Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 17, 1917, Image 2

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Legal Advertissments.
First Insertion per line ..............
Each subsequent insertion, line,
business and Professional cards
one month.........................................
Locals per line each insertion...
Display advertisements, an inch
and Lodge Notices, per line .
All Resolutions of Condolence
one month.......................................
question discussed
friendly spirit.
• IO
a fair
» ....
Revolting Treatment.
It is poor advice to argue in favor
Present Problem* are New and Dif­
of stopping public and other improve-
ferent but not More Difficult
’ ments on account of the war. That
We pass through Evernicourt. There
1.00 would throw a large number of men ' is a dull smell in the air, as if a lime
The other day 1 had a very interest-
OS out of employment, and as it is diffi­ were being burnt. We are passing the
cult for the working class to make great Corpse Exploitation Establish­ . ing discussion with a certain execu-
both ends meet on account of the ment ( Kadaververwertungsanstalt) of i five m the shoe business who was la-
•05 high cost of living, do not make their this army group. The tat that is won 1 | menting the troubles and difficulties
condition more serious by depriving here is turned into lubricating oils,, , with which he had to contend at the
SO them of employment. We are inclined and everything else is ground down 1 ¡present time. I took the position that
to think the best plan is to try to in­ in the bones mill into a powder, . J it was true that all of us in the shoe
crease, not decrease, work. We have which is used for mixing with pigs’ ' business were having our problems to
THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. heard several persons say they will food and as manure.
■ solve but that 1 did not believe they
not vote for the state bond measure
F. C. BAKER, Publisher.
The above callous description of a were any more difficult than they
on account of the war, but they look German “Corpse Exploitation Estab­ were in former times.
I have been in the shoe business
at the matter from a wrong stand­ lishment" situated behind the enemy’s
lines north of Reims, was furnished about twelve years quite a number
------- 0-------
by Herr Karl Rosner, special corres­ of the men in our selling force have
It appears to us that the County pondent of the Berlin Lokalanzeiqer been in the game twice that long and
School Superintendent has been tak­ on the Western front, and is the first some even longer—but at any rate, I
Tillamook has a new industry—
ing desperate chances addressing the definite German admission concern­ have never seen a season, and I be­
school rnanns as “Dear Teachers.” ing the way in which the Germans lieve the other men will agree with me
where there were no serious obstacles
use dead bodies.
Down with the gamblers—those We do not question but what the
statement corroborates
a to overcome in selling volume busi­
who gamble in food—should be made
form and that the school teachers striking account of this new and ness—obstacles that at the time seem­
a national issue.
like to be addressed as "dears,” es­ horrible German industry which ap- ed just as hard to surmount as any­
------- o------
pecially those who are in the single peared in the Independance Belge for thing that may be occurring now.
The Women’s Civic Improvement
It these problems are any more dif­
but should some jealous hus­ April 10, as extracted from 1 La Bilg-
League of this city should have a ral­
ficult it is not because they are more
band of the school teachers who are ique, of Leyden, in Holland.
ly to lelp
■ boost the state ami county
This version, ommitting some of serious or in reality harder to over­
bitched up double decide that it look­
bond measures, tor good roads come
the most repulsive details, is as fol- come, but it is because they are dif­
mull i the head of civic improvement. ed too familiar, we are wondering
ferent and we perhaps are not as fa­
how the superintendent would square lows ;
I himself anil appease a jealous and
We have known for long that the miliar with the method of meeting
W. H. Brune, editor of the Polk suspicious husband.
Germans stripped their dead behind and overcoming
County Observer, is another Oregon
the firing line, fastened them into simply because they are new and dif­
Euuoi to join the colors. And in this
The "Tillamook Scrappers” are go- bundles of three or four bodies with ferent.
connection it is worthy of remark I
Take for example, a tendency on
iron wire, and then dispatched these
tne 09 employees of the Oregonian ing to get together again fur a real I grisley bundles to the rear. Until the part of some merchants to defer
business ____
man who
.. and every
____ ________
have done likewise.
I fails to attend will have a scrap on his : recently the trains laden with the buying, either withholding all or part
-------o ■.
! dead were sent to Searing, near of their purchases—until they can see
We can well understand the reason hand. Noses will be counted of those
' Liege, and a point north of Brussels, what conditions the war will bring
v ,iy county editors arc joining the who attend and those who do not.
I where were refuse consumers. Much about.
colors. The high cost of paper and 1 he scrap will be on Monday evening
1 surprise was caused by the fact that
YA ith the present level of prices and
with the prospect of being iorced out May 2ist, at the city hall, so put off
of late this traffic has proceeded in all the war talk, it seems only natural
of business on account of the war tax, all other engagements for that even­
the direction of Gerolstein, and it tnat some retail shoe dealers should
is a serious condition confronting ing and attend this meeting. The next
. business men’s banquet will take was noted that on each wagon was hesitate placing their business but
this hesitation is really due to an in­
i place later. Let’s see how much you written “D. A. V. G.”
