íilmnwok yol. XXVII- No. 49 TILLAMOOK. OREGON. 1 ea,her permitting the school 1 ,eachers will have a picnic on Satur­ day, going to that delightful and picturesque point of the county known as Neah-Kah-Nie. Lieutenant Ray Walls, of the 10th Company, Coast Artillery, returned i on Wednesday, having been to Port­ land and Eugene, where he took the officers’ examination. 1 he Tillamook Meat Co. will pay loc for all 10 pound lard pails and 5c. for 5 pound pails. They must b. free from rust. Bring them in at once and | get your money. * 1917. • 1.50 PER YEAR. for two years; Luther A. King, Mrs. | ESS Bertha Hanson, Maurice L. Curry, 1 Report of the Condition of the Julia B. Miller, Hazel McKown, Mar-| garet Hanson, Clara I’ruehs, Edith Sneer, Lilly A. Capson, A. Beatrice Chaneay, Stella Goyne, Frances Wil­ OF TILLAMOOK, OREGON, ey, Clara Burge and Myrtle Wallin (Wilson River). Geo. F. Sanders, Fred May 1, 1917. Hardesty and Miss Retta Smith have ________ _____________ _ RESOURCES. decided not to remain in Tillamook. Ethel Krugan vs. Martin Krugan is Loans and Discounts................................................ a divorce suit filed in the circuit court. United States Bonds.................................................. These parties were married March 12, Stock in Federal Reserve Bank........................... 1905, at Denver, Colo. They located Bonds anil Warrants................................................ in Portland then came to Bay City. Furniture and Fixtures.......................................... Seven children were born to the Dolly Derby, who resides at union. The plaintiff alleges cruel and Cash on hand and in Banks and due from Tliat takes the jolts and jars Garibaldi, and who took several inhuman treatment while they resid­ Federal Reserve Bank........................... ......... 89,970.11 prizes at previous county fairs in the ed in Portland. The defendant cursed out of life later on and gives you poultry class, has a bantam rooster and swore and frequently struck $370,374.45 that hatched out three chickens. plaintiff, and this becoming so burd­ that worry-free, successful air LIABILITIES. ensome she left her husband, taking Mrs. Susan Howard, mother of H. which comes from the knowledge H. Hayward, died at Newberg, May the children whom she has supported. Capital Stock.................................... $25,000.00 1st, of -heart trouble. Deceased was Plaintiff asks that the marriage con­ Surplus and Undivided Profits 9,862.20 tract be dissolved and she be given of the little “ nest-egg” earning 75 years old, and leaves three children Circulation.......................................... 24,980.00 the custody of the children. and several grand children. you 4- per cent interest in some 310,532.25 Deposits.............................................. Arrangements to purchase 160 acres F. H. Merrick left on Friday for St. Helens to attend the funeral of a of alfalfa land near Hermiston were good bank like ours. To be $370.374.45 nephew C. H. Doncaster, who recent- completed by a syndicate of Tilla­ ly died from a cancer. R. N. Henkle mook dairymen. Despite the fact that thrifty and prudent from 21 to INCREASE IN DEPOSITS SINCE also a friend of the deceased accom- most of the agricultural lands of this country are seeded to grass, the far­ panied him. 50 means a successful and com- MAY 1, 1916, $105,775.99. mers expect their scheme to be a Maxine Stephens, daughter of Mr. profitable one. Many carloads of hay We Pay 4 per cent Compound Interest on fortable old age. and Mrs. W. J. Stephens was caught are shipped ifoto the county each year Savings Accounts. on a nail and thrown ovet^ the site of to support local cattle during the the chutes at the play ground on Sat- winter months. J. Williams, W. J. We appreciate your business, and you will appreciate Open a savings account today urday and had the misfortune to Berns, G. Wicklund and other well- our service. break her arm known dairymen arc behind the pro­ Have you ever seen a white raven? ject. Twenty-five thousand dbllara is You will se one at the Gem Theatre said to be the price paid for the land. Saturday and Sunday, May 19-20, All hay produced will be shipped to had been removed when Coulson was | Bay City’s Charter is Held Valid oil Ethel Barrymore plays in “The this county. arrested, he would not divulge at Appeal. White Raven” taken from Poe’s Dr. Turner, the well 'known 1 first where it had been hidden, but "Raven.” when he saw that he had been caught Salem, Or., May 15.