe in going in debt for surface is laid by the state. The best Tillamook on the 30th day of June,
something that we don't need, and I thing to do would be to vote down 1917, at ten o’clock in the forenoon
don't think bonding Is the best way. the whole bonding scheme and then of that day, then and there to show
_ , why
. „ an order
But, there you are, under the system should the state plan carry and there cause, if any exist,
that this government is run it is the was a chance for Tillamook to get should not be made by the above
only way to get what we need, and state aid, wc could take advantage of named court directing and authoriz­
ing the administrator of said estate
we all agree that we need good roads it.
E. K. Scovel). to sell at private sale, for cash in
and we know that macadam will not
hand the real property belonging to
stand the traffic. Will we wait until
I lie editor would impress upon the said estate, situated in Tillamook
we have the money, or go in debt, for
the mind of our Nehalem friend and County, Oregon, and more particular­
what we all say we need? I have all others who take the same view ly described as follows, to-wit:
come to the parting of the wavs, and that he docs, there are two things in
All the right, title, estate and in­
say, I believe those men who figured road building that now confront this terest acquired by Frank Forsbloni
on the license paying for the bonds county, and they arc: A continuation in the tract of land of about 61-100 of
know what they are talking about.— of dumping a large amount of tax an acre, in Sec. 22, Tp. 1 N., R. 10 W.
C. A. Schuebel, Clackamas County money to maintain the main highway of W. M., as well as any and all other
farmer, in a communication to the through the county for autos and rights acquired, under and by virtue
Oregon City Enterprise.
auto trucks to destroy in a short lime of that certain bond for deed execut­
* * ♦
or build hardsurfaced roads, not at ed by Andrew Peterson in favor of
In arriving at a sensible conclusion the expense of the taxpayers, but at said Frank Forsblom, dated Dec. 8,
as regards the road bond issue It is the expense of those w^o own autos 1914, and recorded at page 28« of
not unwise nor untimely to reckon and auto trucks, 80 per cent of which Book “30" of-the record» of deeds of
along the line of a twentieth century are owned by persons living in incor­ Tillamook County, Oregon, and also
resident. Do not harken back to the porated cities. To be more precise, described in the Tract Book of the
days when our grandfathers crossed those who own autos and auto trucks County Assessor of Tillamook Coun­
and reside within incorporated cities ty Oregon, at pages 23 and 24 thereof
the plains in a prairie schooner drawn
will pay $4,800,000 of the $6,000.000
by a yoke of oxen, but Just remember and not one cent of the bond money as Tracts Nos. 44 and 45.
Witness, the Hon. A. .M. Hare,
that this is an age of rubber tires is to be used in Multnomah county,
Judge of the County Court of the
Hermit a few present day arguments or on roads in incorporated cities.
State of Oregon for ’Tillamook Coun­
to confront you, then look them
Our correspondent advises people
squarely In the face. That is the to vote against the bond measures, ty, with the seal of said Court affixed
only way to settle the matter honest which means that he is content to the 16th day of May, 1917.
ly. That being the case we are cer make the farmers pay a large pro­
tain that every voter who has not portion of taxes for roads that Aulrys
already become convinced that Ore­ and auto trucks destroy every year.
gon should be pulled out of the mud The editor thinks that it is only right
will resolve to do his bit by casting and fair that autos and auto trucks
Range, Heater. Kitchen Cab­
his vote for the first real eenalble
Another thing the editor will im­ inet, Library Table, Lounge,
measure over placed before the peo
pie which was intended to do a real press upon our correspondent is that Large Rocker and 17 yards of
good for the state and not make a if this county is not in a position to Linoleum.—J. W. Riley. Tilla­
few grafters rich —Cooe Bay Harber prepare the road bed when state mon­
ey is available, other counties will ob- mook.