-------- o--------
German science is responsible for sufficient study of the situation.
If the state and county bond meas­
the ghoulish idea of the formation of
In England today with the war
ures arc defeated it will be on account of this city and whether you are a
the German Offal Utilization Com­ nearly three years old, business is be­
oi tile apathy of citizens hi not going
pany (Limited) ("D. A. Y. G.,” or ing conducted in larger volume than
lu me polls, and for that reason a Something of considerable import­ “Deutsche Abfall-\ erwertungs Ges- ever before notwithstanding the ex­
movement should be started all over
ellscha-tt”), a dividend earning com­ tremely high prices of all commodi­
tlic slate to get people to turn out your advice and assistance is needed. pany with a capital 01*250.00 pounds,
and vote.
In Canada the same thing is true.
er slip your memory, but be there on the chief factory of which has been
The situation there is particularly
The question as to having the tun- •
av connecting St. \ ith, near the significant and enlightening for the
bcr iecruised is liable to cause some the other live scrappers who are en­ I Belgian frontier, with Gerolstein, in people of this country who want to
to make this a better and
uisci.esion sooner or later, for the
the lonely, little irequented Eifel dis­ know the actual conditions that are
reason that some of the timber 111- bigger business center.
trict, south-west of Coblentz.
This sure to prevail here.
i.ri . s have shown and are still show­ i
Canada has a population of about
factory deals especially with the »lead
1 he Polk County Itemizer, a dyed from the west front, If the results 7,000,000. Of this number about 1,500-
ing a most loonsh and hostile dispo­
in the wool democratic organ, might arc as good as the company
sition toward 1 illamook city.
hopes, 000 are classed as mail adults and of
. .
I have put some spice into the follow­
another will be established to deal this total one man in every three is
What with the increase in the cost ing paragraph, it it had headed it with corpses on the East front.
already in military service.
01 paper and the prospect of paying a with "Democratic Watchful Waiting,"
This means that nearly every able
The factory is invisible from the
big 1.ix on advertisements and mail while speculators rob the people: _______
railway. It is placed deep
in forest bodied man between the ages of 18
charges, a good many editors will “We have been hearing
_ a good deal country, with a specially thick growth and 45.
lvalue that, instead of their news­ about government investigation of of trees about it. Live wires surround
1 have this information from the
papers bunging them in a revenue, the high cost of living and that ci­ it. A special double track leads to it. proprietor ot a department store do­
they will have a white elephant un forts are to be made to find out tile The works are about 700 ft. long and ing business in Toronto, Canada and
whys and wherefores and remedy the 110 ft. broad, ami the railway 1 runs also verified by a large American
then hands molding public opinion.
matter so far as practicable. But . re-
_ completely around them.
In the soap manufacturer who has a branch
One argument advanced against the suits are not forthcoming. Something northwest corner of the works the in Canada. This particular brand of
state bond measure is that the roads
soap is not a necessity. It sells for
discharge of the trains take place.
to be improved are scenic roads. We that it takes Uncle Sam a long time
The trains arrive lull of bare bodies, 25c. a cake anil obviously is a luxury.
believe it, but the farmers first select­
which are unloaded by the workers Yet, their sales last year showed 37
ed these roads and have been using lieve, are literally robbed by specu­ who live at the works. The men wear per cent increase over the biggest
.them for many years, and instead ol
oilskin overalls and masks with mica season in the history of their com­
being impassable in winter with con­ case, but when we know that railroad eye-pieces. They are equipped
with pany.
tinual maintenance charges, they are yards in various sections of the coun­ long hooked poles, and push the
Similarly in England an old estab­
to be hardsurlaced so that farmers try arc filled with loaded cars of , bundles oi bodies to an endless chain, lished manufacturer of a popular
and all kinds of vehicles can travel wheat and with elevators full all over ! which picks them with big hooks, at­ brand of soap (the Ivory of England)
I the country, there surely is no excuse
over them the year round.
tached at intervals of 2 feet. The showed an increase in 1915 of 50 per
for wheat being so high that one can­ bodies are transported on this endless cent in total volume of sales over any
1 he New s-Reporter gives good ad­ I not afford hot biscuits for breakfast, chain into a long narrow compart­ previous year and in 1916 his busi- ,
vice when it says: "Let's we forget! and there are other things as unreas­ ment, where they pass through a ness leaped to an increase of some- .
All can join in a homely patriotic vir­ onable.”
bath which disinfects them. They then thing more than 60 per cent over the .
tue, up to this time not so strongly I
go through a drying chamber, and 1915 sales.