—In an opinion eye specialist, of Portland, will be in Mrs. Len Partridge, who has been Tillamook again Friday and Saturday, red handed and it was only a qustion written by Justice Moore, the su­ of a search to find the still, he owned preme court today pronounced th • visiting relatives in Nebraska for the past few months, returned on Friday May 25-26, at Jenkins’ Jewelry store, up to the sheriff and made a complete new charter of Bay City valid and al­ of last week. She was accompanied by in Cloverdale, Thursday, May 24th. confession. Whether others is impli­ so held that the present city official i is a question. were legally constituted officers. The Louis Meinhard ct al, vs. F. H. Mr. Partridge's mother who will visit Dr. Turner is a specialist of exper­ cated Dr. P. J. Sharp and his hired man, proceeding to test the validity of the Astman et al, is a suit filed in the here for a time. ience and standing and you will make George McDonald, have also been ar­ charter and also to determine wheth­ circuit court to recover $2700.00. Rev. C H. Waymire, who is well no mistake in consulting him about rested for violating the prohibition er or not the officials were legally Milk ranch to rent, one mile from known in this county, must believe law. _________________ holding their offices were instituted W. A. Wise, dentist. ' « town, with 12 cows, on shares, All in preparedness. The old gentleman your eyes and glasses. Headaches re­ by District Attorney Goyne, of Tilla­ lieved, cross eyes straightened, satis ­ MEN MUST REGISTER. has married a young wife and he is mook county.______________ Dr. C. W. Miller, chriopractor. * bottom land.—L. L. Stillwell. now the father of the first of another faction guaranteed. Don’t forget the Koofror Remedy at C. I. Clough Tillamook Organize Red Cross. date. Be sure and call and let Dr. Between the Ages of ai and 30 Years For Sale, a Saxon run-about, In family . F°r War Census. Co. * First Sergeant Leslie Harrison and Turner show you the new double vis­ good condition. Price $350.00. Apply At a meeting called for lasts Thurs­ Sergeant lrve E. Keldson, Tenth ion glass without lines or seams to Go to Mason’s for Standard Pat­ to Attorney Webster Holmes. Portland, Ore. May 16.—Every man day evening for the purpose of' or­ Company, Oregon Coast Artillery, terns. * catch dirt, strain the eyes, or come between the ages of 21 and 30 years, ganizing a Red Cross for Tillamook For cheap fertilizer for your garden were selected from the local company Shop to rent, next to my office.— apart. One light solid piece of glass inclusive, must register on the day County, about 50 persons assembled officers ’ training to proceed to the and meadow, see Frank Elliott at soon to be proclaimed by President at the High School that evening T. H. Goyne. * camp at Presidio. that looks like a single pair, yet ans- j Wilson for the war census. Franklin Fish Market. when a temporary organization was wers the purpose of two enabling you I There will be no exceptions to this formed, with Mrs. C. J. Edwards For sale, new modern bungalow, 8 Dr. Shearer, physician and surgeon, Born to the wife of Oly Haugen, a son; to the wife of Frank Johnson, a rooms and 12 lots in fast growing to read or do close work and see dis­ rule. Even if a man belongs to one chairman and Mrs. A. C. Everson Cloverdale, Ore. * residence district, Eugene, of owner, tant objects perfectly. Free demon­ of the exempt classes, he nevertheless secretary. Twenty-five persons signi­ girl; to the wife of F. Kumm, a girl. must register if he is between 21 and fied their intention of joining the Red resident district. Enquire of owner, Pure Water Glass to preserve eggs stration. Call and see them. Dr. Tur­ 30 years of age. The government will For Sale—New modern residence, at C. I. Clough Co. * located in best residence district. For of first street, running south of the ner makes no charge for consultation determine who is to be exempt after Cross, and another meeting is to be Fair grounds. held this (Thursday) evening, when * its records are complete. the work will be more fully outlined, Mrs. Marie Wade, nurse. Termj re­ sale at a bargain. See Frank Heyd. - For Sale—One Oak Dining Table, of examination. Brigadier General George A. White as set out by the state president. Dr. Dr. Ralph E. Hall, dentist, from duced to suit the times. * adjutant general of Oregon, working R. T. Boals gave an account of the Portland, is associated with Dr. Wise One Oak Writing Desk, One Oak BAYOCEAN ROAD BIDS. under the direction of Governor origin and development of the Red Garbage gathered free. See M. R. in practicing dentistry in this county. China Closet. Steel Range and a $480 James Withycombe, has put the ma­ Cross movement, and Rev Lacy, pas- Hanankrat, or call Main 6F11. piano at a bargain. — Mrs. W. A. Wil ­ A. Arstill is Awarded the Contract Money to loan on farm lands, from chinery to work and his first request tor of the M. E. Church spoke of the For Grading. For Furnished Rooms at reasonable $500 up, Good terms. Reasonable rate liams, Fifth Street. of every man effected by the census great work done by the Red Cross. price, See Mrs. E. Plank. *2 I of interest. We want your business. It is hoped that there will be a good Rosenberg Bros, have opened a On Friday bids were opened by the is that he make a careful study of its See Everson. large line of all kinds of hay, feed, County Court for the Bayocean road. provisions to eliminate all possible attendance at the meeting this even­ Born, to the wife of R. H. Tyson, confusion at the polls. ing, for Tillamook County should Don’t fail to see June Caprice in near the saw mill and will carry a There were two bids submitted, the on Saturday at Bar View, a girl. Registering for the war census have a good strong chapter of the one of her most pleasing rools, in A large feed store on 2nd Avenue East bidders being C. F. Stone and A. Ars­ should be no more confusing than