These are ths actual facts in the
exemplified as it might be. It is to i
Notwithstanding the great wave of finally are automatically carried into a
buy at home and keep most of our patriotism that is manifest in every digester or great cauldron, in which case and a brief analysis will clearly
mom y in circulation at home. And part of the United States, the unpa­ they arc dropped by an apparatus show that it is the perfectly natural
the meal merchant can demonstrate triotic method* of the gamblers who which detaches them from the chain. order of things and will be true to
his own patriotism by keeping the have cornered food stuffs and mer­ In the digester they remain from six even a greater extent in this country,
In the first place, even the extreme
prices down as much as possible, chandise calls for sharp rebuke and to eight hours, and are treated by
Here's true co-operation, the kind condemnation. The American people steam, which breakes them up while war conditions after all draw but a
that builds up communities and caus- are being fleeced and Congress is they are slowly stirred by machinery. very small proportion i of the total
es them to prosper."
From this treatment result several population into military service. This
I slow in grappling with the serious
state of affairs this is brought about. products. The fats are broken up into is especially true in this country. A
t lie snap shot man has discussed But what ti contrast. Young men arc stearine, a form of tallow, and oils, million soldiers would represent only
the state bond measure with a large volunteering their services to the which require to be redistilled before 1 per cent of our total population.
number oi persons in a friendly spirit. country by the thousands, throwing they can lie used. The process of dis­ But, those who arc drawn into the
There is one phase of the question up good positions, yet on the other tillation is carried out by boiling the army are taken from the ranks of the
those who oppose and those who fa­ hand .1 large number of manufactur­ oil with carbonate of soda, and some working people, thus bringing about
vor it are agreed upon, and that is ers and gamblers are growing fabul­ part of the byproducts resulting from a scarcity of labor which is all the
they believe autos and auto trucks ously rich raising the prices of their this is used by Overman soap-makers. more accentuated because of the fact
should pay for the hard surfaced products or what they control. This T he oil distillery and refinery lie in I I that the government is drawing on
roans. This is what the stale bond is a great hardship upon those who the south-eastern corner of the works. ( all industries for an immense amount
measure provides lor, provided the | have limited incomes, ami especially The refined oil is sent out in small of supplies.
Thus the wage scale is brought to a
counties will prepare the road bed. upon those w ho have large families. casks like those used for petroleum I
very high level. In Canada girls who
Amt instead of waiting until dooms­ I hose w ho are obtaining "blood mon­ and is a yellowish brown color.
' were formerly making $7.00, $«.00 and
day to enjoy the hard surfaced roads, ey from the people when the country
The fumes arc exhausted from
$10.00 a week are now making from
ii I-. proposed to have the work done is engaged in a serious war should be buildings by electric fans, and
in five years.
black listed as unpatriotic citizens and sucked through a great pipe to
the families whose men are in the
should always have the stigma resting north-eastern corner, where they are
Il looks as though Mr. Spence, Upon them. The President has asked condensed and the refuge rsulting is army have a competence from the .
Master ol the State Grange, is being every loyal citizen to do his best, and discliargd into a sewer. There is no
Higher wages naturally makes more '
repudiated. About a month ago Mil­ the best that these greedy men are
waukie Grange passed a rcsolu.ion doing is to fill their pockets, while arc supplied with air by electric fans. buying power—and while commod­
T here is a laboratory anil in charge ities become scarce and prices high,
opposing the state bond measure. At others arc making great sacrifices
yet money is plentiful. This produces
its last iik (ting it revoked that reso­ when the government calls. This is .1 of the works is a chief chemist with
a healthier condition so far as usi-
lution ami went on record as favoring matter that needs prompt action by two assistants and 78 men. All the
the $0,ooo,ooo state bond bill. "As a I ongress, which have delayed too employes are soldiers and are attach­ ness is concerned than in peace times.
In this country the large army that
step in the line of progress.” We long in putting a stop to the robbery. ed to the Sth Army Corps. There is a
sanatorium by the works, and under is now being recruited is needed for I
know that tin larmers of Oregon are
no pretex is any man permitted to home defense—coast and boarder
in favor ol good loads, and they use
I hr troubles of county officials arc leave them.
They are guarded as guards, inland river defenses and the
good business judgment when they
bridge and tunnel defences for the
want hard surfaced roads, for that 1 multiplying. T he Tillamook County prisoners at their appaling work.
railroads as you have doubtless ai­
kind of a road is a great benefit to '< ourt is being sued as individuals for
ready seen in your travels over tile
every farmer.
[an alleged accident on the county
I country.