Red Cross. ~ The Rebekahs installed five new Child of the Wild,” at the Gem Thea­ flour, grass seeds at the very lowest till. Both of the bids exceeded the members at their last meeting. tre Thursday May 24. prices. Special prices an hay and amount of $25,000 appropriated in the casting a vote. The general plan for gathering the data for the govern ­ Beaver Items. * last county budget, but if the county Rev. B. J. Cady left on Monday to feed in car lots. A marriage license was issued to ment is based on the ballot system, if court would do the right thing and attend the Seventh Day Adventist John Kunzi and Bertha Koslem. Business men who carry large every man is ready, War Census day Peace and quiet of this rural com­ refund several thousand dollars that munity was rudely shattered No Blacksmith Coal—Right Coal— camp meeting at Portland and will be stocks should be interested in know­ were taken from money previously will nassjike clock work. ing that the matter of better fire pro- The man who tries to evade this Right Prices.—Lamb Schrader Co. * gone several weeks. appropriated for the Bayocean road, provision will face a term in jail with­ sooner do we recover from the shock fection is to be one of the subjects flowers for of having the revenue officers invade Those who require there would be more than sufficient Lowell Edwards is quite sick with Decoration Day should leave orders taken up at the meeting of business money to complete the work called out the option of paying a fine. In this quiet sylvan retreat among the men at the meeting next Monday at almost every case throughout the hills, than along comes Daniel Mur­ an attack of inflammatory rheuma­ .at once with Mrs. R. L. Scott, at for in the bids. I he bids were as fol- state the census will be taken in the the city hall. phy and a chew of pirates, tearing tism. I Clough's Drug Store. . lows: regular polling places used on elec ­ down the road like a mad coin, t that Miss Ethel Barrymore in the Metro I C. and^ _. F. Stone—Grading, $17,813; tion davs. Will pay you to see Everson for a I , Misses , Kathlyn — - Myrtle - Mills had just run into an illicit still, as you for Portland, to see photoplay "The White Raven” plays bulkhead, $4,846.69; dredging, $5.847.- safe investment in city property or » left on Thursday Sheriff Campbell has Tillamook might say seeking whom he may de­ -------- -- -• ”ns are the part of the Alaska dance hall girl 97; total, $28,507.78. farm lands. * I a specialist, as the latter s “ eyes , County well organized to take the vour and endangering the lives and and also the part of a grand opera ' A. Arstill—Grading, $16,578; bulk­ I giving her considerable worry. war census, with a census marshal limbs of our best citizens. Tlier. may One Ton Ford Truck; also 5 pas­ prima donna. See this picture at the Mrs W A Williams and son and Gem Theatre Saturday and Sunday, head, $4,938-48; dredging, $5,371-40; already sworn in in every precinct of have been a chicken in the car ahead, senger Ford Nearly new, for sale, I total, $26,888.38. the countv. The census marshals are: 2* her father W Powell, left on Tuesday May 19-20. but even so, that was no excuse for See Rosenberg. | Arstill's bid was lowest on grading Bay, Robert Watt, Bay City. his reckless driving, and there are ¡morning for the East Mr Williams and dredging, and Stone's lowest on I Bayocean, Henry L. King, Bayocean. those who do say, if he was followed H. Mason & Co., has taken over the I have a number of store buildings, _ going to Portland with them. Standard patterns formerly sold by houses and office rooms to rent. Also bulkhcading. 1 Beaver, A. W. Bunn, Beaver. to the source of his supply, there Business men who are interested in can give desirable ground lease in 1 1 he bids were higher than the estl- Blaine, J. J. Hollctt, Blaine Lamar’s Variety Store. would be more work for the minions the State and County bond measures, various parts of the city desirable to mates by the County Surveyor, no ' Carnahan, I. II. Moore, Hemlock. of the law. But retribution found him __ (_______ 2 contrac- John Peldschau, Concrete should attend the meeting of business almosfany needs. See me also for doubt, on account of the uncertainty Cloverdale, H. B. Lockwood, Clover­ out. He is now nursing the wreck of built. _ All work I men at the city hall Monday evening. city property on payments to suit of the labor market, the bidders hav- tor, concrete silos s.._ __L.. dale a once handsome Ford, and al pr< s- guarantccd.Both phones. ing taken that into con ./deration, and Eairview, Morrison Mills, Tillamook. ent writing he has not been al e to J. M. DeLillies has bought the your income.—Rollie W. Watson. L A. Fernsworth, who was educat-i "° w take some chances Geranium, Heliotrope, Lantana, Jones Apartment house. And will be ! Foley, Fred Zaddach, Mohler. reach his wife anil fire-side. ed at St. Alphonsus Academy, and ! . fh« County Court thought Arst.ll s ' Garibaldi, Geo. W. Phelps, Garibaldi. To speed a car is a crime and sh:.m< Carnation and Lobelia plants, can be known in future as the DeLilhes bid tor grading was reasonable but obtained at Clough’s Drug Store. * But speed ’em up is Murphy's m me well known here, and who was editor I f