------- o ■ ■ -
| road. I hose who have political bees
It will be a long time therefore be-
\\ c are sorry to see that the Ore­ [buzzing in their bonnets had better
fore any army could be spared for the
Mrs. L. Shrader’s Rockaway friends
gon Register, published at Eugene is
I European battlefields and meantime,
gave her a surprise in honor of her
there naturally is no lessening in the
op| using the $(>.000.000 State bond I consider well what they are getting
measure. Editor Frank Jenkins came I into before they throw their hats in­ character costumes, after the fun was consumption of
merchandise, par­
to I illamook last year in his machine, to the ring. But, then, Judge Hare, over with, lunch was served of coffee, ticularly shoes.
In view of these facts it is foolish
and he was held u|> on account ol his
t oniniissioner ('wens and ex-Com- cake and sandwitches.
' to look for low er prices—especially
auto being placed horse Je combat,
in shoe leather and it obviously is a
not traveling over good hard surfac­ missioncr MeKimcns haven’t coughed Schrader
ed roads, but in butting into ruts and up yet, but they are put to the ex- Needle Craft Club at her home in | part of wisdom for every merchant
bad roads, causing him delay and ex- [ I pense of defending a suit. The gentle- Elmore Park. A stitch guessing con­ to cover himself on his requirements
pense in sending to Portland for new j
I men need not worry, for we don’t be­ test and a button hole contest were immediately while there is apparently
parls. Most persons who own autos]
much enjoyed l»y the ladies. The first a temporary lull.
By the time fall rolls around busi-
want hard surfaced road to eliminate lieve a Tillamook jury could be found prizes were carried oft by Mrs. Rus­
that kind ot delay and expense they who would soak them for several sell and Mrs. Shafer. The consolation i ness will be more active than ever—■
arc *0 frequently put Io, Bro. Jen­ thousand dollars.
prizes by Mrs. Andrews and Mrs. there will be greater scarcity of Icath-
Shafer. Mrs. Schrader was assisted by I er—a greater scarcity of the right
' kind of shoes and besides, a likelihood
Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Shafer. Lunch
Special Meeting of Pomona Grange.
was served of cake and punch. Each of car shortage or transportation
Pomona Grange will meet in this
lady had a toast to read The invited
city on Saturday, and there will be an
The Krohn-Fechheimer Co.
Tillamook County Pomona guests were Madame-. Casto, of Port­
open meeting in the afternoon at the
Maker of Red Cross Shoes
Grange will meet at Tillamook at the land. Tompsett, Spall. Sappington,
city hall, commencing at I 30. to
for Women.
which the Grangers invite the citizens City Hall at to 30 a.m., Saturday, \ anortwick, Shafer, Jasinann, Myers.
Huitz. .Andrews,
to attend
As the question of state May loth, for the purpose of discus­ Bolting, Huston,
Jones, Russell Gray. Schloth, Miller,
and County road bonds will be taken sing resolutions regarding
Notice to Stockholders.
the pro­
Fitzgerald, Boldrich. Walling, Ross,
u|>. no doubt, by the Grangers, we are
posed bond issue, and any other busi­ Misses, Veda Sappington, Alice Van-
a little anxious to hear what they
T he annual meeting of the stock­
ortw ick.
have to say lor or against the bond ness to come before the meeting.
holders of Tillamook Hotel Company
issue*. Anyway, it is going to be an
will he held at the hotel building in
interesting meeting, and the subject 1:30 to 2 30 will be open to the public.
The Franklin Fish Market is now Tillamook City, Oregon, on Monday,
will lie intelligently discussed from all
By order of the Master, W, H. oprn for business, drop tn and look lune 4th. 1917, at 2 00 o’clock p m.
angles, ami for that reason w e hope a
All stockholders are requested to be
around at the Old Spanish Kitchen.—
large number of persons will attend
F. X. Elliott, Proprietor.
the meeting and hear all sides of the
E. I. Claussen. See.
Editorial Saap Shots.
Wherever Ford cars have pioneered, Ford
service has kept pace. It! is the factor which
strengthens the personal relation between
Ford owners and the Company. To get the
best possible service from your Ford car,
bring it here when it needs attention and get
the benefit of Ford supervision throughout.
We use the genuine Ford parts and give you
the benefit of the regular standard Ford
prices. Touring Car $360, Runabout $345,
Sedan $645, Coupelet $505, Town Car $595--
all f.o.b. Detroit. On display and for sale by
Ackley & Murphy,
Cooler cooking in summer — better and more
economical cooking all the year ’round.
A good oil stove will cook anything that any
wood or coal range will cook, and do it better
because of the steady, evenly-distributed heat.
All the convenience of gas. Meals in a jiffy»
and a cool kitchen in summer.
The long blue chimneys prevent all smoke and
In 1. 2. 3 and ♦ burner sizes, with
or without ovens. Also cabinet
models. Ask your dealer today.
announce the arrival of their new
Rugs, Linoleum, Ranges,
Furniture, Beds, Mattresses
Make your selections early while our
stock is complete.
National Building.